legal research

LEGAL LEGAL RESEARCH RESEARCH An Introduction An Introduction

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An IntroductionAn Introduction

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The Fabric of LawConstitution, Common Law, Statutory, Administrative, Executive, Treaties, etc.

Federal, State, Local

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The law leaves a “paper trail”

•Need to be able to figure out what has been decided/passed before (precedent)

•Need to know how current decisions/laws fit into that history

•Need to be able to find out if a 1945 court decision is still valid

•Increasingly, the “paper trail” is digital . . . .but the paper organization is still important

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Reporters and Digests

Reporters = Chronological

Digests = By Topic

Reporters = usually one court (system), agency, or body

Digests = often combining of multiple courts, statutes, etc.

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Federal Court Reporters

Supreme Court

U.S. Reports (U.S.)

Circuit (Appeals) courts

Federal Reporter (F., F.2d, F.3d)

District (Trial) courts

Federal Supplement (F.Supp, F.Supp.2d)

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Federal Statutory Law

“Reporter” = Statutes at Large (STAT)

“Digest” = U.S. Code (U.S.C.) (U.S.C.A.)

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Federal Administrative Law

“Reporter” = Federal Register (FR)

“Digest” = Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.)

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Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 418 U.S. 241 (1974).

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Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 418 U.S. 241 (1974).

Name of Case

Party initiating case (Plaintiff or Appellant) listed first

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Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 418 U.S. 241 (1974).

Name of Case

Party initiating case (Plaintiff or Appellant) listed first

Book Series


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Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 418 U.S. 241 (1974).

Name of Case

Party initiating case (Plaintiff or Appellant) listed first

Book Series


Volume Number

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Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 418 U.S. 241 (1974).

Name of Case

Party initiating case (Plaintiff or Appellant) listed first

Book Series


Volume Number

Start Page Number

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Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 418 U.S. 241 (1974).

Name of Case

Party initiating case (Plaintiff or Appellant) listed first

Book Series


Volume Number

Start Page Number


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Sidis v. F-R Publishing Company, 113 F.2d. 806 (2d Cir. 1940).

Lower Court Cases add indication of what court decided case.

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Cox Broadcasting Corp. v. Cohn, 420 U.S. 469 (1975)

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Cox Broadcasting Corp. v. Cohn, 420 U.S. 469 (1975)

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Cox Broadcasting Corp. v. Cohn, 420 U.S. 469 (1975)

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Cox Broadcasting Corp. v. Cohn, 420 U.S. 469 (1975)

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Cox Broadcasting Corp. v. Cohn, 420 U.S. 469 (1975)