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Empowering a smart new generation with 21 st century skills to achieve Vision 2020 LESOTHO Limkokwing WORLDWIDE

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Empowering a smart new generation with 21st century skills to achieve Vision 2020



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Education is evolving worldwide to match a growingdemand for a new kind of human capital. Digital skills,an entrepreneurial mindset and a global outlook aresome of the attributes that are increasingly been soughtby not just industry but governments and non-government organizations. The career market haschanged quite drastically over the last decade asindustries become more defined because technology hascompressed entire departments that can be handled byone person or outsourced to be more cost-effective.

Instituting a paradigm shift in globaleducationThe Limkokwing University of Creative Technology iscreating unique pathways that offer different ways foryoung people from around the world to build a futurewhere they can fit into the fast moving global economy.Essentially it is about talent building and characterdevelopment together with acquisition of digital skillsand new knowledge that are needed to empower theworld's next generation.

Empowering 20,000 students from130 countries The Limkokwing University has a collegial network ofover 170 universities in 130 countries and is embarkedon a global journey to transform education so youngpeople are able to learn as much as they can accordingto their ability and interests and industry is able to usetheir talent to push forward to the next level.

World's Leading New Generation UniversityOne university three continentsThe university is rapidly spreading across the worldthrough the establishment of campuses which nownumber 7 locations in Asia, Africa and Europe andexpected to increase to 20 locations over the next fewyears.

Merging the best of East and WestThe university's unique philosophy of merging the bestof East and West attached to its Global Classroominitiative has won the hearts and minds of governmentsin the developing world. A student of this programmewill learn to appreciate the uniqueness of differentcultures and traditions and develop a broader and moresophisticated view of the world. Exposure to other waysof life expands the mind, enabling the student to bemore creative and productive because more resourceswill become available for problem solving. Appreciationof other cultures will help the student develop respectfor other people which in turn will result in healthierrelationships.

Trailblazing since 1992The Limkokwing University made its blazing debut inMalaysia in 1992 setting new trends and transformingthe conduct of private education in the country. Neverbefore was there a concerted effort to provide educationthat would build capability of local talent in creativetechnology. The effort was pioneering and Professor

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about 8,000 students from over 100 countries pursuinginternational degrees and diplomas at its Cyberjayacampus. Worldwide it has a total of 20,000 studentsfrom 130 countries.

40,000,000 hits from 188 countriesThe university is also among the most popular searchesin cyberspace. Its website attracts over 3 million visitorsevery month. In just over a year the university websitehas had 40 million hits from 188 countries.

Innovative and award winningThe International Arch of Europe Award (DiamondCategory) for quality and technology was presented tothe university in Frankfurt by Business InitiativeDirections on 4 February 2008 in recognition of its highstandards, professionalism and immeasurablecontribution to the industry. The university has beenreceiving a number of awards from Europe for itsoutstanding efforts in innovating education. Previousawards include the International Gold Star Award 2006received in Paris, the Century International Quality EraAward (Platinum Category) received in Geneva in April2007 and the International Quality Crown AwardLondon 2007 which recognised the University forInnovation and Globalisation of Education.

“An institute like Limkokwing is very important because it enables us to bring out thecreative capability in us. We know thousands of students, not only from Malaysia but fromall over the world are being trained at Limkokwing and the result is, indeed, very impressive.”

Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad,Former Prime Minister, Malaysia. 2001

Limkokwing Kuala Lumpur Campus

Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato' Dr Limkokwing, theFounder and President of Limkokwing Universitystarted from scratch to build market confidence increative careers. Malaysians and others around the worldnow find it easy to embrace creativity and accept it asmore than just art and design.

Focused on creativity and innovationThe college's focus on creative technology in 1992 wasuncannily timely because the need for content creationexploded in the 1990s when technology advancementsuch as the Internet transformed business-to-businesstransactions. Limkokwing's techno-savvy and creativegraduates were a godsend to businesses that were tryingto cope with the changes. For school leavers thecollege's curriculum and global university networkmade it the perfect choice to obtain qualifications togain entry into exciting careers such as web design,animation and product design among other creativecareers.

Exporting education to the worldIn 1997 the college began to export its services. Itsinternational marketing was excellently strategised andcrafted that it is now among the most well-knownbrandnames for educational excellence. Today it has

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Achieving Vision 2020Among key strategies of Lesotho's Vision 2020 includesthe need to build the nation's capacity for innovationand competitive participation in the globalised worldeconomy. It is, therefore, imperative that the nationbuilds its human capital in a manner that will enablethe nation to venture successfully into the productionof goods and services. And at the same time addresspoverty issues by empowering its next generation to takeadvantage of opportunities now arising globally in thearea of new technologies and creative content creation.The Limkokwing University is a global institution ofhigher education that is changing the way people areeducated worldwide. We feel very strongly that everycountry is different with dissimilar priorities. Thereforeeducation must play its part to ensure that the nextgeneration of a country receives learning that will preparethem adequately to participate in building the economiesof their countries. The world is using technology notonly to interact but also to generate wealth. Technologymust now become a vital part of every young person'seducation in Lesotho.

The Limkokwing University in Maseru will be a campuswhere every Basotho will be able to acquire industryrelevant skills in addition to a learning that emphasisescreativity, talent development and leadership qualities.We nurture our graduates to become responsible adultswho will contribute to the well-being of an industry byusing creative thinking to solve problems and providefresh new perspectives to build the business.

Building Basotho skills to expandLesotho's economyWe have a mission to transform Basotho into confident,skilled, techno-savvy individuals who can contribute tobuild Lesotho's economy by expanding it with newindustries. These will be industries that are increasinglybeing managed by young people with the digital skillsto operate a global business from their laptops.Limkokwing has the flexibility to build entrepreneurialskills through an exciting, stimulating campus environmentpurposefully built to stimulate creativity and innovation.

A global advantageLimkokwing University brings to Lesotho its uniquebrand of higher education, one that is able to bring outthe best in its young generation. The university'sunconventional teaching methods will provide theright scope of skills and knowledge designed to nurtureand develop inner talents, skills and capabilities of allBasotho that will, ultimately, place them in a betterposition, academically and career-wise.

Lesotho needs talented people to manage its development.Digital technology is becoming very important as Lesothobegins to connect actively with the global economy. Thedigital sector offers some of the best careers in the worldtoday. So too in the world of multimedia communi-

LESOTHO VISION STATEMENTBy 2020, Lesotho shall be a stable democracy,united, prosperous nation at peace with itselfand its neighbours. It shall have a healthy andwell developed human resource base. Itseconomy will be strong, its environment wellmanaged and its technology well established.

LIMKOKWING VISION STATEMENTTo create a generation of creative professionalswho are global in outlook, highly competentin the use of new technology and innovativeproblem solvers who will help to buildLesotho into a strong and healthy nation.

“Studying here at Limkokwing is anhonour, not only am I amazed by theinnovation but the creativity, hard work,inspiration and opportunity for a brighterfuture. Limkokwing is the bridge to a globalcommunity.”

Grace Moleboheng NcholuBA in Interior Architecture

Foundation 2008

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Asia, Africa and Europe - and wherever we are,Limkokwing is producing new generations of younggraduates who are responsible world citizens, dedicatednation-builders and ardent promoters of internationalunderstanding because of their multicultural academic bac-kgrounds. Today, Limkokwing graduates are global citizens- the rightful movers and shakers of the 21st century.

cations, which provides unparalleled career opportunitiesin animated graphics, sound and video contentproduction. There is also enormous potential inarchitecture. Modern architecture provides ambitiousBasotho excellent opportunities to become landscapearchitects, consultants, project managers or other relatedcareers. Tourism is yet another potential area of growththat can offer exciting career prospects.

The mission of Limkokwing University is to create a mostunique environment that fulfils the creative needs of everyBasotho who wishes to acquire 21st century skills to excelin a rapidly evolving global world. And we are creating anadvanced learning hub in Maseru where Lesotho's youngcitizens have the opportunity to achieve their career dreams.

Global graduatesLimkokwing University is present in three continents -

“Limkokwing University has emerged as apioneer “Global University”. In the processit has become an international benchmarkfor innovation in higher education.Through the enabling power of the latestinformation and communicationstechnologies its students and staff are ableto bridge continents drawing on eachother's experience and insights, knowledgeand creativity.”

H.E. Dr Festus G. MogaePresident of the Republic of Botswana

At Limkokwing University graduation on 19 January 2008

“Education truly fulfils its role if it can helpa young person unlock his or her potentialand build a meaningful life with those skills.Education is not confined in a classroom. Itis about the world around us. It is aboutwho we are to other people. What we cando for them. How we can make a differenceto the environment we work in. Educationis a very powerful tool because it builds anation's hope for the future.” ProfessorEmeritus TanSriDato'DrLimkokwing

Founder PresidentLimkokwing University of Creative Technology

“My arrival at Limkokwing University wasgreat because I was motivated and inspiredto achieve greatness as a software engineer.I also learned that being good is notenough in today's environment, so its hightime we have to join LimkokwingUniversity in order to be creative andinnovative, as we all understand thatcreativity is the foundation to innovation.”

Tsepiso Bernard MohaleBSc(Hons)inSoftware Engineering with Multimedia

Foundation 2008

“By setting up its campus in London, I amconfident Limkokwing University willprompt further change in Britisheducational institutions as we continue toreinvent ourselves and become morerelevant to today's world. LimkokwingUniversity, with its internationallyacknowledged experience in deliveringskills-driven programmes, can confidentlybe expected to make a strong contributionto the British education sector.”

Professor Dr Michael ThorneVice-Chancellor Anglia Ruskin University,UK

1 October 2007

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Limkokwing University Lesotho

Limkokwing Lesotho, through Limkokwing Malaysia,will benefit from its international Advisory Board.Representation from world-class universities providethe direction that enables the university to conductprogrammes that matchworld standards, that provideworldwide recognition and enable global transferability.The Limkokwing University is supported by a globalnetwork of 100 universities and knowledge centres.

Degrees to take you to the nextlevel of career successLimkokwing University focuses on creativity andinnovation to equip students with leadership andentrepreneurial skills to develop new businesses.Today, Limkokwing graduates are playing active rolesin many important aspects of nation-building - in theeconomy, industry, civil administration and otherfields. In a fast evolving world, you must constantlyupdate and upgrade yourself to be successful.Limkokwing University - one of the world's mostinnovative and creative institutions of highereducation - offers you a unique opportunity to acquirean internationally recognised degree that will launchyour career into new global dimensions.

Creating a smart new generationLimkokwing University understands the nationalaspirations of Vision 2020 and we are here to create anew breed of young people with our new teachingmethodologies imbuing Basotho with out-of-the-boxthinking skills, innovative mindsets and creativity toreshape the future of Lesotho.

Limkokwing University brings out the best in youngpeople so they are empowered to transform theimpossible into the possible. This is what LimkokwingUniversity wants to imbue in every Basothodetermined to change his or her life through a 21stcentury education. With a ready supply of talentedhuman capital, Lesotho can connect with the globaleconomy. With investors attracted to Lesotho, especiallyin developing new industries there will always be agreat demand for Basotho graduates with the latestindustry skills to meet the needs of internationalindustrialists.

A stimulating campus environmentCreativity is a mental process needed to respond to thetremendous challenges that all of us face in today's fast-paced world. Creativity can be nurtured in theindividual, something that Limkokwing University hasbeen doing for almost two decades. LimkokwingUniversity Lesotho is a campus where learning will beintegrated to produce graduates with cutting-edgeindustry skills imbued with the spirit of enterprise. Thecampus environment will be one that stimulates andenhances creative thinking and provides ampleopportunities for the development of broader mindsetsthat will favour the student's drive to excel in everyendeavour.

“Your university has taken me by surprise.You have taken a very practical yet avantgarde approach to education. This is realinnovation. You have taken something verytraditional and created something veryexciting.”

H.E. Dr Ralph E. GonsalvesPrime Minister, St Vincent & the Grenadines

1 March 2006

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Pathway to global career excellence -Progression chart

Faculty of Design Innovation• Assoc Degree in Graphic Design• Assoc Degree in Digital Photography• Assoc Degree in Packaging Design & Technology

• Assoc Degree in Fine Art• Assoc Degree in Furniture Design• Assoc Degree in Advertising• B Des (Hons) in Professional Design• BA (Hons) in Industrial Design

Faculty of Creative Multimedia• Assoc Degree in Creative Multimedia • Assoc Degree in Web Design• Assoc Degree in Animation• Assoc Degree in Games Design• BA (Hons) in Animation• BA (Hons) in Creative Multimedia

Faculty of Creativity in Tourism &Hospitality• Assoc Degree in Hotel Management• Assoc Degree in Tourism Management• Assoc Degree in International Tourism• BA (Hons) in Tourism Management

Faculty of Fashion & Lifestyle Design• Assoc Degree in Fashion & Apparel Design

• Assoc Degree in Accessories Design

• Assoc Degree in Merchandising Design• Assoc Degree in Textile Design

Faculty of Communication & Media • Assoc Degree in Creative Writing • Assoc Degree in Public Relations• Assoc Degree in Journalism & Media • Assoc Degree in Publishing • Assoc Degree in Event Management• BA (Hons) in Professional Communication

• BA (Hons) in Event Management

Faculty of Film, Television &Broadcasting• Assoc Degree in TV & Film Production

• Assoc Degree in Broadcasting (Radio & TV)

• Assoc Degree in Digital Video• Assoc Degree in Videography• BA(Hons) in Digital Film &Television• BA (Hons) in Broadcasting & Journalism

Faculty of Architecture & Interior• Assoc Degree in Set & Theater Design• Assoc Degree in Interior Design• Assoc Degree in Retail Design & Management

•Assoc Degree in Architecture Technology

• BA in Interior Architecture

Faculty of Business & Globalisation• Assoc Degree in Retail Management• Assoc Degree in Business Management • Assoc Degree in Marketing• Assoc Degree in Merchandising & Retailing

• B Bus (Hons) in International Business• B Bus (Hons) in Entrepreneurship

Faculty of Music & Sound• Assoc Degree in Sound Technology • Assoc Degree in Music Design

Faculty of Information Technology• Assoc Degree in Software Engineering• Assoc Degree in Business Information System

• Assoc Degree in Multimedia & Software Engineering

• Assoc Degree in Information Technology

• Assoc Degree in Mobile Computing• Assoc Degree in Business Information Technology

• BSc (Hons) in E-Commerce• BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering with Multimedia

• BSc (Hons) in Information Technology


Manpower Sponsorship Minimum Entry Requirements are as below:• Lesotho citizens below 45 years• Should have an aggregate of not more than 34

• All in-service applicants should have a study leave

• Should have 4 credits, including English from the best 6 subjects


Continue to complete Postgraduate DegreeExit into career

Exit into career Year 3 Degree Programme

Year 2 Degree Programme

Year 1 Degree Programme

Pre-University Foundation Programme

Year 12 / O’ Levels

Bridging 1 Semester

Year 3 Associate Degree

Year 2 Associate Degree

Year 1 Associate Degree

Exit into career

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