leeds lad magazine

Leeds Lad Festive special

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Post on 10-Mar-2016




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A magazine targeted at male university students


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LadFestive special

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It’s that time of year again, as your morning alarm rings out inside; the sky outside is still as dark as you left it the night before. The tempera-

unbearable, and as you peer through your curtains to assess the day ahead you ask yourself, “do I need two jumpers today or three?”This month’s festive edition of Leeds Lad is your seasonal survival guide to Christmas 2011. This month we’re here to help you the penniless male student through all the festivities from Pre-sent buying, to looking good in the cold condi-tions-ensuring you conquer Christmas Leeds Lad style.Christmas time for male University students means a number of things. What on earth are you going to get that special someone this year? More importantly how are you going to afford it? Fear not gentleman, in this issue we not only give you the Christmas clobber advice that will have you looking sharp in the snow. We also provide you with tips to keep everyone from Granny to Girlfriend happy with our Gift buying for Guys guide.Ever wondered what all the fuss is about with the Turkey on the 25th? How do Mums manage to make one dinner seem like a life or death situ-ation? We can’t answer that. That’s why we’ve

that and you’ll have change from a twenty and a table full of mesmerised family members. Thank us later; this is our Christmas present to you Leeds Lad’s

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television is your best friend. The annual showing of a sound of music ensures your festive feel-

to most of us means a number of things; football, eating far too much, dealing with a Christmas day hangover and eventually more eating.

Fulham, Liverpool play host to

Manchester United face Wigan. Forget pie and peas though, this Christmas you will be dining

left overs.Some choose to make turkey soup, turkey curry is a crowd favourite but the classic turkey sandwich still remains top of the

the pops amongst the male gen-eration. Simple yet astoundingly effective the turkey sandwich is

vegetarians that is.To impress your friends and fam-ily this Christmas follow our step by step guide and you will be left with the perfect sarnie to compli-

Firstly, this recipe relies on the assumption that one; you had turkey for Christmas dinner and two; that you have some left over. If you buy into the modern philosophy of salmon, duck, or any other strange alternative stop reading now and enjoy your couscous.Start by grilling some unsmoked bacon until crispy on both sides. Lazy Leeds lads can buy crispy bacon in packets from all good supermarkets.Take three slices of brown seeded bread. It’s after Christmas

the New Year according to all

going around.

your bottom layer so butter one side and add a generous amount of cranberry sauce. If you didn’t already know, cranberry sauce and turkey are the best of friends.Take your crispy bacon and place

bread. Your bottom layer is now complete.

bread and butter both sides. Place on top of the bacon and cranberry layer.Take your sliced turkey and season with salt and pepper. The turkey will work hot or cold and we leave the decision up to you, it’s your Christmas after all.

starting to take shape.You now have crispy bacon and cranberry sauce at the bottom turkey in the middle and you are left with a buttered side of bread.

cheese to the top. The brie will complement the tangy cranberry

-zle in this beautiful seasonal sandwich.Place a toothpick in the top of your creation to keep it sturdy, slice in two halves and serve to your guests. If the football result doesn’t go your way this festive treat certainly will ease the pain.

an ice cold beverage and then get

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Picture the scene. You’re sat in your late afternoon lecture; you’ve been engrossed in your work in the comfort and warmth of your beloved univer-sity lecture theatres blissfully unaware of the elements that lay in wait.

close you and your friends make

for the journey home. Then it hits you. First it’s the dark-the kind of dark it is when you wake up to go to the airport at 3am in a haze

the wind slaps them worse than that idiot at school who used to

(maybe that was just me).

change from your wallet because they are a light shade of blue. No matter how many times we have to deal with it looking good in winter is something we as boys are brilliant and messing

‘Leeds Lad’ has taken up the role of fairy godmother and covered winter fashion for all you frozen fellas who refuse to wrap up.Start with the coat…We may be stating the obvious

setting your sights on this winter is your coat. Most of us are afraid to buy a new coat because of the price tag, but a good coat doesn’t have to be a bank breaker. Get it right and the coat will set the

Get it wrong and your back to the bus stop. Firstly, grow up and get yourself

mature choices like topcoats,

do they have a more versatile and classic style than going for some weird asymmetrical

if you decide to buy quality and get something in 80-100% wool, it will last you for a good four

relevant whilst your wardrobe evolves and changes.Find a style that suits you, don’t be intimidated by this seasons smart styles which see a revert back to the days of true gents in the 50’s and 60’s. We males used to be quite dapper back in the day you only have to look at

the man his fashion icon.

you are not having a personality change or buying a briefcase, you’re buying a coat that will keep you warm and keep you looking sharp at the same time.H&M Leeds have a range of smart and casual coats at af-fordable prices. We found two coats at £10 each as shown in the pictures.

On your head son…There once was a time when

gentleman roamed the land...

and, no, they didn’t don heinous headwear. Somewhere along the way, novelty hats that sup-plied functionality for facing

advertisement for grandma’s knitting circle.

There are plenty of winter hats out there that will both keep your head warm and keep you look-ing stylish this winter. Whether you’re stood on the terraces at Elland Road or enjoying an even-ing at the Christmas Markets, remember not to forget the head wear.

The hat your go for this season is your call, but we have decided to promote a fearless classic. The trapper hat as its name suggests, was originally worn by North

wild bears both for hunting and survival purposes. Therefore we

Christmas Clobber

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are sure you’ll agree as far as its go it’s the ‘Chuck Norris’ selec-tion. If you are going to wear this hat don’t hold back. The hat if worn well-can set the scene for a brilliant winter ensemble.

Here at Leeds Lad we found a selection of Hats in Topman, Gap, H&M all under £15 and all in Leeds City centre. What’s your

Fancy Footwork…

This winter has seen the come-

back of a timeless and tr -

be traced back to Scotland and Ireland, where the perforations in the leather allowed water to seep from the shoe when men would cross wet and muddy terrains like bogs.


who does his shoe shopping at Clarke’s.

However there has never been a better time to be a boy in brogues, this season a gentle-

without a brogue. The smart but casual manor of the brogue is discreetly quirky and although not overly smart you won’t have to worry about being turned away from any clubs-thus wasting the hour you just spent queuing up.

People think of shoes and they think £100 plus. Wrong Leeds Lad has scouted Leeds city Centre and done the hard work for you. From £20 to £200, we

-member brogues are not boring,


as an accessory to your footwear. Chunky socks have not always been top of the cool list as far as socks go, but they’ve wriggled

friends with your brogues and only £6 from Topman in Leeds.

What have we learned?

You’ve been invited out for a drink with a few mates, the weather outside is cold and there’s no chance of wearing a t shirt and trainers because the

Having read this Christmas clobber guide we hope you have learned the importance of a decent smart coat. Pea coats and

of smart and practical and are affordable to suit your student

your colouring and keep in mind you are trying to emulate the gentleman of the 50’s so think tailored and think timeless.

If you’re going to brave a hat this season, pick and choose wisely.

make you look like you’re a couple of Christmases behind the rest of us.

Trilby hats if worn correctly can set the scene for a decent cold

become your trademark. Trapper hats are the Leeds Lad pick of the bunch, it requires bravery but fortune favours the brave after

nt this Christmas and treat your feet to a pair of brogues. Not only do they work for the smarter occasion, but the

subtlety of a brogue means you can wear them to the football without looking like the chair-man.

Stick with us and we promise you’ll be walking in a winter wonderland this season with all

taken in Leeds City centre, with thanks to H&M, Topman, Tk

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New

Year from Leeds Lad Magazine