leon poster analysis (1/2/3)

Thriller Poster Analysis 1 The Town Leon Watkin-Williams

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Thriller Poster Analysis 1The Town

Leon Watkin-Williams

Page 2: Leon   poster analysis (1/2/3)

Red coloured title

Stormy WeatherNight Time (Time of Day)

The Tagline

Weapons used to kill

In disguise(Costumes)

Bold Text


Links between the characters

Starring Actors(Main Cast)

Billing BlockRelease Date

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The Title

The title is coloured in the theme red. This is typical of thriller because we associate red with blood. The colour red can also associate with danger. Therefore this tells us that the film is going to have blood and danger within the film.

The title is in bold. The director has made the title bold because it stands out. This is done because within the film, all crime is based around this form of ‘Town’.Therefore this represents thriller because when we see something that stands out, we can denote that something within the film is based around it.

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The Slogan

The slogan is a key element when representing a thriller because it references the film itself. The term ‘Bank Robbery’ is placed within the slogan. This has been done to create the idea that this so called town is high in crime. We can associate this slogan with thriller because it implies that there will be crime.

Therefore the slogan is typical to thriller because it is referenced as a sub-genre of crime.

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The Characters

In ‘The Town’, the cast shown on the poster are all linked together. For instance, Adam is placed between Doug and Rebecca because within the film the main actor Doug is trying to be with Rebecca but FBI agent Adam is using her to get to him

Another link is also represented between Jeremy and Doug. This is because Doug used to have a child with Krista and that was the sister of Jeremy (His main partner in crime).

Therefore in the poster, the characters are positioned the way they are because it is the link between each others characters.

James Krista Doug Adam Rebecca

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Stormy Weather

The stormy weather is typical in a thriller because of what we can connote from it. When we see a storm within thriller, we know that something dreadful is going to happen. We know this because in other films such as ‘No Good Deed’ the antagonist isolates the characters in their own home (Can be anywhere inside).

The night time is also typical of thriller. This is because we represent the darkness with characters such as ghosts and antagonists. Therefore the night time and the storm are associated with thriller because it enables conventions of thriller to take place.

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The Location

The location of the film is based on a town. This is typical in thriller because when we are presented with a town we associate it with places like abandoned houses, crime and etcetera.

The location proves the link with thriller in this film because in terms of where the characters positioned, we can see that serious crime is taking place.Therefore the location is typical of thriller because it represents crime or un-usual events.

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Iconography: Costumes

The costumes we see in the poster are ‘Nuns’. This is typical of thriller because costumes are used to disguise someone like the antagonist. In the poster we can also denote that the costume is typical of the thriller genre because of its appearance. When this is represented we can consider it scary as it is offensive and strange.Also, we can shows the costumes typical of thriller because of the uniform. We are shown FBI agents in which is common in thriller as they only appear at scenes of the crime.

Therefore the costumes we see are typical of thriller because they are all linked with the sub-genres with crime and punishment.

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Iconography: Weapons

The weapons we can see in this poster are assault rifles that are in the motion of being shot (Shooting the guns). We can say that this is typical of thriller because guns are used to kill in which they are being fired towards the FBI team.

Therefore we can see that the weapons in the poster are typical of thriller because they are being used to harm someone rather than to protect someone (This also presents a link with the Title because when we see a gun or dark red we associate it with blood).

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Thriller Poster Analysis 2Catching Fire

Leon Watkin-Williams

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The Tagline

Weapons (The bow and arrow)

Fire and Flames

Pitch BlackBackground

The title

Starring Actors(Main Cast)

Billing BlockRelease Date

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The TitleThe title we see written below the main character in the poster is ‘Catching Fire’. This could connote that there is a fire involved between individuals. This is typical of thriller because we associate fighting and conflict within the typical storylines.

The text is also in block capitals. This is done to create contextual emphasis which is typical in thriller. This is because we associate loud words with violence and anger. This could imply that the character directly looking at us is in a state of anger or rage.

The title was also done in bold text to catch the viewers eye. The title is relevant because it is relating to the ideas of antagonists (enemies).

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The SloganBy denoting this we can see block text in capital letters above what appears to be the main character.

The slogan we see is typical in thriller because it refers and links to scenes within the plot line. The slogan is also in block capitals to create the effect that ‘THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT’. This was also done to make the theme of revenge stand out. This is because we associate an enemy with someone who has done something we disagree with.

Therefore we can say that the slogan is typical in thriller because it references typical plot lines within the story as well as to present the idea of revenge.

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The Main CharacterThe main character we can see is looking at theViewer directly holding a bow and flaming arrow.

We can also assume that from her appearanceshe looks like she is a sort of fighter or an aggressive archer in battles and etcetera. This is typical in thriller because it creates the enigma of ‘Who is she aiming the flaming arrow at and why?’.We can also assume that she is a broken stereotype of thriller because she is a female in a position of power and control. Likewise we can connote that she is both scared and in power. This is because the expression on her face makes her seem upset about why she has to do what she is doing (She has to do it to end some sort of feud or etcetera – typical of thriller).

Therefore the main character we are presented with is typical of thriller because of how she is presented and how she using the bow and arrow through a sense of anger she has.

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The Weapons:Bow & Arrow

We can see that the main character is aiming a bow and flaming arrow directly towards the face of the audience.

Because she is holding the bow and arrow in such a hostile way it tells us that she is looking for someone or something that she is out to kill. This is typical in thriller because we associate weapons with blood and murder.

We can also connote that the fire is linked to the weapon being used. This is because the fire in the background could be relating to the revenge she has with the enemy (Like fighting fire with fire) as she must be out to find or kill them for something they have supposedly done. Therefore this is typical of thriller.

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Fire and FlamesThe layer after the black background is a flaming mocking jay.As we connote fire, we can associate it to themesand events associated with thriller such as revenge,love, and others.

Because we can see that the fire is positioned behind the main character and is aligned with the arrow we can connote that she is out for revenge on who she is aiming at. This is typical of thriller because when we see revenge or love in thriller we link it to scenes within thrillers where people are killed through revenge or because of something about love.

Therefore fire is a typical element in thriller used to connote themes of thriller that take place in the film.

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Black BackgroundThe colour background is black. When we connote this we can see that black represents the darkness, being afraid, a fear of the unknown. In a sense the colour black is used to associate dark and feared occurrences. An example of this is shown in ‘The unborn’ where the darkness is used to describe the possessed child.

Here we can say that they background of the poster is typical of thriller because it is typically used to scare the audience or the main character because we don’t know what could be lurking there. This could link with the enemy that the character must be aiming at, as she might not know who he is or what he is.

Therefore the colour black is a typical thriller element to represent the darkness and the unknown.

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Thriller Poster Analysis 3Priest

Leon Watkin-Williams

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Cross used as a ‘T’ shape in title

Low Angle(Looking



Stormy Weather

Billing Block

Release DateSocial Media

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TitleThe title is a Seri font type text the has been shaded in places to look three dimensional. The title being white is typical in thriller because we can associate it with purity which links with the idea of a ‘Priest’) and religion. What is meant by this is that considering the film is named something religious, the title may have been coloured white to represent that a priest is pure and safe. (Pure/Safe are key connotations we use in thriller to connote white as)

The title is also shaped in specific ways as if they have been carved out. This is typical of thriller because the title typically connotes references in the film in which we can see that the text is very sharp as it has points on it.Therefore we can say that the title is typical of thriller.

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SloganThe slogan is in block capitals and is coloured red.

The slogan is present in the theme red. This is emblematic of thriller because we associate red with the themes of revenge and blood. The colour red can also associate references in films such as danger. Therefore this tells us that the film is going to have blood and danger within the film.

The catchphrase we see is typical in thriller because it mentions and links to extracts within the story line. The slogan is also in block capitals to create the effect that whatever it means, it is important. This was also done to make the theme of vengeance and anger in a way stand out. This then indicates there is an antagonist within the film.Therefore the slogan is typical representation of thriller.

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Stormy Weather

The weather we can see is a stormy and dark. When we see a storm within thriller, we distinguish that something awful is going to happen. We recognize this because in other movies such as ‘No Good Deed’ the antagonist separates the characters in their own household (Can be anywhere inside).

The time of day we can see (Night time) is also typical of thriller. This is because we associate the darkness with characters such as ghosts and antagonists (bad guys). Therefore the night time and the storm are associated with thriller because it enables conventions of thriller to take place.

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The combat weapons we can see in this picture is a single dagger like combat knife. Already this is typical of thriller because we associate knives with crime and murder.

We can also say that the dagger in the picture is typical of thriller because it is being held in an aggressive way (Strong grip to it). This can then imply the idea of vengeance because we know he must be trying to obtain something or to attack someone.

Therefore the weapons we can see are typical of thriller because we can connote it with typical themes such as revenge as well as links to thrillers like murders and crimes.

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Grave Shaped ‘T’ in Title

The letter ‘T’ in the title is carved like the shape of a gravestone.This could imply that the film is based upon faith in the way of God because we associate gravestones/crosses with death and religion.

This is typical in thriller because when we see a headstone like this we can imply that somebody in the film is going to be killed or harmed because of religion. This suggests to us that the film is about someone like a ‘priest’ or ‘extremist’ in a sense because someone is going to kill in the name of religion.

The carved cross shape in the title is used as a link between the plot line and reasoning behind the film. Therefore it is typical of thriller.

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Low Angle ShotThe low angle shot is of a male priest looking downat the city. By connoting this we can see that this is typical of thriller because we are presented with someone that has power over something (In this case it is the city).

We can also say that from seeing this characters position, he has the ability to control the city within his own hands (Similar to a vigilante perhaps?). This can imply that he is out there to; perhaps do something in name of religion such as kill people who disrespected his beliefs.

Therefore the low angle shot is typical of thriller because it creates the effect of something or someone being in control and power because they are looking down at something like a ‘God’.