legislative act status main activities connection with se ... · social economy - innovatory model...

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SE Analyse of institutions involved in SE at the European level No. Name of the institution Year of establishment Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE Contact details 1 Committee of Professional Agriculture Organisations in the EU (COPA) http://www.copa-cogeca.be 2 Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companie (CER) http://www.cer.be/ 3 Confederation of European Business (BUSINESSEUROPE) http://www.businesseurope.eu 4 Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) http://www.coess.org/Default.htm 5 Confederation of Hotels, Restaurants and Cafés (HOTREC) http://www.hotrec.org/ 6 Confederation of the Food and Drinks Industries of the EU (CIAA) http://www.ciaa.be/asp/index.asp 7 Cooperatives Europe To unite, represent, promote and defend co-operatives in Europe; to support & grow the co-operative model of enterprise and co- operative organizations across Europe; to provide consultation, research, development, members’ services and share experience and best practice. http://www.coopseurope.coop/ European Cooperatives House Ave Milcamps, 105 1030 Bruxelles Tel: + 32 2 743-10-33 Fax: + 32 2 743 10 39 Email [email protected] 8 Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering and Technology- Based Industries (WEM) http://www.wem.org/ 9 Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) http://www.ccre.org/

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Page 1: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the European level

No. Name of the institution Year ofestablishment

Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE Contact details

1 Committee of ProfessionalAgriculture Organisations in theEU (COPA)


2 Community of EuropeanRailway and InfrastructureCompanie (CER)


3 Confederation of EuropeanBusiness(BUSINESSEUROPE)


4 Confederation of EuropeanSecurity Services (CoESS)


5 Confederation of Hotels,Restaurants and Cafés(HOTREC)


6 Confederation of the Food andDrinks Industries of the EU(CIAA)


7 Cooperatives Europe To unite, represent,promote and defendco-operatives inEurope;to support & grow theco-operative model ofenterprise and co-operativeorganizations acrossEurope;to provideconsultation,research,development,members’ servicesand share experienceand best practice.

http://www.coopseurope.coop/European Cooperatives HouseAve Milcamps, 1051030 BruxellesTel: + 32 2 743-10-33Fax: + 32 2 743 10 39Email [email protected]

8 Council of EuropeanEmployers of the Metal,Engineering and Technology-Based Industries (WEM)


9 Council of EuropeanMunicipalities and Regions(CEMR)


Page 2: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the European level

10 Council of EuropeanProfessional and ManagerialStaff (EUROCADRES )


11 Demography Network of theSocial Situation Observatory


12 Directorate-General forEmployment, Social Affairsand Equal Opportunities


It works towards thecreation of more andbetter jobs, aninclusive society andequal opportunitiesfor all.

Employment Social inclusionand protection Workingconditions Non-discrimination Genderequality


13 Directorate-General forEnterprise and Industry


It works to ensurethat EU policiescontribute to thesustainablecompetitiveness ofEU enterprises andfacilitate job creationand sustainableeconomic growth

When policy-makers work toimprove the businessenvironment in Europe, theyneed to ensure that theirefforts take account of thespecific characteristics ofenterprises, particularlySMEs, in the SocialEconomy.


14 Emergence of SocialEnterprise in Europe -EMES European ResearchNetwork

1996 Researchnetwork

Research network ofestablished universityresearch centres andindividual researcherswhose goal is togradually build up aEuropean corpus oftheoretical andempirical knowledge,pluralistic indisciplines andmethodology, around“Third Sector” issues


Page 3: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the European level

15 Euroguidance http://www.euroguidance.net/index.htm16 European Agency for Safety

and Health at Workhttp://osha.europa.eu/OSHA

17 European and InternationalResearch and DevelopmentService for the SocialEconomy and the Co-operatives and Participativeenterprises - Diesis

1997 DIESIS' mission is tosupport the development ofthe Social Economy and, inparticular, of cooperatives,social and participativeenterprises worldwidethrough the implementationof knowledge-basedactivities such as training,project design, consultingand advisory services,technical assistance andresearch.


18 European Arts andEntertaiment Alliance (EAEA)


19 European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB)


20 European Association of Craft,Small and Medium-sizedEnterprises (UEAPME)


21 European Association ofDirectory and DatabasePublishers


22 European AutomobileManufactures Association(ACEA)


23 European Banking Federation(EBF)


24 European Broadcasting Union(EBU)


25 European Cement Association(CEMBUREAU)


26 European Centre for theDevelopment of VocationalTraining (ECDVT)


27 European Centre ofEnterprises with PublicParticipation and of Enterprisesof General Economic Interest(CEEP)


28 European Chemical IndustryCouncil (CEFIC)


Page 4: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the European level

29 European Commission 1950 SupranationalEuropeanCommunitysystemfollowing theproposal ofRobertSchuman


Independentsupranationalauthority separatefrom governments


30 European Confederation ofExecutives and ManagerialStaff (CEC)


31 European Confederation ofIndependent Trade Union(CESI)


32 European Confederation ofPolice (EUROCOP)


33 European Confederation of theFootwear Industry (CEC)


34 European Confederation ofWorkers' Co-operatives, SocialCooperatives and ParticipativeEnterprises (CECOP)


35 European ConstructionIndustry Federation (FIEC)


36 European CoordinationPlatform for Trade Unions inTourism (ETLC)


37 European Council for Non-Profit Organisations -CEDAG

Network ofnon-profitorganisations

CEDAG is a network of non-profit organisations fromacross the EU memberstates. CEDAG's membersare regional and nationalumbrella bodies for the non-profit sector; together theyrepresent over 50,000 non-profit organisations with over9 million individualmembers. The network wasestablished in 1989 in orderto provide a voice for thenon-profit sector atEuropean level on issues,which are common to all non-profit organisations.


Page 5: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the European level

39 European Economic andSocial Committee

1957 Rome Treaties EuropeanInstitution

Consultative body Gives representatives ofEurope's socio-occupationalinterest groups and others, aformal platform to expresstheir points of views on EUissues


40 European EmploymentObservatory


41 European Employment Service(EURES)


42 European EngineeringIndustries Association(ORGALIME)


43 European Fedeation of Retiredand Older People (FERPA)


44 European Federation ofBuilding and Woodworkers(EFBWW)


45 European Federation of Food,Agriculture and Tourism(EFFAT)


46 European Federation ofJournalists (EFJ / FEJ)


47 European Federation of PublicService Unions (EPSU)


48 European FoundationCentre - EFC


As an independentinternational association, theEuropean FoundationCentre (EFC) is thegathering point forindependent funders activein and with Europe.Foundations and corporatecitizens from all over Europeand the world are membersand partners of the EFC,which promotes andunderpins their work.


49 European MetalworkersFederation


50 European Mine, Chemical andEnergy Workers' Federation(EMCEF)


51 European Monitoring Centre ofChange (EMCC)


Page 6: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the European level

52 European Networks for SocialPolicy Analysis ESPAnetEurope


53 European NewspaperPublichers'Association (ENPA)


54 European Observatory on theSocial Situation andDemography


55 European Older People’sPlatform (AGE) /


56 European Parliament 1958 Rome Treaties EuropeanInstitution

Legislative body http://www.europarl.europa.eu/

57 European Petroleum IndustryAssociation (EUROPIA)


58 European Portal to Learning(PLOTEUS)


59 European Regions AirlineAssociation (ERA)


60 European Research Instituteon Cooperative and SocialEnterprises - Euricse

Study CentreonCooperativesand SocialEnterprises

The Institute isconstituted as anassociationalfoundation with aim topromote and developstudy and researchon cooperatives andsocial enterprises,and nonprofitorganizations moregenerally, and ontheir contribution toeconomic and socialdevelopment, from aninternational andmultidisciplinaryperspective


61 European SociologicalAssociation (ESA)


62 European SugarManufacturers'Committee(CEFS)


63 European TelecommunicationNetwork Operators'Association(ETNO)


64 European Trade UnionCommittee for Education(ETUCE / CSEE)


Page 7: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the European level

65 European Trade UnionConfederation (ETUC)


66 European Trade UnionFederation: Textile, Clothingand Leather (ETUF: TCL)


67 European Training Foundation http://www.etf.europa.eu/web.nsf?Open

68 European Transport Workers'Federation (ETF)


69 European Vocational TrainingAssociation (EVTA)


70 EUROSTAT http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/eurostat/home/

71 Federation of European DirectSelling Associations (FEDSA)


72 Federation of EuropeanEmployers


73 International Air CarrierAssociation (IACA)


74 International Association ofMutual Societies - AIM


A grouping of autonomoushealth insurance and socialprotection bodies operatingaccording to the principles ofsolidarity and non-profit-making orientation


75 International Confederation ofFree Trade Unions


76 International Co-operativeAlliance - ICA

1895 Independent,non-governmentalassociation

ICA is an independent, non-governmental associationwhich unites, represents andserves co-operativesworldwide. Founded in 1895,ICA has 222 memberorganisations from 90countries active in allsectors of the economy.Together these co-operatives represent morethan 800 million individualsworldwide.


77 International Federation of theChristian Associations of ItalianWorkers (FAI)


78 International Road TransportUnion (IRU)


79 Minority Rights GroupInternational


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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the European level

80 Organisation de coopérationet de développementéconomiques - OCDE

1961 PARIS 14décembre1960,Conventionrelative ŕl'Organisationde Coopérationet deDéveloppement Economiques

OECD bringstogether thegovernments ofcountries committedto democracy and themarket economy fromaround the world to:Support sustainableeconomic growth,Boost employment,Raise livingstandards, Maintainfinancial stability,Assist other countries'economicdevelopment,Contribute to growthin world trade



2000 EU-levelrepresentativeinstitution forthe SocialEconomy

SOCIAL ECONOMYEUROPE was set up inNovember 2000, under thename of CEP-CMAF.SOCIAL ECONOMYEUROPE aims at promotingSocial Economy as a sectorthat produces botheconomic and social wealth;promoting the role andvalues of Social Economyactors throughout Europeand at reinforcing politicaland legal recognition of theSocial Economy and thecooperatives, mutualsocieties, associations andfoundations at a Europeanlevel


82 Trade Union AdvisoryCommittee to the OECD


83 Union Network International(UNI -EUROPA)


84 Union of the Electricity Industry(EURELECTRIC)


85 Workability Europe http://www.workability-europe.org/

Page 9: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the European level

No. Institutions linked with the EU Social partners NGOs and civil society Research institutions1 Directorate General of Employment, Social Affairs and

Equal Opportunities of the European Commissionhttp://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/index_en.html

Confederation of European Business (BUSINESSEUROPE)http://www.businesseurope.eu

European Council of Associations ofGeneral Interest http://www.cedag-eu.org/

Demography Network of the SocialSituation Observatoryhttp://www.nidi.knaw.nl/en/projects/140105/

2 Social Dialogue, Employment, Social Affairs & EqualOpportunitieshttp://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/dsw/dspMain.do?lang=en

Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companie(CER) http://www.cer.be/

European Foundation Centrewww.efc.be

European Association of Directoryand Database Publishershttp://www.eadp.org

3 European Agency for Safety and Health at Workhttp://osha.europa.eu/OSHA

Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS)http://www.coess.org/Default.htm

European Networks for SocialPolicy Analysis ESPAnet Europehttp://www.espanet.org/

4 Euroguidance http://www.euroguidance.net/index.htm Committee of Professional Agriculture Organisations in the EU(COPA) http://www.copa-cogeca.be

European Observatory on theSocial Situation and Demographyhttp://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/spsi/european_observatory_en.htm

5 European Centre for the Development of VocationalTraining (ECDVT) www.cedefop.eu.int

Confederation of the Food and Drinks Industries of the EU (CIAA)http://www.ciaa.be/asp/index.asp

European Sociological Association(ESA)http://www.europeansociology.org/

6 European Economic and Social Committeehttp://eesc.europa.eu/

Confederation of Hotels, Restaurants and Cafés (HOTREC)http://www.hotrec.org/

7 European Employment Observatory http://www.eu-employment-observatory.net/

Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering andTechnology-Based Industries (WEM) http://www.wem.org/

8 European Employment Service (EURES)http://europa.eu.int/eures/index.jsp

Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)http://www.ccre.org/

9 European Monitoring Centre of Change (EMCC)http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/emcc/

Council of European Professional and Managerial Staff(EUROCADRES ) www.eurocadres.org

10 European Portal to Learning (PLOTEUS)http://europa.eu.int/ploteus/portal/

European Arts and Entertaiment Alliance (EAEA) http://www.worker-participation.eu/eu_social_dialogue/links_resources

11 European Training Foundation www.etf.eu.int European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-sizedEnterprises (UEAPME) www.ueapme.com

12 EUROSTAT http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB)http://www.eurocoopbanks.coop/

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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the European level

13 Social Dialogue, Employment, Social Affairs & EqualOpportunitieshttp://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/dsw/dspMain.do?lang=en

European Automobile Manufactures Association (ACEA)http://www.acea.be/

14 European Banking Federation (EBF) http://www.fbe.be15 European Broadcasting Union (EBU) http://www.ebu.ch/16 European Cement Association (CEMBUREAU)

http://www.cembureau.be/17 European Centre of Enterprises with Public Participation and of

Enterprises of General Economic Interest (CEEP) www.ceep.org

18 European Confederation of Executives and Managerial Staff(CEC) http://www.cec-managers.org/

19 European Confederation of the Footwear Industry (CEC)http://www.cecshoe.be/

20 European Confederation of Independent Trade Union (CESI)www.cesir.org

21 European Confederation of Police (EUROCOP) http://www.eurocop-police.org/

22 European Confederation of Workers' Co-operatives, SocialCooperatives and Participative Enterprises (CECOP)http://www.cecop.coop

23 European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC)http://www.fiec.org

24 European Coordination Platform for Trade Unions in Tourism(ETLC) http://www.etlc-network.eu/

25 European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) http://www.cefic.be/

26 European Engineering Industries Association (ORGALIME)http://www.orgalime.org/

27 European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW)www.efbww.org

28 European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism (EFFAT)www.effat.org

29 European Federation of Journalists (EFJ / FEJ) http://www.ifj.org

30 European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU)www.epsu.org

31 European Fedeation of Retired and Older People (FERPA)http://ferpa.etuc.org/

32 European Metalworkers Federation http://www.emf-fem.org33 European Mine, Chemical and Energy Workers' Federation

(EMCEF) www.emcef.org

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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the European level

34 European Newspaper Publichers'Association (ENPA)http://www.enpa.be/

35 European Older People’s Platform (AGE) http://www.age-platform.org/

36 European Petroleum Industry Association (EUROPIA)http://www.europia.com

37 European Regions Airline Association (ERA) http://www.eraa.org/

38 European Sugar Manufacturers'Committee (CEFS)http://www.cefs.org/

39 European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE / CSEE)http://www.csee-etuce.org/

40 European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) www.etuc.org

41 European Trade Union Federation: Textile, Clothing and Leather(ETUF: TCL) http://www.union-network.org/

42 European Telecommunication Network Operators'Association(ETNO) http://www.etno.be/

43 European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF)www.itf.org.uk/itfweb/etf/be/enewsindex.htm

44 European Vocational Training Association (EVTA) www.evta.net

45 Federation of European Direct Selling Associations (FEDSA)http://www.fedsa.be

46 Federation of European Employers http://www.fedee.com47 Minority Rights Group International http://www.minorityrights.org

48 International Air Carrier Association (IACA) http://www.iaca.be

49 International Confederation of Free Trade Unionshttp://www.icftu.org/

50 International Federation of the Christian Associations of ItalianWorkers (FAI) http://www.aclifai.org

51 International Road Transport Union (IRU) http://www.iru.org/

52 Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD http://www.tuac.org/

53 Workability Europe http://www.workability-europe.org/54 Union of the Electricity Industry (EURELECTRIC)

http://www2.eurelectric.org/Content/Default.asp55 Union Network International (UNI -EUROPA) http://www.uni-

europa.org/56 Workability Europe http://www.workability-europe.org/

Page 12: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

No. Name of theinstitution

Year ofestablishme



Status Main activities Connection with SE Subordination Contact person Contact details

1 Agintzari 1983 AssociationAgintzari is participating in a numberof programmes aimed at tacklingsocial problems, carrying outresearch and providing care forvulnerable children and young peopleat risk.

The association set upCommunity Intervention Teamsto promote and manage carehomes and develop social andeducational family and streetawareness programmes.


2 Azaro Fundazioa http://www.azarofundazioa.com/index.asp 

3 Censis 1973 ResearchInstitute

During the past 40 years it hascarried out studies, providedconsultancy, developed models andsubmitted proposals in the area ofsocio- economic processes andpolicies, more than 1.000 projects,most of which conducted on behalf ofItalian and foreign institutionalorganisations. It has gained thereputation of being one of the mostprestigious national researchinstitutes in social sciences andeconomics.


4 ConfederaciónEmpresarialEspańola De LaEconomía Social(Cepes)

1992 businessconfederation

Represents the Social Economyin Spain, and establishes itself asa platform for institutionaldialogue with the publicauthorities


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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

5 ConfederazioneCooperativeItaliana(Confcooperative)

Confcooperative - is the largest,legally recognised nationalorganisation for representing,assisting, protecting and auditing themember co-operatives


6 Istituto per aRicerca Sociale -IRS

independent, non-profitcooperative

IRS services range from research,consultancy, evaluation and training.IRS is articulated in seven areas: TheLabour Market and IndustrialRelations Nonprofit AdministrativePolicies Training and Labour PoliciesEnterprise and Industry PoliciesSocial and Health Policies andServices Urban Policies


7 Istituto StudiSviluppoAziendeNonprofit - Issan


Supported by the University of Trento.The institute carries outmultidisciplinary theoretical andapplied research, provides training,disseminates acquired knowledgethrough the promotion of seminarsand conferences and is also involvedin publishing.


8 Kmu ForschungAustria

1952 The main task is social and economicresearch focussing on small andmedium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Itaims to provide information and datato facilitate decision-making forbusinesses and their advisors, forinstitutions responsible for economicpolicy-making and businessdevelopment as well as foruniversities, higher educationinstitutions and other researchinstitutions


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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

9 Lega NazionaleDelleCooperative EMutue(Legacoop)

1957 indepen­dent,private,non-profitassociation

It promotes market policy choices,initiatives of the cooperativemovement for safeguardingconsumers, the environment andsocial solidarity.

The mission of the consumercooperatives is to create andmanage on behalf of its memberconsumers in retailingcompanies, a merging ofcommunity and solidarityinterests.For Coop, the challenge is tooperate transparently but on abusiness level as a social force inthe market.Among the main objectives ofCoop are:-to represent the interests andvalues of members andguarantee them a democraticparticipation in the cooperative.-to safeguard and represent therights of consumers, -defendingtheir economic interests, healthand safety and safeguarding theenvironment.-to offer the best quality and thebest service at the lowestpossible price.-to reinvest profits in order toproduce better services andincrease employment.


10 MondragónCorporaciónCooperativa

1956 MONDRAGON, is a business groupmade of 264 companies and entitiesorganised in three sectorial areas:Financial, Industrial and Distribution,together with the Research andTraining sectors


11 Social EnterpriseCoalition

Support sustainable economicgrowth,Boost employment,Raise living standards,Maintain financial stability,Assist other countries' economicdevelopment,Contribute to growth in worldtrade


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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

12 The EuropeanInstitute forSolidarity basedEconomy -INEES

1998 www.ope.lu/index.php

13 The IRISNetwork (Istitutidi Ricercasull'impresasociale)

Italian network gathering researchinstitutes on social enteprise


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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States


National/regional/ local authorities incharge of implementing social policies Social partners NGOs and civil society Research institutions

Other groups (like churchorganisations, chambers of

commerce, etc.)Austrian Public Employment ServiceArbeitsmarktservicehttp://www.ams.or.at/neu/

Austrian Trade Union Federation OGBhttp://www.oegb.at

Centre for Civil Societywww.civilsociety.org.aus

Institute for Economic Promotionhttp://www.wifi.at

Austrian Chamber of Commercehttp://www.hkaba.biz/

Federal Ministry of Economy, Family andYouth http://www.bmwfj.gv.at

Federation of Austria Industrialistshttp://www.iv-net.at

Institute for Economic Researchhttp://www.wifo.ac.at

Chambers of Economics inAustriahttp://www.advantageaustria.org

Federal Chamber of Labourhttp://www.arbeiterkammer.at

Federation of Austrian Industrieshttp://www.iv-net.at/

Institute of Sociology, University ofVienna, http://www.univie.ac.at/

Federal Chamber of Labourhttp://www.arbeiterkammer.at

Institute of Sociology, Faculty ofSocial and Economic Sciences,University of Graz http://www-classic.uni-graz.at/sozwww/home.html

Working Chamber Wienhttp://wien.arbeiterkammer.at

Institute for Labour and Social Law,Faculty of Law, Graz Universityhttp://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/E/#Institute for Social Policy, ViennaUniversity of Economics andBusiness Administrationhttp://www.wu-wien.ac.at/sozialpolitik_enInterdisciplinary Centre forComparative Research in the SocialSciences (ICCR) http://www.iccr-international.org

Research Institute for Economics ofAging, Vienna University ofEconomics and BusinessAdministration http://www.wu-wien.ac.at/altersoekonomie/englishStatistics Austriahttp://www.statistik.at



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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Federal Public Service Employment, Labourand Social Dialoguehttp://www.meta.fgov.be/#http://www.employment.belgium.be ACW www.acw.be

General Central of Liberal TradeUnions in Belgium (CGSLB)www.cgslb.be

Centre for European Policy Studieswww.ceps.be

Federation of Chambers ofCommerce and Industry ofBelgium http://www.cci.be/

Regional Office for Employment Bruxel(ORBEM / BGDA) http://www.orbem.be/

Confederation of Christian Trade Unions(CSV / ACV) http://www.csc-en-ligne.be/ Social Economy Europe Belgium

Free University of Bruxelles (ULB)www.ulb.ac.be

Safe Work Information Centerhttp://www.safestart.be/

Wallon Office of Professional Training andEmployment (FOREM)http://www.leforem.be/

General Confederation of Liberal TradeUnions of Belgium http://www.aclvb.be/

Institute of Labour Sciences,Catholic University of Louvainhttp://www.uclouvain.be

General Labour Federation of Belgium(FGTB / ABVV) http://www.abvv.be/

Institute of Sociology, Free Universityof Bruxelles http://www.ulb.ac.be/is/

Federation of Entreprises in Belgiumhttp://www.vbo-feb.be

Statistics Division, Federal PublicService Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energyhttp://www.statbel.fgov.be/

Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling(VDAB) http://www.vdab.be/

Ministry of Labour and Social Policyhttp://www.mlsp.government.bg/

Bulgarian Industrial Association - Union ofthe Bulgarian Business (BIA)http://www.bia-bg.com/

Regional Economic DevelopmentCenter (REDC Bulgaria)http://www.redc.sliven.net/index_en.htm

Department of Sociology, SofiaUniversity "St. Kliment OchrisdkiSofia"; Bulgaria http://uni-sofia.bg

Bulgarian Chamber ofCommerce and Industryhttp://www.bcci.bg/

National Employment Agencyhttp://www.az.government.bg/

Confederation of Independent TradeUnions of Bulgaria (CITUB / KNSB)http://www.knsb-bg.org/knsb/

Faculty of Economics and BusinessAdministration, Sofia University "St.Kliment Ochrisdki Sofia"; Bulgariahttp://uni-sofia.bg

Confederation of Labour (PODKREPA)http://www.podkrepa.org

Faculty of Economics and SocialSciences, Paissii Hilendarski StateUniversity, Plovdiv, Bulgariahttp://www.uni-plovdiv.bgInstitute of Economics, BulgarianAcademy of Scienceshttp://www.iki.bas.bgNational Centre of Hygiene, Ecologyand Nutritionhttp://en.ncphp.government.bgNational Statistical Institutehttp://www.nsi.bg/





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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Communities, Associations andOrganisations of the Kyrenia District

Cyprus Employers & IndustrialistsFederation (OEB) http://www.oeb.org.cy

Women’s Association of theKyrenia District

Cyprus Labour Institutehttp://www.inek.org.cy/english/

Cyprus Chamber of Commerceand Industryhttp://www.ccci.org.cy/

Department of Labour, Public Employmentservice register an search for job vacanciesGovernment of Cyprus,http://www.pescps.dl.mlsi.gov.cy/

Cyprus Union of Bank Employers (ETYK)http://www.etyk.org.cy

Cyprus Sociology Associationhttp://www.sociology.org.cy

Department of Labour Relationshttp://www.mlsi.gov.cy/mlsi/dlr/dlr.nsf/dmlindex_en/dmlindex_en?OpenDocument

Cyprus Workers’ Confederation (SEK)http://www.sek.org.cy

Department of Public and BusinessAdministration, University of Cyprushttp://www.ucy.ac.cy/

Famagusta District Welfare CouncilDemocratic Labour Federation of Cyprushttp://www.deok.org.cy/

Department of Social and PoliticalSciences, University of Cyprushttp://www.ucy.ac.cy/kpe/index.html

Kyrenia District Welfare Council

Employer Organisation Association ofCyprus Tourist Entreprises (ACTE)http://www.acte.com.cy/

National Resource Centre forGuidance Cyprushttp://www.nrcg.dl.mlsi.gov.cy/

Larnaka District Welfare CouncilNorth Cyprus Hoteliers Association(KTOB) http://www.northcyprus.net/

Statistics Office, Cyprus Policehttp://www.police.gov.cy

Lefkosia District Welfare Council

Organisation of Secondary SchoolTeachers of Cyprus (OELMEK)http://www.oelmek.com.cy

Lemesos District Welfare CouncilPancyprian Civil Servants Union(PASYDY) http://www.pasydy.org

Pancyprian Welfare CouncilPancyprian Farmers' Union (AGROTIKI)http://www.cyprus.gov.cy

Paphos District Welfare CouncilPancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO)http://www.peo.org.cy/

Pancyprian Greek Teachers Organisation(POED) http://www.cyprus.gov.cyPancyprian Union of Pilots (PA.SI.PI.)http://www.cyprus.gov.cyPanagrotikoshttp://www.panagrotikos.org.cyUnion of Cypriot Peasants (EKA)http://www.cyprus.gov.cy



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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairshttp://portal.mpsv.cz/ http://www.mpsv.cz/

Association of Agriculture and FoodWorkers – the Association of Free Unionsof the Czech Republic http://www.ospzv-aso.cz/

Charles University in Praguehttp://ipc1.cuni.cz/iis/

Czech Chamber of Commercehttp://www.komora.cz

Association of Independent Trade Unionsof the Czech Republichttp://www.asocr.cz/

Czech Statistical Officehttp://www.czso.cz/

Confederation of Arts and Culture

Gender and Sociology Department,Institute of Sociology, Academy ofSciences http://www.soc.cas.cz/en/

Confederation of Industry of the CzechRepublic (SPCR) http://www.spcr.cz

Czech - Moravian Trade Union of Workersin Education http://www.skolskeodbory.cz/

Czech-Moravian Confederation of TradeUnions (ČMKOS) http://www.cmkos.cz/

Federation of the Food and DrinkIndustries of the Czech Republichttp://www.foodnet.cz/

Professional and Trade Union of MedicalWorkers of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesiahttp://www.pouzp.czUnion of Czech and Moravian artistsTrade Union Club of Physicians CzechRepublic

Trade Union Federation of Bohemia,Moravia and Silesia http://oscms.sweb.cz/Transport Union of the Czech Republichttp://www.svazdopravy.czTrade Union of Workers in Mines,Geology and Oil Industryhttp://osphgn.cmkos.cz/




Page 20: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Labour Market Authority http://www.ams.dk/Confederation of Danish Employers (DA)http://www.da.dk

Centre for Comparative WelfareStudies, University of Aalborghttp://www.socsci.auc.dk/ccws/

Denmark Chamber ofCommercehttp://denmarkchamber.com.au/

Ministry of Eployment http://www.bm.dkConfederation of Danish Industry (DI)http://www.di.dk

Centre for Labour Market Research(CARMA)http://www.epa.aau.dk/carma

Danish Association of Managers andExecutives http://www.lederne.dk

Copenhagen Institute for FutureStudies (CIFS)http://www.cifs.dk/en/omcifs.asp

Danish Confederation of Trade Unions(LO - DK) http://www.lo.dk

Danish National Institute of SocialResearch SFI http://www.sfi.dk

Danish Confederation of ProfessionalAssociations (AC) http://www.ac.dk

Department of Sociology, Universityof Copenhagen www.soc.ku.dk/

Jobnet http://www.jobnet.dk/

School for PostgraduateInterdisciplinary Research onInterculturalsim and Transnationality(SPIRIT) http://spirit.ihis.aau.dk/

Salaried Employees’ and Civil Servants’Confederation (FTF) http://www.ftf.dk/ Statistics Denmark http://www.dst.dk

Ministry of Social Affaires http://www.sm.ee/Confederation of Estonian Trade Unions(EAKL) http://www.eakl.ee/ Estonian Social Sphere Roundtable

Institute of Sociology and SocialPolicy, Faculty of Social Sciences,Tartu University, Estoniahttp://www.so.ut.ee/sociology

Estonian Chamber of Commerceand Industry http://www.koda.ee

Labour Market Board http://www.tta.ee/Estonian Employers Confederationwww.employers.ee

Women's Training Centerwww.nkk.ee/en/ Statistics Estonia http://www.stat.ee/

Estonian Employers' Confederation(ETTK) http://www.tooandjad.ee

Estonian Employees’ Unions’ Association(TALO) http://www.talo.ee/





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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Ministry of Labour www.mol.fiCentral Organisation of Finnish TradeUnions (SAK) www.sak.fi

Finnish Alliance for DevelopmentCooperation (Findeco)http://findeco.fi

Academic Career Serviceshttp://www.aarresaari.net

Arbitration Institute of the CentralChamber of Commerce ofFinlandhttp://www.arbitration.fi

Employment Officeshttp://www.mol.fi/mol/fi/tyovoimatoimistot.jsp

Confederation of Finnish ConstructionIndustries RThttp://www.rakennusteollisuus.fi

Department of Sociology, Universityof Helsinkiwww.valt.helsinki.fi/sosio/english/

Central Chamber of Commerceof Finlandhttp://www.keskuskauppakamari.fi

The Employment and Equality Committeehttp://web.eduskunta.fi/Resource.phx/parliament/committees/employment.htx

Pellervo Confederation of FinnishCooperativeshttp://www.pellervo.fi

Employment and EconomicDevelopment Centres (T&E Centres)http://www.te-keskus.fi

Evangelical Free Church ofFinland http://www.svk.fi

Ministry of Employment and the Economyhttp://www.tem.fi

Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK)http://www.ek.fi/www/fi/index.php Statistics Finland http://www.stat.fi


Permanent Representation of Finland to theEuropean Union

Confederation of Unions for AcademicProfessionals in Finland (AKAVA)http://www.akava.fi/

Unemployment Benefit Societyof Finnish Entrepreneurshttp://www.syt.fi

Federation of Finnish Enterpriseshttp://www.yrittajat.fi

Unemployment Fund forEntrepreneurs and the Self-Employed http://www.ayt.fi

Finnish Association of OccupationalHealth Physicianshttp://www.terveysportti.fiFinnish Association of OccupationalHealth Nurseshttp://www.stthl.net/fin

Finnish Confederation of Professionals(STTK) http://www.sttk.fi/Finnish Forest Industries Federationhttp://www.forestindustries.fiUnion of Salaried Employeeshttp://www.toimihenkilounioni.fiTrade Union Solidarity Centre of Finlandhttp://www.sask.fi



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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Ministry of Labour, Social Relations, Family,Solidarity and City http://www.travail-solidarite.gouv.fr

Association Pour l'Emploi des Cadreshttp://www.apec.fr/

Institute for the Study of Economicand Social Development, SorbonneUniversity http://www.univ-paris1.fr/ufr/institut-detude-du-developpement-economique-et-social/

Chamber of Commerce andIndustry of Francehttp://www.ccip.fr/

National Agency for Employmenthttp://www.anpe.fr/

Confédération française del'encadrement(CFE-CGC)http://www.cfecgc.org/

Labour Studies Institute, SorbonneUniversity http://www.univ-paris1.fr/ufr/institut-des-sciences-sociales-du-travail/

Permanent Representation of France to theEuropean Union

Fédération Nationale des Syndicats de'l'Inspection du Travail, Emploi et Form.Prof.

National Institute for Statistics andEconomic Studieshttp://www.insee.fr

Fédération syndicale unitairehttp://www.fsu.fr/French Business Confederationhttp://www.medef.frFrench Confederation of ChristianWorkers (CFTC) http://www.cftc.fr/French Democratic Confederation ofLabour (CFDT) http://www.cfdt.frGeneral Confederation of Labour (CGT)http://www.cgt.fr/General Confederation of Labour -Workers’ Power (CGT FO)http://www.force-ouvriere.fr/

National Union of Autonomous TradeUnions(UNSA) http://www.unsa.org/Union nationale des syndicats autonomeshttp://www.unsa.org



Page 23: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairshttp://www.bma.bund.de Arbeitnehmer-Union der CSU www.csu.de

Caritas Germanyhttp://www.caritas.de

Europan Data Laboratory (ZA-EUROLAB)http://www.gesis.org/en/research/research-stay/european-data-laboratory/

German Chambers of Industryand Commercehttp://www.dihk.de/english/

Senatsverwaltung für Integration, Arbeit undSoziales http://www.berlin.de/sen/ias/

Christlich-DemokratischeArbeitnehmerschaft Deutschlandshttp://www.cda-bund.dehttp://www.cdu.de/

InteressenvertretungSelbstbestimmt Leben inDeutschland e.V.(advocacy for self-determind living in Germany)http://www.isl-ev.de

Federal Statistical Office of Germanyhttp://www.destatis.de

Federation of German CatholicYouth (BDKJ)http://www.bdkj.de/

Confederation of German Employers'Associations (BDA)http://www.arbeitgeber.de

Living + care + employment forsolidary persons (OBDACH)http://www.obdach-hd.de

Institute for Labour Law andIndustrial Relations in the, TrierUniversity European Community(IAAEG) www.iaaeg.de

German Confederation of Trade Unions(DGB) http://www.dgb.de

National Society of Labour Welfare(AWO) http://www.awo.org

Institute for the Social Sciences(GESIS Leibniz) http://www.gesis.org

Federal Association for safety and Healthat work ( Basi) http://www.basi.de

Institute of Sociology, University ofHamburg http://www.sozialwiss.uni-hamburg.de/

Federal Employment Agencyhttp://www.arbeitsagentur.de/

Sociology Department,Institute ofSocial Sciences, Faculty ofBusiness, Economics, and SocialSciences Christian AlbrechtsUniversity of Kiel http://www.bwl.uni-kiel.de/

Federation of German Industries (BDI)http://www.bdi.eu/

Verdi Trade Union http://www.verdi.de

Employment Placement Officehttp://www.dimitra.gr

Confederation of Greek Civil Servants’Trade Unions (ADEDY)http://www.adedy.gr

General Secretariat of NationalStatistical Service of Greecehttp://www.statistics.gr

Athens Chamber of Commerceand Industry http://www.acci.gr

Information Centres for Workers and theUnemployedhttp://www.uehr.panteion.gr/flash_index.html

Greek General Confederation of Labour(GSEE) http://www.gsee.gr/

Mediterranean MigrationObservatoryhttp://www.uehr.panteion.gr/data_gr/325.htm

Ministry for Labour and Social Affaireshttp://www.labor-ministry.gr/

Greek Manpower EmploymentOrganization http://www.oaed.gr/

National Statistical Service ofGreece (NSSG) www.statistics.gr

Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV)http://www.sev.org.gr

National Center for Social Research(EKKE) Athenshttp://www.ekke.gr/html/eng/profile/index.html

Institute of Labour www.inegsee.gr





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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Ministry of Social Affaires and Labourhttp://www.szmm.gov.hu

Autonomous Trade Union Confederation(ASzSz) http://www.autonomok.hu/

City Mental Hygienic [email protected]

Center for Policy Studies, CentralEuropean Universityhttp://cps.ceu.hu

Hungarian Chamber ofCommerce and Industryhttp://www.mkik.hu/

National Employment Foundationhttp://www.ofa.hu/

Democratic League of Independent TradeUnions (LIGA) http://www.liganet.hu/

Foundation of the WelfareServicewww.emitelnet.hu/alapitvany/index.htm

Hungarian Central Statistic Officehttp://portal.ksh.hu/

Public employment servicehttp://en.afsz.hu/Engine.aspx

Confederation of Hungarian Employersand Industrialists (MGYOSZ)http://www.mgyosz.hu

Salva Vita Foundationhttp://[email protected]

Institute of Economics, HungarianAcademy of Scienceshttp://www.econ.core.hu/english/

Confederation of Unions of Professionals(ÉSZT) http://www.eszt.hu/

Institute of Sociology and SocialPolic, Corvinus University ofBudapest http://www.uni-corvinus.hu/szoc http://gender.uni-corvinus.hu

Forum for the Co-operation of TradeUnions (SzEF) http://www.szef.hu/

Social Research Institute (TARKI)http://www.tarki.hu/en/

National Confederation of HungarianTrade Unions (MSzOSz)http://mathom.dura.hu

National Federation of Workers’ Councils(MOSz) http://www.munkastanacsok.hu



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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Ballinamore Area Community CouncilAssociation of Secondary Teachers inIreland http://www.asti.ie/

National Learning Networkwww.rehab.ie/nln/index.aspx Central Statistics Office www.cso.ie

Chambers of Commerce ofIreland http://www.chambers.ie

Department of Enterprise, Trade andEmployment http://www.entemp.ie/

Association of Teachers of HomeEconomics

School of Political Science andSociology, National University ofGalway http://www.nuigalway.ie

Department of Social and Family Affaireshttp://www.welfare.ie

Electricty Supply Board OfficersAssociation (OA) http://www.esboa.ie/

Employment Rights Information Unitwww.entemp.ie

Federation of Business & ProfessionalWomen http://www.bpw.ie

National Employment Rights Authorityhttp://www.employmentrights.ie IMPACT Trade Union www.impact.ie

National Training and Employment Authority,Government of Ireland http://www.fas.ie/en/

Irish Business and EmployersConfederation (IBEC) http://www.ibec.ie

Public jobs http://www.publicjobs.ie/Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU)http://www.ictu.ie

Roscommon County Councilhttp://www.roscommoncoco.ie/

Irish Society of Occupational Medicinehttp://ireland.iol.ieIrish Traveller Movementhttp://www.itmtrav.com

Services Industrial Professional &Technical Union (SIPTU) www.siptu.ieSmall Firms Association www.sfa.ie

Ministry of Labour and Social Preventionhttp://www.lavoro.gov.it/

Associazione professionale ItalianaAmbiente e Sicurezza http://www.aias-sicurezza.it

CARITAS Italiana, organismopastorale della CEI

Department of Political Science andpolitical sociology, FlorenceUniversity www.unifi.it

Chamber of Commerce of Italyhttp://www.unioncamere.it/

National Lobour Boursehttp://www.borsalavoro.it/wps/portal

Confederation of Italian Industry(CONFINDUSTRIA)

Department of Sociology and SocialResearch, University of Trento, Italy

National Council of Economy and Labourhttp://www.portalecnel.it/

Federation of Food industry in Italy(FEDERALIMENTARE)

European University Institutehttp://www.iue.it/

Permanent Representation of Italy to theEuropean Union

General Confederation of AutonomousTrade Unions of Workers (CONFSAL)http://www.confsal.it/

National Institute of Statistics(ISTAT) www.istat.it

Italian Confederation of Workers’ TradeUnions (CISL) http://www.cisl.it/Italian General Confederation of Labour(CGIL) http://www.cgil.it/Italian Union of Labour (UIL)http://www.uil.it/





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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Latvian Association of Local and RegionalGovernmentshttp://www.lps.lv/jaunumi.php?lang=lv Book Industry Trade Union (LGrAS)

Nongovernmental Organisations’Centre http://www.nvo.lv

Central Statistical Bureau of Latviawww.csb.lv

Latvian Chamber of Commerceand Industryhttp://www.chamber.lv

Ministry of Welfarehttp://www.lm.gov.lv/

Communication Workers Trade Union(LSAB)

Division of Social Sciences andHumanities, Latvian Academy ofSciences http://www.lza.lv

State Employment Agency http://www.nva.lv/

Educational and Scientific Workers TradeUnion (LIZDA)http://www.randburg.com/lv/lbas.html

Institute of Philosophy andSociology, University of Latviahttp://www.lu.lv/eng/general/structure/institutes/philosophy.html

Employers' Confederation of Latvia(LDDK) www.lddk.lv

Social Laboratory and AcademicSchool of Social Work, Institute ofRehabilitation, Riga StradinsUniversity http://www.rsu.lv

Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia(lBAS) http://www.lbas.lv/

Fish Industry Workers Trade Union (LZA)http://www.randburg.com/lv/lbas.html

Food Industry Workers Trade Union(LPRA)http://www.randburg.com/lv/lbas.html

Forest Sphere Trade Union (LMNA)http://www.randburg.com/lv/lbas.html

Medical Workers Trade Union (LMDA)Metal Workers Trade Union (LMA)Metallurgy Workers Trade Union ofLiepajaLatvia Industrial Workers Trade Union(LINA)Seafarers Union of Merchant Fleet(LTFJA)Professional Career Councelling StateAgency http://www.pkiva.gov.lv/Trade Union of Commerce (LTAP)

Trade Union of Public Service Employees(LAKRS)http://www.randburg.com/lv/lbas.html

Union of Independent Trade Unions ofLatvia (LBAS)http://www.randburg.com/lv/lbas.html



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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Lithuanian Labour Echangehttp://www.ldb.lt/LDB_Site/index.htm

Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists(LPK) www.lpk.lt

Taurage district women’semployment and information centerwww.moterucentrai..lt

Department of Social Policy, Facultyof Social Policy, Mykolas RomerisUniversity http://www.mruni.lt

Lithuanian Chamber ofCommerce and Industryhttp://www.chambers.lt

Lithuanian Labour market training authorityhttp://www.ldrmt.lt/ http://www.darborinka.lt/

Lithuanian Labour Federation (LDF)http://www.ldf.lt/

Division of Humanities and SocialSciences, Lithuanian Academy ofSciences http://lma.lt

Ministry of Social Security and Labourhttp://www.socmin.lt/

Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation(LPSK / LTUC) http://www.lpsk.lt/

Department of Statistics, theGovernment of the Republic ofLithuania (Statistics Lithuania)www.stat.gov.lt

Lithuanian Trade Union "Solidarumas"(LPSS LDS)

Administration de l'emploihttp://www.adem.public.lu/

Business Federation Luxembourg (Fedil)http://www.fedil.lu

Central Service for Statistics andEconomic Studieshttp://www.statec.public.lu/fr/index.html

Chamber of Commerce of theGrand-Duchy of Luxembourghttp://www.cc.lu

Ministere du Travail et de l'Emploihttp://www.mt.etat.lu

General Confederation of Labour ofLuxembourg (CGT-L) http://www.ogb-l.lu/

Population and Employment, StudiesCentre of Population, Poverty andSocio/Economic pOlitics, (CEPS –INSTEAD)http://www.ceps.lu/unites_de_recherche/index.cfm

Independent Trade Union Confederationof Luxembourg (OGB-L)

Labour Trade Union http://www.lcgb.lu/Luxembourg Christian Trade UnionConfederation (LCGB) http://lcgb.lu/fr





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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Employment and Training Corporationhttp://www.etc.gov.mt/

Confederation of Malta Trade Unions(CMTU) http://www.cmtu.org.mt/

Centre for Labour Studies, Universityof Malta http://www.um.edu.mt

General Retailers and TradersUnion - Malta Chamber of SMEswww.grtu.eu

Ministry for the Family and Social Solidairtyhttp://www.msp.gov.mt/default.asp

General Workers Union (GWU)http://www.gwu.org.mt/

General Workers Union (GWU)http://www.gwu.org.mt/

National Statistics Office Maltahttp://www.nso.gov.mt/

Malta Chamber of Commerceand Enterprisehttp://www.chamber.org.mt/

Permanent Representation of Malta to theEuropean Union

Malta Business Bureau (MBB)http://www.mbb.org.mt/

European Documentation andResearch Centre (EDRC), Universityof Maltahttp://home.um.edu.mt/edrc/

Malta Employers` Associationhttp://www.maltaemployers.com/Malta Federation of Industryhttp://www.foi.org.mtMalta Federation of ProfessionalAssociationswww.mfpa.org.mtMalta Workers' Union (UHM)http://www.uhm.org.mt

Ministry of Social Affaires and Employmenthttp://www.employment.gov.nl/

Confederation of Netherlands Industry andEmployers (VNO-NCW) http://www.vno-ncw.nl

Institute for Socio-EconomicResearch ISEO -http://www.few.eur.nl/few/research/iseo

Netherlands Chamber ofCommerce http://www.kvk.nl

Labour Foundation http://www.stvda.nl Labour Foundation http://www.stvda.nl

Maastricht Economic and SocialResearch and Training Centre onInnovation and Technology, UnitedNations University UNU - MERIThttp://www.merit.unu.edu/

National Federation of Christian TradeUnions (CNV) http://www.cnv.nl/

Statistics Netherlandshttp://www.cbs.nl

Netherlands Trade Union Confederation(FNV) http://www.fnv.nl/Trade Union Confederation in theNetherlands (FNV) http://www.fnv.nl/

Trade Union Federation for MiddleClasses and Higher Level Employees(MHP) http://www.vakcentralemhp.nl/





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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Ministry of Labour and Social Policyhttp://www.mps.gov.pl/

Solidarnosc Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union (NSZZ)http://www.solidarnosc.org.pl/

Central Statistical Officehttp://www.stat.gov.pl

Polish Chamber of Commercehttp://www.kig.pl/

Permanent Representation of Poland to theEuropean Union

Poland Alliance of Trade Unions (OPZZAll) http://opzz.org.pl/

Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology,University of Warsawhttp://www.uw.edu.pl

Public Employment Servicehttp://www.psz.praca.gov.pl/

All-Poland Alliance of Trade Unionshttp://opzz.org

Faculty of Social Sciences, AdamMickiewicz Universityhttp://www.amu.edu.pl/index.php

Polish Craft Associationhttp://www.zrp.pl/en/list.asp

Polish Confederation of Private EmployersLewiatan (PKPP Lewiatan)

General Directorate for Employment andLabour Relationshttp://www.dgert.msst.gov.pt/

Confederation of Portuguese Industryhttp://www.cip.org.pt

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundationwww.gulbenkian.pt/

Lisbon Trade AssociationPortuguese Chambers ofCommerce and Industryhttp://en.acl.org.pt/

General Directorate for Studies, Statistic andPlanning http://www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt/

General Confederation of PortugheeseWorkers (CGTP-IN) http://www.cgtp.pt/

National Institute of Statisticshttp://www.ine.pt

Portuguese IndustrialAssociation http://www.aip.pt/

Ministry for Labour and Social Solidaritywww.mtss.gov.pt

General Workers’ Union Portugal (UGT-P)http://www.ugt.pt/

Social Sciences Institute (ICS)http://www.ics.ul.pt/instituto/

Public Employment Service www.iefp.ptPortuguese Industrial Association Industryhttp://www.aip.pt/





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Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Economic and Social Council (CES)http://www.ces.ro/

Alliance of Employers' Confederation ofRomania (ACPR) http://www.acpr.ro

Qualification Center of Adults Iasihttp://www.calificareadulti.ro/

National Institute of Statisticshttp://www.insse.ro/

Chamber of Commerce andIndustry of Bucharesthttp://www.ccib.ro/

Ministry of Labour, Family and SocialProtection (MMFPS) www.mmuncii.ro

Confederation of Democratic TradeUnions of Romania (CSDR)

Work and welfarehttp://www.paembraila.ro/

National Research Institute in thefield of Labour and Social Protection(INCSMPS) http://www.incsmps.ro/

Chamber of Commerce andIndustry of Romaniahttp://www.ccir.ro

National Agency for Employment (ANOFM)www.anofm.ro

Employers' Confederation (CONCORDIA)http://www.cpconcordia.eu/

National Council for Adult Vocational Training(CNFPA) http://www.cnfpa.ro

Employers' Confederation of Industry,Services and Commerce (CPISC)http://www.cpisc.ro/nou/

National Observatory on Employment andProfessional Training (ONOFP)http://www.mmuncii.ro

Employers's Confederation of theRomanian Industry (UGIR)http://www.ugir.ro

Office for Migration of Labour Forcehttp://www.omfm.ro

Employers's Confederation of theRomanian Industry (UGIR 1903)http://www.ugir1903.roEmployers' Confederation of RomanianIndustry (CONPIROM)http://www.conpirom.ro/Meridian National Trade UnionConfederation (CNSN Meridian)http://www.csnmeridian.ro

National Association of Travel Agencies inRomania (ANAT) http://www.anat.ro/National Confederation of Free TradeUnions in Romania (CNSRL FRATIA)http://www.cnslr-fratia.ro/

National Council of Small and MediumSized Private Enterprises in Romania(CNIPMMR) http://www.cnipmmr.ro/National Employers (PN)http://www.patronatulroman.ro/

National Employers' Confederation ofRomania (NCRCNPR) http://www.cnpr.ro/National Employers' Council of Romania(CoNPR)National Trade Union Confederations(BNS) www.bns.ro

National Trade Union Confederation(Cartel ALFA) http://www.cartel-alfa.ro/



Page 31: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

National Union of Handicraft andProduction Cooperatives of Romania(UCECOM) http://www.ucecom.roNational Union of Romanian Employers(UNPR) www.unpr.ro/Romanian Association of ConstructionEntrepreneurs(ARACOhttp://www.araco.org/Romanian National Employers (PNR)http://www.pnr.org.ro/

Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Familywww.employment.gov.sk

Confederation of Trade Union (KOZ SR)http://www.kozsr.sk/

Slovak Union of SupportedEmployment, www.supz.sk

Department of Social Developmentand Labor,Faculty of NationalEconomy, University of Economics inBratislava http://nhf.euba.sk

Slovak Chamber of Commerceand Industry http://www.scci.sk/

Labour, Social Affairs and Family Officehttp://www.upsvar.sk/

National Union of Employers (RUZ)http://www.ruzsr.sk

Institute of Economics, Faculty ofSocial and Economic Studies,Comenius University in Bratislava,http://www.uniba.sk

Social Development Fund,www.fsr.gov.sk

Institute for Labour and FamilyResearch, www.sspr.gov.skInstitute for Sociology of the SlovakAcademy of Scienceshttp://www.sociologia.sav.sk

Statistical Office of the SlovakRepublic http://portal.statistics.sk

Employment Service of Sloveniahttp://www.ess.gov.si/

Association of Associations of Slovenia(ZDOS) http://en.zveza-zdos.si/

Department of Sociology, Faculty ofSocial Sciences, University ofLjubljana http://www.fdv.uni-lj.si/

Chamber of Commerce andIndustry of Sloveniahttp://eng.gzs.si/slo/

Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairshttp://www.mddsz.gov.si/en/

Association of Free Trade Unions ofSlovenia http://www.zsss.si/

Institute of Social Sciences, Facultyof Social Sciences, University ofLjubljana http://www.fdv.uni-lj.si/

Confederation of Trade Unions ofSlovenia Pergam http://www.sindikat-pergam.si/

Institute of Social Sciences, Facultyof Social Sciences, University ofLjubljana http://www.fdv.uni-lj.si/

Employers' Association of Slovenia (ZDS)http://www.zds.si

Statistical Office of the Republic ofSlovenia http://www.stat.si/

Independence, Confederation of NewTrade Unions of Slovenia (KNSS)http://www.mc-ii.siSlovenian Association of Free TradeUnions (ZSSS) http://www.zsss.si/







Page 32: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Consejero Coordinador de Trabajo y AsuntosSociales

Basque Workers’ Union (STV-ELA)http://www.ela-sindikatua.org/

Association of Companies withSocial InterestsAsociación de Empresas conSensibilidad Social (aess) -Dedicada a la orientación deempleo, cursos de formación yayuda a minusvalias.http://www.asociacionaess.org/

Department of Sociology, OviedoUniversityhttp://www.uniovi.es/sociologia/

Spain Chamber of Commercehttps://www.camaras.org

Ministry of Education, Social Policies andSports (PLANT)http://www.mepsyd.es/plane.html

Convergencia Intersindical Gallegawww.galizacig.com

Fundacion Adeccowww.fundacionadecco.es

Faculty of Political and SocialSciences, Pompeu Fabra Universityhttp://www.upf.edu/politiques/en/

Spanish Institute of ForeignCommerce http://www.icex.es

Minister of Labour and Inmigrationhttp://www.mtin.es

General Workers’ Union, Spain (UGT-E)http://www.ugt.es/index1.html

Institute for Training andEmployment Instituto para laFormacion y Empleohttp://www.imafe.org/

National Institute of OccupationalSafety and Healthhttp://www.insht.es

Trinidad and Tobago Chamberof Industry and Commercehttp://www.chamber.org.tt

National System of Employmenthttp://www.sistemanacionalempleo.es/

National Workers Confereration (CNT)http://www.cnt.es/

Luis Vives Fundationhttp://www.fundacionluisvives.org

National Institute of Statisticshttp://www.ine.es/

Institute for Employment, Publichttp://www.inem.es

Trade Union Confederation of Workers’Commissions (CC.OO)http://www.ccoo.es/csccoo/

Objective EmploymentObjetivo Empleowww.objetivoempleo.info

National Social Security Institute(INSS) http://www.seg-social.es

Occupational Observatoryhttp://www.inem.es/inem/ciudadano/observatorio/index.html

Spanish Confederation of Employers(CEOE) http://www.ceoe.es

Spanish Confederation ofCompanies for Social EconomiesConfederación EmpresarialEspańola de Economía Social(CEPES)http://www.cepes.es/

School of Professional & ExecutiveDevelopment, Polytechnic Universityof Catalunyahttp://www.talent.upc.edu/home

Public Employment Services of theAutonomous Communitieshttp://www.inem.es/inem/enlaces/SPEE/index.html

Solidaridad de Trabajadores Vascoshttp://www.ela-sindikatua.org

Tripartit Foundation for Training inEmploymentFundacion Tripartita para laFormacion en el Empleohttp://www.fundaciontripartita.org/index.asp

Superior School of PreventingLabour Risks http://www.escuela-prevencion.com/

Salary Guarantee Fundhttp://empleo.mtin.es/fogasa/default.htm

Workers’ Union, Spain (USO)http://hl35.dinaserver.com/hosting/fuso.es/uso/

Social Securityhttp://www.seg-social.es/Internet_6/index.htm



Page 33: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

First, Ministry of Employmenthttp://www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/8281

Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (SN)http://www.svensktnaringsliv.se

Department of Sociology, GoteborgUniversityhttp://www.sociology.gu.se/

Association of SwedishChambers of Commerce andIndustry http://www.cci.se

National Labour Market Boardhttp://www.ams.se/

Swedish Confederation for ProfessionalEmployees (TCO) www.taco.se

Department of Sociology, Faculty ofSocial Sciences, Lund Universityhttp://www.soc.lu.se/in_english/about_the_division_of_sociology/

Swedish Labour Market Administrationhttp://www.ams.se/go.aspx?C=229

Swedish Confederation of ProfessionalAssociations (SACO) http://www.saco.se/

Department of Sociology, StockholmUniversity,http://www.sociology.su.se/

Swedish Unemployment Insurance Boardhttp://www.iaf.se/iaftemplates/Page.aspx?id=144

Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO-S) www.lo.se

Institute for Future Studieshttp://www.framtidsstudier.se

Institute for Labour Market PolicyEvaluation http://www.ifau.se

Statistics Sweden http://www.scb.seSwedish Institute for SocialResearch, Stockholm University(SOFI) http://www.sofi.su.se



Page 34: Legislative act Status Main activities Connection with SE ... · Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research

Social economy - innovatory model for promoting active inclusion of vulnerable groups Component I: Analyse and research of SEAnalyse of institutions involved in SE at the level of Member States

Department for Work and Pensionshttp://dwp.gov.uk/

Association of Occupational Health NursePractitioners http://www.aohnp.co.uk

Department of Social Policy andSocial Work, University ofBirmingham www.bham.ac.uk/

British Chambers of Commercehttp://www.britishchambers.org.uk

Hounslow Council, London Borough ofHounslow http://www.hounslow.gov.uk/

British Safety Councilhttp://www.britishsafetycouncil.org/

Economic and Social ResearchCouncilhttp://www.esrc.ac.uk/ESRCInfoCentre/index.aspx

Jobcentre Plushttp://www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk/JCP/index.html

Confederation of British Industry (CBI)www.cbi.org.uk/

Gender, Social Inclusion andEmployment Group, ManchesterBusiness School, the MetropolitanUniversity of Manchester (EGGSIE)http://www.mbs.ac.uk/research/europeanemployment/projects/gendersocial/eggsie-members-cvs.aspx

Economic and Social Research Councilhttp://www.esrc.ac.uk/ESRCInfoCentre/index.aspx

Institute for Employment Research,University of Warwickhttp://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/ier

Employment National TrainingOrganisation www.ento.co.uk/

Institute for Employment Studies,University of Sussexhttp://www.employment-studies.co.uk

Federation of Small Businesseshttp://www.fsb.org.uk/

Institute for Public Policy ResearchIPPR - http://www.ippr.org.uk

Local Government Associationhttp://www.lga.gov.uk/lga/core/page.do?pageId=1

Office for National Statistics (ONS)http://www.statistics.gov.uk

Professional Organisations inOccupational Safety and Healthhttp://www.poosh.org/Trades Union Congress (TUC)http://www.tuc.org.uk/