legislation changes to improve bc ev charging infrastructure

Legislation Changes To Improve Electric Vehicle Infrastructure In British Columbia March 2015 1

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Legislation Changes To Improve Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

In British Columbia

March 2015

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Legislation Changes To Improve Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

The use of electric vehicles in light duty vehicle applications could reduce roadway transportation emissions by 60%

The roadway transportation sector is responsible for 22% of total GHG emissions.

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A 100 % electric vehicle emits- No CO (Carbon Monoxide)- No NOx (Nitrogen Oxides)- No VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)- No particulates


A conventional ICE* vehicle travelling 15,000 miles (24, 000 km) per year at 25 mpg (9.4 L / 100 km) emits 6 tons of CO2 (CO combining with oxygen) per year.

* ICE – Internal Combustion Engine

Legislation Changes To Improve Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

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Electric Vehicles have come of age . . .


. . there are now eleven plug–in electric models available in BC . . .

Legislation Changes To Improve Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

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. . . and many more are expected in the next 18-36 months:Audi PHEVs


Chevrolet Bolt BEV (320km)

Chevrolet Volt (Generation 2) PHEV (80km)

Hyundai Sonata PHEV

Mercedes PHEVs *

Mitsubishi Outlander AWD* PHEV

Nissan Leaf (Generation 2) BEV (250 – 300 km)

Nissan e NV200 Commercial Van* BEV

Tesla Model 3 BEV (320 km)

Volkswagen eGolf* BEV

Volvo XC 90 PHEV

BEV = Battery Electric Vehicle PHEV = Plug-in Electric Vehicle * already available in other markets

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The increased adoption of electric vehicles requires electric vehicle charging infrastructure


Legislation Changes To Improve Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

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Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Needs

Electric Vehicles will primarily be charged at home (residences)but will routinely be charged at other locations if:

An additional charge is needed at work due to the commuting distance A mid-day charge is needed due to daily activities involving travel beyond vehicle range There is an opportunity to charge while at a business or shopping stop A charge is needed to continue a business, or inter-city travel trip The vehicle is out of range of the home charger location The vehicle is operated out of a business location

Legislation Changes To Improve Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

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Residential NeedsElectric vehicle owners need access to a Level 2 (220 Volt), 40 Amp charging capability

The City of Vancouver* requires that:

All 1 and 2 family units have rough-ins for electric vehicle charger wiring

20% of (MURB) spaces be roughed-in for chargers and that electrical rooms have space (not equipment) for 100% of the residential parking spaces.

MURB – Multiple Unit Residential Building

Legislation Changes To Improve Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

* the City of Vancouver BC has its own Building Code

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Commercial Needs

Commercial chargers accommodate: Shopping or dining travellers Opportunity charging Business visitors from out of town

California (CALGreen) requirements: 1 charger if 1-50 spaces 2 chargers if 51-200 spaces 4 chargers if over 200 spaces

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Workplace Needs

Workplace chargers have economy and flexibility options For example: 1 charger can be used by up to 4 employees

Workplace chargers accommodate: Out-of-range workers Visitors Business vehicles

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The BC Green Building Code allows for the adoption of“green” requirements at the option of a municipality

Although the Green BC code has optional provisions for solar heating, there are currently no provisions for electric vehicle charging outlets in the BC Green Building Code

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Proposed BC Green (opt-in) Building Code StandardsFor 1 and 2 family dwelling units:

A roughed-in electrical raceway or cable, and electrical panel capacity to accommodate a future Level 2, minimum 40 amp electrical circuit for each dwelling unit of one and two family buildings that have parking spaces and

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Proposed BC Green (opt-in) Building Code Standardsfor Multiple Unit Residential Buildings

That each one of 20% of the parking spaces that are required for use by owners or occupiers of dwelling units in multiple family buildings be provided with a roughed-in electrical raceway or cable, electrical panel capacity and sufficient space in the electrical room to accommodate a future Level 2, minimum 40 amp electrical circuit and that the electrical room shall include equipment space and panel capacity for 100% of the required resident spaces.

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The BC Local Government Act allows Municipalities by Bylaw to require amenities as part of the provisions of Local Zoning Bylaws

Legislation Changes To Improve Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

There are currently no provisions in the Act to allow municipalities to require charging infrastructure by type of non-residential land use.

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Proposed BC Local Government Act revisions:

That Part 26 Section 906 (1) (a) of the Local Government Act be revised to “provide spaces and charging infrastructure for use by plug-in electric vehicles”, and that Section 906 (1) (b) be revised to include “designation” of the parking spaces.

This change would allow municipalities to establish requirements for commercial, Industrial, institutional , or any other non-residential land uses via provisions in local Zoning bylaws.

Legislation Changes To Improve Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure