lecture1 vectors

WELCOME TO PHYSICS 101 Introduction to Physics 1 !

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WELCOME TO PHYSICS 101Introduction to Physics 1 !

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• Learning to think and reason about the physical world

- Conceptual Understanding- Make connections with real-world applications

• Build a “physical intuition”

• Problem-Solving skills

• This course is not about memorization or mindless use of mathematicswe will use math to think about relationships between quantities.

• This is a course that is very different from high school physics.

Class Themes

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What is Physics all about ?• Provides a quantitative understanding of physical

phenomena in our universe

• Based on experimental observations and mathematical analysis

• Used to develop theories that explain the phenomena being studied and relate to other established theories

• Experiments refine our theories about our universe

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To be quantitative….• Need standards of measurement for different physical


• Use SI System for measuringa. length

1 meter = distance travelled by light in vacuum in a certain fraction of second.

b. mass1 kilogram = mass of a cylinder kept in

Int’l Bureau of Weights/Standardsc. time

1 second = a certain # times the period of radiation oscillation of a cesium atom

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• Scalar - a physical quantity that is specified by a positive or negative number with a unit.Ex. Temperature, Volume, Mass, Time, Energy

Rules of ordinary arithmetic are used to manipulate scalar quantities

• Vector - is a physical quantity that must be described by a magnitude (number) and unit, plus a direction.

Scalars vs. Vectors

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Example of a Vector• A particle travels from A

to B along the path shown by the dotted red line– This is the distance

traveled and is a scalar

• The displacement is the solid line from A to B– The displacement is

independent of the path taken between the two points

– Displacement is a vector

Other vectors: velocity, acceleration, force, momentum

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Vectors: Notation and Properties• When handwritten, use an arrow: • When printed • Magnitude | |




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Equality of Two Vectors

• Two vectors are equal if they have the same magnitude and the same direction

• All of the vectors shown are equal

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Adding Vectors• When adding vectors, their directions must be taken into

account• Units must be the same

(can’t add velocity and acceleration vectors)

Two Methods: 1. “Graphical” Method

- use scale drawings2. “Component or Analytical” Method

- more convenient

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Adding Vectors GraphicallyEstablish a scale and coordinate systemDraw vectors to be added “tip to tail”.Measure the resultant R and itsdirection, relative to A or B


Or Use Trigonometry (Sine and Cosine Laws)

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Adding Multiple Vectors

“Tip-to-tail” Method is Repeated

Note: Vector Addition is Commutative

A + B = B + A

(Ordering doesn’t matter)

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Subtracting Vectors• Negative of a vector

– reverses the vector’s direction

• Continue with standard vector addition procedure

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Multiplying/Dividing a Vector by a Scalar

• The result is a vector, “scaled” by the scalar factor• Negative scalar multiplication reverses direction.

Dot/Scalar and Vector Cross Products – very important vector multiplcation will be studied in future chapters



- A

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Components of a Vector

Rectangular components– projections of the vector

along the x- and y-axes

A vector A can be represented as the sum of its components Ax and Ay .

A = Ax + Ay

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θ= cosAxA θ= sinAyA



2x A

AtanandAAA −=θ+=

One can further simplify this with the use of “unit vectors”.

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Unit Vectors• A unit vector is a dimensionless

vector with a magnitude of exactly 1.• Unit vectors are used to specify

a direction


• provide the basis for representing any vectorin the space.

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Unit Vectors – why use them ?• The symbols

represent unit vectors in the x, y and z directions

• They form a set of mutually perpendicular vectors


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Unit Vectors in Vector Notation

• is the same as Ax

is the same as Ay etc.

• The complete vector can be expressed as



kjiA ˆAˆAˆA zyx ++=r



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Adding Vectors Using Unit Vectors

• Since• Then

• Then Rx = Ax + Bx and Ry = Ay + By

( ) ( )( ) ( )jiR










2x R

RtanRRR −=θ+=



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Adding Vectors with Unit Vectors

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Adding Vectors Using Unit Vectors – Three Directions

• Using

• Rx = Ax + Bx , Ry = Ay + By and Rz = Az + Bz

etc.RRtanRRRR x1







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Lecture Problem 1-8

Suppose your hair grows at the rate 1/32 inch per day. Find the rate at whichit grows in nanometers (nm) per second. Because the distance between atoms in a molecule is on the order of 0.1nm, your answer suggests how rapidly layers of atoms are assembled in this protein synthesis.



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Lecture Problem 1-8

Suppose your hair grows at the rate 1/32 inch per day. Find the rate at whichit grows in nanometers (nm) per second. Because the distance between atoms in a molecule is on the order of 0.1nm, your answer suggests how rapidly layers of atoms are assembled in this protein synthesis.

(1/32) inch/day x .0254 m/inch x 109 nm/m x 1 day/24 hr x 1 hr/60 min x 1 min/60 sec

9.2 nm/s ~ 90 layers of atoms/second



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Lecture Problem 1-45Consider the two vectors: A = 3i – 2j and B = -i – 4j. Calculate

a. A + B c. |A + B| e. the directions of A + B, A - Bb. A – B d. |A – B|

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Lecture Problem 1-45Consider the two vectors: A = 3i – 2j and B = -i – 4j. Calculate

a. A + B c. |A + B| e. the directions of A + B, A - Bb. A – B d. |A – B|

Solution:a. A + B = 3i – 2j + -i – 4j = 2i – 6j

b A – B = 3i – 2j – ( -i – 4j) = 4i + 2j

c. |A + B| = √(22 + 62) = 6.32

d. |A – B| = √(42 + 22) = 4.47

e. direction of A + B: tan θ = -6/2 θ = -71.6° = 288°

direction of A – B: tan θ = 2/4 θ = 26.6°

Question: What to do if there are 3 vectors to add or subtract ?