leelanau county board of commissionerstraverse overall supply) site in elmwood township. the tcaps...

LEELANAU COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING – Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Tentative minutes – meeting recorded. Meeting called to order by Chairman Tom Van Pelt at 9:03 a.m. Today’s meeting is being held at the Government Center, 8527 E. Government Center Drive, Suttons Bay, Michigan. Chairman Van Pelt asked that all cellular telephones be turned off for the duration of the meeting. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Chairman Van Pelt, followed by a moment of silence. Roll Call: District #1 Jean I. Watkoski PRESENT #2 Debra L. Rushton PRESENT #3 William J. Bunek PRESENT #4 Tom Van Pelt PRESENT #5 Karen Zemaitis PRESENT #6 Carolyn Rentenbach PRESENT #7 Melinda C. Lautner PRESENT Guests present. Communications, Proclamations, Presentations – Administrator Update: Leelanau County Administrator Chet Janik provided a photo featuring “the Launching of a New Boat” in Leland, circa 1930. Janik then showed photos from the recently held County Memorial Day ceremony. Sgt. Richard Schmuckal was the Emcee, with Commander Sean M. Cross of the Traverse City U.S. Coast Guard Air Station the guest speaker. Janik added they have also added 12 more names to the Veteran’s wall this year. Janik said he had an opportunity to talk with County resident Greg Stachnik, who relayed an exciting, first-hand account of what transpired on D-Day. Janik thanked MSU-E for all their assistance in cleaning up the Government Center gardens. They will also be working with the Sheriff’s Department and inmates to assist with the gardens. County Treasurer John A. Gallagher III distributed a hand-out showing activity for the last 18 months for the DTR (Delinquent Tax Revolving) and General Funds (on file with the County Clerk’s Office). The document was prepared to show Commissioners where the County’s cash is and how it flows throughout the year. More comments followed.

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Page 1: LEELANAU COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSTraverse Overall Supply) site in Elmwood Township. The TCAPS (Traverse City Area Public Schools) board had passed the same resolution last night

LEELANAU COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING – Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Tentative minutes – meeting recorded. Meeting called to order by Chairman Tom Van Pelt at 9:03 a.m. Today’s meeting is being held at the Government Center, 8527 E. Government Center Drive, Suttons Bay, Michigan. Chairman Van Pelt asked that all cellular telephones be turned off for the duration of the meeting. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Chairman Van Pelt, followed by a moment of silence. Roll Call: District #1 Jean I. Watkoski PRESENT #2 Debra L. Rushton PRESENT #3 William J. Bunek PRESENT #4 Tom Van Pelt PRESENT #5 Karen Zemaitis PRESENT #6 Carolyn Rentenbach PRESENT

#7 Melinda C. Lautner PRESENT Guests present. Communications, Proclamations, Presentations – Administrator Update: Leelanau County Administrator Chet Janik provided a photo featuring “the Launching of a New Boat” in Leland, circa 1930. Janik then showed photos from the recently held County Memorial Day ceremony. Sgt. Richard Schmuckal was the Emcee, with Commander Sean M. Cross of the Traverse City U.S. Coast Guard Air Station the guest speaker. Janik added they have also added 12 more names to the Veteran’s wall this year. Janik said he had an opportunity to talk with County resident Greg Stachnik, who relayed an exciting, first-hand account of what transpired on D-Day. Janik thanked MSU-E for all their assistance in cleaning up the Government Center gardens. They will also be working with the Sheriff’s Department and inmates to assist with the gardens. County Treasurer John A. Gallagher III distributed a hand-out showing activity for the last 18 months for the DTR (Delinquent Tax Revolving) and General Funds (on file with the County Clerk’s Office). The document was prepared to show Commissioners where the County’s cash is and how it flows throughout the year. More comments followed.

Page 2: LEELANAU COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSTraverse Overall Supply) site in Elmwood Township. The TCAPS (Traverse City Area Public Schools) board had passed the same resolution last night

Leelanau County Board of Commissioners Executive Committee – June 10, 2014


Janik continued – The County Board passed some goals in February, and he wanted to update Commissioners on the status of those goals:

• Market and sell the Leland Property. This is also on today’s agenda – Three West will be present with a proposal. They have received a number of calls on that parcel. Janik added a special session will be held today regarding the GTOS (Grand Traverse Overall Supply) site in Elmwood Township. The TCAPS (Traverse City Area Public Schools) board had passed the same resolution last night. They anticipate a closing next week.

• Upgrade the County’s website to a user-friendly website. Not all townships have

been as proactive as others. Information Technologies Director Ron Plamondon will update the Board later in the meeting.

• Explore health care insurance mandates. We are fully compliant with all


• MERS liability. This Board should be proud of how proactive they have been. Many other counties are struggling with this issue.

• Review customer service. Janik thanked Commissioners for approving the NMC

training slated for July 9. All employees will be attending one of the two sessions to be held. Commissioners are welcome to attend.

• Senior Services. This has been a year of transition; we are going forward with a

millage request in August. Senior Services Director April Missias will be back from maternity leave at the end of this month.

• Economic Development. The Board has addressed some of this with the allocation of funds to the Leelanau Peninsula Chamber of Commerce.

• Continue to develop a positive relationship with the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians. Janik noted Chairman Van Pelt attended the swearing in of Tribal Board Members; Janik said he has been meeting informally with various Tribal officials; the Sheriff has met with their legal staff. Our 9-1-1 staff works with them as well.

• Restructuring of the (Construction Codes) Department. Going forward, the overall feedback has been positive.

A lot of the remaining goals will be worked on during the 2015 budget process. Janik noted that Rehmann Principal Steve Peacock will be here before the Board next Tuesday night to review the 2013 audit results. Leelanau County had a very positive and successful audit.

Page 3: LEELANAU COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSTraverse Overall Supply) site in Elmwood Township. The TCAPS (Traverse City Area Public Schools) board had passed the same resolution last night

Leelanau County Board of Commissioners Executive Committee – June 10, 2014


Janik said we need clarification on the per diem policy; he and County Clerk Michelle L. Crocker have been working with Corporate Counsel Peter Cohl. Next month he will return with a proposed policy. Words of wisdom – Happy Birthday, Commissioner Bunek. Michigan Association of Counties, Tim McGuire: Tim McGuire, Executive Director, MAC (Michigan Association of Counties). McGuire distributed a folder (on file with the County Clerk’s Office). He complimented Commissioners on their audit and their work on the County’s unfunded liability. He is here with good news; there are 146 items on the agenda for the Michigan House to pass in the next three days. There is a lot riding on the budget. For the first time since 2004, they are recommending 100% full funding for revenue sharing for all of Michigan’s counties. McGuire congratulated Legislative staff for working with the House, Senate and Governor to ensure this happens. Last year, through the efforts of Senators Tom Casperson and Darwin Booher, the state PILT (Payment In Lieu of Taxes) payments will be on time and fully funded. The PILT payment to Leelanau County is $131,147.21. McGuire said they have also worked closely with Senators Debbie Stabenow and Carl Levin regarding PILT at the Federal level – or $103,391.00 to Leelanau County. Michigan is the largest Federal PILT state east of the Mississippi. There are a lot of Federal lands within the state. This is an appropriation for a non-entitlement program which needs to be passed in Congress each year. It is important to maintain our relationship with the folks on the Federal level. It means $4.2 million for counties in Michigan. McGuire thanked Janik for always responding quickly. Many times they have to call on county administrators to get facts for information. McGuire commented on transportation dollars – there is a recommendation for $450 million to be appropriated for transportation – which is not only for tourism, but for economic development. Yes, our roads need some funding. We have a short season and the roads need to be repaired. We should have an answer on the transportation appropriation by Thursday night. Information Technology Update, Ron Plamondon: Plamondon said the County’s new website was rolled out June 1. Part of the new design includes a new feature, where the public can actually sign up for “push notifications”. He gave the example if someone were interested in “Sugar Loaf”, they could specify it as an interest of theirs, and anytime something was added to the website related to that issue, they would receive an email at the end of the day informing them something was new regarding that topic. They are also looking at improving tax information availability. They are working on security, which is required for LEIN (Law Enforcement Information Network). A recent audit found a deficiency here. People who access our network from remotes, such as outside offices, will need to authenticate in two separate methods.

Page 4: LEELANAU COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSTraverse Overall Supply) site in Elmwood Township. The TCAPS (Traverse City Area Public Schools) board had passed the same resolution last night

Leelanau County Board of Commissioners Executive Committee – June 10, 2014


Plamondon continued; our main servers were installed in 2007-08, and they are reaching the end of their life. They aren’t being updated or supported anymore. It is time to move forward. He is looking to move more towards the “cloud” and less towards having computers “in-house”. We have pretty good internet connectivity with the link between here and Grand Traverse County. The State of Michigan is pushing a program, G to G, or Government to Government, spearheaded by Oakland County. Their contract for cloud computing is with Amazon. They have built a government cloud with Amazon and are offering it to other counties and townships at the same rate they are paying. Plamondon added he is also looking at reducing the amount of hardware to purchase and pay only for the services we need. It is a better environment. Plamondon said he has a couple of projects budgeted this year for collaboration with Grand Traverse County, that may not begin this year. With Equalization, they wanted to do document imaging but will have to wait until the upgrades with Grand Traverse are complete. The other was with the Prosecutor’s Office and work with the document imaging between the two county’s offices. It was budgeted for this year, but may not be rolled out until next year. Plamondon said (Senior Services) will be getting a new system – SQL-based (Structured Query Language), in the cloud. He will also be upgrading the server for the e-Force records for the Sheriff’s Department. The County’s BS&A tax system may become the first cloud-based in the state to do so. Commissioner Lautner asked with regard to the (Senior Services) update, will the new system help pick up some of the reports Commissioners have been looking for? Plamondon said he believes so. Lautner questioned the annual maintenance fee for the “finger roll”; is that something that can be put out for bid with other companies? Plamondon responded we have to do the maintenance with that company, because it is their equipment. Lautner asked and Plamondon responded it is a little on the higher side, but the Accounting and Register of Deeds applications are much higher in cost. Lautner asked and Plamondon responded it is sophisticated equipment – it scans, reads fingerprints, digitizes them, sends to AFIS, and comes back with a response. Commissioner Lautner noted a few employees are not in the email directory. Plamondon said all employees should be in there, some do not have email. Discussion. Commissioner Rushton questioned the township’s presence on the website. Plamondon responded most are on board, Glen Arbor Township is not, but we provide a link to their website. We have a couple townships who have gone all out and some that haven’t done anything since they were trained. We did this as a service to them. It has been built to be a historical record. Plamondon noted we could load all of the minutes from the beginning. Janik noted Plamondon serves on many state-wide committees. Plamondon said he serves on the NexGen 9-1-1 Committee, which received an award from one of the GIS associations. They take road layer maps from every county in the state, which were then “edge-matched” so that the roads from different counties can be joined. Anyone in the

Page 5: LEELANAU COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSTraverse Overall Supply) site in Elmwood Township. The TCAPS (Traverse City Area Public Schools) board had passed the same resolution last night

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State is then able to download a copy of the roads. We have the road layers for Benzie, Grand Traverse and Antrim counties. If we were to receive a call from Antrim on a cell phone, we could identify where they are and when we patch it through to Antrim, we can tell them which road the call is originating from. The committee was then reshaped into the NexGen 9-1-1, which will find the system for the State of Michigan to provide texting, video, any other ways of contacting 9-1-1. People could be at an accident scene, take video, and then the video could eventually be passed on to first-responders via “First Net” – a national broadband initiative to provide internet service to first responders. Plamondon added it has been fun – he has learned a lot, and they have received some pretty good deals, due to the various projects. Janik noted since Plamondon has been here, we have had virtually no problems with our email or internet, unlike many other counties. We are fortunate in that respect. Agenda Additions or Deletions: Chairman Van Pelt noted a few changes – a conference call at 11:30 a.m. with the County’s Corporate Counsel, regarding the attorney/client privilege letter, move Action Item #8.f., Review of “Confidential Attorney/Client Privilege” correspondence to 11:30 a.m.; Action Item #8.g., Administrator Evaluation, he hasn’t received all the evaluations back, so we will have to postpone; add Action Item #8.h., hay contract; add Action Item #8.i., window tinting; move Action Item #8.d., Leland Property Real Estate contract, after Sheriff Action Item #1.c., due to scheduling conflicts. MOTION BY WATKOSKI TO APPROVE THE AGENDA, AS AMENDED. SECOND ZEMAITIS. AYES – 7 (Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek, Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt) NO – 0 MOTION CARRIED. Public Comment: Richard Schmuckal, Bingham Township. Schmuckal said the senior citizen issue will be on the ballot, and there about 10 people who have volunteered as a group to promote and advocate for the millage. The group met yesterday to develop a strategy. Some seniors are less fortunate and depend on these services. Schmuckal asked Commissioners to also advocate for the senior millage while out campaigning. Schmuckal also commented on MERS funding, the Veteran’s Memorial and the Government Center Building. Wally Delamater, Suttons Bay Village Manager. Delamater said both Suttons Bay Township and Suttons Bay Village fully support economic development in Suttons Bay and the establishment of a Downtown Development Authority (DDA). Because of the decline in property values, the DDA is meant to be a positive action. The chamber also recognized the importance of this. Of the 68 businesses, 48 have signed a letter of support. Delamater commented on the County Board’s proposed resolution, and the lack

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of funding opportunities available to Suttons Bay Village. He asked the County Board for their support of the Suttons Bay DDA. There will be a meeting on June 16 with the taxing entities to encourage a healthy discussion. Bruce Price, Lake Leelanau. Price noted he is the new executive director of the Bruce and Betsy Price Property Management. Price noted he has criticized the MERS program; he thanked Treasurer Gallagher on a good job of analyzing the County’s money, and he commented on how partisan politics affect funding. Price commented on the Inspections Department and a recent Enterprise article regarding a job done by the Leland Township Zoning Administrator without a permit. Will Case, Suttons Bay. Case said he wanted to initially thank Sheriff Mike Borkovich for patrolling the Suttons Bay Village; he is appreciative of the new relationship with the Sheriff’s Department taking over the law enforcement of Suttons Bay on a daily basis. Case commented on the “Exposures” publication, a multi-school collaborative publication promoting students. It is funded independently by the County’s school districts. Case said he supports the concept of a DDA in Suttons Bay. Suttons Bay is a coastal community, with M-22 running down the middle. We have an enormous amount of parkland that serves everyone. The proposed DDA is very significant. Many successful communities have used a DDA to propel themselves. We need this reorganizational standard, and the support of the County Board. Harry Brandt, Suttons Bay Village President. Brandt said the proposed DDA is an economic development tool that the community of Suttons Bay can use to promote economic health, growth and stability. The DDA also promotes long-term economic growth and vitality. Leelanau County has been described as the most healthy county in the state. Wouldn’t it be nice if it became the most economically sound? They are asking for the County’s support; Suttons Bay is the centerpiece of Leelanau. It is a small village, but it is also the gateway. It is the first village visitors come to. The County’s success relies on the success of the villages. He urged the County Board to support the DDA. Rich Bahle, Suttons Bay. Bahle said he wears a few hats; first, as Suttons Bay Township Supervisor, he asked to comment on the May 13 Executive Committee meeting. He has had no conversation with anyone from the County – Commissioner or Administrator. As Supervisor, he is in full support of the DDA formation. This is a mechanism that the Township can support that will positively impact economic development. The school is in crisis. He whole-heartedly supports what has been proposed. Bahle noted he is also president of the Suttons Bay-Bingham Fire and Rescue Authority. The combined taxable value for the Fire Authority is $440 million. The day the DDA is formed, that amount will be zero. The capture will be zero unless the value in the

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community goes up. The negative fiscal impact for the fire authority is a philosophical issue, more than a fiscal issue. Bahle concluded he is also president of Bahle Enterprises, Inc. As a businessman, he also endorses the DDA. We need to recognize this is an investment in the future. Bahle said this is a way for the Village and the DDA to form an economic development entity, similar to the EDC. Bahle continued to provide statistics, saying he strongly recommends the County Board reconsider its decision to opt out. Steve Mikowski, Lake Leelanau. Mikowski distributed a compilation of excerpts from the Leelanau Enterprise, which featured statistics on the falling numbers of graduating seniors in the County schools (on file with the County Clerk’s Office). Mikowski contended the issue is self-inflicted by Commissioners on Leelanau County, beginning many years ago, spending millions on over-regulating and over-planning, and discouraging young people from staying here. The paper had stated a 40% decline (in students graduating) in five years. Mikowski encouraged the Board to work with the townships to find out the real cause of this decline in population. We are a dying county. Mikowski said he would suspect more adult diapers are sold than baby diapers. Mikowski also commented on MSU-E and Planning, saying they are part of the problem; that over-regulation is “government by insanity”, and also commented on a recent news article referencing a shortage of housing for Chinese immigrants to the area. Review of Financials: Account Clerk Darcy Weaver was present and answered questions for Commissioners. Comments to inquiries by Maintenance Director Jerry Culman. Action Items – Sheriff Borkovich introduced Deputy John Donahue to Commissioners – he will be working the Village of Suttons Bay contract. Donahue previously worked as a Leland Township Deputy. He is a retired helicopter rescue swimmer from the U.S. Coast Guard. Further information relayed. Borkovich noted Dep. Donahue’s call number is “45-18”, and has been using Borkovich’s patrol car. Borkovich commented on the MAGLOCLEN (Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network) training being held today in the Community Meeting Room. Sheriff – COAM and POAM Letter of Understanding: Sheriff Borkovich and Lieutenant Todd Roush were present. Roush said the letter is to change one specific requirement of the current union contract; the maximum hour limitation now states that staff cannot work more than 16 hours in a 24-hour period. The Corrections Division is moving toward a 12-hour shift schedule. This is an administrative move, not prompted by the union; they thought it could save on overtime costs. Commissioner Watkoski asked and Roush confirmed that Road Patrol already made the change to 12-hour shifts since early last year. Corrections will do this on a trial basis for

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three months. If the results are what they think they will be, the move will become permanent. The letter is to change the hourly requirements from 16 hours in a 24-hour period to 18. Sheriff Borkovich said he and Undersheriff Steve Morgan had asked Lt. Roush last year what he could do to reduce his budget. Even though they are up on their average inmate count from two years ago, they are looking at ways to reduce costs. One concern was overtime, especially to some of the senior corrections officers. Although the 12-hour shift was requested by roadside, within corrections, officers are boxed in there. We will try this for a three-month period and the change should save some money. Officers will have a more “lumped” chunk of time off. MOTION BY ZEMAITIS TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE THE LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF LEELANAU THE SHERIFF OF LEELANAU COUNTY, THE POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN (POAM) AND THE COMMAND OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN (COAM), AS PRESENTED. SECOND RUSHTON & RENTENBACH. Discussion. Commissioner Rushton asked Roush, what will the work week look for a typical employee? Roush said officers typically work two days and are off three, and then work three and are off two. More comments followed on scheduling. Discussion. Commissioner Lautner complimented the scheduling change. Lautner asked and Lt. Roush responded the letter does state a specific time frame. Lautner asked and Administrator Janik noted Corporate Counsel Peter Cohl authored the Letter of Understanding. Sheriff Borkovich said they will stagger the shifts, adding the change has worked successfully for the Road Patrol. He noted Deputies are out on the Road beginning at 7 a.m., and there has not been a fatal traffic accident in 17 months. Borkovich said they will reevaluate the Corrections work schedule in three months. Commissioner Bunek questioned and Lt. Roush explained how this works for holidays. Bunek asked and Roush responded the staffing numbers over the 24-hour period are the same. Someone working a holiday will have 68 hours of straight time, and 12 hours of holiday. If they were scheduled off on a holiday, they would have 80 hours of straight time and 8 additional hours for not working the holiday, paid at the straight time rate. More discussion ensued. Borkovich noted there is a lot of overtime being paid due to shift differentials. AYES – 7 (Zemaitis, Bunek, Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED.

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Sheriff – Acceptance of Donation: Lt. Roush said the Morrises have donated $100.00 to the Inmate Art Project. MOTION BY WATKOSKI TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO ACCEPT THE $100.00 DONATION FROM GERALD AND GERALDINE MORRIS TO FUND THE INMATE ART PROJECT; FUNDS TO BE DEPOSITED INTO #213-000-000-675-000. SECOND BUNEK & RENTENBACH. Discussion. Commissioner Zemaitis said she loves the art projects – it is very nice of the Morrises to donate toward this. Sheriff Borkovich said the project is part of that mental escape for the trustees. Commissioner Watkoski said we have some very talented inmates. Borkovich noted they also have the inmate garden going again. It offsets somewhere between $3,500.00 to $5,000.00 a year in food costs. Commissioner Rushton said we do show our inmates a certain level of respect. Our objective is to have these inmates walk away from their experiences. Borkovich concurred, adding they have a lot of comments from others noting how respectful the Corrections Division is. AYES – 7 (Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek, Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Sheriff – 2014 Marine Safety Program Grant Application: Marine Commander Charlie Belanger was present along with Sheriff Borkovich. Belanger said the grant agreement just arrived yesterday. They have a grant application for $28,700.00. It is a 75/25 match grant between the State of Michigan and Leelanau County. No new equipment grants will be awarded this year. The Leelanau County Marine Division has seasonal marine patrol deputies enforcing the Marine Safety Act for the State of Michigan. They are on the water in boats. There are three deputies that work full-time during the season, and one part-time patrol person. They have five boats and patrol the shorelines from Elmwood to Empire as needed. They go where most of the boat traffic is, including the offshore islands – the Fox and Manitou islands. They also patrol inland lakes in the County. They are busy this time of year planning summer events. They have boats on the lakes where fireworks will be going off – including Northport and Elmwood. Belanger noted the Blue Angels will return to Grand Traverse Bay. The majority of the marine boat traffic comes out of Leelanau County. Most of the boats launched to view the event come out of Elmwood, Suttons Bay and Northport. Even people from Traverse City come to the County marinas to launch. The Marine Division spends a lot of time practicing and training for search and rescue. On Sunday they encountered a couple of kayakers about one mile offshore, in inappropriately-sized kayaks. They were concerned about whether they would make it back to shore, so they towed them in. They spend a lot of time educating people – sometimes on AM 580. Belanger provided more examples of situations where a rescue of educational instruction was appropriate. Belanger noted the surface temperatures of the lake are not even 50 degrees. Commissioner Lautner questioned and Belanger responded on dry drowning symptoms.

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MOTION BY WATKOSKI TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE THE ANNUAL MARINE SAFETY GRANT AGREEMENT APPLICATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $28,700.00. SECOND LAUTNER. AYES – 7 (Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek, Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Commander Belanger noted when Sheriff Borkovich took over, they reviewed the potential for adding snowmobiling patrols. A long time ago, the County did have a snowmobile patrol. Based on last winter’s needs assessment, they had so few calls due to the extreme temperatures and levels of snow, they decided not to apply for a grant. Borkovich said the grant is an 80/20 match with the DNR covering 80% of the costs for the snowmobile. They made the decision to address it in the future. Borkovich said with regard to the Marine program, the County had three drownings in the County last year. Boats are required to be registered. Two of the three drownings involved nonregistered boats. We have a continuing problem now. Borkovich commented on wake boards – users are not required by law to wear a life preserver. He also commented on the use of rafts and inner tubes on Lake Michigan without flotation devices. Borkovich said one thing brought up to him a few weeks ago is that the Leland Fire Department will not provide marine rescue service with their boat. Down the road, the County needs to look at the possibility of adding a “Great Lakes” boat at Leland Marina. We have a 26-footer, but it is marginal in water. When you get up to thresholds of 8 to 10 feet, the Coast Guard has certain regulations, which is something we will have to address as a County, whether this is in terms of applying for a Federal grant or via County funding, we need to look at the potential of adding a Great Lakes boat at Leland. Borkovich said there is the potential of a large casualty situation with the ferry boats that travel between the islands and the mainland. Marine safety will always be a concern. Discussion ensued on inland lakes, specifications for a Great Lakes boat, and the age and condition of the existing fleet. Administration – Leland Property Real Estate Contract: Mark Eckhoff, Senior Associate with Three West. Eckhoff had distributed a marketing plan regarding the Leland Property (on file with the County Clerk’s Office). Eckhoff said the primary target market is someone in the business of developing land, and would accept the PUD (Planned Unit Development) in place. The people they are targeting on the Commercial side are the high end single family residential builders, multi-family developers, real estate investors and other real estate brokers. The secondary market is for a high net worth individual who would want to purchase the entire parcel. Eckhoff reviewed the proposed marketing strategy which includes local exposure, by putting it on the Three West website, which allows anyone to review the property. It is a search engine that allows others to view the property and the details. Three West has statewide exposure; once it is listed, it will be on “CPIX”, a marketing tool commercial users frequently utilize.

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Eckhoff added they also have national exposure, with virtual marketing methods. LoopNet and CoStar is more national. The fourth strategy – Three West has its own newsletter, produced quarterly. They send it out to everyone in their database, with over 6,000 contacts, as well as the various social media networks. They also have contacts with people on other projects, which he has already done with two parties in particular. They want to “start the buzz” that the property is available. One thing he hadn’t mentioned was the proposed listing price. The good news is the County has an appraisal, even if Commissioners don’t like the appraisal. If anyone were to buy this and seek financing, the first thing the lending institution will say they want to look at the appraisal. The suggested listing price is $1.492 million. Commissioner Rushton mentioned and Eckhoff responded that the Cedar Street parcel, which Leland Township had just agreed to option, was mentioned to him today. Discussion followed on the estimated value of that parcel and the appraisal. Eckhoff said Commissioners need to go by the appraisal, not by what money is coming from the sale. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Zemaitis said the indicated value, excluding the Cedar Street parcel adjacent to the fire station, is $1.421 million. MOTION BY BUNEK TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE THE SIGNING OF THE CONTRACT, WITH THREE WEST, WITH THE EXCLUSION OF THE CEDAR STREET PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE FIRE HALL. SECOND RENTENBACH. Discussion. Commissioner Zemaitis questioned language regarding private access to dock and boat slip. Administrator Janik clarified – property owners can put in a dock – there isn’t a dock at this time. Janik said he and Planning Director Galla met with Leland Township Supervisor Cal Little and Leland Township Zoning Administrator Tim Cypher to review the PUD, so that is allowable. Zemaitis then questioned the use of the term irrevocable. Eckhoff responded there is an end date, it is approximately a six month contract, but that doesn’t mean we couldn’t mutually agree to extend. Zemaitis questioned and Eckhoff responded the 6% is the total amount of the commission, regardless if the duties are split among other entities. They will clean up the language prior to next Tuesday. Discussion followed. Commissioner Zemaitis asked Janik, has Attorney Cohl reviewed the contract? Janik responded he will review the agreement prior to next Tuesday. Discussion continued on the terms of the agreement. AYES – 7 (Bunek, Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Prosecutor – 2014/2015 Title IV-E Reimbursement Program: Prosecuting Attorney Joseph T. Hubbell was present. Hubbell said this is the Title IV-E contract where the County is paid by the State to represent the Department of Human Services, or DHS. We represent the petitioners. Hubbell said from his experience, it has worked out pretty well. It is important in a small community for us to have our hands on how people are being treated. Probate and Family Court Judge Nelson and his staff do a

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very good job. This contract needs to be approved and sent down to the Sate. Hubbell reviewed the effective dates of the contract. Commissioner Watkoski asked and Hubbell responded it is needed in times of foster care cases, which are very involved and expensive. MOTION BY RENTENBACH TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE THE APPLICATION FOR A 15-MONTH CONTRACT FOR THE TITLE IV-E REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM WITH THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, JULY THROUGH SEPTEMBER, 2014, AND ALL OF FY 2015 – OCTOBER 2014 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2015 – TO REIMBURSE THE COUNTY IN ABUSE AND NEGLECT CASES. SECOND RUSHTON. AYES – 7 (Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek, Lautner) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. A break was taken at 11:20 a.m. Back in session at 11:29 a.m. Administrator – Review of “Confidential Attorney/Client Privilege” Correspondence: MOTION BY BUNEK TO GO INTO CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS AN ATTORNEY/ CLIENT PRIVILEGE CORRESPONDENCE/WRITTEN LEGAL OPINION DATED JUNE 9, 2014, PURSUANT TO SECTION 8(h) OF THE OPEN MEETING ACT. SECOND ZEMAITIS. ROLL CALL: Bunek – YES; Lautner – YES; Rentenbach – YES; Rushton – YES; Van Pelt – YES; Watkoski – YES; Zemaitis – YES. AYES – 7 NO – 0 MOTION CARRIED. Closed Session began at 11:31 a.m. MOTION BY RENTENBACH TO GO BACK INTO OPEN SESSION. SECOND BUNEK. AYES – 7 (Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek, Lautner) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Open Session resumed at 12:01 p.m. Chairman Van Pelt noted the DTE representative is present and asked that he be moved up on the agenda. Administrator – Natural Gas vs. Propane Options: Administrator Janik said he has been exploring the option of converting the fuel services to natural gas. This subject been discussed for seven years, with a formal proposal made in 2011, but it was never presented to the Board. They have looked at options for the last several months with both DTE and Tri-Gas. Currently, the County has an exclusive contract with Tri-Gas, and the terms are if we were to switch providers, we would have to buy out the lines coming in to both the Law Enforcement Center and the Government

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Center. The cost was quoted two weeks ago at $95,000.00. Janik added Commissioner Lautner has been quite vocal on this issue since at least 2006. Janik continued – the contract with the jail was in signed in 2006, and in 2008 for the Government Center. DTE provided a proposal in 2011, and updated it last month. Suresh Bhargava, marketing representative for DTE, was present and distributed a hand out (on file with the County Clerk’s Office). Bhargava said he is the principal marketing specialist for DTE. Bhargava provided a PowerPoint presentation, which outlined the steps involved in bringing the gas line to the campus buildings, as well as specifications on hook ups. Bhargava noted this price is final and valid for 60 days. The next step is either “go” or “no go”. If Commissioners choose to install, because of the way energy prices have fluctuated, DTE would need to see the payment before June 30 in order to do the drawings, apply for the permits, set up the bypass and get the lines in to do the conversion. Administrator Janik noted in anticipation, they contacted Gary O’Connor, about potentially performing the conversion, and his estimate is about $8,000.00. Discussion. Chairman Van Pelt asked and Bhargava responded the existing lines in the building should suffice for what you have. Janik clarified the external lines are owned by Tri-Gas, the internal lines are owned by the County. Commissioner Bunek said the internal lines are black pipe, so they will work for natural gas. Discussion followed on whether adjacent property owners had been approached and installation timelines. Commissioner Watkoski asked and Bhargava responded in order for DTE to start, they will need to be paid out two checks of $300.00 each, which sets up an account, and starts the order. Janik said DTE will need $600.00 to start, with a balance of $151,899.00 due by June 30. Discussion ensued on potential cost savings. Commissioner Lautner asked and Bhargava reviewed facts about natural gas featured on the handout. Discussion ensued regarding whether the pipeline would handle any future expansion. Lautner questioned the line positioning. Bhargava responded he will walk the grounds with maintenance. Discussion ensued. Bhargava stressed if anything is disturbed during construction, DTE will fix it. He continued to review the advantages of using natural gas. Commissioner Rushton asked, where will the $151,000.00 come from? Janik said he will discuss this with County Clerk Crocker and Treasurer Gallagher and come back to the Board. MOTION BY BUNEK TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH DTE ENERGY TO CONVERT THE GOVERNMENT CENTER AND THE JAIL FROM PROPANE TO NATURAL GAS. SECOND RUSHTON. Discussion.

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MOTION AMENDED BY BUNEK TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE A CONTRACT WITH DTE ENERGY TO CONVERT THE GOVERNMENT CENTER AND THE JAIL TO NATURAL GAS, PENDING CORPORATE COUNSEL APPROVAL. SECOND AMENDED BY RUSHTON. AYES – 7 (Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek, Lautner) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Commissioner Zemaitis asked if the Leland Township Property Option could be heard now, as Little has been here all morning. Discussion followed on procedure. Administrator – Leland Property Real Estate Contract: Cal Little, Leland Township Supervisor. Little said he doesn’t have particulars, but at last night’s Leland Township meeting, the Township voted to exercise its option to purchase the County’s (Cedar Street) property. Little said he would suggest he make a call to Janik’s office to set up a meeting on the particulars. Chairman Van Pelt remarked, the extension is off the table, and you will exercise the option? Little affirmed; the option is good through the end of June. Discussion followed on the steps involved. Janik said no board action required, as we have a legal contract with the Township. Discussion. Planning and Community Development – Housing Review Committee Appointments: Planning Director Trudy Galla present. Galla said they had two applicants express an interest for the positions. One is John Visser, who is on the REACH board and is a banker. Betty Bushey is an Elmwood Township resident. Discussion ensued on where the applicants live. MOTION BY LAUTNER TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPOINT BETTY BUSHEY AND JOHN VISSER TO ONE-YEAR TERMS ON THE HOUSING REVIEW COMMITTEE. SECOND RUSHTON. Discussion. Commissioner Zemaitis said she had spoke with Galla on this; in looking at the people on the board, she sees nothing wrong with either candidate, but she would like to see someone with knowledge of construction, zoning, planning – something to do with these projects they will be giving mortgages for. She has no objection to either one. If you know of anyone, encourage them to apply. Commissioner Lautner agreed, saying the one-year term is a good fit. AYES – 7 (Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Planning and Community Development – Acceptance of EPA Assessment Grants: Galla said they have received two grants from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency); this is formal acceptance by the County Board. The application was submitted by Leelanau County, and that the BRA (Brownfield Redevelopment Authority) would administer the grants as has been done in the past. She also double-checked with the Project Manager with the EPA, there isn’t a formal grant agreement to be signed; instead, we are to complete a check list and documentation that will go back to them. As we begin

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projects, that initiates the actual grant. Commissioner Watkoski asked and Galla responded a work plan has already been submitted in draft form with the application and a budget. A formal plan will then go to the EPA. MOTION BY RENTENBACH TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO ACCEPT THE 2014 EPA HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES ASSESSMENT GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $200,000.00 AND THE 2014 EPA PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $200,000.00 WITH THE LEELANAU COUNTY BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND STAFF TO ADMINISTER THE GRANTS ON BEHALF OF LEELANAU COUNTY. SECOND ZEMAITIS. Discussion. Commissioner Rushton asked Galla, what happens if we don’t use all the dollars? Galla responded we don’t receive the money until it is expended on projects. Commissioner Watkoski asked Galla if she has any particular projects in mind? Galla affirmed, saying they have a list of over 120 sites in the County, from a DEQ list that includes such things as hazardous materials sites, sites people have nominated and there are also unknown sites individuals haven’t come forward on yet. We have also had people contact us for assistance. Commissioner Zemaitis congratulated Galla for her work on this; these are not easy grants to obtain. Commissioner Rentenbach concurred. Commissioner Rushton said when these properties are identified and cleaned up, is the title tarnished in anyway? Galla responded not that she is aware of. Discussion followed. Rushton remarked this is a job well done on Galla’s part. Commissioner Bunek questioned the former log home property along M-22. Galla reviewed the timeline of events regarding this parcel – it still isn’t totally cleaned up; because they had the assessment grant dollars, they borrowed it from the Land Bank, identified everything there, and obtain a blight elimination grant from the Land Bank and upon resale they will recoup that money. It worked out very well on that site, and will also help the proposed new property owner identify what is on that site. Bunek remarked, so there is nothing on the title that would be detrimental to that property. Galla said no. Galla remarked that the trip she and Janik took to Chicago to meet with the EPA regarding the GTOS site helped with these grants. They were able to review the information with them on why they didn’t receive the grants last year, and that strengthened these grants. Janik concurred, saying the personal contact helped. AYES – 7 (Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek, Lautner) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Community Corrections – Annual Grant Renewal Application: Administrator Janik noted this is a grant that has been approved for many years now. The person that normally comes to present had a conflict. The terms and conditions are the same as in previous years. Commissioner Watkoski asked and Janik responded he can get a figure for next week.

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Leelanau County Resolution #2014-xxx Community Corrections Renewal Application for FY 2015

WHEREAS, In July of 2012 the Leelanau County Board of Commissioners approved submission of the 3-year Plan and Application to the Department of Corrections, Office of Communication Alternatives (Resolution 104-2012); and, WHEREAS, the grant was for three (3) years starting with fiscal year 2013 and was consistent with the prior year’s funding amount; and, WHEREAS, now the application requires renewal approval from the Leelanau County Board of Commissioners to continue funding for the next fiscal year with no changes or amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, THAT Leelanau County approve the submission of the Community Corrections FY 2015 Grant Renewal and Plan as presented. AYES – 7 (Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek, Lautner) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Equalization – 2014 Tax Rate Request, L4029: Equalization Director Laurie Spencer was present. Spencer said the request is due to the local units so they can print their summer tax bills, to be levied July 1. There were no roll backs, so the maximum allowable is 3.5393. Discussion followed on a motion. Clerk stated last year’s motion. Discussion. Commissioner Bunek asked Spencer, do we need to make the form for the maximum amount or can the amount be less? Spencer said the Board could make it for less. Bunek said this is the rate we will charge for taxes; Leelanau County currently has a $7 million fund. If we wanted to reduce that fund, we could ask for less. Spencer clarified you can ask for less, you just can’t ask for more than that amont. Bunek said if we wanted to lower the taxes we charge, we would have to change the amount. Spencer said Commissioners would have to change the amount in column 10, the millage to be requested. Bunek said he is actually going by information from the Enterprise, in which they discussed the County’s fund balance. It really made him think about this rate. If we reduce it, we put money back into people’s pockets. Bunek said we should consider lowering the amount.

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Chairman Van Pelt asked Spencer, can we get something to show what the different rates will bring in, in an appropriate level? Janik said he will work with the Treasurer to prepare a chart listing the rates. Commissioner Rushton commended Bunek on his recommendation, so that we can provide some relief to our citizens. MOTION BY BUNEK TO TABLE THE 2014 TAX RATE REQUEST, L-4029, UNTIL NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT. SECOND RUSHTON & ZEMAITIS. AYES – 7 (Bunek, Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Information Technology – RSA Security Authentication Manager and Associated Licenses: Plamondon said – this is what he had discussed earlier; the LEIN, or Law Enforcement Information Network, is what dispatch and deputies use to run Driver’s Licenses and criminal histories with. It is a secure network, and we connect through Grand Traverse County. During a security audit, they found we were out of compliance because of our virtual private network (VPN) connections, which isn’t secure enough for the Michigan State Police, which require dual authentication. Plamondon said he did some research after he found we were out of compliance. RSA provides dual authentication. It will cost $5,200.00, which he didn’t budget for, as he didn’t realize we needed it. None of our connections actually touch LEIN, but the State says anything that comes in and attaches to the same network needs the security. Commissioner Bunek asked and Plamondon noted he had asked for three quotes, but two of the vendors aren’t authorized to sell the service. In addition, this will fit with our Sonic firewall like a glove. MOTION BY RUSHTON TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF THE RSA SECURITY AUTHENTICATION MANAGER AND ASSOCIATED LICENSES IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,238.01, WITH FUNDS TO COME FROM THE DATA PROCESSING FUND, #636. SECOND RENTENBACH. Discussion ensued on whether it would be an advantage to lease. Plamondon said this is something he wouldn’t lease. He likes leasing in some circumstances. It is a very compact unit. AYES – 7 (Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek, Lautner, Rentenbach) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Senior Services – Acceptance of Contributions: Senior Services Administrative Assistant Cathy Hartesvelt was present on behalf of Senior Services Director April Missias, who is on maternity leave. Hartesvelt is seeking approval to accept donations from –

Contributions from Private Sources– • Ardith Bugai, thank you/homemaking ........................................ $100.00

Otto D. Gallup, Payroll deduction contribution through United Way ................................................................... $4.56

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MOTION BY WATKOSKI TO ACCEPT CONTRIBUTIONS GIVEN TO LEELANAU COUNTY SENIOR SERVICES TOTALING $104.56, TO BE PLACED INTO LEELANAU COUNTY SENIOR SERVICES CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRIVATE SOURCES ACCOUNT, #281-000.000-675.000. SECOND BUNEK & LAUTNER. Discussion followed on where the funds go. Commissioner Bunek asked and Hartesvelt responded Missias does send a handwritten thank you. AYES – 7 (Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek, Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. A break was taken at 12:52 p.m. Back in session at 1:22 p.m. Administrator – GTB 2% Allocation Request, Damage Assessment “Go To” Kits: Administrator Janik said the deadline is June 30; only one grant request has been submitted at this time. Commissioner Lautner suggested asking the Sheriff to make a request on behalf of the Marine Patrol. Janik noted it would have to be approved by next Tuesday. Janik added the Sheriff had mentioned a specialized rain gear that was expensive. Discussion ensued. Janik to follow up. MOTION BY ZEMAITIS TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE SUBMISSION OF THE GRAND TRAVERSE BAND 2% ALLOCATION REQUEST FOR DAMAGE ASSESSMENT “GO TO” KITS IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,294.00. SECOND RUSHTON. Discussion ensued on what was included within the kit and who the kits were for. Chairman Van Pelt said the kits are used to help the people out there on the ground. Discussion followed. AYES – 7 (Zemaitis, Bunek, Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Administrator – Natural Gas vs. Propane Options: Item addressed earlier in the meeting. Administrator – Suttons Bay Downtown Development Authority: Administrator Janik said Commissioners have a proposed resolution from Corporate Counsel David Stoker and a memo from the Leelanau County Road Commission. Chairman Van Pelt asked and Janik responded legally the County Board has to vote on the Road Commission on whether or not to include it. We have one resolution, which (exempts) Senior Services, the County and the Road Commission. MOTION BY LAUTNER TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE LEELANAU COUNTY RESOLUTION #2014-xxx, RESOLUTION TO EXEMPT LEELANAU COUNTY PROPERTY TAX REVENUES FROM CAPTURE BY THE VILLAGE OF SUTTONS BAY DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, AS PRESENTED.

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WHEREAS, the Suttons Bay Village Council held a public hearing on May 19, 2014, for the purpose of adopting an ordinance creating a Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and establishing the boundaries of the DDA district, which ordinance could take effect sixty (60) days after the public hearing; and

WHEREAS, Leelanau County property tax revenues, including the County general allocated taxes and County extra voted taxes, such as the Roads and Highways Maintenance and Repair Millage taxes and Senior Citizens Services Millage taxes, may be subject to capture by a tax increment financing plan that may be proposed by the Suttons Bay DDA and approved by the Suttons Bay Village Council; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to MCL 125.1653(3), Leelanau County may exempt its property taxes from capture by the Suttons Bay DDA by adopting a resolution to that effect within sixty (60) days of the May 19, 2014, public hearing, which resolution takes effect when filed with the Suttons Bay Village Clerk; and

WHEREAS, the resolution exempting Leelanau County property taxes from capture by the Suttons Bay DDA remains effective until a copy of a resolution rescinding that resolution is filed with the Suttons Bay Village Clerk; and

WHEREAS, Leelanau County may consider on a case by case basis entering into to limited duration tax sharing agreements with the Suttons Bay DDA and the Suttons Bay Village Council, as authorized pursuant to MCL 124.505a and MCL 125.1653(3), to share a portion of the captured assessed value of the DDA district taxes for specific infrastructure improvements that the County Board of Commissioners determines would benefit the County as a whole.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to MCL 125.1653(3), Leelanau County hereby exempts its property taxes from capture by the Village of Suttons Bay DDA, including the exemption of County general allocated taxes and current and future County extra voted taxes, such as the County Roads and Highways Maintenance and Repair Millage taxes and County Senior Citizens Services Millage taxes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk shall immediately file a copy of this Resolution with the Suttons Bay Village Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to MCL 125.1653(3), this Resolution takes effect when filed with the Suttons Bay Village Clerk and remains effective until a copy of a resolution rescinding this resolution is filed with the Suttons Bay Village Clerk.

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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Leelanau County may consider on a case by case basis entering into to limited duration tax sharing agreements with the Suttons Bay DDA and the Suttons Bay Village Council to share a portion of the captured assessed value of the DDA district taxes for specific infrastructure improvements that the County Board of Commissioners determines would benefit the County as a whole. SECOND ZEMAITIS. Discussion. Commissioner Watkoski questioned the amount of taxes which would affect the County. Administrator Janik said that is difficult to predict. Currently, there is approximately $47,000.00 within that proposed district. Any increase would go to the DDA. Part of the challenge is if the Board approves the Resolution, it protects the County’s interest. The Board can modify this at any time. If you don’t opt out, you cannot modify. Janik said the BATA board is opting out and he was told the Suttons Bay Township Board may be opting out. Chairman Van Pelt added we can say we will participate at a certain percentage of the value. If we don’t opt out, we could be involved for a minimum of 20 years. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Rentenbach said it’s interesting you said Suttons Bay Township may opt out, after Suttons Bay Township Supervisor Bahle had spoke in favor of the DDA asking for the County’s support. Rentenbach remarked that by the County opting out, we wouldn’t be hurting them in any way; they can still form the DDA. Administrator Janik said the County’s legal counsel had said he didn’t know why any government entity wouldn’t opt out, just to protect itself. We don’t know what the Village Council will pass. Commissioner Zemaitis said it was stated BATA has been in other DDAs, and one of the reasons why, is because they didn’t know they could opt-out, or that there was a 60-day period. Now that they know that, their reasoning is quite a bit like ours. Commissioner Watkoski said she is curious why they were so adamant that the County participate. Janik said the County is the largest taxing unit outside of the village that would impact this. We have taken the leadership of obtaining a legal opinion and a resolution, which other units of government have requested copies of. Commissioner Rushton said it was mentioned that Suttons Bay is a “coastal community”; we can look at Elmwood, Bingham Suttons Bay, Northport, Leland and others around the Peninsula and say each one of those entities is a coastal community. When we take a look nationally at what is going on in the economy, we know the economy is stagnant. We all want to see economic growth, which is the answer to a lot of our problems in our County. We all recognize the only way to obtain growth is to get the townships to relax zoning. When we approve a certain coastal community, or sanction this type of arrangement for this community, why won’t the other communities do the same thing to bring in special tax dollars for their individual communities? She is opposed to the DDA in Suttons Bay. She is against the idea of a special board appointed with jurisdiction over these locations. When you segregate tax dollars that way, what do you do when the fire station needs a new fire truck? Those dollars are lost and the rest of the taxpayers need

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to make up that funding to meet the needs of the community. Rushton said she is opposed to DDAs. She thinks for us as a Board, we need to look at the broader scope and let each one of our other coastal communities provide the same argument and request this same funding. Commissioner Lautner said her thought is very much similar to Commissioner Rushton’s; what they want to do in their village, is great for their economic development. If their board approves it and two-thirds of the businesses have supposedly signed on, she thinks they have some things to work out first. Her vote to support this resolution isn’t anti-DDA or anti-EDC. It is premature and detrimental of us not to approve this resolution. Commissioner Bunek said this is the first DDA in Leelanau County. We need to approach it cautiously. He is in support of this DDA – it is their money. This is money the owners in those buildings will have to pay. It is assessed as a tax, but they have to earn it to pay it. Without those businesses, those tax dollars aren’t there. It’s a matter of whose going to spend their tax dollars. As the values increase, will the County decide how to spend their tax dollars, or will they decide how to spend that money? This is just on the increase. Commissioner Bunek said for years, we gave $15,000.00 to the EDC and didn’t blink an eye until last year. Already, you have given $10,850.00 for economic development to the Leelanau Peninsula Chamber of Commerce. Bunek said he believes they should be able to use their own tax dollars for their own economic development. But at what rate and for how long? He will vote for this resolution, because we need to figure out. It should be a percentage so they can fix a sidewalk, put in bathrooms, etc. – all those things a community can use to grow that community. Leelanau County will be improved by this business district building up. He will vote for the resolution, because we need to consider this, but he hopes at some point Commissioners will look at allowing Suttons Bay businesses to spend at least a portion of their tax dollars on their businesses. Chairman Van Pelt agreed; we should set some policy towards that end. If it happens in Suttons Bay, it will in other places and we need to be consistent. He supports it for economic purposes. At the same time, we can’t enter into an open-ended contract not knowing for how many years, or what that amount is. He is in full support of this resolution. Commissioner Rentenbach said when we discussed this last month, we were told we could always opt-in on certain projects. To sign up for an unknown period of time doesn’t make sense. Commissioner Watkoski agreed, saying we should support a village like Suttons Bay in some manner. But it is difficult to support something without any numbers. She will support this resolution, but agrees with Bunek we should be cautious. We need economic development, or we will continue to have families leaving. We should look into it and see what our options are.

Page 22: LEELANAU COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSTraverse Overall Supply) site in Elmwood Township. The TCAPS (Traverse City Area Public Schools) board had passed the same resolution last night

Leelanau County Board of Commissioners Executive Committee – June 10, 2014


Commissioner Lautner said we talk about rolling the County millage back, which will affect all 11 townships, this would just support the village. We do need everything economic development can bring us, such as jobs. We just got a new statistic in her Council of Governments packet on demographics for Leelanau. With regard to manufacturing, we are “laughable” compared to the other 10 counties. It goes back to more than zoning; we want it, but not here. More comments followed. AYES – 7 (Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Administrator – Hay Contract at Myles Kimmerly: Administrator Janik said he received the contract from Cohl Stoker & Toskey yesterday afternoon and had emailed a copy late yesterday to Commissioners. Commissioner Lautner said while this seems cumbersome and heavy, there are things she had not thought about. It is something that needs to be done so (Alton Smith) knows his limitations. This is well done. The only thing that crossed her mind is with the termination; a 30-day clause. The only thing that might override it, is within the Right To Farm Act, you have the right to get your crop off. He may be able to get at least one or two cuttings. Janik said it still puts the County in the driver’s seat. MOTION BY LAUTNER TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE THE HAY CONTRACT WITH ALTON SMITH AND AUTHORIZE THE BOARD CHAIRMAN TO SIGN. SECOND BUNEK. Discussion. Commissioner Bunek remarked it is time we have this. It is good we see a contract prior to approval. AYES – 7 (Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek, Lautner, Rentenbach) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Administrator – Window Tinting: Administrator Janik said when the Government Center was constructed, there was supposed to be a tint applied to all western-exposed windows, per the initial specification. It is a serious issue. He received an estimate to do all 15 windows with night vision film to see out but block UV rays, at a cost of $2,860.00. They contacted three companies, and only one responded. It is just on this level; they haven’t mentioned a problem upstairs. Discussion. Janik added the quote was provided by Three West Glass Coating of Walker, Michigan. Chairman Van Pelt said Janik should make sure everyone upstairs is contacted prior to accepting the proposal. Janik said he can get a price for both levels. Discussion. MOTION BY BUNEK TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WITH THREE WEST GLASS COATING FOR WINDOW TINTING, AND CHECK WITH THE UPSTAIRS OFFICES. Motion by Bunek withdrawn. Discussion followed on contacting other offices within the complex. Window tinting to be added to the Regular Session agenda for next Tuesday.

Page 23: LEELANAU COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSTraverse Overall Supply) site in Elmwood Township. The TCAPS (Traverse City Area Public Schools) board had passed the same resolution last night

Leelanau County Board of Commissioners Executive Committee – June 10, 2014


Administrator – Leland Property Real Estate Contract: Discussed and acted upon earlier. Administrator – Administrator Annual Evaluation: Withdrawn. Special Reports by Staff, Commissioners, and Affiliated Agencies: Commissioner Lautner commented on the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments (COG) joint session with the Workforce Development Board (WDB), which was held last night, with approximately 30 members meeting round table. Administrator Janik also was in attendance. Lautner said this is a prelude to the newer, larger board. She felt it was very cumbersome. It got interesting when it boiled down to a vote on things. Each entity had a separate vote and clearly it wasn’t the same thing. The COG is responsible for the budget and the liability of it. Lautner also discussed the upcoming “Beaver Island retreat” – a very costly event for 30 people, as the WDB has also been invited to attend. The WDB has gone ahead with approval of the prosperity board, which the COG tabled. Many counties are comfortable with the answers; a few are not. We haven’t discussed the issue as a board. Janik said there are 63 members on the board, one-third is a majority, so if 20 of the voting members are attending, 11 members can remove individuals. Lautner added for no reason, and make decisions. Discussion ensued. Janik noted there are only 10 county commissioners on it; the rest of the members will be picked by the COG board. A vote of the 10 would be drowned out by the new prosperity board. Chairman Van Pelt asked about the majority. Commissioner Lautner said there will be a board comprised of 63 people which includes 10 commissioners, the workforce development board of about 20 members, with an additional 20 members to be added. It isn’t 32 for a majority, but one-third, or 21 for a majority. If only 21 people show up, 11 could decide. Discussion. Commissioner Rushton suggested maybe it is time to look at Leelanau County’s involvement. Discussion ensued. Chairman Van Pelt commented on a recently held League of Women Voters event which he attended with Commissioner Rentenbach on the changing demographics of Leelanau County. Commissioner Rentenbach commented on a recently held meeting of the Benzie/ Leelanau District Health Board, which is putting out a request for proposals on a contract to share some services with neighboring districts. Some services, such as the health officer, Technicians, billing – whatever services they are interested in sharing with us, to solve some of the financial problems with the Health Department. Commissioner Zemaitis remarked on BATA’s “bike and ride” program, which will be available again for the summer. Because the route from Suttons Bay to Traverse City was so well used, they will do one from Traverse City to Glen Arbor/Empire.

Page 24: LEELANAU COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSTraverse Overall Supply) site in Elmwood Township. The TCAPS (Traverse City Area Public Schools) board had passed the same resolution last night

Leelanau County Board of Commissioners Executive Committee – June 10, 2014


Commissioner Rushton said she wanted to make everyone aware that Cherry Capital Airport is a storm ready site; there are only two storm-ready sites in the State, and Cherry Capital is the only airport designated as a storm ready site. They are specifically trained to assist community in saving lives during different types of storms. They built a new tower and the old tower has been brought down. Commissioner Bunek said with regard to Parks and Recreation, he appreciates the (hay) contract. There has been a donation of a chair in honor of Lt. Gov. Connie Binsfeld that was recently accepted and should come before the full Board. To be added to next Tuesday night’s agenda. Commissioner Watkoski noted it is a beautiful stone bench. Commissioner Watkoski said the Solid Waste Council is still looking for a location in Lake Leelanau. Commissioner Bunek asked haven’t we received a 2% grant for curbs? Watkoski mentioned potential difficulties with the curbs installed at the Elmwood site. Discussion. Public Comment: None. Claims and Accounts: MOTION BY BUNEK TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $100,196.05. SECOND LAUTNER. AYES – 7 (Bunek, Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Miscellaneous Fund Transfers and Amendments: County Clerk Crocker and Staff Accountant Jennifer L. Zywicki were present. MOTION BY LAUTNER TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE BUDGET AMENDMENT #14-006. SECOND RUSHTON. Discussion. Crocker said in 2013, no funds were transferred. Now that number is clarified, this will establish the budget for the correct amount of funds and ties in with the fund transfer to be presented later. AYES – 7 (Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. MOTION BY LAUTNER TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE BUDGET AMENDMENT #14-007. SECOND BUNEK. Discussion. Crocker said this amendment moves money from General Fund contingency to Operating Transfers out for hospitalization and adjusts the revenue. We are experiencing higher expenditures than we budgeted for; we have eight known cases we will reach the stop loss on. AYES – 7 (Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED.

Page 25: LEELANAU COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSTraverse Overall Supply) site in Elmwood Township. The TCAPS (Traverse City Area Public Schools) board had passed the same resolution last night

Leelanau County Board of Commissioners Executive Committee – June 10, 2014


MOTION BY LAUTNER TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE BUDGET AMENDMENT #14-008. SECOND BUNEK. Discussion. Crocker said this amendment is regarding Housing Administration; a related fund, #277 – the Home Grant Fund – had an allowable transfer. This was an amendment requested by Galla. AYES – 7 (Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. MOTION BY LAUTNER TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE BUDGET AMENDMENT #14-009. SECOND BUNEK. Discussion. Crocker said this is a clean up from 2013. We are decreasing the charges for services and increasing the fund balance forward. We are taking money out of fund balance in order to reduce the charges for services to other departments. The Board had wanted to use Fund Balance, and we had budgeted it out of the fund we were going to do charges for services. Zywicki added they were charging all of the departments for that, but the money was already there. She charged the departments correctly, but didn’t change his revenue. AYES – 7 (Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. MOTION BY LAUTNER TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE BUDGET AMENDMENT #14-010. SECOND BUNEK & WATKOSKI. Discussion. Crocker said this is to adjust/amend the revenues and establish the budget for the recently approved Suttons Bay Village officer. AYES – 7 (Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Crocker noted the last sheet, Budget Amendment #14-011, they are recommending transferring from Contingency to operating transfers out within the General Fund, $4,000.00 to transfer to the Law Library Fund #269. Historically, the General Fund has done $10,000.00 to $12,000.00 of a transfer out to fund the Law Library. We have been running on fund balance the last couple of years. A number of bills have been received that have depleted that budgeted amount. Discussion. MOTION BY ZEMAITIS TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE BUDGET AMENDMENT #14-011. SECOND RENTENBACH & WATKOSKI. AYES – 7 (Zemaitis, Bunek, Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. MOTION BY LAUTNER TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE FUND TRANSFER #14-003. SECOND RUSHTON. Discussion. Crocker noted these transfers were all approved in the 2014 budget. AYES – 7 (Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED.

Page 26: LEELANAU COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSTraverse Overall Supply) site in Elmwood Township. The TCAPS (Traverse City Area Public Schools) board had passed the same resolution last night

Leelanau County Board of Commissioners Executive Committee – June 10, 2014


MOTION BY LAUTNER TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE FUND TRANSFER #14-004. SECOND ZEMAITIS. AYES – 7 (Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Commissioner Bunek asked and County Clerk Crocker responded funding for the proposed contract to convert from Propane to Natural Gas can come from Fund #470, which will be used for the window tinting as well. Post Audit: MOTION BY LAUTNER TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO APPROVE POST AUDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,265,668.75. SECOND RENTENBACH. AYES – 7 (Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis, Bunek) NO – 0 RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Adjourn: MOTION BY BUNEK TO ADJOURN. SECOND RENTENBACH. AYES – 7 (Bunek, Lautner, Rentenbach, Rushton, Van Pelt, Watkoski, Zemaitis) NO – 0 MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 2:22 p.m. __________________________________ ___________________________________ Tom Van Pelt, Chairman Laurel S. Evans Leelanau County Board of Commissioners Leelanau County Deputy Clerk