lesson 2 learning styles

Our Objective: Identify the strategies and learning styles that best help you learn new information.

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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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Learning Styles


  • 1. Our Objective:Identify the strategies and learningstyles that best help you learn newinformation.

2. How do You Study?How do you study for tests,quizzes, vocab, or review? Thereare no right or wrong answers.(2 complete sentences) 3. In order to be thebest scholars that wecan be, we must firstunderstand how ourbrains processknowledge. 4. What are Learning Styles? Information enters your brain threemain ways: sight, hearing and touch,which one you use the most is calledyour Learning Style Visual Learners learn by sight Auditory Learners learn by hearing Reading/Writing through text Kinesthetic Learners learn by touch 5. Visual LearningPictures, Diagrams, and FlowchartsUnderlining and HighlightingDemonstrationsMentally Visualizing a ConceptBenefit from using charts, maps, notes, and flash cardswhen studying 6. Auditory LearnersShould sit close to the instructorRecord lessonsRead aloud and speak answers aloudRecord self while reading notes aloudJoin a study with others to engage indiscussionExplain the new ideas to someoneRemember the interesting examples,stories, jokes. 7. Reading/Writing LearnersNote-taking and list makingSummarizing in your own wordsWrite out the words again and again.Read your notes (silently) again andagain.Rewrite the ideas and principles intoyour own words 8. Kinesthetic LearnersPrefer touch as their primary mode fortaking in information (build a model ifpossible)Move or pace while studyingRole-playing can help you learn andremember important ideasDebate the main ideasOkay, Iget itnow. 9. Watch videoseparately:Joshua Foer:Feats ofmemory 10. Environmental Factors such asBad lighting, noise, andtemperature can distract you fromthe things you need to study.Block regular time for yourself to go to a welllit place where you can be alone while youstudy (without any distractions). Turn off yourphone if you find yourself checking it often.Request that your family respect certain hoursfor your study time (and not disturb you). 11. StudyinginCollege 12. Take the Survey:Learning Styles AssessmentAre youVisual,Auditory,Read-Write,or Kinesthetic? 13. Todays Vocab List (A side):Aspiration: a goal or strong desireUtilize: to put to useProficiency: a high degree of skillCognitive: mental abilities and processesrelated to knowledgeSelf-Awareness: an understanding of one'sown knowledge, attitudes, and opinions 14. Todays Vocab List (B side):Self-Efficacy: one's belief in one's ownability to complete tasks and reach goalsAnalysis: breaking down a complex topicinto smaller parts to gain a betterunderstandingRetention: keeping something in one'smemory 15. EXIT TICKET: (1 complete sentence each)1. What is your learning style?2. How can knowing this information helpyou?3. What other learning style do you thinkmight fit your personality?4. Whats one creative way to combine morethan one learning style? (get creative)