lesson 10 early civilization


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Comes from civitas, which is a Latin word for “city.”

It denotes a complex way of life in the city.

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Organized and centralized government

Organized religion

Specialization in economic activity

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Social stratification

Knowledge in science, arts, and architecture

System of writing

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Sumerian civilization emerged in Mesopotamia which is the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in what is now Iraq.

Mesopotamia comes from the Greek words which means “land between the two rivers.

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3,500 to 3,000 B.C.E

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-rainfall was not and the annual flood or overflow of the rivers was unpredictable

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2. Trading

Other natural materials like metal, wood, stone, and semi precious stones needed for tools and jewelry were acquired through trading.

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the first leader of Sumer

main mediator between the patron god and the inhabitants of the city

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enforced laws to maintain peace and order and was also charged of the construction and repair of public structures such as the irrigation system and protective walls.

2nd to the military king

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lead the soldiers in wars and to defend the city

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Is a form of government in which the ruler is seen either as a god or a chosen representative of a god.

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Series of rulers from a single family

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Polytheist-believers of many gods

Four of their most important gods controlled by the forces of nature: An, the god of heavensEnlil, the god of airEnki, god of the waterNinhursag, goddess of the earth

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- largest edifice in Sumerian cities - a shrine for the gods and goddess-served as the point of reference for the layout of the city.-shape of mountains or pyramids

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Sumer cities: ( rectangular in shape, surrounded by high and thick walls, and has wide roads)

Ur Uruk Eridu Lagash Nippur Kish

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Specialization – the development of skills in a specific kind of work.

Artisans – skilled workers who make goods by hands

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Scribes –one who writes and records

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Cuneiform – form of writing

In Latin cuneus which means “wedge-shaped.“

Stylus – wedge-like writing tool

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Epic of Gilgamesh –the very first recorded epic in the world

Plow, wheelbarrows, wheelspun pottery, bronze metallurgy (alloy of copper and tin), and silver currency

They invented the decimal system, 360 degree circle and lunar calendar.

60:60 seconds in a minute

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City-states of Sumer were constantly at war with each other.

Migration and Invasion

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2334 B.C.E, Sargon 1 of Akkadia conquered the independent city-states of Sumer and founded the first unified kingdom.