ledc-less economically developed countries medc- more economically developed countries

LEDC-less economically developed countries MEDC- More economically developed countries

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Page 1: LEDC-less economically developed countries MEDC- More economically developed countries

LEDC-less economically developed countries

MEDC- More economically developed countries

Page 2: LEDC-less economically developed countries MEDC- More economically developed countries

Famine is a shortage of food leading to death and disease. NOW- In almost all of the LEDC famine has reached an all time high especially in places such as Africa and Asia. MEDC are also affected by this problem but not so dramatically. There are many causes to famine such as rodents, crop failure, over-population and war. We should make the right changes as it would benefit the world in many different ways

CHANGES- We can like China limit the amount children we have to one this would help improve the food supply and try to conquer over-population. We can improve countries relations, This would help the countries to share food and teach each about culture and improve war. In LEDC and MEDC mothers should breastfeed their children a lot more and until they are older. This dramatically would improve Famine

IF WE DO- The famine conquering the world would drastically decrease. There would be less deaths. It may increase over-population. Unless we limit the amount of offspring we produce. World peace could be restored. There-fore improving war.

IF WE DON’T- the birth rate would overpower the death rate thus increasing overpopulation. War would increase as countries would fight for food. Diseases would spread faster due to overpopulation and famine, as would global warming due to overpopulation.

Page 3: LEDC-less economically developed countries MEDC- More economically developed countries

Disease- A disease is a problem that can be either minuscule, deathly or some where in between. It is a problem that affects your health. No matter how small a particular disease is, it can still kill you especially if you live in an LEDC. MEDC do get affected by diseases however they have a better supply of modern technology so they can possibly be cured. A disease can be caused by many problems such as overpopulation, war and famine. Climate change ( e.g. Global warming) defiantly dramatically affects disease.

Changes- I would set a law to say that every one should have a different vaccination each week depending on the development of the countries. We could like China limit the amount of pregnancies we have to just one. Thus improving overpopulation thus making it harder to catch diseases. This would also improve famine and would strengthen people’s immune systems. Cut down on co2 emissions as the climate change is affecting people’s health.

IF WE DON’T- If we don’t make those important changes especially to cut down on co2 emissions then a rising risk of death from heat waves, the spread of tropical diseases like malaria into previously untouched areas and worsened water-borne diseases could occur and soon. If we don’t improve on overpopulation then instead of curing diseases we would produce new extremely contagious deathly diseases instead. The lack of vaccinations would happening would increase the risk of anyone's chances of catching a disease.

IF WE DO- Then disease would drastically decreases due to the modern technology. World peace may be restored. If so then countries would help the LEDC to develop and thus improving the amount of diseases in the world.

Page 4: LEDC-less economically developed countries MEDC- More economically developed countries

Overpopulation- NOW- the situation now is that the birth rate is a lot higher than the death rate. It is controllable now but it wont be for much longer. Overpopulation can happen in either an LEDC or an MEDC however it mainly occurs in an LEDC. This is mainly due to the result of an increase in births, an increase in immigration or from a decrease in emigration. Overpopulation is the cause of many other world threats such as famine, disease, war and global warming. There are many ways to stop this and many changes that can be made. When evaluating whether a place is overpopulated you should consider the amount of food, water, jobs and housing it has and if they exceed the current population then you can determine whether the place is overpopulated or not.

CHANGES- The main change that I would make is I would set a global law that would decrease the worlds population and maybe balance the birth rate and the death rate. The law would be that currently like China we should limit the amount of pregnancies we can have to just one. We should also set an immigration law to make sure that each continent has no immigrants. This law might make the food, water and jobs suitable for the population.

IF WE DO- If we make all the necessary changes then overpopulation will be conquered and the birth rate should be decreased dramatically. The population may be constant and LEDC will be able to develop. There will be less illegal immigrants so there may be less terrorism which should help to stop war.

IF WE DON’T- If we fail to make the correct changes then the overpopulated countries will gradually sink. The birth rate would over power the death rate. The overpopulation would drastically increase not only itself but famine as well as there would not be enough food or water to go around. It would increase global warming as there will be more people to contribute towards it. The immigrants will keep on coming in to live in MEDC as will illegal ones thus together causing more terrorist attacks thus increasing war.

Page 5: LEDC-less economically developed countries MEDC- More economically developed countries

WAR- NOW- Currently war is still recovering from the world ones however it is still terrible and lives are being lost drastically. War is any large scale, violent conflict. War is caused by many different things such as disagreements between countries or terrorism. Wars take place between MEDC and LEDC. Regardless of where you are war is almost always happening.Changes- I would organize a meeting between ALL the countries and try to solve world peace. I would put a limit on immigrants as this would hopefully solve some terrorism. This could help stop war. The MEDC could help the LEDC to become more developed. This would also improve the war.

IF YOU DO- if you succeed and do all the necessary changes then world peace may be restored. No more deliberate deaths. The world would be a better place . All of the world LEDC will have fully developed.

IF YOU DON’T- then the fighting will continuously carry on. Innocent people will carry on dying and war will overtake the world. LEDC will not develop as richer countries will refuse to help.

Page 6: LEDC-less economically developed countries MEDC- More economically developed countries

GLOBAL WARMING- THE SITUATION NOW- global warming is at an all time high. The dramatic temperature changes will be so bad that we will either have the biggest heat wave or another ice age. The ice caps will continue to melt and the water levels will continue to rise until many countries will end up under water. If we continue to burn carbon dioxide then the amount of sulphur dioxide in the air will increase. This will then increase the chance and the damage of acid rain dramatically. If the global temperature increases by two degrees the earth will have reached a tipping point of no return. The vapour planes were blocking the sun and making it feel cooler than it actually is and when scientist stopped planes all over the world for a few days and they realised just how advanced global warming actually was.

Changes- Global every body should recycle as this will decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Citizens should use less cleaning products. And use there cars and petrol transport less. This will not only help global warming it will also improve obesity.

If we don’t- then the amount of sulphur dioxide in the air will increase and acid rain will become more damaging and frequent. The global temperature will increase by two degrees and the world will reach a tipping point. Eventually the sun will freeze out but a lot sooner than scientists expected.

IF WE DO- If we make the necessary changes then the ice caps will stop freezing which means the polar bears and other animals will survive in their natural habitat. The world will live for longer as will the sun.

Page 7: LEDC-less economically developed countries MEDC- More economically developed countries

Pollution- There are a range of many different types of pollution they can vary from noise pollution to air pollution to after pollution. Actions need o happen and quickly as all this pollution is dramatically damaging our world and it is increasing global warming immensely. The situation Now- we have nearly reached tipping point as currently more people are using cars.

CHANGES- I would only sell really small cars or cars that run on sunflower oil. I would put a complete halt to power stations and I would only allow planes to fly occasionally. I would make sure everybody has a water purifier. All these changes would help improve world peace, Famine and global warming!

Page 8: LEDC-less economically developed countries MEDC- More economically developed countries