legend of lake lanao (maranaw legend)


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Post on 18-Nov-2014




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Legend of Maranaw Summary


Page 1: Legend of lake Lanao (Maranaw Legend)



Page 2: Legend of lake Lanao (Maranaw Legend)

Introduction of the author:

Zaide was born on May 25, 1907 and he died 1986. He was a Filipino historian and author. He was a multi-awarded author, he wrote 67 books and 500 articles on history. He was the first Asian to win the United Nations Study award in 1957.

Page 3: Legend of lake Lanao (Maranaw Legend)

Summary Long time ago there was a place

called Mantapoli and its population was numerous. Because of its rapidly increasing in power and population, too, the equilibrium between Sebangan(East) and Sedpan(West) was broken.

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This problem soon to came to the attention of Archangel Diabarail. He go to the heaven and told to Allah about it. Sohara, the voice of Allah told that Diabarail will go to the Seven-Regions-Beneath-the-Earth and the Seven-Regions-in-the-Sky to summoned the angels and when Allah made the barahana(solar eclipse), they will remove Mantapoli and transfer it to the center of the earth. The veryspot vacated by the sultanate of Mantapoli became a huge basin of deep, blue water-the present Lanao Lake.

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When Diabarail saw the rising tides, he immediately returned to heaven to report to Allah. He told that the rising water from the basin can cause the people drowned. Allah commands to Diabarail to summon the Four Winds of the World:Angin-Taupan, Angin-Besar, Angin-Darat, and Angin-Sarsar, and blew the overflowing water and makes an outlet. Diabarail obey that command. After three trials, they successfully make an outlet that they called now as Agus River.

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CharactersArchangel Diabarail – Gabriel to the Christians, an angelAllah – Lord of MuslimsSohara – Vice of AllahAngels from the Seven-Regions-Beneath-the-Earth and the Seven-Regions-in-the-SkyAngin-Taupan, Angin-Besar, Angin-Darat, and Angin-Sarsar (Four Winds of the World)

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SettingLong time ago in


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Long ago there was no lake in Lanao. On the place where it is now situated, there flourished a mighty sultanate called Mantapoli. During the reign of Sultan AbdaraRadawi, the greater grandfather of RadiaIndarapatra (mythological hero of the Lanao Muslims), this realm expanded by military conquests and by dynastic marriages so that in time its fame spread far and wide.

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Rising Action:The population of Mantapoli was

numerous and fast increasing. At that time the world was divided into two regions: Sebangan (East) and Sedpan (West).

This dis-equilibrium soon came to the attention of Archangel Diabarail (Gabriel to the Christians). Like a flash of sunlight, Diabarail flew to the Eighth heaven and talked Allah.

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ClimaxDiabarail, leading his army of

angels, flew to the east. In the twinkle of an eye, the sun vanished and a terrible darkness as black as the blackest velvet shrouded the universe. The angels sped faster than arrows.

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They swooped on Mantapoli, lifting it with great care and carried it (including its people, houses, crops and animals) through the air as if it were a carpet. They brought it down at the center of the earth, in accordance with the command of Allah. The very spot vacated by the sultanate of Mantapoli became a huge basin of deep, blue water-the present Lanao Lake.

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Falling ActionThe waters coming from the deep

bowels of the earth rose higher and higher. Archangel Diabarail, seeing the rising tides immediately returned to the Eighth Heaven and reported to Allah. Allah told him to blow an outlet for the overflowing waters. Obeying the Master's command, the faithful messenger summoned the Four Winds.

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The four winds of the world blew, and turbulence swept the whole eastern half of the earth. The surging waters rolled swiftly towards the shores of Tilok Bay to the southeastern direction. But the towering ranges impeded their onrush. The Four Winds blew, hurling the waves against the rocky slopes but in vain; no outlet could be cut through the mountain barrier.

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It came to past that there was a high cliff at the outlet, and over the cliff the waters cascaded in majestic volume. Thus, arose the beautiful falls which, aeons later, was named Maria Cristina, after a famous queen of Spain.

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The conflict of the story is over population of Mantapoli and the fear of it over turning the Earth. Allah had his Archangel fix it by lifting the Sultanate and placing it in the center of the Earth.

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Point of view: Third Person Point of View

Theme: Its theme is creation. It tells a myth of how a place is formed.

Moral/Lesson: Be responsible enough on

the things or works you should do. Think of others not only yourself.

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That’s all and thank you.