lesson 11

Lesson 11 Characters Are Everywhere

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Lesson 11. Characters Are Everywhere. Characters. Aims of this period. Students can learn how to use “want to”. Students can learn the expressions about invitation, appointment and telephone, in the real life. Summary. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Lesson 11Characters Are


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Aims of this period Students can learn how to use “want to”.

Students can learn the expressions about invita-tion, appointment and telephone, in the real life.

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SummaryScrooge is a miser. He has a lot of money, but he never spends it.

He has a worker in his office. He’s poor but even on Christmas eve,

Scrooge doesn’t give him any money. That night three ghosts

appear in Scrooge’s dream, and takes him to many places.

One of the places is the worker’s house. His son, Tim, is very sick.

Scrooge sees many things in his dreams.

On Christmas morning when he wakes up, his heart has changed.

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I want to see the movie.

I want to drive a car.

I want to drink orange juice.

Want to ---

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At the Restaurant

A: May I take your order?B: Yes, please. I’ll have the sirloin steak and a green salad.A: How would you like your steak?B: Medium, please.A: What kind of dressing would you like on your salad?B: French dressing, please.

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On the Street

A: Excuse me. Where’s the nearest gas station?B: Just drive along this road about five minutes. You can’t miss it.A: How far away is it from here?B: About two miles.A: Thanks a lot.B: Not at all

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INVITATIONA: Are you free tomorrow afternoon?B: Well, no. I’ve got an appointment.A: How about next Tuesday?B: I’ll be free then. Why?A: I would like to show you my new piano.B: All right. I’ll go.

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TELEPHONEA: Hello, May I speak to Mr. Mike Thomas?B: Mike Thomas? There is no one here by that name.A: Isn’t this 356-2587?B: You have the right number, but no one by that name lives here.A: I’m sorry.B : That’s all right.

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INVITATIONA: Are you free this Saturday?B: Why? What’s happening?A: Well, we’re gonna have a birthday party at our place, and I was wondering if you would like to come.B: Who’s coming?A: James, Susie… Well, not many. Maybe five or six.B: Sure. I’ll see you there, then.

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APPOINTMENTA: Would you like to have dinner with me?B: Yes, that sounds nice. Where should we meet?A: How about at the Plaza Hotel coffee shop?B: All right. What time?A: Would six –thirty be OK?B: Yes, that’s fine. See you then.

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Writing - Answers

I want to be a singer.You want to play soccer.

He wants to be a teacher.She wants to buy a new car.

I want to buy a new computer.She wants to go to bed early.

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See you later