lesson 3 types of volcanoes

Types of Volcano Starter- Dominoes.

Upload: jstrachan

Post on 12-Dec-2014




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Types of Volcano

Starter- Dominoes.

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Active volcano – liable to erupt.

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Dormant (sleeping) volcano – a volcano which has not erupted for

many years

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Extinct volcano – a volcano which has not erupted for many

thousands or millions of years

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Types of Volcano

Composite Volcano Shield Volcano

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Shield Volcano

• Occur at Constructive Plate Boundaries.

• Runny Lava that flows along way from the main vent.

• Gives the volcano gentle sides.

• Shield volcanoes almost never erupt violently due to the lava running free (no rocks).

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Composite Volcanoes.

• Occur at destructive plate boundaries.

• Viscous (thick lava)

• The lava cannot flow far from the vent.

• Makes the volcano steep sided.

• Violent eruptions due to rapidly hardening rock which blocks vents and allows the pressure to build.

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So why do people live near them?

• Watch the following movie about why people live near volcanoes.

• Now we have seen the video make a list of the advantages of living near a volcano.

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1. How can a Pyroclastic flow cause damage?

4. What might happen to Planes?

6. What impact would a mud flow have?

2. How would trees be effected?

3. What might happen to the sun?

7. What damage could a lava flow do?

8. What would causeroofs to collapse?

9. What could suffocate you?

5. What might happen to crops?