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  • Customer Training Material

    L t 2Lecture 2

    Mechanical Basics

    Introduction to ANSYSIntroduction to ANSYSMechanical

    L2-1ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Release 13.0November 2010

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialChapter Overview In this chapter, the basics of using Mechanical to perform analyses

    will be covered, which include:A. The Mechanical Interface B. Introduction to the Mechanical Application WizardC. Basic Analysis ProcedureD. Applying Loads and SupportsE. Graphics Control and SelectionF. The Engineering Data applicationG. Workshop 2-1

    The capabilities described in this section are generally applicable to the ANSYS DesignSpace Entra licenses and above, unless noted.

    L2-2ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Release 13.0November 2010

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialLaunching Mechanical Recall that there are two ways of running Mechanical: Configured from within ANSYS Workbench

    or from a supported CAD system or from a supported CAD system

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    Release 13.0November 2010

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialA. The Mechanical Interface The components of the user interface are shown below:


    Graphics Window

    Tree OutlineMechanical Application Wizard

    Details View Message Window

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    Status Bar

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . Menus The menus provide much of the functionality present in Mechanical.

    The more commonly used menu items are covered below: The title bar lists analysis type, product and active ANSYS license. View controls various graphics options, legend and toolbars. Units to change units on-the-fly. Tools > Options to customize settings and options. Help > Mechanical Help to access documentation.

    Analysis Type Product License

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Toolbars

    There are a number of toolbars to provide users quick access to functionality also found in the menus.

    The toolbars can be repositioned anywhere on the top of the Mechanical The toolbars can be repositioned anywhere on the top of the Mechanical window.

    The Context toolbar, as will be illustrated later, updates depending on what branch is active in the Outline tree.what branch is active in the Outline tree.

    Tooltips appear if the cursor is placed over the toolbar button.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Toolbars The Standard toolbar is shown below:

    Bring up Mechanical Wizard Annotations Comments

    Solve Model

    Capture Snapshot

    Slice Planes

    The Graphics toolbar is used for selection and graphics manipulation:

    Graphics ManipulationSelection ToolsSelect mode Viewports

    The left mouse button can be either in selection mode or graphics manipulation mode. The above toolbar buttons are grouped as select entities and graphics manipulation control.

    The graphics selection can be done using individual selection or box-

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    Release 13.0November 2010

    The graphics selection can be done using individual selection or box-selection. This is controlled by the Select Mode icon.

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Outline Tree The Outline Tree provides an easy way of

    organizing the model, materials, mesh, loads, and results for the analysis: The Model branch contains the input

    data required for the analysis. The environment branch (in this case Static

    Structural) contains the loads and supportsStructural) contains the loads and supports relevant to the analysis discipline.

    The Solution branch contains resultobjects and solution informationobjects and solution information.

    Other branches (not covered here)are also available.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Outline Tree The Outline Tree shows icons for each branch, along with a status

    symbol. Examples of the status symbols are below:

    Checkmark indicates branch is fully defined/OK Question mark indicates item has incomplete data (need input) Lightning bolt indicates solving is requiredg g g Exclamation mark means problem exists X means that item is suppressed (will not be solved) Transparent checkmark means body or part is hiddenp y p Green lightning bolt indicates item is currently being evaluated Minus sign means that mapped face meshing failed Check mark with a slash indicates a meshed part/bodyp y Red lightning bolt indicates a failed solution

    Becoming familiar with the basic status symbols allows users to debug

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    Mechanical problems quickly.

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Details View The Details View contains data input and output fields. The contents

    will change depending on branch selected. White field: input data

    Data in white text field is editable Gray (or Red) field: information

    Data in gray fields cannot be modified. Yellow field: incomplete input data

    Data in yellow fields indicates missing information.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Graphics Window The Graphics Window shows the geometry and results. Tabs allow

    access to Print and Report Previews as well.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Worksheet View Worksheet views are available for many objects in the tree (i.e.

    geometry, connections, etc.). Provides a list view of the data in the tree.

    Activate Worksheet

    Toggle between graphics and

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    Release 13.0November 2010

    graphics and worksheet

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialB. The Mechanical Application Wizard The Mechanical Wizard is an optional

    component, a useful aid to remind users steps required to complete an analysis The Mechanical Wizard provides a list of

    required steps and the status of them. Green checkmark indicates the item is complete. Green i shows an informational item. A grayed symbol shows that the step cannot be

    performed yet.A red q estion mark means that there is an A red question mark means that there is an incomplete item.

    An x means that the item is not performed yetA lightning bolt means that the item is ready to A lightning bolt means that the item is ready to be solved or updated.

    The options on the Mechanical Wizard menu will change depending on the analysis type

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    will change depending on the analysis type chosen.

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . Mechanical Application Wizard By selecting an item on the Required Steps checklist, a callout appears,

    illustrating how that function is performed. In the example below, Verify Materials was selected, and the callout shows the

    user where this item can be changeduser where this item can be changed.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Mechanical Application Wizard The Mechanical Wizard is handy for

    users who do not use Mechanical every day. Besides basic functionality, callouts

    for more advanced items are also available as shown on right.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialC. Basic Analysis Procedure The purpose of analysis is usually to determine the response of a

    system based on some type of excitation or loading. It is crucial to remember that a mathematical model is used: CAD geometry is an idealization of the physical model The mesh is a mathematical representation of the CAD model The accuracy of answers is determined by various factors:y y

    How well the physical model is represented depends on the assumptions Numerical accuracy is determined by the mesh density

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    CAD Model Finite Element Mesh

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Basic Analysis Procedure Every analysis involves four main steps: Preliminary Decisions

    What type of analysis: Static, modal, etc.? Preliminary D i i What to model: Part or Assembly?

    Which elements: Surface or Solid Bodies? Preprocessing

    Att h th d l t


    Attach the model geometry Define and assign material properties to parts Mesh the geometry Apply loads and supports


    Apply loads and supports Request results

    Solve the Model Postprocessing


    p g Review results Check the validity of the solution


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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialD. Applying Loads & Supports Loads and supports are applied on geometric entities in two different ways:

    Pre-select geometry entity in Graphics Window, then select load or support from Context Toolbar

    Or, select load or support from Context Toolbar then select geometry entities in Graphics Window, then click on Apply in Details View.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Applying Loads & Supports After assigning the load the user can enter additional data in the Details view,

    if necessary. Notice that in the Outline Tree the associated loads branch symbol status will also

    change to completed (checkmark).g ( )

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    Release 13.0November 2010

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Applying Loads & Supports For some structural loads direction is

    needed: If Components is chosen, enter X, Y, or Z

    C t f l diComponents of loading If Vector is chosen, select geometry and

    enter magnitude of loading Defaults can be set in Tools > Options p

    > Mechanical: Miscellaneous > Load Orientation Type

    The Global Coordinate System or user defined local coordinate systems can bedefined local coordinate systems can be referenced

    User-Defined Coordinate Systems will be discussed later

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Applying Loads & Supports Existing geometry can be referenced to

    control direction: In the Details view, select Define By:

    V t Vector Three types of existing geometry can be used

    Normal to planar face or along axis of cylindrical face

    Along straight edge or normal to cylindrical edge Two vertices defining vector

    Click on Direction and select geometry used for vector orientation. Use the arrows in the Graphics window to toggle the direction.

    Click on Apply when finished. Enter magnitude for loading in Magnitude.

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    Toggle arrow buttons to reverse load direction

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialE. Graphics Control and Selection The left mouse button is used to select geometric entities OR to

    manipulate the graphics display

    User can select items (vertex, edge, surface, body) or manipulate the view (rotate, pan, zoom in/out, box zoom)S l t d b i l l t b l t Select mode can be single-select or box-select

    In single-select mode, click-drag with left mouse button to paint select multiple items

    Use Ctrl-Left mouse button in single-select mode to select or unselect multiple g pentities In box-select mode, click-drag from left to right selects entities fully enclosed in

    bounding box In box-select mode, click-drag from right to left selects any entity partially enclosed in , g g y y p y

    bounding box

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Graphics Control and Selection In select mode the middle mouse provides several short cuts for graphics

    manipulation Click + drag middle mouse button = dynamic rotate CTRL+ Middle mouse button = dynamic pan

    S f Shift + Middle mouse button = dynamic zoom If present, the wheel can be used to zoom in/out RMB + drag = box zoom Click right mouse button once and select Fit to fit model in view or access

    context menu optionscontext menu options

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Graphics Control and Selection Selection planes allow for users to easily select surfaces which are hidden

    from view by other surfaces. User selects a plane; if more planes lie directly underneath the cursor, selection

    planes appear. Selection planes are color-coded with the same color as its parent part and are ordered by depth from the cursor.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialF. The Engineering Data Application The Engineering Data application provides overall control for material

    properties. Engineering data is a part of every project. Engineering data can be opened stand alone (as a precursor to starting

    a project for example).

    To edit the EngineeringTo open the Engineering Data To edit the Engineering Data in an existing project RMB > Edit or double click

    p g gstandalone, add from the component systems in the toolbox (drag/drop or double click), then RMB > Edit or double click.

    L2-25ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . The Engineering Data Application The Engineering Data application is displayed below. Individual

    controls and components are described next.

    Data Sources

    Property Table

    ToolboxIndividual Materials

    Property Chart

    Material Properties

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    Material Properties

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . The Engineering Data Application The 2 icons in the toolbar control the basic

    display of engineering data. The first toggles a filter for the materials

    shown in the toolbox:shown in the toolbox: ON = only materials relevant to the current

    analysis types are displayed. OFF = all material properties are displayed.

    The second toggles the display of either theThe second toggles the display of either the project materials or the data source materials: ON: data sources (libraries) are displayed. OFF: materials for the current project are


    Physics Filter for Toolbox Data Source/Project Display

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . The Engineering Data Application With data sources displayed the windows provide a cascading data presentation. To view or modify materials one generally follows a work flow shown here:

    Data Source > Material > PropertyData Source > Material > Property

    Choose Data Source (Library)

    Display Property

    Choose Material

    p y p yin tabular and graphical format

    Choose Property

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . The Engineering Data Application

    The Favorites field represents the materials which will be available in every


    Check box allows library to be unlocked for editing. Libraries must be unlocked before materials can be modified

    Data Sources

    project. modified.

    The list of available material libraries is displayed here. These may be ANSYSThese may be ANSYS supplied or user defined.

    New user material libraries may be added by entering a name and a location.

    Browse for existing libraries or choose new

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    Release 13.0November 2010

    by entering a name and a location.library location.

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . The Engineering Data Application To add a material from an existing library to the current project click the

    plus sign (+) next to that material.

    Highlight the desired library

    Click the + next to the desired material

    Materials can be made available for all projects by designating them as Favorites using RMBby designating them as Favorites using RMB

    IMPORTANT!: A material that is not displayed in the current engineering data will not be available in the current analysis.

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    = OFF

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . The Engineering Data Application To create a new material toggle

    to the project materials display. Enter a name, and description if

    d i d f th t i l

    = OFF

    desired, for the new material.

    From the ToolboxFrom the Toolbox double click or drag and drop the desired properties.

    Finally enter values for the properties.

    Note: properties can be added to existing materials using the

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    Release 13.0November 2010

    materials using the same technique.

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . The Engineering Data Application Units menu in Engineering Data: You may choose to display Values as Defined

    or Values in Project Units. As Defined units are controlled individually.

    Project Units are taken from the current Units menu selection.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialG. Workshop 2-1 Mechanical Basics

    Workshop 2.1 Mechanical Basics Goal: Using the Stress Wizard, set up and solve a structural model for

    stress, deflection and safety factor.

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    Release 13.0November 2010

  • Customer Training Material

    L t 3Lecture 3

    General Preprocessingp g

    Introduction to ANSYSIntroduction to ANSYSMechanical

    L3-1ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Release 13.0November 2010

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialChapter Overview In this chapter, using features without the use of the Wizards will be

    covered Topics:

    A. GeometryB. ContactC. Coordinate SystemsyD. Named SelectionsE. Workshop 3-1, Contact Control

    The capabilities described in this section are generally applicable to the ANSYS DesignSpace Entra licenses and above and are noted in the lower-left hand tables

    L3-2ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Release 13.0November 2010

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Introduction The Outline Tree is the main way of setting up an analysis The Context Toolbar, Details View, and Graphics Window update,

    depending on which Outline Tree branch is selectedUse of the Outline Tree will be emphasized in this chapter Use of the Outline Tree will be emphasized in this chapter

    U f th O tli T iUse of the Outline Tree is the means by which users navigate through the Mechanical GUI.

    L3-3ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Release 13.0November 2010

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialA. Geometry Branch The Geometry branch lists the part(s)

    that make up the model. In Mechanical, there are three types of

    bodies which can be analyzed: Solid bodies are general 3D or 2D

    volumes/areas/parts Surface bodies are only areas Line bodies are only curves Each is explained next . . .

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Types of Bodies Solid bodies are geometrically and spatially 3D or 2D:

    3D solids are meshed with higher-order tetrahedral or hexahedral solid elements with quadratic shape functions.2D solids are meshed with higher order triangle or quadrilateral solid elements 2D solids are meshed with higher order triangle or quadrilateral solid elements with quadratic shape functions

    The 2D switch must be set on the Project page prior to import Geometry type cannot be changed from 2D to 3D (or vice versa) after import

    Each node has three translational degrees of freedom (DOF) for structural or one temperature DOF for thermal


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    3D Solids 2D Solidsy

    cross section

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Types of Bodies Surface bodies are geometrically 2D but spatially 3D:

    Surface bodies represent structures which are thin in one dimension (through-thickness). Thickness is not modeled but supplied as an input value. Surface bodies are meshed with linear shell elements having six DOF (UX UY Surface bodies are meshed with linear shell elements having six DOF (UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ).

    Line bodies are geometrically 1D but spatially 3D: Line bodies represent structures which are thin in two dimensions. The cross-p

    section is not modeled. Line bodies are modeled with linear beam elements having six DOF (UX, UY, UZ,


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    Line BodySurface Body

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Multibody Parts In general, bodies and parts are the same. In DesignModeler however,

    multiple bodies may be grouped into multibody parts. Multibody parts share common boundaries so nodes are shared at that

    interface.interface. No contact is needed in these situations.


    Common nodes are shared by adjacent bodies

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Material Properties To assign material properties to a body

    highlight it and select from the available properties in the Assignment field : The only materials appearing in the list

    will be materials added using the Engineering Data application (see chapter 2)chapter 2).

    For surface bodies a thickness needs to be supplied as well.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Geometry Worksheet

    A summary of bodies and assigned materials is available. Select Geometry branch and toggle the Worksheet icon. Toggle between graphics or worksheet via tabs at bottom

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialB. Contact When multiple parts are present, a means of defining the relationship

    between parts is needed. Contact regions define how parts interact with each other.

    With t t t t ld t ill t i t t ith h th Without contact or spot welds, parts will not interact with each other: In structural analyses, contact and spot welds prevent parts from penetrating

    through each other and provide a means of load transfer between parts. In thermal analyses, contact and spot welds allow for heat transfer across parts.y , p p Multibody parts do not require contact or spot welds.


    Surface contact elements can be visualized as a skin

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    Surface contact elements can be visualized as a skin covering the regions where contact will occur.

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Contact When an assembly is imported contact

    surfaces are automatically detected and created: The proximity of surfaces is used to p y

    detect contact. Tolerance for contact detection is available in the Connections branch details.

    Contact is also used for 2D geometry. g yContact surfaces are represented by edges.

    Certain license levels allow surface to edge, edge to edge and mixededge, edge to edge and mixed solid/surface contact.

    Note, automatic contact should always be checked and verified before

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    proceeding with an analysis.

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Contact Connections can be grouped for convenient contact management. In the example shown, contact has been grouped relative to various

    sub assemblies in the model. Contact can be auto defined for each group via RMB.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Solid Body Contact Contact elements provide the relationship between parts. Each part maintains a separate mesh. This means that one small part will not

    drive mesh density of the entire assembly and/or the user can make parts of interest have a finer mesh than other partsinterest have a finer mesh than other parts

    Note the non-matching mesh at the interface between parts.pMix of hexahedral elements contacting tetrahedral elements is possible.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Solid Body Contact When a contact region is highlighted in the connections branch, parts are made

    translucent for easier viewing. Selecting a contact region makes non participating bodies translucent. Contact surfaces are color coded for easy identification.y

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Solid Body Contact Go To utilities allow a more detailed investigation of contact definitions:

    Corresponding bodies in tree Bodies without contact Parts without contact Contact regions for selected bodies Contacts common to selected bodies

    Contacts can be quickly renamed to match part namesq y p

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Solid Body Contact To manually define a contact pair insert a manual contact region and select

    and apply contact and target surfaces.


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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Advanced Solid Body Contact For ANSYS Professional licenses and above,

    advanced contact options are available: Auto detection dimension and slider

    Pi b ll t l Pinball control Asymmetric contact, contact results tool and

    additional formulations will be covered in a later chapter.

    Details for Connections Details for Contact Regions

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    Details for Contact Regions

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Advanced Solid Body Contact The Pinball region represents a contact detection zone:

    Contact open status is determined by the pinball radius. Outside pinball: far field Inside pinball (not touching): near fieldp ( g)

    Closed status is either sliding or sticking. The pinball radius may be entered so that bonded contact

    is used in gaps. Pinball radius is displayed as a sphere in the graphicsPinball radius is displayed as a sphere in the graphics


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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Surface Body Contact

    Shell contact includes edge-to-face or edge-to-edge contact: Shell contact is not turned on by default.y User can turn on detection of face-to-edge or edge-to-edge

    contact. Priority can be set to prevent multiple contact regions in a

    given regiongiven region.

    Ed t S f Edge to Edge Edge to Surface

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    Edge to Surface Edge to Edge Edge to Surface

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . Mesh Connections Mesh connections can be used to joint surface

    bodies at the mesh that do not share topology. Must be a multibody part (DM). Can include gaps/penetration. Can use automatic or manual creation.

    For manual definition:

    Master geometry can be faces or edges.

    Slave geometry can only be edges

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Spot Weld Spot welds provide a means of connecting assemblies at discrete points:

    Spot weld is defined in the CAD software. Currently, only DesignModeler and Unigraphics define spot welds supported by Mechanical.

    Spot weld pairs

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Contact Worksheet The Worksheet for the Connections branch provides a summary of

    various contact and spot weld definitions:

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialC. Coordinate Systems The Coordinate Systems branch initially contains only the global Cartesian

    system. Coordinate systems can be used for mesh controls, point masses,

    di ti l l d d ltdirectional loads, and results. Local Coordinate Systems can be created or imported from some CAD systems

    (see Mechanical documentation).

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Coordinate Systems Coordinate Systems (Cartesian or cylindrical) can be

    defined by selecting Coordinate System icon from the Context toolbar.Th CS t lb b il bl ft CS i d fi d The CS toolbar becomes available after CS is defined.


    Local coordinate systems are defined either by: S l ti t (A i ti C di t S t ) Th

    Translate Rotate Flip Move Up/Down

    Selecting geometry (Associative Coordinate System). The coordinate system updates if the geometrys location is updated (not during solution). Its translation and rotation are geometry dependent.

    Specifying coordinates (Non-Associative Coordinate System). The coordinate system will remain as originally defined i.e.: it is independent of geometry.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Coordinate Systems Coordinate systems can be used from pull-down menus in the Details

    view in various applications (examples below) :

    Sizing w/ Sphere of

    Directional ResultsPoint Masses

    Sizing w/ Sphere of Influence Option

    Directional Loads

    Directional DisplacementsDirectional Displacements

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialD. Named Selections The Named Selection Toolbar provides functionality for grouping together

    geometric entities:Manipulate Show/Hide Suppress/Unsuppress

    Create Defined Names

    Named Selections allow users to group together vertices, edges, surfaces, or bodies.

    Named Selections can be used for defining mesh controls applying loads andNamed Selections can be used for defining mesh controls, applying loads and supports, etc.

    Provides an easy method to reselect groups that will be referenced often Defining contact regions

    S i lt Scoping results Etc.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Defining Named Selections To create Selections using geometry selection:

    Select the vertices, edges, surfaces, or bodies of interest, then click on the Create Selection Group icon.Enter a name in the dialog box Enter a name in the dialog box.

    The new group will appear in the Named Selection Toolbar as well as in the Outline Tree.

    Note: Only one type of entity can be in a particular

    Named Selection. For example, vertices and edges cannot exist in the same Named Selection.

    Named Selection groups can be imported fromsome CAD systems (see Chapter 10).

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Defining Named Selections Selections can be created employing various criteria using the

    Worksheet method. Add, remove, filter, etc. to stack criteria for complex selections. Each selection is generated to complete the operation.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Defining Named Selections Example, select a vertex at x,y,z = 97.7, 33, 0: Using three operations (add, filter, remove),

    allows a single vertex selection.

    Results in 4 vertices selected

    Results in 2 vertices selected

    Results in 1 vertex selected

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Using Named Selections In many detail window fields Named Selections can be referenced

    directly: Example (pressure load):

    f G S In the Details view, change Method from Geometry Selection to Named Selection

    Select the Named Selection from the pull-down menu Mechanical will filter non-applicable types of Named Selections. pp yp

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Using Named Selections Named Selections can be used in other situations where geometry must

    be picked: Select Geometry from the Details view to enter picking mode

    T l th N d S l ti t l t f th T lb Toggle the Named Selection to select from the Toolbar Select the applicable choice:

    Select Items in Group, Add to Current Selection, Remove from Current Selection Then, click on Apply in the Details view, pp y



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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialE. Workshop 3.1 Contact Control

    Workshop 3.1 Contact Control Goal: Investigate several types of contact behavior.

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  • Customer Training Material

    L t 4Lecture 4

    Meshing in Mechanicalg

    Introduction to ANSYSIntroduction to ANSYSMechanical

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialChapter Overview In this chapter controlling meshing operations is described. Topics:

    A. Global Meshing ControlsgB. Local Meshing ControlsC. Meshing TroubleshootingD. Virtual Topologyp gyE. Workshop 4-1, Meshing Control

    The capabilities described in this section are generally applicable to the ANSYS DesignSpace Entra licenses and above and are noted in the lower-left hand tablesthe lower left hand tables

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialMeshing in Mechanical The nodes and elements representing the geometry model make up the

    mesh: A default mesh is automatically generated during initiation of the solution.

    Th t th h i t l i t if h t l The user can generate the mesh prior to solving to verify mesh control settings.

    A finer mesh produces more precise answers but also increases CPU time and memory requirements.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialA. Global Meshing Controls Physics Based Meshing allows the user to specify

    the mesh based on the physics to be solved. Choosing the physics type will set controls such as:as: Solid element mid-side nodes Element shape checking TransitioningTransitioning

    Physics preferences can be: Mechanical Electromagneticsg CFD Explicit

    Note: Some mesh controls are intended for non-Mechanical applications (CFD, EMAG, etc). Only mechanical mesh controls are discussed in this course

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Global Meshing Controls Basic meshing controls are available under the Defaults group in the

    Mesh branch The user has control with a single slider bar

    Relevance setting between 100 and +100g

    - Relevance = coarse mesh

    + Relevance = fine mesh

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Global Meshing Controls

    Sizing Section: The controls in this group set the basic

    size defaults for the initial mesh. Local controls (described later), can be used to override these values in specific regions of the model.Th tti th U Ad d These settings assume the Use Advanced Size Function is set to Off.

    Relevance Center: sets the mid point of the Relevance slider control.Element Size: defines element size used for the entire model Element Size: defines element size used for the entire model.

    Initial Size seed: Initial mesh size is based either on the entire assembly or on each individual part.

    Smoothing: Attempts to improve element quality by moving nodes. Number of smoothing iterations can be controlled (Lo Medi m High)smoothing iterations can be controlled (Low, Medium, High).

    Transition: Controls the rate at which adjacent elements will grow (Slow, Fast)

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Global Meshing Controls Advanced Size Functions: 4 settings to control basic mesh sizing. Curvature: The curvature size function examines curvature on edges and

    faces and sets element sizes so as not to violate the maximum size or the t l ( t ti ll t d d fi d b th )curvature angle (automatically computed or defined by the user).

    Proximity: The proximity size function allows you to specify the minimum number of element layers created in regions that constitute gaps in the model (features).Fixed: The fixed size function does not Fixed: The fixed size function does not refine the mesh based on curvature or proximity. Rather, you specify minimum and maximum sizes and gradation is provided between sizes based on a specified growth rate.

    Note: users may accept default settings for these options or specify their own

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    for these options or specify their own (described next).

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Global Meshing Controls Curvature settings: Normal angle: the maximum allowable angle that one element edge is allowed

    to span (default based on relevance and span angle center settings). Min Size: the minimum element edge size that the mesher will create. Max Face Size: Maximum size the surface mesher will allow. Max Size: Maximum size the volume mesher will allow. Growth Rate: Specifies the increase in element size for each succeeding layer

    progressing from an edge. A value of 1.2 represents a 20% increase. Settings from 1 to 5 with a default determined by relevance and transition settings.

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    Curvature = 20 deg. Curvature = 75 deg.

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Global Meshing Controls Proximity Settings: Proximity Accuracy: Set between 0 and 1 (0.5=default). Controls the search

    range used with the max size and cells across gap settings. A setting of 0 is f t tti f 1 i tfaster, a setting of 1 is more accurate.

    Num Cells Across Gap: specifies the number of element layers to be generated in the gap sections (i.e. between features).

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    Num Cells = 2 Num Cells = 5

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Global Meshing Controls Shape Checking: Standard Mechanical linear stress, modal

    and thermal analyses. Aggressive Mechanical large gg g

    deformations and material nonlinearities. Element Midside Nodes: Program Controlled (default), Dropped or

    Kept (see below).Kept (see below). Number of Retries: if poor quality elements

    are detected the mesher will retry using a finer mesh.

    Mesh Morphing: when enabled allows updated geometry to use a morphed mesh rather than remeshing (saves time). Topology must remain the same and large geometry changes cannot be morphed.

    Element A Element B

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    Kept Dropped

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialB. Local Meshing Controls Local Mesh Controls can be applied to either a Geometry Selection or a

    Named Selection. These are available only when the mesh branch is highlighted. Available controls include :

    Method Control Method Control Sizing Control Contact Sizing Control Refinement Control Mapped Face Meshing Match Control Inflation Control Pinch Control Gap Tool (EMAG only, not covered)

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Local Meshing Controls : Method (continued)

    Method Control : Provides the user with options as to how solid bodies are meshed:

    Automatic (default): B d ill b t if ibl Oth i th Body will be swept if possible. Otherwise, the Patch Conforming mesher under Tetrahedrons is used.

    Continued . . .

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Local Meshing Controls : Method (continued)

    Tetrahedrons: An all Tetrahedron mesh is generated. Patch Conforming:

    All face boundaries are respected when mesh is created.

    Patch Independent Meshing: Faces and their boundaries may or may not be respected during meshing

    operations. The exception is when a boundary condition is applied to a surface, its

    boundaries are respected.boundaries are respected.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Local Meshing Controls : Method (continued)

    Hex Dominant : Creates a free hex dominant mesh. Useful for meshing bodies that cannot be swept.

    Recommended for meshing bodies with large interior g gvolumes.

    Not recommended for thin or highly complex shapes. Free Face Mesh Type: determines the mesh shape

    to be used to fill the body (Quad/Tri or All Quad).

    Solid Model with Hex dominant mesh :mesh :

    Tetrahedrons 443 (9%)

    Hexahedron 2801(62%)

    Wedge 124 (2%)

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    Pyramid 1107 (24%)

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Local Meshing Controls : Method (continued)

    Sweep : Sweep-mesh (hex and possible wedge) elements. Type : Number of Divisions or Element Size in the sweep direction. Sweep Bias Type : Bias spacing in sweep directionSweep Bias Type : Bias spacing in sweep direction. Src/Trg Selection : Manually select the start/end faces for sweeping or allow the

    mesher to choose. Automatic/Manual Thin Model One hex or wedge through the thickness. Can

    choose between Solid Shell (SOLSH190) element and a Solid element (Solid185)choose between Solid Shell (SOLSH190) element and a Solid element (Solid185). A solid shell element is useful for thin structures with a single element through the thickness (e.g. sheet metal).

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Local Meshing Controls : Method (continued)

    MultiZone Method: A patch independent mesher that automatically decomposes solid

    geometry to accomplish sweep meshing (like a user might slice a model f hi )for meshing).

    Mapped Mesh Type: controls the shapes used for fill regions.

    Free Mesh Type: if set, allows tet meshes in the fill regions. Can set to not allowed if all hex is desired.

    Standard Free Mesh

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    MultiZone Mesh

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Local Meshing Controls Sizing: Element Size specifies average element

    edge length or number of divisions ( h i d d t l ti )(choices depend on geometry selection).

    Soft control may be overridden by other mesh controls. Hard may not.Mesh biasing is available Mesh biasing is available.

    Sphere of Influence sizing, see next page.

    Entity Element Size # of Elem. Division Sphere of InfluenceBodies x xFaces x xEdges x x xVertices x

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    Vertices x

    Face Sizing Applied to a part.

    Size controls available based on geometry entity

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Local Mesh Controls Sphere of Influence:

    Center is located using local coordinate system. All scoped entities within the sphere are affected by size settings.

    Sphere of Influence (shown in red) has been defined Elements lying in Scoped to 2 surfacesScoped to single vertex defined. Elements lying in that sphere for that scoped entity will have a given average element size.


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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Local Mesh Controls Contact Sizing: generates similar-sized elements on

    contact faces for face/face or face/edge contact region. Element Size or Relevance can be specified.

    Ch C t t Si i f th M h C t l d Choose Contact Sizing from the Mesh Control menu and specify the contact region.

    Or drag and drop a Contact Region object onto the Mesh object.

    In this example, the contact region between the two parts h C t t Si i Thas a Contact Sizing Type Relevance is specified. Note that the mesh is now consistent at the contact region.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Local Mesh Controls

    Element refinement divides existing mesh An initial mesh is created with global and local size controls first, then element

    refinement is performed at the specified location(s). Refinement range is 1 to 3 (minimum to maximum). Refinement splits the edges of

    the elements in the initial mesh in half. Refinement level controls the number of iterations this is performed.

    For example shown, the left side has refinement level of 2 whereas the right side is left untouched with defaultside is left untouched with default mesh settings.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Local Mesh Controls Mapped Face Meshing: generates structured meshes on

    surfaces: In example below, mapped face meshing on the

    outer face provides a more uniform mesh patternouter face provides a more uniform mesh pattern.

    Mapped quad or tri mesh also available for surface bodies. See next slide for advanced options . . . .

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Local Mesh Controls For some geometry mapping will fail if an obvious pattern is not recognized. By specifying side, corner or end vertices a mapped face can be achieved.

    Original mapping failed as indicated next to the

    By setting side and end vertices the mapped mesh succeeds

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    mesh control. resulting in a uniform sweep.

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Local Mesh Controls Inflation Control: useful for adding layers of elements along specific


    Note: Inflation is more often used in CFD and EMAG applications but may

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    pp ybe useful for capturing stress concentrations etc. in structural applications.

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Local Mesh Controls Pinch: allows the removal of small features by pinching

    out small edges and vertices (only). Master: geometry that retains the original geometry profile.

    Sl t th t h t t d th t Slave: geometry that changes to move toward the master. Can be automatic (Mesh level) or local (add Pinch branch).

    Note: a global pinch control can be set in the mesh branch details Defeaturing

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialC. Meshing Troubleshooting Mesh Metrics: can be requested in the statistics section. Select individual bars in the graph to view the elements graphically.

    Note: each mesh metric is described in detail in the Meshing Users Guide of the ANSYS documentation

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    the ANSYS documentation.

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . Meshing Troubleshooting If the mesher is not able to generate satisfactory elements, an error message

    will be returned:

    The problematic geometry will be highlighted on the screen, and a named selection group Problematic Geometry will be created, so the user may review the model.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Meshing Troubleshooting Meshing failures can be caused by a number of things: Inconsistent sizing controls specified on surfaces, which would result in

    the creation of poorly-shaped elements Difficult CAD geometry, such as small slivers or twisted surfaces Stricter shape checking (Aggressive setting in Mesh branch)

    Some ways to avoid meshing failures: Specify more reasonable sizing controls on geometry Specify smaller sizing controls to allow the mesher to create better-

    shaped elements In the CAD system, use hidden line removal plots to see sliver or

    unwanted geometry and remove them Use virtual cells to combine sliver or very small surfaces

    Thi ti ill b di d t This option will be discussed next

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialD. Virtual Topology Virtual Topology: combines surfaces and edges for

    meshing control:

    Vi t l T l b h i dd d t th M d l Virtual Topology branch is added to the Model branch.

    A Virtual Cell is a group of adjacent surfaces that acts as a single surface.

    Interior lines of original surfaces will no longer be honored by meshing process.

    For other operations such as applying Loads and Supports, a virtual cell can be referenced as a singleSupports, a virtual cell can be referenced as a single entity.

    Virtual cells can be generated automatically via RMB: The Behavior controls the aggressiveness of the Merge

    Face Edges? setting for auto generationFace Edges? setting for auto generation.

    Example . . .

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Virtual Topology Example Consider the example below:

    Virtual Cell

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Virtual Topology Example Keep in mind that the topology can change! Example: a chamfer is added to the top surface in this virtual cell. The

    interior lines are not recognized anymore.Elements edge is shown as a solid line and the original chamfer and top surface is shown as a dotted blue line.

    The chamfer representation is no

    Original mesh

    The chamfer representation is no longer present.

    Mesh using virtual

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    Mesh using virtual topology

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . Virtual Topology In addition to creating virtual faces, edges can be split to form virtual

    edges to aid in various meshing operations.

    Virtual Split Edge at +: splits at the selection point along thethe selection point along the edge.

    Virtual Split Edge: requires a fractional entry indicating the position along the edge where the split will be located (e g 0 5the split will be located (e.g. 0.5 results in the line split in half).

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialE. Workshop 4.1 Mesh Control

    Workshop 4.1 Mesh Control Goal:

    Use the various mesh controls to enhance Use the various mesh controls to enhance the mesh for the solenoid model.

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  • Customer Training Material

    L t 5Lecture 5

    Static Structural Analysisy

    Introduction to ANSYSIntroduction to ANSYSMechanical

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialChapter Overview In this chapter, performing linear static structural analyses in

    Mechanical will be covered:A. GeometryB. Assemblies and Contact TypesC. Analysis SettingsD. Environment, including Loads and SupportsE. Solving ModelsF. Results and Postprocessing

    The capabilities described in this section are generally applicable to ANSYS DesignSpace Entra licenses and above. Some options discussed in this chapter may require more advanced

    licenses, but these are noted accordingly.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialBasics of Linear Static Analysis For a linear static structural analysis, the displacements {x} are solved

    for in the matrix equation below:

    [ ]{ } { }FKAssumptions: [K] is constant

    [ ]{ } { }FxK = Linear elastic material behavior is assumed Small deflection theory is used Some nonlinear boundary conditions may be included

    {F} is statically applied{F} is statically applied No time-varying forces are considered No inertial effects (mass, damping) are included

    It is important to remember these assumptions related to linear staticl i N li t ti d d i l d i l tanalysis. Nonlinear static and dynamic analyses are covered in later


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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialA. Geometry In structural analyses, all types of bodies supported by Mechanical

    may be used.

    For surface bodies, thickness must be supplied in the Details view of the Geometry branch.

    The cross-section and orientation of line bodies are defined within DesignModeler and are imported into Mechanical automaticallyDesignModeler and are imported into Mechanical automatically.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Point Mass

    A Point Mass can be added to a model (Geometry branch) to simulate parts of the structure not explicitly modeled: A point mass is associated with surface(s) only.( ) y The location can be defined by either:

    (x, y, z) coordinates in any user-defined Coordinate System. Selecting vertices/edges/surfaces to define location.

    Point mass is affected by Acceleration Standard Earth Gravity and Point mass is affected by Acceleration, Standard Earth Gravity, and Rotational Velocity. No other loads affect a point mass.

    The mass is connected to selected surfacesassuming no stiffness between them.

    No rotational inertial terms are present.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Material Properties Youngs Modulus and Poissons Ratio are required for linear static

    structural analyses: Material input is handled in the Engineering Data application. Mass density is required if any inertial loads are present. Thermal expansion coefficient is required if a uniform temperature load

    is applied. Thermal conductivity is NOT required for uniform temperature

    conditions. Stress Limits are needed if a Stress Tool result is present.

    F ti P ti d d if F ti T l lt i t Fatigue Properties are needed if Fatigue Tool result is present. Requires Fatigue Module add-on license.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialB. Assemblies Solid Body Contact When importing assemblies of solid parts, contact regions are automatically

    created between the solid bodies. Contact allows non-matching meshes at boundaries between solid parts

    T l t l d C t t b h ll th t if di t f Tolerance controls under Contact branch allows the user to specify distance of auto contact detection via slider bar

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Assemblies Solid Body Contact In Mechanical, the concept of contact and target surfaces are used for each

    contact region: One side of a contact region is referred to as a contact surface, the other side is

    referred to as a target surfacereferred to as a target surface. The contact surfaces are restricted from penetrating through the target surface.

    When one side is designated the contact and the other side the target, this is called asymmetric contact. If b th id d t b t t & t t thi i ll d t i t t If both sides are made to be contact & target this is called symmetric contact.

    By default, Mechanical uses symmetric contact for solid assemblies.

    For ANSYS Professional licenses and above the user may change to


    above, the user may change to asymmetric contact, as desired.

    Symmetric Asymmetric

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    Sy et cContact

    Asymmetric Contact

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Assemblies Solid Body Contact Five contact types are available:

    Contact Type Iterations Normal Behavior (Separation) Tangential Behavior (Sliding)Bonded 1 No Gaps No SlidingNo Separation 1 No Gaps Sliding Allowed

    Bonded and No Separation contact are linear and require

    Frictionless Multiple Gaps Allowed Sliding AllowedRough Multiple Gaps Allowed No SlidingFrictional Multiple Gaps Allowed Sliding Allowed

    Bonded and No Separation contact are linear and require only 1 iteration.

    Frictionless, Rough and Frictional contact are nonlinear and require multiple iterations.

    Nonlinear contact types allow an interface treatment option:

    Add Offset: input zero or non zero value for initial Add Offset: input zero or non-zero value for initial adjustment

    Adjusted to Touch: ANSYS closes any gap to a just touching position (ANSYS Professional and above)

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Assemblies Solid Body Contact Interface treatment options:

    TCC TC T

    Add offset: contact surface is numerically offset a given amount i iti ti di ti

    Adjusted to touch: offsets contact surface to provide initial contact

    ith t t dl f t l

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    in positive or negative direction (offset can be ramped on).

    with target regardless of actual gap/penetration.

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Assemblies Solid Body Contact Advanced options (see chapter 3 for

    additional details on the pinball region): Pin Ball Region:

    Inside pinball = near-field contact Outside pinball = far-field contact Allows the solver to more efficiently

    process contact calculationsprocess contact calculations.

    For ANSYS Professional licenses and above,For ANSYS Professional licenses and above, mixed assemblies of shells and solids are supported as well as more contact options.

    In this case, the gap between the two parts is bigger than the pinball region, so no automatic gap closure will be performed.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Assemblies Spot Weld Spot welds provide a means of connecting shell assemblies at discrete

    points: Spotweld definition is done in the CAD software. Currently, only DesignModeler

    and Unigraphics define supported spot weld definitionsand Unigraphics define supported spot weld definitions.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training MaterialC. Analysis Settings The Analysis Settings details provide general

    control over the solution process: Step Controls:

    Manual and auto time stepping controls. Specify the number of steps in an analysis and an

    end time for each step. Time is a tracking mechanism in static analyses g y

    (discussed later).

    Solver Controls: Two solvers available (default program

    chosen): Direct solver (Sparse solver in ANSYS). Iterative solver (PCG solver in ANSYS).

    W k i Weak springs: Mechanical tries to anticipate under-

    constrained models.

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . Analysis Settings Analysis Data Management Analysis Data Management:

    Solver Files Directory is the location where analysis files will be stored if a project has not yet been saved.

    Future Analysis: indicates whether a down stream analysis (e.g. pre-stressed modal) will use the solution. This is set automatically when coupled analyses are configured in the project schematicproject schematic.

    Scratch Solver Files Directory: temporary directory used during solution.

    Save MAPDL db.D l t U d d Fil h t ll Delete Unneeded Files: may choose to save all files for future use in Mechanical APDL.

    Solver Units: Active System or manual. Solver Unit System: if the above setting is

    l h 1 f 8 iblmanual, you may choose 1 of 8 possible solver unit systems to insure consistency when data is shared with Mechanical APDL (does not affect results/load displays in the GUI)

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  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . Analysis Settings Step Controls Step Controls:

    Multiple steps allow a series of static analyses to be set up and solved sequentially.For a static analysis the end time can be used as For a static analysis, the end time can be used as a counter/tracker to identify the load steps and substeps.

    Results can be viewed step by step. Load values for each step can be entered in the

    Tabular Data section provided.The time and load value are displayed in the graphics windowgraphics window

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    Customer Training Material. . . Multiple Steps A summary of all the different steps can be viewed by highlighting

    Analysis Type and then selecting the Worksheet tab.

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    Customer Training Material. . . Multiple Steps Results for each individual step can be viewed after the solution by

    selecting the desired step and RMB >Retrieve This Result.

    Select desired step and RMB to retrieve resultretrieve result

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    Customer Training MaterialD. Loads and Supports Loads and supports are thought of in terms of the

    degrees of freedom (DOF) available for the elements used. UX


    In solids the DOF are x, y and z translations (for shells we add rotational DOF rotx, roty and rotz).

    Supports, regardless of actual names, are always


    defined in terms of DOF.

    For example a Frictionless Support applied to the Z surface of the block shown would indicate that the Z degree of freedom is no longer free (all other DOF g g (are free).

    Frictionless surface

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    Customer Training Material. . . Loads and Supports Load types: Inertial loads:

    These loads act on the entire system. Density is required for mass calculations. These are only loads which act on defined Point Masses.

    Structural Loads:F t ti t f th t Forces or moments acting on parts of the system.

    Structural Supports: Constraints that prevent movement on certain regions.

    Thermal Loads: Thermal Loads: The thermal loads which result in a temperature field causing thermal

    expansion/contraction in the model.

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    Customer Training Material Directional Loads Loads and supports having a direction

    component can be defined in global or local coordinate systems:

    In the Details view change Define By to In the Details view, change Define By to Components. Then, select the appropriate CS from the pull-down menu.

    Load Supports Coordinate SystemsAcceleration NoAcceleration NoStandard Earth Gravity YesRotational Velocity YesForce YesRemote Force Location of Origin OnlyB i L d YBearing Load YesMoment YesGiven Displacement Yes

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    Customer Training Material Acceleration & Gravity Acceleration: Acts on entire model in length/time2 units. Acceleration can be defined by Components or Vector.y p Body will move in the opposite direction of the applied acceleration.

    Standard Earth Gravity: V l li d i id ith l t d it t Value applied coincides with selected unit system.

    Standard Earth Gravity direction is defined along one of three global or local coordinate system axes.B d ill i h di i f h li d i Body will move in the same direction of the applied gravity.

    Rotational velocity: Entire model rotates about an axis at a given rate. Define by vector or component method. Input can be in radians per second (default) or RPM.

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    Customer Training Material Forces and Pressures Pressure loading: Applied to surfaces, acts normal to the surface. Positive value into surface, negative value acts out of surface. Units of pressure are in force per area.

    Force loading: Forces can be applied on vertices, edges, or surfaces.pp , g , The force will be evenly distributed on all entities. Units are


    Force can be defined via vector or component methods.

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    Customer Training Material Hydrostatic Pressure Hydrostatic Pressure: Applies a linearly varying load to a surface (solid or

    shell) to mimic fluid force acting on the structure.Fluid may be contained or external Fluid may be contained or external.

    User specifies: Magnitude and direction of acceleration. Fluid Density.

    C di t t ti th f f f th fl id Coordinate system representing the free surface of the fluid. For Shells, a Top/Bottom face option is provided.

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    Internal External

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    Customer Training Material Bearing Load Bearing Load (force):

    Force component distributed on compressive side using projected area.

    Axial components are not allowed Axial components are not allowed. Use only one bearing load per cylindrical

    surface. If the cylindrical surface is split be sure to

    l t b th h l f li d i l fselect both halves of cylindrical surface when applying this load.

    Bearing load can be defined via vector or component method.

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    Bearing Load Force Load

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Moment Load Moment Loading :

    For solid bodies moments can be applied on a surface only. If multiple surfaces are selected, the moment load is evenly distributed.

    V t t th d b l d i th i ht h d l Vector or component method can be employed using the right hand rule. For surface bodies a moment can be applied to a vertex, edge or surface. Units of moment are in Force*length.

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    Customer Training Material Remote Load Remote Force Loading : Applies an offset force on a surface or edge of a body. The user supplies the origin of the force (geometry or coordinates). Can be defined using vector or component method. Applies an equivalent force and moment on the surface.

    Example: 10 inch beam with a 1 lbf remote force scoped to the end of the beam. Remote force is located 20 inches from the fixed support.

    F=1 lbf

    20 Moment Reaction

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    Moment Reaction

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    Customer Training Material. . . Bolt Pretension

    Bolt Pretension: Applies a pretension load to a solid cylindrical section or beam using:

    Pretension load (force) Pretension load (force) OR Adjustment (length)

    For body loading a local coordinate system is required (preload in zFor body loading a local coordinate system is required (preload in z direction).

    For sequenced loading additional options are available (see next page).

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    Customer Training Material. . . Bolt Pretension Sequenced Simulation The Define By field in the details view provides the

    following options for sequence loading: Load or Adjustment: as defined on previous page. Lock : Fixes all displacements (load applied and held).Lock : Fixes all displacements (load applied and held). Open : Leaves the pretension load open (no pretension).





    3 Bolt Load Tips:

    3D simulations only. Cylindrical surfaces or bodies only.

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    A refined mesh is recommended (at least 2 elements in axial direction).

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material. . . Line Pressure Line Pressure loading : Applies a distributed force on one edge only for 3-D simulations, using

    force density loading. Units are in force/length. Can be defined by :

    Magnitude and Vector Magnitude and component direction (global or local coordinate systems) Magnitude and tangential

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    Customer Training Material Supports Fixed Support :

    Constraints all degrees of freedom on vertex, edge, or surface

    Solid bodies: constrains x, y, and z Surface and line bodies: constrains x, y, z, rotx, roty and

    rotz Given Displacement :

    Applies known displacement on vertex, edge, or surfacepp p g Allows for imposed translational displacement in x, y,

    and z (in user-defined Coordinate System) Entering 0 means that the direction is constrained,

    leaving the direction blank means the direction is free.g

    Elastic Support : Allows faces/edges to deform according to a spring

    behaviorbehavior. Foundation stiffness is the pressure required to produce

    unit normal deflection of the foundation

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    Customer Training Material Supports Frictionless Support:

    Applies constraints (fixes) in normal direction on surfaces. For solid bodies, this support can be used to apply a symmetry boundary

    condition. Examples . . . Fixed in radial


    Free translation in plane of support

    Fixed translation out of plane of support Free in tangential

    and axial

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    and axial directions

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    Customer Training Material Supports Cylindrical Support: Provides individual control for axial, radial, or tangential constraints. Applied on cylindrical surfaces.



    AxialExample . . .

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    Customer Training Material Supports (Solid Bodies) Compression Only Support : Applies a constraint in the normal compressive

    direction only. Can be used on a cylindrical surface to model a

    pin, bolt, etc.. Requires an iterative (nonlinear) solution.


    Compression OnlyForce

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    Customer Training Material Supports (Line/Surface Bodies) Simply Supported : Can be applied on edge or vertex of surface or line bodies Prevents all translations but all rotations are free

    Fixed Rotation : Can be applied on surface, edge, or vertex of surface or line bodies Constrains rotations but translations are free

    Translation fixed Translations free

    Rotations free Rotations fixed

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    Simply Supported Edge Fixed Rotation Edge

  • Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical

    Customer Training Material Thermal Loading Thermal condition :

    Applies a uniform temperature in a structural analysis. Appears under Loads in structural analysis. A reference temperature must be provided (see next slide).

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    Customer Training Material Thermal Loading A temperature differential can cause thermal expansion or

    contraction in a structure: Thermal strains (th) are calculated as follows:

    = thermal expansion coefficient (CTE material property).( )refzthythxth TT ===

    Tref = reference temperature (thermal strains are zero). T = applied temperature (see previous slide). Reference temperature is defined in the environment branch (global)

    or as a property of individual bodiesor as a property of individual bodies.

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    Customer Training Material Solving the Model To solve the model click on the Solve button on the Standard Toolbar.

    Two processors used if present (default). To set the number use, Tools > Solve Process Settings.

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    Customer Training MaterialE. Workshop 5.1 Linear Structural Analysis

    Workshop 5.1 Linear Structural Analysis Goal: A 5 part assembly representing an impeller type pump is

    analyzed with a 100N preload on the belt.

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    Customer Training MaterialF. Results and Postprocessing Numerous structural results are available: Directional and total deformation. Components, principal, or invariants of stresses and strains. Contact output. Reaction forces.

    In Mechanical, results may be requested before or after solving. If you solve a model then request results afterwards, click on the Solve

    button , and the results will be retrieved. , A new solution is not required.

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    Customer Training Material Plotting Results Contour and vector plots are usually shown on the deformed geometry. Use the Context Toolbar to change settings.

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    Customer Training Material Deformation The deformation of the model can be plotted: Total deformation is a scalar quantity:

    The x, y, and z components of deformation can be requested under Directional in global or local coordinates

    222zyxtotal UUUU ++=

    requested under Directional, in global or local coordinates. Vector plots of deformation are available (see below).

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    Customer Training Material Stresses and Strains Stresses and strains:

    Stresses and (elastic) strains have six components(x, y, z, xy, yz, xz) while thermal strains have three components (x, y, z)

    For stresses and strains, components can be requested under Normal (x, y, z) , p q ( , y, )and Shear (xy, yz, xz). For thermal strains, (x, y, z) components are under Thermal.

    Principal stresses are always arranged such that s1 > s2 > s3 Intensity is defined as the largest of the absolute valuesy g

    s1 - s2, s2 - s3 or s3 - s1

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    Customer Training Material Stress Tools Safety Factors (choose from 4 failure

    theories): Ductile Theories:

    Maximum Equivalent Stress Maximum Shear Stress

    Brittle Theories:M h C l b St Mohr-Coulomb Stress

    Maximum Tensile Stress Within each stress tool safety factor, safety

    margin and stress ratio can be plottedmargin and stress ratio can be plotted.

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    Customer Training Material Contact Results Contact results are requested via a Contact

    Tool under the Solution branch.

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    Customer Training Material Contact Results Select the contact region(s) for the Contact Tool (2 methods):

    1. Worksheet view (details): select contact regions from the list. Contact, target or both sides can be selected.

    2. Geometry: select contact regions on the graphics screen.

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    Customer Training MaterialUser Defined Results In addition to the standard result items one can insert user defined

    results. These results can include mathematical expressions and can be

    combinations of multiple result items. Define in 2 ways: Select User Defined Result from the solution context menu

    OR - From the Solution Worksheet highlight result > RMB > Create User Defined Result.

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    Customer Training Material. . . User Defined Results Details allow an expression using various

    basic math operations as well as square root, absolute value, exponent, etc..

    User defined results can be labeled with a user Identifier.

    Result legend contains identifier and expression.

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    Customer Training MaterialG. Workshop 5.2 2D Structural Analysis Workshop 5.2 2D Structural Analysis 2D structural analyses. Shown here is the 2D axisymmetric model.

    Pressure Cap Retaining Ring

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  • Customer Training Material

    L t 6Lecture 6

    Vibration Analysisy

    Introduction to ANSYSIntroduction to ANSYSMechanical

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    Customer Training MaterialChapter Overview I