leg 320 week 9 quiz

LEG 320 Week 9 Quiz – Strayer Click on the Link Below to Purchase A+ Graded Course Material http://budapp.net/LEG-320-Week-9-Quiz-Strayer-450.htm CHAPTER 16 DRUG ABUSE AND ALCOHOL-RELATED CRIMES MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which of the following is NOT generally one of the elements of the crime of possession with intent to deliver? a . the accused possessed a large amount of an illegal drug b . the accused possessed scales c . the accused possessed a cellular phone d . the accused possessed a counterfeit credit card 432 2. In Gonzales v. Raich, the court reasoned that the private use of marijuana might have a . an adverse impact on federal drug laws b . a positive impact on federal drug laws c . an adverse impact on state drug laws d . a positive impact on state drug laws 443

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LEG 320 Week 9 QuizLEG/320 Week 9 Quiz


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LEG 320 Week 9 Quiz – Strayer

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1. Which of the following is NOT generally one of the elements of the crime of possession with intent to deliver?

a. the accused possessed a large amount of an illegal drugb. the accused possessed scalesc. the accused possessed a cellular phoned. the accused possessed a counterfeit credit card


2. In Gonzales v. Raich, the court reasoned that the private use of marijuana might havea. an adverse impact on federal drug lawsb. a positive impact on federal drug lawsc. an adverse impact on state drug lawsd. a positive impact on state drug laws


3. In Gonzales v. Raich, the court reasoned Congress had the power under the Commerce Clause to regulate

a. even purely intra-sate use of marijuanab. only purely intra-sate use of marijuanac. even purely inter-sate use of marijuanad. only purely inter-sate use of marijuana


4. All of the following are crimes under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act EXCEPTa. manufacture or delivery of an illegal drugb. possession with intent to deliver an illegal drugc. delivery or possession with intent to deliver a counterfeit substanced. possession of alcohol by a minor


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5. Medical use of marijuana is permitted in some states. Although medical users can be prosecuted under federal laws,

a. in 2010 the Justice Department said it would not prosecute medical usersb. in 2010 the Justice Department said it would prosecute medical usersc. in 2010 the U.S. Supreme Court said it would not prosecute medical usersd. in 2010 the U.S. Supreme Court said it would prosecute medical users


6. What is the most widely abused and misused drug in America and in many other countries?

a. alcoholb. methc. marijuanad. cocaine


7. The 2002 National Institutes of Health study surveyed drinking among the 8 million college and university students in the United States. What percentage of students were shown to drink in binges?

a. 44%b. 55%c. 40%d. 30%


8. How many alcohol-related student deaths are there each year?a. 1,445b. 2,545c. 3,645d. 4,745


9. The federal government and all states have enacted some form of the Uniforma. Narcotics Actb. Illegal Drug Actc. Dangerous Drug Actd. Controlled Substances Act


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10. The most common illegal drug charge is some form ofa. sellingb. buyingc. possessiond. trafficking


11. How many states currently have a “Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana” statute?a. 14b. 19c. 20d. 16


12. The Uniform Controlled Substances Act divides drugs into how many schedules?a. 3b. 5c. 7d. 9


13. A minority of states require that the defendant have possessed what minimum amount of the illegal substance to sustain a conviction?

a. a trace amountb. a usable amountc. a gramd. a bindle


14. What is the minimum amount of the illegal substance required to sustain a drug conviction by a majority of states?

a. usable amountb. trace amountc. any amountd. a gram


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15. In fourteen states, doctors may prescribe the personal use of what drug for pain management for people with serious illnesses?

a. cocaineb. marijuanac. heroind. methamphetamine


16. Challengers of the Federal Controlled Substances Act alleged Congress has no constitutional authority to prohibit the medical use of marijuana based on the

a. due process clauseb. equal protection clausec. interstate commerce claused. none of these answers are correct


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17. A defendant arrested in possession of a large amount of an illegal drug would most likely have been charged with the offense of

a. possession of a controlled substanceb. delivery of a controlled substancec. possession with intent to deliverd. possession of stolen property


18. In New Jersey an individual who provides an illegal drug to another, and that person dies as a result of ingesting the drug,

a. cannot be held liable for the deathb. may be held strictly liable for the deathc. will be found guilty of premeditated murderd. will be charged with a misdemeanor drug offense


19. Approximately what number of people are killed every day in the United States because of driving under the influence?

a. 50b. 100c. 25d. 150


20. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates the yearly costs of drunk driving to be

a. $45 billionb. $35 billionc. $25 billiond. $15 billion


21. Which of the following is a violation of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act?a. possession of a controlled substanceb. deliver a counterfeit substancec. manufacture a controlled substanced. all of these answers are correct


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22. What are the two types of possession?a. actual and constructiveb. real and actualc. real and constructived. actual and contractual


23. The “usable quantity” rule holds that a useless trace amount is nota. a usable amountb. a sufficient amountc. a chargeable amountd. a sufficient quantity


24. Delivery of an illegal drug can be either an actual delivery, or it could be the crime of possession of a controlled substance with

a. intent to deliverb. sufficient amount to deliverc. quantity of deliveryd. delivery potential


25. What drug is particularly dangerous because it is an unpredictable killer that can cause life-threatening complications that are not related to the dose taken, the length of use, or the manner in which the drug is taken?

a. cocaineb. heroinc. marijuanad. meth


26. Laws that make people who illegally manufacture, distribute, or dispense illegal drugs strictly liable for a death that results from the using such drugs are often called

a. Len Bias lawsb. Terrance Bianchi lawsc. Lawrence Brewer lawsd. Stephen Breyer laws


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27. Which of the following may qualify as delivery of an illegal drug?a. all of these may qualify as delivery of an illegal drugb. possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliverc. possession of a controlled substance with intent to selld. possession of a controlled substance with intent to transfer


28. British and U.S. studies of accidental deaths in the 1980s and a National Institutes of Health study in 2002 showed that alcohol has a high relationship to deaths caused by which of the following?

a. drowningb. chokingc. burnsd. all of these answers are correct


29. What percent of state prisoners were convicted of a violent crime while under the influence of alcohol alone?

a. 21%b. 31%c. 41%d. 51%


30. Which of the following is NOT a field sobriety test?a. the walk-and-turn testb. the HGB testc. the one-leg-stand testd. all of these are field sobriety tests



1. A suspect cannot be found to have been operating a motor vehicle by being behind the wheel of a car with the keys in the ignition.

2. The Uniform Controlled Substances Act lists marijuana as a Schedule I drug with the highest abuse potential.

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3. In a majority of states, even a “trace” amount of an illegal drug will sustain a conviction for possession of that drug.

4. All states have a uniform charge of possession of a small amount of marijuana.

5. Possession of marijuana for personal use is illegal throughout the U.S.

6. A defendant arrested in possession of a large amount of an illegal drug may be charged with possession with intent to deliver.

7. A person who claims to be selling cocaine, but delivers baking soda, cannot be charged with a drug crime.

8. People who illegally dispense illegal drugs will be held strictly liable in many states for a death that results from the ingestion of such a drug.

9. Criminal liability for drug induced death requires that the state must show only that the defendant provided the drugs to the victim, and that the victim died as a proximate result of the defendant’s actions.

10. Victims of drunk driving may be able to sue bars or individuals who furnished the alcoholic drinks.


1. Intent to deliver illegal drugs can be proved by showing a “ connection” between the facts of possession, such as the large quantity of the drug, and an intent to sell the drugs.

2. The most common criminal illegal drug charge is that of _____________ of a controlled substance.

3. Two types of drug possession are “actual” and “___________.”

4. An amount of an illegal drug that is so small that it is unusable is referred to as a “________” amount.

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5. Depending upon the jurisdiction, possession of a small amount of marijuana may be charged as either a criminal or a _________ offense.

6. In Gonzales v. the court reasoned that private use of marijuana might have an adverse impact on federal drug laws.

7. In a number of states, a person who dispenses an illegal drug will be held ________ liable for a death that results from ingestion of such drug.

8. Most students drink or not at all, but 44 percent of students drink in binges.

9. The most widely abused and misused drug in America is _________.

10. Nystagmus is a persistent, rapid, , side-to-side eye movement.

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1. Terrorists are willing to take innocent lives toa. make moneyb. make a political statementc. satisfy their bloodlustd. stimulate reprisals


2. Congress was required to clearly define the acts that constituted terrorism and condemned under the conventions because of the

a. vagueness limitation on statutesb. void limitation on statutesc. definition limitation on statutesd. discreet


3. People who believe that organized government is evil may be referred to asa. anarchistsb. agnosticsc. advocatesd. agents


4. Generally, terrorists differ from other criminals on the basis of theira. psychological characteristicsb. mental illnessc. motived. physical characteristics


5. Which of the following statements regarding terrorism is FALSE?a. Acts of terrorism may be sponsored by a nation or a group.b. Terrorism is not a form of warfare.c. Terrorism is a global problem.d. The U.S. is a stated target of the terrorist group Al Qaeda.

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451 6. Who is authorized to identify groups or organizations as terrorist organizations?a. the State Departmentb. the Presidentc. the Congressd. the House of Representatives


7. The Alabama Criminal Code, Section 13-A-10-151, defines the crime of terrorism as an act or acts intended to

a. Intimidate or coerce a civilian population.b. Influence the policy of a unit of government by intimidation or coercion.c. Affect the conduct of a unit of government by murder, assassination, or

kidnapping.d. all of these


8. Most state statutes also make it a crime for a person to support a terrorist act or organization. Actions that could constitute support include which of the following?a. providing financial supportb. providing lodgingc. providing trainingd. all of these


9. Which of the following is the definition of a terrorist threat under state laws?a. threatened violence against anotherb. terrorizing a personc. threatened violence against another with the purpose of terrorizingd. none of these


10. Most of the money used to finance the 9/11 terrorist attack came from which of the following?

a. charitable organizationsb. private donorsc. foreign governmentsd. drug dealers

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461 11. Which of the following crimes are favored by terrorists to finance their terrorist activities?a. theftb. fraudc. drug traffickingd. all of these


12. According to the text, terrorists sometimes use which of the following to move funds in and out of the United States?

a. electronic wire transfersb. television commercialsc. radio advertisementsd. none of these


13. One way in which terrorists move funds in and out of the United States is through the use of IVTS. What does IVTS stand for?

a. informal value transfer systemsb. international value transfer systemsc. informal value terrorist systemsd. international value terrorist systems


14. One example of a kind of IVTS isa. Hawalab. Farouqc. Mandamusd. Baksheesh


15. What is one advantage of using an IVTS?a. no paper trailb. it is faster than wire transfersc. more money is available through IVTSd. none of these answers is correct


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16. An extraordinary rendition occurs when a person is seized in one country and then transported to another country for

a. interrogationb. extraditionc. repatriationd. mediation


17. Customs and practices followed by most nations in wartime and now the subject of international conventions are known as

a. rules of warb. degrees of warc. peace negotiationsd. contracts


18. Advocating the forceful overthrow of the U.S. government is the crime ofa. seditionb. sabotagec. terrorismd. treason


19. Which of the following is NOT one of the classes of crimes created by rules of war?a. government crimesb. crimes against peacec. crimes against humanityd. traditional war crimes


20. The use of unlawful force to coerce or intimidate persons or governments in the pursuit of political, social, or religious goals is known as

a. terrorismb. genocidec. humanismd. feticide


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21. Many states have adopted a definition of the crime of terrorism closely modeled after thea. federal definitionb. international definitionc. Supreme Court definitiond. Hague definition


22. Damaging or injuring national defense material or national defense utilities with the intent to obstruct the national defense is the crime of

a. seditionb. sabotagec. treasond. aiding a terrorist


23. Customs, practices, treaties, and agreements that most nations subscribe to for the conduct of wars openly declared against sovereign nations are called

a. international conventionsb. treatiesc. international agreements concerning waging ward. rules of war


24. Funds for terrorist activities are often transferred througha. informal value transfer systemsb. human couriersc. high-tech electronic wire transfersd. all of these


25. A program whereby suspected terrorists are seized by U.S. agents and transported to another country for interrogation is known as

a. secret abductionb. extraordinary renditionc. international detentiond. terrorist detention


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26. Which of the following are possible charges against terrorists?a. treasonb. seditionc. sabotaged. all of these


27. Which of the following statements regarding the rules of war is FALSE?a. President Lincoln began the codification of these rules in 1864.b. Most nations subscribe to the rules of war.c. Combatants in a war are liable for the violation of ordinary criminal laws.d. President Eisenhower began the codification of these rules in 1953.


28. Which of the following laws forbids the planning, commencement, and conduct of an aggressive war?

a. Crimes Against Peaceb. Crimes Against Humanityc. Traditional War Crimesd. Antiterrorism Act of 1996


29. Which of the following laws forbids deportation based on race, religion or ethnic origin?a. Crimes Against Peaceb. Crimes Against Humanityc. Traditional War Crimesd. Antiterrorism Act of 1996


30. Which of the following laws addresses conduct of combatants towards prisoners of war?a. Crimes Against Peaceb. Crimes Against Humanityc. Traditional War Crimesd. Antiterrorism Act of 1996



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1. Not all terrorists are sponsored or protected by a nation or a group.

2. Acts of terrorism may be considered a form of warfare.

3. The term “terrorist” is reserved for those who believe organized government is evil.

4. The State Department is authorized to identify groups or organizations as terrorist organizations.

5. Congress enacted the Federal Antiterrorism Law following the 1995 bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building.

6. The intention to intimidate or coerce a civilian population is one of the elements of the crime of terrorism.

7. A terrorist threat is a threat to commit a violent felony that is a danger to human life, and is made to intimidate only a military group.

8. Rules of war are customs and practices followed by most nations in wartime and now the subject of international conventions.

9. No countries contribute directly to terrorists organizations.

10. An extraordinary rendition occurs when a person is seized in one country and then transported to another country for torture.

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1. Terrorists are criminals who use force and violence in the pursuit of _________, ideological, or religious goals.

2. People who believe organized government is evil are called _________.

3. The State Department is authorized to groups or organizations as terrorist organizations.

4. One of the elements of the crime of terrorism under most state laws is to or coerce a civilian population.

5. The Antiterrorism and Effective ________ Penalty Act makes it a crime to aid a terrorist organization in the U.S.

6. A terrorist threat is a threat to commit a violent felony that is a danger to human life, and is made to intimidate or coerce a civilian group or a .

7. Rules of are customs and practices followed by most nations in wartime.

8. The shortage of financial support can affect the scope of a terrorist .

9. Individuals contribute indirectly to terrorist organizations by giving money and support to phony “ ” groups that support terrorists.

10. An “extraordinary “ occurs when a person is seized in one country and then transported to another country for interrogation.