legal and moral


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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Legal and moral

Legal and Moral


Rule: Referring to or portraying a member of the public or his or her identifiable possessions; the use of a crowd scene or a general public location may be acceptable without permission.

I understand this rule and the way I am going to counter it in my campaigning film is that I am going to ask for their permission so that there is no trouble cause because you can’t make a film with people in it that you don’t know or you haven’t got permission from.

Rule: Implying any personal approval of the advertised product; marketers should recognise that those who do not want to be associated with the product could have a legal claim.

I understand this rule and the way I am going to overcome it is to ask anyone who doesn’t want to be in the campaigning film to leave the area where we will be filming also we wouldn’t want them to have a legal claim to the film unless we have specifically asked for them to be in the campaigning film.

Harm and offence:

Rule: Marketing communications must not contain anything that is likely to cause serious or widespread offence. Particular care must be taken to avoid causing offence on the grounds of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age. Compliance will be judged on the context, medium, audience, product and prevailing standards. Marketing communications may be distasteful without necessarily breaching this rule. Marketers are urged to consider public sensitivities before using potentially offensive material. The fact that a product is offensive to some people is not grounds for finding a marketing communication in breach of the Code.

I understand this rule and the way I am going to counter it in my campaigning film is that I am going to cut out any racist and offensive words that I had originally had and I will be using either different words or it will be acting it out. This is a better way to do things because it will be suggesting maturity in our film and also that it will be helping us to abide by the rules more by sticking to this idea and cutting out any racist and offensive language.

Rule: Marketing communications must not cause fear or distress without justifiable reason; if it can be justified, the fear or distress should not be excessive. Marketers must not use a shocking claim or image merely to attract attention.

Page 2: Legal and moral

I understand this rule and the way I am going to overcome it is by making sure that our campaigning film will not cause fear or distress. It will be hard to make people not feel distressed or fear but I think that the best way to change it so it doesn’t happen is by changing the actions people will be doing and also changing the speech that will be used.


Rule: Marketing communications must not mislead consumers by exaggerating the capability or performance of a product.

I understand this rule and the way I am going to overcome it is by not exaggerating the idea about in racism because people may feel that I am taking the campaign film too far and that it will be too deep so I need to know how I am going to conduct the campaigning film without exaggerating it.

Rule: Marketing communications must not materially mislead or be likely to do so.

I understand this rule and the way I am going to overcome it is by making my points clear and easily understandable in my campaigning film because campaigning films about football in racism is hard to do without people misleading the whole point of the campaigning video; also, not to make any biased points or comments in the film.

Promotion:Rule: Name each charity or cause that will benefit and be able to show the ASA or CAP the formal agreement with those benefiting from the promotion.

I understand this rule and the way I am going to overcome it is by mentioning the charity where I got my idea to do my campaigning film about and also, I will need to be able to provide evidence so that if needed, so I would be using some secondary research so that it will benefit me and it will show the ASA or CAP a formal agreement.

Rule: If it is not a registered charity, define its nature and objectives

I understand this rule and the way I am going to overcome it is by describing and demonstrating the nature and objectives of my campaign because it is not registered. I would be mentioning the nature and the objectives in our campaigning film.