leonardo da vinci and perpetual motion

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Leonardo Da Vinci and Perpetual Motion


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    Leonardo da Vinci and Perpetual Motion Author(s): Allan A. Mills Source: Leonardo, Vol. 41, No. 1 (2008), pp. 39-42Published by: The MIT PressStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20206515Accessed: 18-08-2014 11:20 UTC

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  • Leonardo da Vinci and Perpetual Motion

    Allan A. Mills



    Leonardo da Vinci illustrated several traditional forms of

    "perpetual-motion machine" in small pocket books now known as the Codex Forster. He was well aware that these designs, based on waterwheel/pump combinations, mechanical

    overbalancing hammers or

    rolling balls, would not?and could not?work.

    JL. JLumankind has always sought to reduce the

    need for its own manual labor. Draught animals were one

    solution, but much more beguiling was the concept of ma

    chines that would work "by themselves," with no obvious prime mover [1]. Even in ancient times, it appears that at least two

    categories had been proposed: the self-pumping water wheel

    and the mechanical overbalancing wheel. None of course

    worked, and as science and technology progressed it became

    apparent that any such device was theoretically impossible. However, before this understanding was fully achieved and

    became well known, many technologists and hopeful inven

    tors [2] felt obliged to devote time to this hoary problem. Among the former was Leonardo da Vinci. Well aware of the

    futility of all suggestions for achieving "perpetual motion," he

    simply recorded?and refuted?ideas that were prevalent in

    his time.

    the same wheel, then the machine

    might turn "forever."

    A number of empirical attempts to achieve such a hydraulic chimera

    perhaps were made but went un

    recorded because they never worked.

    Drawings and plans of self-pumping wheels persisted into the 18th cen

    tury and even into modern times

    as amusing artifacts of linear per

    spective [3]. Progress in the under

    standing of efficiency, friction and

    the conservation of energy gradu

    ally vindicated the practical knowl

    edge that, no matter how ingenious, such devices simply could not work.

    The Self-Pumping Waterwheel Wheels turned by flowing water were well known in the an

    cient and medieval world and were sometimes used to drive

    bucket wheels to raise water for irrigation. The Archimedean

    screw was another form of pump. It must therefore have oc

    curred to many speculators that, if only the two could be com

    bined, with the waterwheel driving a pump to supply water to

    Leonardo's Contribution The papers of Leonardo da Vinci bear witness to the semi

    quantitative understanding of machines that was emerging in

    the late 15th century. Perhaps the least known of his extant

    works are three tiny notebooks collectively referred to as the

    Codex Forster, now in the Victoria and Albert Museum in Lon

    don. They are believed to have been compiled between 1495

    and 1497. A facsimile edition has been published, accompa nied by a transcription of Leonardo's mirror-image text in its

    archaic Italian [4]. (The facsimile drawings are in their origi

    Fig. 1. Leonardo's pump/waterwheel combination in Codex Forster I, folio 42v.

    (Giunti facsimile)

    i-i?-.-.-. ,.. r f.4i



    Fig. 2. The "overbalancing wheel" of Villard de Honnecourt (13th century).

    Allan A. Mills (retired university physics lecturer), 31 Thatch Meadow Drive, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 7XH, U.K. E-mail: .

    ?2008ISAST LEONARDO, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 39-42,2008 39

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  • 3 T

    Fig. 3. Overbalancing hammer wheel shown in Codex Forster n, folio 90v.

    (Giunti facsimile)

    nal mirror-image form.) Unfortunately, no complete English translation of this

    difficult material is available, although ex

    cerpts and discussions have appeared in

    various works on Leonardo.

    Codex Forster /, folio 42v, contains the

    drawing reproduced here as Fig. 1. The

    accompanying text says that "Screw A lifts

    water to screw B, and screw B with the

    same water moves screw A." Leonardo

    emphasizes that this is impossible in still ("dead") water and heaps scorn on the

    designers of such machines. The best that

    can be said in defense of the latter is that

    the arrangement would demonstrably work for a while if a holding tank were in

    corporated at the top of the pump [5]. All that it would require would be to elim

    inate friction and improve the efficiency of the machine to 100%!

    The Overbalancing Wheel The first recorded representation of

    the popular "overbalancing wheel" ap

    pears in the sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt, an enigmatic figure who

    traveled extensively in Europe in the

    13th century [6]. In Fig. 2, it can be seen

    that he is struggling to depict a wheel mounted upon an axle turning within a

    stoutly braced frame. Around the cir

    cumference of the wheel are pivoted an

    odd number (here seven) of mallets hang

    ing from their rigid wooden handles. The

    lowermost mallets hang vertically, but the

    upper ones rest against the rim of the

    wheel. The implication is that the four

    mallets on the left of a vertical through the center of the wheel will always over

    balance the three on the right, causing the wheel to perpetually turn in a coun

    terclockwise direction. It must have been

    thought that the blows of the descending mallets would assist this motion.

    The simplest model soon proves that, as depicted, the uppermost mallet falls

    over too soon: a manually started wheel

    rapidly comes to rest in equilibrium. To

    day, we understand that the turning ef

    fect ("moment") of any mallet is given by the product of its mass times the distance

    of its center from a vertical through the

    center of the wheel. The wheel comes to

    rest with the sum of the moments on the

    left equal to those on the right, and no

    external work can be done. It makes no

    difference if there are an odd or an even

    number of mallets.

    Da Vinci's Hammer Wheels Codex Forster IL measuring only 9.5 x 7.0

    cm, depicts on folio 90v the overbalanc

    ing hammer wheel shown in Fig. 3. The

    circumference of the wheel bears ratchet

    Fig. 4. A more complex hammer wheel shown in Codex Madrid I, folio 145. Leonardo's drawing has been digitally contrast-enhanced and rectified.

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    Fig. 5. A model of the "overbalancing hammer wheel." (? Allan A Mills)

    teeth, and a pawl permits counterclock

    wise rotation only. The pivoted hammers

    have therefore been positioned around

    an inner disc, where coarser teeth sur

    rounding the pivots prevent the rigid handles from hanging vertically except toward the bottom right-hand side. Ca

    sual inspection of the drawing might im

    ply that the wheel will continuously rotate

    counterclockwise, but Leonardo is well

    aware that it will, in fact, soon assume a

    stable, stationary equilibrium just like de

    Honnecourt's mallet wheel.

    Another drawing in Codex Forster II (fo lio 90r) is of a hammer wheel with addi

    tional arcs upon its face. This particular

    drawing is cramped and unclear but is re

    peated in Codex Madrid /, folios 144 and 145. (Dated to 1490-1496, this work is now available in facsimile with an ac

    companying commentary by Ladislao

    Re ti [7].) The second drawing has been

    rectified and is copied here as Fig. 4. The

    arcs upon the face may represent initial

    attempts to construct the loci of the cen

    ters of gravity of hanging weights as the

    wheel turns, but they neither are sym metrical nor serve to position the ham

    mers around the rim of the wheel rather

    than hanging vertically?as shown once

    they leave the lowest point. Simple peg like stops are the simplest way of ensur

    ing this, as shown in the model illustrated

    in Fig. 5. The most significant part of Fig. 4 is the way in which Leonardo has com

    pounded the moments in mobile-like [8] chains to prove that, as drawn, the wheel

    is resting in equilibrium about an imagi

    nary vertical line through its axis. Many

    examples of this diagrammatic construc

    tion are to be found in this codex, which

    has an emphasis on mechanics.

    A Model Hammer-Wheel For this model (Fig. 5), I fastened 12 brass

    weights to phenolic-fiber arms. The as

    semblies pivoted at equal intervals around

    a 20-cm-diameter disk. Protruding pegs were positioned near each arm so as to

    limit its swing. The resulting wheel was

    supported by a low-friction axle through its center and could be rotated manually in both clockwise and counterclockwise

    directions. Either way, it soon came to

    rest in equilibrium. As the weights were

    equal, it was expected?and confirmed?

    that the sum of the distances of the cen

    ters of the five weights on the left from a

    central vertical was equal to the sum of

    the corresponding distances of the seven

    weights on the right.


    Fig. 6. Leonardo, rolling ball wheel of Codex Forster II, folio 91r.

    (Giunti facsimile)

    7 *, f

    Fig. 7. Leonardo, rolling ball wheel of Codex Forster II, folio 91 v.

    (Giunti facsimile)


    Mills, Leonardo and Perpetual Motion 41

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  • 3

    Fig. 8. A model based on Fig. 7. (? Allan A. Mills)

    Rolling-Ball Wheels Leonardo also illustrates in the Codex

    Forster II (91 r and 91 v) two wheels based on balls rolling around guides posi tioned within the disc (Figs 6 and 7).

    The second is perhaps the most aes

    thetically pleasing: 12 compartments based on arcs of diameter equal to the ra

    dius of the main wheel give a pinwheel

    appearance. Balls confined within the

    closed compartments will tend to roll

    to the lowest points, which (as shown) fall upon the locus of a circle. Again it

    may appear to casual visual examination

    that a greater number of balls on the

    right will cause the wheel to overbal

    ance and turn clockwise, but a model

    (Fig. 8) confirms that moments rather

    than mere numbers of balls on either side are

    the operative factors. It soon takes up a

    stationary equilibrium position where

    the moments about the axis on the right are balanced by the greater distances

    involved on the left. The J-shaped chan

    nels sketched in Fig. 6 are equally un


    It would be possible to replace the balls

    with globules of mercury, as used in the

    14th-century mercury clock of the Libros

    del Saber [9]. Such a construction, how

    ever, would be no better as a perpetual motion machine!

    Oh speculators on perpetual motion, how

    many vain projects you have created in

    this search. Go and be the companions of the seekers for gold!

    ?Leonardo da Vinci [10]


    I am grateful to Pauline Mills for translations of rel evant passages in the Codex Forster.

    References and Notes

    1. Hele Shaw, "Perpetual Motion," Nature 37 (1888) p. 254; Henry Dircks, Perpetuum Mobile (London, 1861); Stanley W. Angrist, "Perpetual Motion Ma chines," Scientific American 218 (January 1968) pp. 114-122; Arthur WJ.G. Ord-Hume, Perpetual Motion (London: Allen and Unwin, 1977).

    2. Charles F. Partington, The Century of Inventions of the Marquis of Worcester (London, 1825); G.K. Tall

    madge, "Perpetual Motion Machine of Mark An

    thony Zimara," Isis S3 (1941) pp. 8-14.

    3. Maurits Escher's Perpetual Waterfall ( 1961 ) is a well known example.

    4. Leonardo da Vinci, // Codice Forster, Augusto Mari noni, ed. and transcription (Florence, Italy: Giunti Barbera, 1992). Available for consultation at the Vic toria and Albert Museum, London.

    5. Ladislao Reti, "Leonardo da Vinci the Technolo

    gist: The Problem of the Prime Mover," International Leonardo Symposium, University of California, 1966.

    6. See the web site of Carl F. Barnes at . He dates the work to 1220-1230 A.D.

    7. Leonardo da Vinci, The Madrid Codices, Ladislao Reti, ed. (McGraw-Hill, 1974) ; Ladislao Reti, ed., The Unknown Leonardo (London: Hutchinson, 1974).

    8. James J. Sweeney, "Alexander Calder (1898-1976)," in Five American Sculptors (New York: Museum of Mod ern Art, 1969).

    9. Allan A. Mills, "The Mercury Clock of the Libros del Saber," Annals of Science 45 (1988) pp. 329-344.

    10. Leonardo da Vinci, Codex Forster II, folio 92v.

    Manuscript received March 2006.

    42 Mills, Leonardo and Perpetual Motion

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    Article Contentsp. 39p. 40p. 41p. 42

    Issue Table of ContentsLeonardo, Vol. 41, No. 1 (2008) pp. 1-102Front MatterEditorial: A Call for New Leonardos [pp. 2-2]Leonardo on the Web [pp. 4-4]Special Section: Art Embodies A-Life: The VIDA Competition[Introduction] [pp. 5-5]Art Embodies A-Life: The VIDA Competition [pp. 6-15, 17-24]

    Artist's ArticleFractured Cybertales: Navigating the Feminine [pp. 26-34]

    Special Section: "Leonardo" Celebrates Leonardo da VinciIntroduction: "Leonardo" and Leonardo da Vinci [pp. 36-38]Leonardo da Vinci and Perpetual Motion [pp. 39-42]"L'Arte dei "Romori":" Leonardine Devotion in Luigi Russolo's "Oeuvre" [pp. 43-48]Leonardo, Nonlinearity and Integrated Systems [pp. 49-55]The Proportional Consistency and Geometry of Leonardo's "Giant Crossbow" [pp. 56-63]

    Special Section: From the Leonardo ArchiveLetterpress Language: Typography as a Medium for the Visual Representation of Language [pp. 66-74]

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    Special Section: Transactions"Graph Theory": Linking Online Musical Exploration to Concert Hall Performance [pp. 92-93]The Seven Valleys: Capturing the Numinous in a 3D Computer Game Engine [pp. 94-95]Obliterated Bodies: An Installation [pp. 96-97]Picbreeder: Collaborative Interactive Evolution of Images [pp. 98-99]

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