lesson 1.functionalism rga.notebook...lesson 1.functionalism rga.notebook 3 march 27, 2018 feb 16...

Lesson 1.Functionalism rga.notebook 1 March 27, 2018 Starter Slide &ODVVURRP ([SHFWDWLRQV $UULYH RQ WLPH &RDW RII %DJV RII GHVNV (TXLSPHQW 3ODQQHU RQ GHVNV 7,7/( '$7( :KDW LV WKH )DPLO\" 2Q \RXU ZKLWHERDUG GUDZ SLFWXUHV WR UHSUHVHQW $ KRXVHKROG $ IDPLO\ $ QXFOHDU IDPLO\ Dec 307:51 &DVH 6WXG\ &RPSDUDWLYH &XOWXUDO (YLGHQFH .LEEXW]P Kibbutzm video 7DVN :DWFK WKH YLGHR DQG QRWH GRZQ ZD\V LQ ZKLFK NLEEXW]LP OLIH KDV FKDQJHG VLQFH WKH V Key Facts Most Kibbutzim were established in the 1940s in what became the newly created state of Israel. Aim was to provide communal living. Part of the beliefs (or ideology) of the movement to release women from childrearing and to enable them to have as much time for work and leisure as men. Infants were taken to special houses after only a short time with the parents. They grew up together & were looked after by specially trained nurses (or matapalets) and teachers. They were allowed to see their parents for a few hours each day but slept in a separate area. Today = approx 270 kibbutzim in Israel with populations of around 500. Kibbutzim living accounts for 2.5% of the population (130,000) +RZ PLJKW WKH .LEEXW] EH D PRUH IXQFWLRQDO XQLW RI IDPLO\ OLYLQJ" Dec 307:51 &RPPXQH 6HOIFRQWDLQHG DQG VHOIVXSSRUWLQJ FRPPXQLWLHV WKDW RIWHQ HPSKDVLVH FROOHFWLYH OLYLQJ UDWKHU WKDQ LQGLYLGXDO IDPLO\ XQLWV .H\ ZRUG 'HILQLWLRQ .LEEXW] $ IRUP RI FRPPXQH ZLWK DQ HPSKDVLV RQ FROOHFWLYH FKLOGUHDULQJ ZLWK WKH FRPPXQLW\ DV D ZKROH WDNLQJ RYHU WKH WDVNV RI WKH IDPLO\ .H\ ZRUG 'HILQLWLRQ Dec 307:51 :KDW IXQFWLRQV PLJKW ',))(5 EHWZHHQ WKHP" 7KH IXQFWLRQV RI WKH IDPLO\ :KDW )81&7,216 ZRXOG EH VKDUHG EHWZHHQ )$0,/,(6 .,%%87=,0 DQG 7+( 1$<$5" Plenary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tarter Slide &ODVVURRP ([SHFWDWLRQV $UULYH RQ WLPH &RDW RII %DJV RII GHVNV (TXLSPHQW 3ODQQHU RQ GHVNV 7,7/( '$7( 7KH IXQFWLRQDOLVW SHUVSHFWLYH RQ WKH IDPLO\ )URP ZKDW \RX NQRZ DOUHDG\ ZKDW FDQ \RX SUHGLFW WKH IXQFWLRQDOLVW SHUVSHFWLYH ZLOO VD\ DERXW WKH IDPLO\"

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Page 1: Lesson 1.Functionalism rga.notebook...Lesson 1.Functionalism rga.notebook 3 March 27, 2018 Feb 16 1:38 PM Loss of functions: So why is the nuclear family better in industrial society?

Lesson 1.Functionalism rga.notebook


March 27, 2018

Starter Slide

Classroom Expectations:

Arrive on time

Coat off

Bags off desks

Equipment & Planner on desks

TITLE: DATE: 21/03/2017What is the Family?

On your whiteboard, draw 3 pictures to represent:

• A household• A family• A nuclear family

Dec 3­07:51

Case Study 2: Comparative Cultural Evidence: Kibbutzm

Kibbutzm video

Task: Watch the video and note down ways in which kibbutzim life has changed since the 1940s.

Key Facts• Most Kibbutzim were established in the 1940s in what became the newly created state of Israel.• Aim was to provide communal living.• Part of the beliefs (or ideology) of the movement to release women from child­rearing and to enable them to have as much time for work and leisure as men.• Infants were taken to special houses after only a short time with the parents.  They grew up together & were looked after by specially trained nurses (or matapalets) and teachers.  They were allowed to see their parents for a few hours each day but slept in a separate area.• Today = approx 270 kibbutzim in Israel with populations of around 500.• Kibbutzim living accounts for 2.5% of the population (130,000)

How might the Kibbutz be a more functional unit of family living?

Dec 3­07:51

CommuneSelf‐contained and self‐supporting communities that often emphasise collective living rather than individual family units.

Key word Definition

KibbutzA form of commune, with an emphasis on collective childrearing, with the community as a whole taking over the tasks of the family.

Key word Definition

Dec 3­07:51

What functions might DIFFER between them?

The 'functions' of the family...

What FUNCTIONS would be shared between FAMILIES, KIBBUTZIM and THE NAYAR?



Objective Key Words




Outline two differences between a family and a household (4 marks)

Outline three different types of family (6 marks)

21/03/2018What is the Family?

To give reasons and evidence for your views (ext: to consider alternative opinions and views)

To spot patterns and explain what's happening

What do sociologists mean by 'Family' and 'Household'?

How do different types of family vary?

To what extent is the family still relevant in modern British Society?


Social ChangeSocialisationInstitution

Nuclear FamilyExtended FamilySingle Parent Family

Starter Slide

Classroom Expectations:

Arrive on time

Coat off

Bags off desks

Equipment & Planner on desks

TITLE: DATE: 21/03/17The functionalist perspective on the family

1) From what you know already,what can you predict the functionalist perspective will say about the family?

Page 2: Lesson 1.Functionalism rga.notebook...Lesson 1.Functionalism rga.notebook 3 March 27, 2018 Feb 16 1:38 PM Loss of functions: So why is the nuclear family better in industrial society?

Lesson 1.Functionalism rga.notebook


March 27, 2018


Objective Key WordsKnow


How will you display SMSC today?Courage ‐ Respect ‐ Friendship ‐ Inspiration ‐ Determination ‐ 

Equality ‐ ExcellenceEmpathy – Courtesy – Resilience  ‐ 



To give reasons and evidence for your views (ext: to consider alternative opinions and views)

To spot patterns and explain what's happening

Is the family a positive or negative institution in modern British society?

The Big Question:


What are Murdock and Parsons' key argumentsabout functionalism and its importance for thefamily?

How has society changed over time and how has that impacted the family as a functional unit?

To what extent is the family functional and is the nuclear family arguably best for modern society or not?

Functional fitNuclearExtendedPre‐industrial societyModern societyGeographically mobileSocially mobile

21/03/17The functionalist perspective on the family

Feb 16­12:48 PM

Functionalists:Society is based on value consensus‐ a set of shared norms and values. Society is made up of lots of different sub‐systems which functionalists compare with the body. They each have different roles.The family is a vital system to functionalists.

Think ‐ Pair ‐ Share

What roles might the family have that arevital to societal needs?

How might the family help society to function?

Feb 16­12:44 PM

SOCIOLOGIST George Murdock 1949:

Family performs four basic functions:1) Stable satisfaction of the sex drive. (Preventing social disorder by a sexual 'free for all'2) Reproduction of the next generation. (Needed for society to continue)3) Socialisation of the young. (Society's shared norms and values)4) Meeting economic needs. (Food and shelter)

Group work:Go through these four basic functions and discuss how if each one didn't work how this could put a strain on a relationship?Do you agree with Murdock that each are all important?Which are more important than others?

Feb 16­12:47 PM

Criticisms of Murdock?Think ‐ Pair ‐ Share

‐Functionalist view neglects that family can also be a source of widespread conflict.‐Assumes nuclear family is best way for society to develop‐ what about other types of families?‐Feminists‐ see the family as serving men and oppressing women.‐Marxists‐ it meets the needs of capitalists, not individual family members or society as a whole.

Feb 16­1:16 PM

Parsons: 'functional fit' theory: 1955:The structure and fucntions of a family will 'fit' the needs of the society in which it is found.Two basic types of family structure are nuclear (parents and kids) and extended (three generations living under same roof).

Two types of society:Modern industrial V Traditional pre‐industrial.Parsons argues when Britain began to industrialise the nuclear family became dominant due to the changing needs of the industrial society.

Can you give 5 characteristics of a modern industrial society and a pre‐industrial society? What do both look like and how are they different?

Feb 16­1:23 PM

Parsons: Industrial society as two essential needs:

‐Geographically mobile workforce:Traditional societies often people lived in the same workforce forever but now people go to where the jobs are. Easier for the compact two generation family to move elsewhere.‐Socially mobile workforce:Skills are constantly evolving and an individual's status is not ascribed by their family background. Meritocracy exists but if two adults such as father and son lived in the same house conflict could arise from who is more successful, which is why in nuclear family it is better for son to move out at adulthood (No obligations).

To what extent do you agree with Parsons that nuclear family is most appropriate in an industrial society?Why? Why not?


Page 3: Lesson 1.Functionalism rga.notebook...Lesson 1.Functionalism rga.notebook 3 March 27, 2018 Feb 16 1:38 PM Loss of functions: So why is the nuclear family better in industrial society?

Lesson 1.Functionalism rga.notebook


March 27, 2018

Feb 16­1:38 PM

Loss of functions:

So why is the nuclear family better in industrial society?

Parsons argues that with the change to society the extended family loses a lot of its functions too....such as the need to be self‐sufficient or need to produce work of their own as work was already provided.

Nuclear family: two 'irreducible' functions:‐Primary socialisation of children‐ equip them with basic skills and values, to cooperate with others.‐Stabilisation of adult personalities‐ family is an area to relax and gain respite‐ then feel refreshed back to work. Also good for the economy.

Evaluate: Do these two 'irreducible' functionswork well only in the nuclear family?What can you say to disagree with Parsons?

Feb 16­2:04 PM

1) Young and Willmott disagree with Parsons claim that the pre industrial family was extended, arguing it was in fact nuclear.Laslett agrees. He studied households from 1564‐1821 and found short life expectancies and late childbearing meant extended families were rare.

Evidence against Parsons:

If the NF has been around longer than industrial society, Parsons' claim that it appeared because of it's 'fit' with modern society is wrong; maybe the nuclear family isn't linked to industrial society at all?

Was the extended family dominant in pre‐industrial society?

Feb 16­2:11 PM

According to Parsons, industrialisation brought about the rise of the Nuclear Family...

However, Young and Willmott argue that hardship of the early industrial world led to 'mum‐centred working class extended families' where mothers and their married daughters would rely on each other for financial and emotional support.

Did the family become nuclear in early industrial society?

Anderson explains the continuation and function of the extended family in industrial society using exchange theory (the idea that family ties are mainatined or broken because of the costs and benefits involved).

The harsh conditions of industrial society, and absence of a welfare state meant extended family ties were highly beneficial.

This goes against the idea that industrial society means Nuclear Families are best.

This suggests that Parsons' idea (that the NF is the obvious, more functional family type in industrial society) may be wrong.

Feb 16­2:19 PM

Young and Willmott argue that from about 1900 the NF has emerged as a more dominant family type due to social changes that made the extended family a less needed source of support.

Is the extended family NOW no longer important?

For example:• Higher living standards• Married women working• Welfare state• Better housing

So Parsons may now be correct....

Except that the extended family has not disappeared...

Studies show that it still performs important functions of its own especially in working class communities, such as providing financial help, childcare and emotional support.Therefore, Parsons conclusions may be exaggerated...



Objective Key Words




To give reasons and evidence for your views (ext: to consider alternative opinions and views)

To spot patterns and explain what's happening

What are Murdock and Parsons' key argumentsabout functionalism and its importance for thefamily?

How has society changed over time and how has that impacted the family as a functional unit?

To what extent is the family functional and is the nuclear family arguably best for modern society or not?

Functional fitNuclearExtendedPre‐industrial societyModern societyGeographically mobileSocially mobile

21/03/17The functionalist perspective on the family

Exam practice:Outline three functions of the family, according to functionalists[6 marks]