lesson 2.1 constructivism


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Post on 27-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Constructivism T H E P O W E R O F S O C I A L S T R U C T U R E

2. Neorealists think that the world is made only of a distribution of material capabilities, whereas constructivists think it is also made of social relationships- Alexander Wendt 3. The Power of Social Structure Social Structure verses Material Structure Social Structure shapes human behavior in this classroom and on the international stage 4. View of Anarchy Anarchy is what states make of it-Wendt Anarchy among friends is different than anarchy among enemies The key questions for constructivists is: Why does a security dilemma occur among some states and a security community occur among others. 5. Norms-shared expectations about what constitutes appropriate behavior 6. A different kind of logic For constructivists states and actors behave based on a logic of appropriateness as compared to a logic of consequences 7. The Power of Norms Constructivists assert that norms affect state behavior in important ways We need to understand how norms are created and how they change over time. Example: International Campaign to End Apartheid in South Africa International human rights groups (norm entrepreneurs) forced U.S. to sanction South Africa and ultimately got South Africa to change its policy. 8. Role of Norm Entrepreneurs Norm entrepreneurs seek to advance a narrative and strengthen their favored norms TANs- Transnational Advocacy Networks A type of Norm Entrepreneur Mixes of individuals and organizations with transnational representation who interact, exchange information, and share and promote common values Battle for hearts and minds 9. Key Contributions of Constructivism Constructivists examine how state behavior is shaped by social norms, identities, and narratives Constructivists examine how norms emerge and compete with other norms Watch Ted Talk by Najid Mawaz