
%HQHÀWV RI WKH /HJDO +ROG 4XD\ 0RGXOH (GXFDWHG DQG FHUWLÀHG FXVWRGLDQV PLWLJDWH WKH ULVN RI VSROLDWLRQ IRU WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ &RXUWV HQFRXUDJH HPSOR\HH FRPSOLDQFH WUDLQLQJ LQ WKLV FRPSOH[ DUHD &XVWRGLDQ FHUWLÀFDWLRQ LV QHFHVVDU\ WR FRQÀ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ou Can’t Manage What You Don’t Measure. TM While there is an increasing trend by organizations to own Legal Hold as a business process, that doesn’t mean they are building these programs from ground zero. Typically, the individuals responsible for managing legal hold have a multitude of other responsibilities in their job descriptions and are becoming overwhelmed by the number of custodians and data sources that need to be addressed during the legal hold process. e concept of Compliance as a Service (CaaS) is gaining momentum and Fortis Quay, Inc. is leading this approach. Outsourcing legal hold management makes sense for organizations that are looking to create eciencies and streamline the litigation process; whether hosted by Fortis Quay, Inc. or deployed internally. Moreover, organizations need help creating policies, identifying trigger events, and executing the release of legal holds. Fortis Quay, Inc. can drive the policy creation and legal hold program construction, as well as create a custom module for the legal hold program. We have a solution for the manual and laborious legal hold processes that have become unmanageable in the age of the digital explosion. Organizations and their Legal, Compliance, and IT departments are relieved to be able to outsource: e deployment of the legal hold notice • Custodian education on Legal Hold outlining the responsibilities of the custodian e custodian questionnaire • Establishing a common repository for the legal hold policy and organizational charts • Custom reporting for compliance and auditing • Communication with outside counsel on the legal hold process • Help desk support Features of the Legal Hold Quay Module: • Managerial & custodial interfaces for dierent requirements • Current educational module customized for your organization • Management of users and access permissions • Custom reporting for compliance by an objective expert third party • Coordination with in-house and outside counsel • Securely hosted and maintained • Premium support • Integration with industry leading legal hold notication soware • Scalable (877) 463-QUAY 7KH 1H[W *HQHUDWLRQ RI /HJDO +ROG LV KHUH &RPSOLDQFH 0HHWV /HJDO (CaaS)

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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Page 1: LegalHold-FLYER










You Can’t Manage What You Don’t Measure.TM

While there is an increasing trend by organizations to own Legal Hold as a business process, that doesn’t mean they are building these programs from ground zero. Typically, the individuals responsible for managing legal hold have a multitude of other responsibilities in their job descriptions and are becoming overwhelmed by the number of custodians and data sources that need to be addressed during the legal hold process.

The concept of Compliance as a Service (CaaS) is gaining momentum and Fortis Quay, Inc. is leading this approach. Outsourcing legal hold management makes sense for organizations that are looking to create efficiencies and streamline the litigation process; whether hosted by Fortis Quay, Inc. or deployed internally.

Moreover, organizations need help creating policies, identifying trigger events, and executing the release of legal holds. Fortis Quay, Inc. can drive the policy creation and legal hold program construction, as well as create a custom module for the legal hold program. We have a solution for the manual and laborious legal hold processes that have become unmanageable in the age of the digital explosion.

Organizations and their Legal, Compliance, and IT departments are relieved to be able to outsource: • The deployment of the legal hold notice• Custodian education on Legal Hold outlining the

responsibilities of the custodian • The custodian questionnaire• Establishing a common repository for the legal hold policy

and organizational charts• Custom reporting for compliance and auditing• Communication with outside counsel on the legal hold

process• Help desk support

Features of the Legal Hold Quay Module: • Managerial & custodial interfaces for different requirements• Current educational module customized for your organization• Management of users and access permissions• Custom reporting for compliance by an objective expert third

party• Coordination with in-house and outside counsel • Securely hosted and maintained• Premium support• Integration with industry leading legal hold notification


(877) 463-QUAY