lenten blessings, fr. john...fr. saunders this wonderful book takes readers thru the journey of lent...


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Page 1: Lenten Blessings, Fr. John...Fr. Saunders This wonderful book takes readers thru the journey of Lent & Easter. Filled with wonderful artwork and easy to understand explanation of our
Page 2: Lenten Blessings, Fr. John...Fr. Saunders This wonderful book takes readers thru the journey of Lent & Easter. Filled with wonderful artwork and easy to understand explanation of our

Fr.JohnWarburton/[email protected] (559) 673-3290 Ext. 203 [email protected] (559) 673-3290 Ext. 204 [email protected] (559) 673-3290 Ext. 205 [email protected] (559) 673-3290 Ext. 241 [email protected]

[email protected] DeaconSteveTaylor

RichardFarinelli/[email protected] (559) 673-3290 Ext. 206 MariaM.Vasquez/Of [email protected] (559) 673-3290 Ext. 201

FloraLeyva/[email protected] (559) 673-3290 Ext. 236 OlgaRubiHernandez-Orozco/[email protected] (559) 673-3290 Ext. 202

Rectory(559)673-3290,FAX:(559)673-6471Hours Monday thru Friday: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Closed Saturday and Sunday

PatriciaFarinelli/Wedding&[email protected] (559)479-8231




Tuesday—Friday1:00pm –5:00pm Saturday10:00am—3:00pm

L W ’ C


P F T W R D May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace: SamuelChavezContre-ras, Zoila Soto de Cortez, Rafael Quintero, ElviaIreneCortezCastillo,FernandoLeon,EmigdioFer-nandez,IreneP.Rodriguez

DianaSaenz/[email protected] (559) 673-3290 Ext. 220 MarybelE.Maravilla/Secretary [email protected] (559) 673-3290 Ext. 221 CCDOf ice-(559)674-5871

HoursMonday -Friday: 9:00 am—4:00 pm Closed Saturday & Sunday LucyGomez/[email protected] (559) 673-3290 Ext. 234 NatashaTrejo/Secretary [email protected] (559) 673-3290 Ext. 243

VictoriaAlvarado/[email protected] (559) 673-3290 Ext. 230 YouthMinistry-(559)674-9069

HoursMonday— Friday 10:00 am to 3:00pm Closed Saturday & Sunday AdultSacramentMinistry

English:RCIA:[email protected] Call Rectory @ (559) 673-3290 AdultCon irmation:[email protected] Call Rectory @ (559) 673-3290 Spanish:[email protected] Call Rectory @ (559) 673-3290

Page 3: Lenten Blessings, Fr. John...Fr. Saunders This wonderful book takes readers thru the journey of Lent & Easter. Filled with wonderful artwork and easy to understand explanation of our

P ’ C YEAROFST.JOSEPH(5).Last week we noted that St. Joseph’s fatherhood and purity give him great power over the forces of darkness. This week we fo-cus on St. Joseph’s purity. “The purity of St. Joseph is a weapon against the ilth and perversions of the devil. …The number one sin among men today is impurity. It is a spiritual plague destroying the minds and hearts of men on a global scale. …Satan has nothing to fear from a man who has freely chosen to let demons into his life through lust, pornography, immoral desires and eve-ry other form of perversion. …If men want to see God and have power over darkness, they must strive to have a chaste and loving heart like St. Joseph.

Blessedarethepureofheart,fortheyshallseeGod(Mt.5:8) Saint Joseph sees the face of God and has power over evil because he is pure. On earth, he gazed upon the face of Jesus for decades. In heaven he gazes upon the divine countenance forever. The radiance of St. Joseph’s face blinds the demons of hell. …All men can become terrors of demons if they imitate St. Joseph. …The Church needs to constantly invoke the aid of St. Joseph to overcome the devil. Saint Joseph is more powerful in heaven than he was on earth. Itistruethattheothersaintsenjoygreatpow-

erinheaven,buttheyaskasservants,anddonotcom-mandasmasters.Saint Joseph,towhoseauthority Je-suswassubjectonearth,obtainswhathedesiresfromhiskinglyfosterSoninheaven(St.ThomasAquinas). Whatcould JesusChrist refuseSt. Josephwhonever refusedhimanythingduringhismortal lifeonearth?(St.Augustine).” Taken from: (Consecration to St. Joseph, by Fr. Don-ald H. Calloway, MIC; pp. 223,224,225). St. Joseph, most pure father of Jesus and terror of de-mons, pray for us! Lenten Blessings, Fr. John

Volume 55 Number 9 S S L MASSINTENTIONSMonday,March1,7:00am Eng. Frank, Rosa, & Fernando Avalos - Albert Avalos 8:00am Sp. Sylvina Mar nez - Daughters Tuesday,March2,7:00am Eng. Victoria Alvarado - Nina Elisa 8:00am Sp. Rafael Castaneda y Reina - Hijos Wednesday,March3,7:00am Eng. Joanne Sales - Louise Chiarelli 8:00am Sp. Osbaldo Peña - Flora Leyva 7:00pm Sp. Edgar & Maria Guadalupe Garcia - Javier Gil Thursday,March4,7:00am Eng. Tony Diaz - Mr. & Mrs Napier 8:00am Sp. Cesar Armando Barraza - Adriana Mar nez Friday,March5,7:00am Eng. Agatha "Atgie" Mazzocchi - Susan Cappellu 8:00am Sp. Linda Lorenze - Mark & Suenell Tordini Saturday,March6,8:00am Sp. Cesar Armando Barraza - Adriana Mar nez 5:00pm Eng. Fay Valorosi - Rose Meister & Daughters 6:00pm Sp. Maria Garcia - Hermana Sunday,March7,(Spanish Masses will be at the Holy Spouses Hall andEnglishMasseswillbeattheChurch)6:30am Eng. Frank, Flora, Leo & Dona Lee - Mark & Suenell Tordini 8:00am Sp. Abuelito Tomas Rodriguez - Emily Cruz 8:30am Eng. Henry & Be y Van Loon & Mary Langen - Family 9:00am Eng. (Raymond)Jim Ma s - Tom & Cheley Spencer 10:00am Sp. Marlyne Mirales - Yesenia Guillen 10:30am Eng. For the People of the Parish 12:00pm Rubi, Flora & Maria 2:00pm Sp. B 5:00pm Eng. Donna Barso - Jim Barso Family 6:00pm Sp. Ma lde Leyva (Birthday) - Jaime & Flora Leyva

S .A C *Masses are at 9:00 am in the rear parking lot. All in the chapel * Friday 2-26 at 9:00 am, Communion Service & Stations of the Cross * Every Friday - 9:00 Communion Service

Page 4: Lenten Blessings, Fr. John...Fr. Saunders This wonderful book takes readers thru the journey of Lent & Easter. Filled with wonderful artwork and easy to understand explanation of our

O M E :

W M Monday-Friday- 7am - Church 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month - Church S V M 5:00 pm—Church

S M 6:30 am - Church 8:30 am – Church 10:30am - Church 5:00 pm - ChurchM QRC

Or to make a reservation for your family go to the parish Web page at sjoachim.org and click on the Eventbright link for an online reservation. Or call the Youth Ministry of ice at 674-9069 to make a reser-vation by phone. We are allowed 200 persons for each Mass. C Wednesday 6:00pm – 8:00pm in the courtyard Saturday 9:00am – 11:00am in the courtyard A We have adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Church Tuesday - 6:00pm – 8:00pm Thursday - 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Catholic Books & Faith -Filled Gifts 211 North J Street --- Madera, CA 559-662-0682 C AH C E Fr. Saunders This wonderful book takes readers thru the journey of Lent & Easter. Filled with wonderful artwork and easy to understand explanation of our Faith. Those new to the faith or those trying to explain the faith to oth-ers will ind this a treasured source. Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Celebrating a Holy Catholic Lent and Easter provides individuals and families with a valuable resource for understanding and cel-ebrating Lent and Easter as a Catholic. Con irmation is arriving very quickly for our youth. Let’s give them the gifts of faith, they have worked so hard for. We have a amazing selection of items for Con irma-tion. It is never to early to pick out some-thing special for them. Come see all the amazing new arrivals. If you need Holy Water please remember you can get it here in the store. Bring your small bottle or purchase one here—we will ill it for you. ( *You don’t pay for holy water only the bottle if you need one) Shop: Tues.-Friday 1:00-5 & Saturday 10-3

O G Our Parish Online Giving is now set-up at www.sjoachim.org/giving or scan the icon below Thank you for your generosity

Page 5: Lenten Blessings, Fr. John...Fr. Saunders This wonderful book takes readers thru the journey of Lent & Easter. Filled with wonderful artwork and easy to understand explanation of our


M 6

L is a time of conversion and turning back to God. It is a time to re lect, renew and reach out. P ,F A are the disciplines incor-porated into daily life


Abstinence from meats is to be observed by all Catholics 14 years old and older on Ash Wednesday and on all Fridays of Lent. Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59. Those who are bound by this may take only one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted if necessary to maintain strength according to one’s needs, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted.

L C es un tiempo de conversion y de re-greso a Dios. Es un momento para re lexionar, reno-var y tender la mano. L O , A L son las disciplinas incorporadas a la vida diaria.


Abstinenciade comer carne será observada por todos los catolicos mayores de 14 anos el Miercoles de Ceniza y todos los Viernes de Cuaresma. Ayunodebe ser observado el Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo, por todos los catolicos entre 18 y 59 anos de edad.En dıas de ayuno se consume solo una comida principal. Dos comidas mas pequenas son permitidas durante el dıa para mantener la fuerza, pero no se permite comer entre comidas.


F 7

C Formed.OrgVaya a Google y escriba: sjoachim.formed.orgSiga las instrucciones en el sitio web de F . Va a necesitar su correo electronico y una contrasena. Cada persona o familia necesitara su propio correo electronico y su contrasena. Puede encontrar peliculas catolicas, libros, numero-sos estudios biblicos, videos espirituales y descargar ebooks, todo es gratis para su uso.


M 1-M 7 Monday: Dn 9:4b-10, Lk 6:36-38 Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20, Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20, Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10, Lk 16:19-31 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a, Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20, Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Sunday: Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17,

Page 6: Lenten Blessings, Fr. John...Fr. Saunders This wonderful book takes readers thru the journey of Lent & Easter. Filled with wonderful artwork and easy to understand explanation of our

M E M D Lunes-viernes- 8:00 am en la Iglesia Miercoles—7:00 pm en la Iglesia 2, 4 y 5 sabado del mes- 8:00 am en la Iglesia

M 6:00pm en la Iglesia M 8:00 am - En el Salon Santos Esposos 10:00 am - En el Salon Santos Esposos 12:00 pm—en el Salon Santos Esposos 6:00pm- En el Salon Santos Esposos Se puede registrar para estas misas en eventbrite usando el cuadrito de abajo

O puede reservar espacio para su familia en una Misa dominical comunicandose a la o icina de Pastoral Ju-venil al 674-9069 o vaya a la pagina web sjoa-chim.org y click en eventbright. Por favor traiga su propia silla si es posible. C Tenemos confesiones cada Miercoles de 6:00pm – 8:00pm en el patio del centro parroquial Sabados de 9:00am – 11:00am en el patio del centro parroquial A Martes de 6:00pm a 8:00pm en la Iglesia Jueves de 6:00pm a 8:00pm en la Iglesia

R P ELAÑODESANJOSÉ(5). La semana pasada nota-mos que la paternidad y la pureza de San Jose le otor-gan un gran poder sobre las fuerzas de la oscuridad. Esta semana nos enfocamos en la pureza de San Jose. “La pureza de San Jose es un arma en contra de la inmundicia y perversiones del demonio. …El pe-cado numero uno entre los hombres es la impureza. Es una plaga espiritual que esta destruyendo las men-tes y los corazones de los hombres a escala global. …Satanas no tiene nada que temerle a un hombre que con toda libertad ha decidido permitir que temerle a un hombre que con toda libertad ha decidido porno-grafıa, deseos inmorales y todas las demas formas de perversion. …Si los hombres quieren ver a Dios y te-ner poder sobre la oscuridad, deberan esforzarse por imitar el corazon casto y amoroso de San Jose. Bienaventuradoslospurosdecorazón,porqueellos

veránaDios(Mt.5:8) San Jose ve el rostro de Dios y tiene poder contra la maldad porque el es puro. Durante su estan-cia en la tierra, contemplo el rostro de Jesus durante decadas, y en el cielo contempla eternamente el Ros-tro divino, haciendo que su propio rostro radiante deje ciegos a los demonios del in ierno. …Todo el hombre puede volverse terror de los demonios y eso unicamente sucedera cuando los hombres imiten la pureza de San Jose. …La Iglesia necesita invocar cons-tantemente la ayuda de San Jose para derrotar al de-monio. San Jose es mas poderoso en el cielo de lo que fue en la tierra. Esciertoqueotrossantosdisfrutandeungranpoderenelcielo,peropidencomosirvientesynoman-dancomoamos.SanJose,acuyaautoridadJesusesta-basujetoenlatierra,obtieneloquedeseaenelcielodesumajestuosoHijoadoptivo.(SantoTomasdeAquino) ¿Que podría rehusarle Jesucristo a San Joséquien jamás lerehusónadadurantesuvidamortalenlatierra?(SanAgustín) Tomado de: (Consagracion a San Jose, por el Padre Donald H. Calloway, MIC; paginas: 223, 224, 225). San Jose, padre purısimo de Jesus y terror de los de-monios, ¡ruega por nosotros!

Bendiciones de Cuaresma, Padre John.

Page 7: Lenten Blessings, Fr. John...Fr. Saunders This wonderful book takes readers thru the journey of Lent & Easter. Filled with wonderful artwork and easy to understand explanation of our

St. Joachim School - 674-7628 St. Joachim PreSchool - 662-0372

Holy Spouses & Griffin Hall Rental - 674-9489

C E Si desea recibir el boletin a traves del correo elec-tronico por favor envienos su correo electronico a [email protected].

Escanee para registrarse a la misa

D L T R Ya se puede donar a traves de la red solo tiene que ir a: www.sjoachim.org/giving o escanee el icon Gracias por su generosidad

S D C En aquel tiempo, Jesus tomo consigo unicamente a Pedro, a Santiago y a Juan, los llevo a solas a una montana muy alta y se trans iguro en su presencia. Sus vestidos se volvieron de una blancura deslumbrante, como nadie en el mundo podrıa blanquearlos. Se les aparecieron tambien Elıas y Moises, que conversaban con Jesus, Pedro tomo la palabra y dijo a Jesus: -Maestro, ¡que bien estamos aquı! Hagamos tres tiendas; una para ti, otra para Moises y otra para Elıas. Estaban tan asustados que no sabıa lo que decıa. Vino entonces una nube que los cubrio y se oyo una voz desde la nube: -Este es mi Hijo amado; escuchenlo. De pronto, cuando miraron a su alrededor, vieron solo a Jesus con ellos. Al bajar de la montana, les encargo severa-mente que no contaran a nadie lo que habıan visto hasta que el Hijo del hombre hubiera resucitado de entre los muertos. Ellos guardaron el secreto, pero discutıan entre sı sobre que podıa signi icar aquello de resucitar de entre los muertos. (Marcos 9:2-10)