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Laws related to Drug Dependence

RA 6425 - Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972

Amene !" #D 44$ 1675$ 16%&$ 17'%$ (# 179

RA 9165 ) Com*re+ens,e Dangerous Drugs Act of 2''2

Biosocial factors - Philippines

.rans+,*ment *o,nt to an from t+e Go/en .r,ang/e

0arm +um, eat+er conuc,e to t+e grot+ of mar,uana

3oung *o*u/at,on

.+e #+,/,**,nes ,s a m,rror ,mage of t+e

Men are !" nature */easure-/o,ng or +eon,st,c

Biosocial factors (con’t

#rof,t mot,e of *us+ers an rug /ors

Graua/ ,sa**earance of t+e nuc/ear ,/,*,no fam,/" an t+eemergence of a *erm,ss,e soc,et"

D,scoer" of ne rugs !" sc,ent,sts to a//e,ate +uman,seases .+ese rugs +ae !ot+ !enef,c,a/ as e// ase/eter,ous effect

!ther Reasons "!R DRUG U#E

En+ance soc,a/ s,tuat,ons- *eer *ressure$ use out ofcur,os,t"$ use for 8fun or to 8get +,g+

e/f-me,cat,on to re/,ee an:,et"$ e*ress,on$ ,nsomn,a$

*a,n or to ,ncrease a/ertness



An" su!stance ;*/ant$ an,ma/$ m,nera/< use asme,c,ne

An" su!stance use ,n t+e com*os,t,on or*re*arat,on of me,c,ne

=a!,t-form,ng Drug

Drug ma" !e ta>en re*eate/" ,t+out *rouc,nga,ct,on an ,s not genera//" etr,menta/ to t+e,n,,ua/ or soc,et"


Drug De*enence ) a state of *s"c+,c or *+"s,ca/

e*enence or !ot+$ of a angerous rug$ ar,s,ng ,n a*erson fo//o,ng t+e am,n,strat,on or use of t+at rug on a*er,o,c or cont,nuous !as,s ;ec 2g$ RA 6425<


Drug A,ct,on- a state of *er,o,c or c+ron,c,nto:,cat,on *rouce !" t+e re*eateconsum*t,on of a rug +et+er s"nt+et,c ornatura/$ foun to !e etr,menta/ to t+e ,n,,ua/an to soc,et" ;0=?<

Drug =a!,tuat,on ) t+e es,re to +ae cont,nuoususe of t+e rug !ut ,t+ t+e ca*ac,t" to refra,n from*+"s,ca//" us,ng ,t

Drug Dependence &----addiction

.+e *erson +as t+e es,re ;com*u/s,on< to cont,nue ta>,ngt+e rug or to o!ta,n ,t !" an" means

.enenc" to ,ncrease t+e ose

#s"c+o/og,ca/ or *+"s,ca/ e*enence

Detr,menta/ effect to soc,et" @ ,n,,ua/



.+e es,re to use t+e rug ,s not com*u/s,e !ut mere/"*s"c+o/og,ca/

.+ere ,s /,tt/e or no tenenc" to ,ncrease t+e ose

.+e e*enence ,s not *+"s,ca/ !ut *s"c+o/og,ca/

Detr,menta/ effect to t+e ,n,,ua/ on/"


Comm,ss,on on u!stance A!use #reent,on

Ce!u C,t" ?ff,ce on u!stance A!use #reent,on

C!#PA *u!/,c off,ce ,n t+e C,t" Goernment uner t+e off,ce of t+e

ma"or t+at oes /,a,son or> an coor,nates ,t+ goernment off,cesan agenc,es ,no/e ,n t+e enforcement of /as re/ate to t+e*reent,on$ su**ress,on or regu/at,on of ,//ega/ rugs an su!stances

C!#P &

---)*#*!N---A rug free Ce!u C,t" t+at ,s safe an *ros*erous$ t+roug+ a

"nam,c an res*ons,e *artners+,* !eteen t+e goernment ansoc,et" contr,!ut,ng to era,cate rug a!use C!#P &----+*##*!N---

.o era,cate t+e ,//,c,t su**/" an eman for angerousrugs an to *romote a !aranga" coo*erat,on ,n rug a!use*reent,on ,t+ an effect,e *rogram ,n eucat,ng t+e anger of ruguse an ,g,/ance on *resence of rug *e/ers so as to atta,n anen,ronment t+at ,s safe$ *ros*erous$ an rug free commun,t" 

Profile of a Drug a'userC!#P - (,anuar . Dece$'er/ 0111

Mean age 25 "ears o/

e: rat,o 9 ma/e1 fema/e

C,,/ status s,ng/e ;546& B<

?ccu*at,on unem*/o"e ;4%95B<

Eucat,on = /ee/ ;&1&4B<

Res,ence Ce!u C,t" ;%'%9B<

Drug a!use +a!u ;94&&B<

."*e of user Mono-user ;7164 B<

Phsical signs and s$pto$s

0,t+raa/ "m*toms

ee/,ng of fear an an:,et"

Musc/e t,tc+,ng



Lacr,mat,on ;*rofuse tears<

A!om,na/ cram*s Goosef/es+

Death in $ost drug users is due to-

Res*,rator" e*ress,on

Car,ac arrest

ata/ acc,ents ue to +a//uc,nator" e:*er,ences

Co$$on Drugs . a$pheta$ine group

t,mu/ants an a**et,te su**ressors

#rouce *arano, +a//uc,nat,ons$ r" mout+$ u/cerat,ons ot+e mout+$ ,nsomn,a$ +,g+ feer


Ecstas" ) *rouces arena/,n

+a!u ) *rouces o*am,ne

!ther drugs

In+a/ants ) o/at,/e su!stances ;et+"/ene<

Mor*+,ne Grou* ) +ero,n

Coca,ne ) 8coca,ne !ugs

Canna!,s Grou* ) /,u, or +eate res,n s,m,/ar to a/co+o,nto:,cat,on

(ar!,turate Grou* ) econa/$#ent+ota/

=a//uc,nogen,c Grou* ) mar,uana$ LD

GUN#2!% 3!UND# (0ND B%C2 !" %2E #L*DE#



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%echnical Definition&

◦ An ,nstrument use for t+e *ro*u/s,on of a*roect,/e !" t+e e:*ans,e force of gases com,ngfrom t+e !urn,ng of gun*oer


--Legal Definition (#ec4 566/ Re7ised d$inistrati7eCode .

◦  ,rearm or arm$ as +ere,n use$ ,nc/ues r,f/es$mus>ets$ s+otguns$ reo/ers$ *,sto/s$ an a// ot+erea/" ea*ons from +,c+ a !u//et$ !a//$ s+ot$

s+e//$ or ot+er m,ss,/e ma" !e ,sc+arge !"means of gun*oer or ot+er e:*/os,es .+eterm a/so ,nc/ues a,r r,f/es e:ce*t suc+ as !e,ngof sma// ca/,!er an /,m,te range are use as to"s.+e !arre/ of an" f,rearm s+a// !e cons,ere as acom*/ete f,rearm for a// *ur*oses t+ereof

Co$ponents of a 3eapon&

---Cartridge or a$$unition

◦ A com*/ete unf,re un,t cons,st,ng of !u//et$ *r,mer$cartr,ge case an *oer c+arge


◦ .+e ,nstrument for t+e *ro*u/s,on of a *roect,/e !"

t+e e:*ans,e forces of gases from a !urn,nggun*oer

!'8ects9#u'stances co$ing out fro$ the gun $u::le after fire



Gas ;+eate$ com*resse an e:*ane<

Res,ues com,ng from-

◦ (u//et - fragment ;ac>et$ /ea<

◦ #oer *art,c/es - *oer gra,ns$ soot$ gra*+,te

◦ #r,mer - /ea$ !ar,um$ ant,mon"$ etc

◦ (arre/ - /u!r,cant$ rust$ ust

◦ Cartr,ge case ) co**er$ ,nc


Smoke (Soot, Smudging, Fouling, Smoke Blackening)

◦ ("*rouct of com!ust,on of t+e gun*oer

◦ A/most !/ac> an e*os,te on t+e target ;can !e ,*e off<

◦ een ,t+,n a ,stance of u* to 12 ,nc+es

Powder Grains

◦ n!urne$ !urn,ng or *art,a//" !urne *oertoget+er ,t+ gra*+,te t+at comes out of t+e mu/e

◦ Res*ons,!/e for tattoo,ng ;st,**/,ng$ *e**er,ng<aroun t+e guns+ot oun of entrance


Powder Burns

◦ (/ac>en,ng of t+e marg,n of t+e guns+ot oun ofentrance ue to smo>e smug,ng$ gun*oertattoo,ng an t+e !urn,ng of t+e oun marg,n

 Abrasion Collar

◦ De*ress,on of t+e s>,n u*on contact ,t+ t+e roug+surface of t+e !u//et

Metal fouling

◦ ma// a!ras,ons or su*erf,c,a/ /acerat,ons on t+e s>,naroun t+e oun

Tandem Bullet 

◦ .o or more !u//ets /eae t+e !arre/ one after t+eot+er an entere t+e target ,n a common +o/e


Singeing of air 

◦ (urn,ng of +a,r

Sou!enir bullet 

◦ (u//et t+at +as !een /oge an rema,ne ,n t+e !o"

Bullet migration

◦ (u//et t+at trae//e to anot+er *art of t+e !o"

Bullet embolism

A s*ec,a/ form of !u//et m,grat,on +ere,n t+e !u//eenters t+e +eart or a !,g !/oo esse/ an ,s carr,e!" t+e !/oo to some *art of t+e !o"

3ound of entrance&

A**ears sma//er t+an t+e m,ss,/e

Eges are ,nerte

?a/ or roun s+a*e

;F< contus,on co//ar or contact r,ng

.attoo,ng or smug,ng ma" !e *resent ;near f,re<

ner/",ng t,ssues not *rotru,ng

#araff,n test ma" !e ;F<

A/a"s *resent


3ound of e;it& A/a"s !,gger t+an t+e m,ss,/e

Eges are eerte

No ef,n,te s+a*e

;-< contus,on co//ar

A/a"s a!sent

ner/",ng t,ssues *rotru,ng

#araff,n test a/a"s ;-<

Ma" !e a!sent

<!dd and E7en Rule= in Gunshot 3ound

If t+e num!er of guns+ot ouns of entrance an e:,t foun ,nt+e !o" of t+e ,ct,m ,s EEN$ t+e *resum*t,on ,s t+at no !u//e,s /oge ,n t+e !o"$ !ut ,f t+e num!er of guns+ot ouns oentrance an e:,t ,s ?DD$ t+e *resum*t,on ,s t+at one or more!u//ets m,g+t +ae !een /oge ,n t+e !o"

>-ra E;a$ination in Gunshot 3ounds

ac,/,tate t+e /ocat,on of t+e !u//et

Reea/ fragmentat,on

+o !one ,no/ement$ /,>e fracture

Reea/ t+e traector" of t+e !u//et

+o t+e effects of t+e !u//et oun /,>e +emorr+age$ esca*e oa,r$ /acerat,on an ot+er ,nur,es

Paraffin test

A/so >non as Derma/ N,trate .est$ D,*+en"/am,ne test$ LungHstest$ Gona/esH test

.est on t+e s>,n of t+e orsum of t+e +an or at t+e s,te of t+e oun of entrance

;F< ,n t+e *resence of n,trate or n,tr,te

Not conc/us,e

N?. se/f-,ncr,m,nator" !ecause t+e act ,s *ure/" mec+an,caan oes not reu,re t+e use of menta/ facu/t"

Paraffin %est


?uestions a Phsician is e;pected to answer in Court

Cou/ t+e oun or ouns !e ,nf/,cte !" t+e ea*on*resenteJ

At +at range as ,t f,reJ

0+at as t+e ,rect,on of t+e f,reJ

Ma" ,t !e *oss,!/e t+at t+ose guns+ot ouns ere se/f,nf/,cteJ

0ere t+ere s,gns of strugg/e ,n t+e ,ct,mJ


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D, t+e ,ct,m ,e ,nstantaneous/"J

0+ere as t+e re/at,e *os,t,on of t+e assa,/ant an +e ,ct,m +en t+e s+ot as f,reJ

Gunshot - #uicide

Access,!,/,t" of t+e ,no/e *art to t+e +an of t+e ,ct,m

sua//" on/" one guns+ot oun

D,stance ,s s+ort or c/ose range

#resence of a su,c,e note

=,stor" of e*ress,on

0oun,ng ea*on t,g+t/" +e/ !" t+e ,ct,m

;F< *araff,n test

E:c/us,on of ot+er e,ences


0oun foun ,n an" *art of t+e !o"

,ct,m at a certa,n ,stance from t+e assa,/ant

,gns of strugg/e ;efense oun< ma" !e *resent

D,stur!ance of t+e surroun,ng

0oun,ng ea*on usua//" not foun at t+e scene of t+e cr,me

.est,mon" of ,tnesses

Gunshot- ccident

sua//" one guns+ot oun

0oun ,n an" *art of t+e !o"

A!sence of *ersona/ gruge !eteen t+e ,ct,m an t+e one +o f,re t+e gun

.est,mon" from ,tnesses

Gunshot- +urder

sua//" at t+e !ac> ;treac+er"<

Mu/t,*/e guns+ot ouns

0ouns s+o far ,stance f,re

0ouns ,n t+e ,ta/ *arts of t+e !o" /,>e t+e +ea$ +eart$ c+est

No efense ouns or an" s,gn of strugg/e

,rearm usua//" of +,g+ mu/e e/oc,t"

e/om ,s t+ere an" ,tness to t+e cr,me

#resence of aggraat,ng c,rcumstances$ su*er,or strengt+$ a,of arme men$ etc

Pictures (slides not includedEntrance woundsEntrance wound/ a'rasion collar%ra8ector of 'ullet (pro'e

Bullet on >-raBullet on >-ra

+edico-legal spects of #e;ual Cri$e (#lides 'atch no4 @

Cri$inologic characteristics

Ra*e ,s an anc,ent an un,ersa/ cr,me

 It e:,ste s,nce t+e an of +,stor"

React,on to ,ts re*ress,on e*ens on t+e mora/

a/ue of soc,et" an ,ts gra,t" as a soc,a/ *ro!/em

C/ose *+"s,ca/ contact !eteen t+e offener an t+e ,ct,m

Genera//"$ ,t ,s a cr,me comm,tte !" one se: aga,nst t+eo**os,te se:

e: ,s an ,n!orn ,nst,nct

Must !e acce*ta!/e mora//"

#un,s+a!/e ant,-soc,a/ means of se:ua/ grat,f,cat,on

Cri$inologic characteristics (con’t

Cr,me comm,tte ,n str,ct *r,ac"

Man" se: cr,mes are comm,tte$ !ut not re*orte ,f re*orte$t+e" are not ,nest,gate ,f ,nest,gate$ t+e" are not*rosecute

Cr,me occurs ,n eer" soc,a/ c/ass

n/,>e ot+er cr,mes$ forg,eness or marr,age !eteen t+eoffener an t+e ,ct,m e:t,ngu,s+es t+e cr,m,na/ /,a!,/,t" of t+eoffener

.+e seer,t" of *un,s+ment oes not eter ,ts comm,ss,on

CR*+*N!L!G*C C2RC%ER*#%*C# (C!N’%

Its conseuence ) *regnanc"- !ecomes a /ega/ *ro!/em

If t+e offener ,s ,n m,/e age$ t+e ,ct,ms are usua//" c+,/ren

.+e *s"c+,c trauma of ra*e on t+e ,ct,m e*ens on +er morastanar



#ec4 04 "a#e as a Crime Against Persons$ .

.+e cr,me of ra*e s+a// +ereafter !e c/ass,f,e as a Cr,me Aga,nst #ersonsuner .,t/e E,g+t of Act No &%15$ As amene$ ot+er,se >non as t+eRe,se #ena/ Coe Accor,ng/"$ t+ere s+a// !e ,ncor*orate ,nto .,t/eE,g+t of t+e same Coe a ne c+a*ter to !e >non as C+a*ter .+ree onRa*e$ to rea as fo//os

Chapter %hree -Rape= Art,c/e 266-A Ra*e When And

How Committed. )

 Ra*e ,s comm,tte1< (" a man +o s+a// +ae carna/ >no/ege of a oman uner an" of

t+e fo//o,ng c,rcumstances

a< .+roug+ force$ t+reat$ or ,nt,m,at,on!< 0+en t+e offene *art" ,s e*r,e of reason or ot+er,se

unconsc,ousc< (" means of frauu/ent mac+,nat,on or grae a!use of aut+or,t"< +en t+e offene *art" ,s uner te/e ;12< "ears of age or ,s

emente$ een t+oug+ none of t+e c,rcumstances ment,onea!oe !e *resent

2 (" an" *erson +o$ uner an" of t+e c,rcumstances ment,one ,n*aragra*+ 1 +ereof$ s+a// comm,t an act of se:ua/ assau/t !" ,nsert,ng +,s*en,s ,nto anot+er *ersonHs mout+ or ana/ or,f,ce$ or an" ,nstrument oo!ect$ ,nto t+e gen,ta/ or ana/ or,f,ce of anot+er *erson

Carnal nowledge

.+e act of a man +a,ng se:ua/ !o,/" connect,on ,t+ a oman

;o/ ef,n,t,on<

EKAL IN.ERC?RE ;from tate of Connect,cut$ u,c,a(ranc+<

%efinition &' e:ua/ ,ntercourse means ag,na/ ,ntercourse$ ana,ntercourse$ fe//at,o or cunn,/,ngus !eteen *ersons regar/ess of se:

%efinition '  e:ua/ ,ntercourse means ,ntercourse$ rea/ os,mu/ate$ +et+er gen,ta/-gen,ta/$ ora/-gen,ta/$ ana/-gen,ta/ or ora/-ana/ +et+er !eteen *ersons of t+e same or o**os,te se: or !eteen a+uman an an an,ma/$ or ,t+ an art,f,c,a/ gen,ta/

+aslow’s hierarch of needs


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#e;ual response ccle$ale

E:c,tement *+ase

#en,/e erect,on$ f/us+,ng$ ,ncrease ,n =R an (#$genera/,e musc/e tens,on

#/ateau *+ase

urt+er *en,/e en/argement$ furt+er test,cu/aren/argement $ e/eat,on an rotat,on

urt+er ,ncrease ,n ,ta/ s,gns an musc/e tens,on

?rgasm,c *+ase

Genera/ /oss of o/untar" contro/ occurs$ f/us+,ng an,ta/ s,gns reac+es ,ts *ea>$ r+"t+m,c contract,onse:*e/ semen

#e;ual response ccle$ale

Reso/ut,on #+ase

More t+an 5'B of erect,on ,s /ost ra*,/" ,n t+e f,rststage of reso/ut,on$

genera/,e musc/e re/a:at,on

f/us+,ng ,sa**ears

,ta/ s,gns return to norma/

#e;ual response ccle

Ma/e one !as,c se:ua/ res*onse *attern

E:c,tement ) stea" *rogress,on to */ateau ) orgasm- reso/ut,on


.+ree se:ua/ res*onse *atterns

Ra*, *rogress,on to */ateau ) orgasm )ra*, reso/ut,on

tea" *rogress,on to */ateau ) orgasm ;s<) s/o reso/ut,on

/o *rogress,on to */ateau ) m,nor surgestoars orgasm caus,ng *ro/onge*/easura!/e fee/,ngs ,t+out a ef,n,t,eorgasm

+ale reproducti7e sste$ side 7iew (picture not included

+ale reproducti7e sste$ "ront 7iew (picture not included Picture of sper$ not included

sper$s (picture not included

Egg cell fro$ the o7ar during o7ulation (picture not included

*nternal "e$ale reproducti7e sste$ side 7iew (picture notincluded

*nternal "e$ale reproducti7e sste$ front 7iew (picture notincluded

E;ternal fe$ale reproducti7e sste$ (picture not included

#upre$e Court decisions

Carnal nowledge 9 Rape&

/,g+t *enetrat,on of t+e se:ua/ organ of t+e fema/e !" t+ese:ua/ organ of t+e ma/e

Not necessar" t+at +"men !e ru*ture

Enoug+ t+at /a!,a !e *enetrate A!sence of s*erm oes not negate t+e comm,ss,on of ra*e

Not necessar" t+at t+e oman ,s unc+aste or a *rost,tute


;F<e,ence of force

#resence of *+"s,ca/ ,n ur,es on t+e ,ct,m ,s a strong e,enceof force

Contus,on on t+e face$ arms an t+,g+s

A!ras,ons on t+e e/!o an !ac> of t+e +ea

#resence of gen,ta/ ,nfect,on ;es*ec,a//" .Ds< ,s e,ence of*+"s,ca/ ,nur"

Conditions constituting rape

8De*r,,ng t+e oman of +er reason

Insane or menta//" ef,c,ent oman

ner t+e ,nf/uence of a/co+o/ or e*ressant rugs

80oman ,s unconsc,ous

Natura/ s/ee*

0oman ,t+ s/ee*,ng s,c>ness

nconsc,ous ue to *+"s,ca/ ,nur"

Inta>e of narcot,cs or e*ressants

Conditions constituting rape 

ner 12 "ears of age ;statutor" ra*e< ) regar/ess of-

orce or ,nt,m,at,on

De*r,at,on of reason or consc,ousness

Consent or !e,ng a *rost,tute

+edical e7idences of rape


=,stor" of t+e c,rcumstances /ea,ng to t+e a!use

Age of t+e ,ct,m at t+e t,me of t+e a!use

Menstrua/ +,stor"

Date$ t,me an */ace of t+e comm,ss,on of t+e cr,me

Date $ t,me an */ace of *+"s,ca/ e:am,nat,on

Con,t,on of c/ot+,ng

Ga,t$ fac,a/ e:*ress,on$ !o" moements an menta/att,tue

#+"s,ca/ an menta/ ee/o*ment

(o,/" s,gns of ,o/ence )must !e accurate/"escr,!e

E7idences fro$ the )icti$ (con’t

E:am,nat,on of gen,ta/,a an !reasts


.enerness or *a,n



Lacerat,ons ) +"men


emen an s*erms

?t+er ,sc+arges /,>e *us

E:am,nat,on of *u!,c +a,rs ) semen$ s*erms$ !/oo sta,ns$ !o"/ouse

E7idences fro$ the offender

#+"s,ca/ ee/o*ment an strengt+

#+"s,ca/ ,nur,es

Con,t,on of se: organ

#u!,c +a,rs

;F< or ;-< gen,ta/ ,nfect,on

#otenc" or ,m*otenc"