lesson 4-2 pages 156-159 solving addition and subtraction equations

Download Lesson 4-2 Pages 156-159 Solving Addition and Subtraction Equations

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Inverse operations


Lesson 4-2 Pages Solving Addition and Subtraction Equations What you will learn! How to solve addition and subtraction equations. Inverse operations What you really need to know! Equations must always remain balanced. If you subtract the same number from each side of an equation, the two sides remain equal. Also if you add the same number to each side of an equation, the two sides remain equal. Balance Example Example 1: Solve 14 + y = y = 6 y = 6 -14 Example 2: Solve z 8 = 12 z + 0 = 20 z = Example 3: Solve x + 3 = 1 x + 0 = -2 x = Example 4: Solve -9 = q 8 -1 = q = q + 8 Example 5: Solve If a golfer had scores of -1, -4, and -3 on his first three rounds in a tournament, what was his fourth round score if his final score was -18? -8 + f = -18 Example 4: Solve -8 + f = f = -10 f = Page 158 Guided Practice #s 4-10 Pages with someone at home and study examples! Read: Homework: Page 159 #s even #s Lesson Check 4-2 Page 572 Lesson 4-2 Lesson Check 4-2