lesson 24 connections 1.explain why a desire to keep the 8 th commandment would keep you from...

LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that Jamie’s dad had been drunk the night before and had been yelling at people who walked past their house. It might be a lie to hurt Jamie. But if true, it would hurt Jamie’s father’s reputation, and even Jamie’s too. Better to pray for the family and be a friend to Jamie in case she’s experiencing a lot of troubles at home.

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Post on 17-Jan-2018




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LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 2. Explain how Absalom hurt his father’s good name. He hurt his father’s reputation as king by telling people they wouldn’t be treated fairly by David.


Page 1: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


1. Explain why a desire to keep the 8th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others:Janelle told you that Jamie’s dad had been drunk the night before and had been yelling at people who walked past their house.It might be a lie to hurt Jamie. But if true, it would hurt Jamie’s father’s reputation, and even Jamie’s too. Better to pray for the family and be a friend to Jamie in case she’s experiencing a lot of troubles at home.

Page 2: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


1. Explain why a desire to keep the 8th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others:Jake: “My uncle gave me some beer once. He thought it was funny when I said and did some really stupid stuff while I was drunk. He ended up in jail.”Jake was sharing something he wasn’t proud of so you could learn from his mistake. If you told others about it, you would be guilty of betraying Jake and hurting his reputation.

Page 3: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


2. Explain how Absalom hurt his father’s good name.

He hurt his father’s reputation as king by telling people they wouldn’t be treated fairly by David.

Page 4: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.What does this mean?We should fear and love God that we do not tell lies about our neighbor, betray him, or give him a bad name, but defend him, speak well of him, and take his words and actions in the kindest possible way.

Page 5: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


1. In Proverbs 31:8,9 God urges us to speak up for those who can’t speak up for themselves. How did Jonathan stand up for David when David couldn’t defend himself?

He reminded the king of the good things David had done and that the king shouldn’t be angry with David.

Page 6: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


2. Describe how you might speak up for the following people:A teacher—when classmates are complaining about and saying bad things about him.Explain the good reasons for the teacher’s actions. Remind them that God placed the teacher over you and that you want to speak well of everyone.

Page 7: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


2. Describe how you might speak up for the following people:People of other races—when classmates say bad things about them.Remind them that in God’s eyes we are all alike, sinners redeemed by Jesus. If we remember God’s love for us, even when we treated him poorly, we can love others too.

Page 8: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


3. After a friend walks out of the principal’s office, you tease him: “Hey, what kind of trouble are you in?” Instead of joking with you as expected, he snaps at you and tells you to mind your own business. How might you respond if you are a person who puts the best construction on everything?Apologize. Explain you didn’t mean to upset him. Offer to help if there is any way you can.

Page 9: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that

Proverbs 11:13

A gossip betrays a confidence,but a trustworthy man keeps a secret.

Page 10: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


Lesson 26Faith Foundations

Course One

Page 11: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


Page 12: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


1. Recall the Bible story of Naboth’s vineyard in 1 Kings 21:1-16. King Ahab wanted to buy Naboth’s vineyard. That wasn’t necessarily wrong. At what point do you think Ahab’s desire became sin?When he could no longer be happy without the vineyard.

Page 13: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


2. How did Ahab’s sinful desire for Naboth’s property lead to several other sins?

His wife bribed two men to lie, saying that Naboth had cursed God and the king. Because of those lies, Naboth was murdered and his property was taken by the king.

Page 14: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


3. Read Mark 12:38-40. How did Jesus describe the teachers of the law?

They demanded attention and respect. They showed off how much they prayed, but took property away from widows.

Page 15: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


4. What did the teachers of the law covet?

Wealth, honor and fame.

Page 16: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


5. Evaluate this statement:The increase in the number of lawsuits over the years is a result of covetousnes.

Some lawsuits are necessary, but many are because of the desire to get rich at someone else’s expense.

Page 17: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


6. Explain how TV advertising can entice us to covet.

Commercials try to convince us that we’d be happier if we had their product.

Page 18: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


7. How does covetousness affect our offerings for the Lord’s work?

Because we want things for ourselves, we are reluctant to give back to God some of what he has given to us.

Page 19: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


8. Kyle’s friend has a newer, faster video console. He kept bugging his mom for it, even after she explained they couldn’t afford it. Why was Kyle guilty of coveting?

He wanted something he couldn’t have, and wasn’t happy when his mother said no.

Page 20: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


God forbids us…to covet our neighbor’s property.

Page 21: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


9. How much was covetousness influencing Alan’s plan to get his boss’ job?

He wanted what his boss had—a secretary, an office, power and recognition.

Page 22: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


10.As we studied in the other commandments, we discussed how Cain killed his brother Abel, how David destroyed a marriage and a life by his sin of adultery that led to murder, and how Absalom caused his father much grief and almost cost him his kingdom. In what way did the sin of coveting lead to all of those sins?Cain coveted how God like Abel’s sacrifice. David coveted his neighbor’s wife. Absalom coveted the kingship of his father David.

Page 23: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


11.The 10th Commandment forbids us to covet our neighbor’s ox or donkey. Why do you thin those animals were mentioned?

They were used in people’s jobs. They needed them to earn a living.

Page 24: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


12.Animals don’t provide an income for nearly as many people today. But even if we aren’t farmers, we still might covet machinery or technology (or even the jobs) that other people have for earning a living. Think of an example of an occupation, and demonstrate how a person in that occupation might be tempted to covet. A job with a higher salary or better perks.

Page 25: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


13.Often movies and TV shows tell the story of a man or woman who falls in love with a person who is already married. Most of the time the shows don’t deal with the fact that those actions are sinful. Evaluate this statement: TV shows that give the impression that it is normal to covet another person’s spouse have contributed to the high divorce rate in our country.Highly probable. They give the impression that is it common, natural and acceptable.

Page 26: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


14.Read 1 Timothy 6:9,10. Paul talks about those who covet riches, but these words apply also to a person who covets anything or anyone. How does Paul describe the seriousness of this sin?He calls it a trap.

Page 27: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


15.Read 2 Samuel 11:26—12:10. Show how this statement is true: This passage shows that David had fallen into the trap and, if God hadn’t stepped in to bring him back, was headed for destruction.Because David tried to hide his sin and hadn’t repent, he was in danger of spending eternity in hell.

Page 28: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


16.Someone once said that covetousness is one of the effective tools Satan uses to destroy people’s faith. What do you think?

This sin is so subtle we may not even think it’s wrong. It keeps growing and growing in our hearts until it overtakes our thinking.

Page 29: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


God forbids us…to covet our neighbor’s wife, workers, animals, or anything that belongs to him.

Page 30: LESSON 24 CONNECTIONS 1.Explain why a desire to keep the 8 th Commandment would keep you from repeating what you heard to others: Janelle told you that


1. God forbids us to covet our neighbor’s property.

2. God forbids us to covet our neighbor’s wife, workers, animals, or anything that belongs to him.

SUMMARYGod forbids us to have sinful desires for anything that belongs to our neighbor.