lesson 4 & 5


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Page 1: Lesson 4 & 5
Page 2: Lesson 4 & 5
Page 3: Lesson 4 & 5

What is included in the Mise en scene?

Page 4: Lesson 4 & 5

Denotation – What you can see (The literal meaning)

Connotation – What it suggests (The implied meaning)

E.g. A red rose

Denotation = A flower that is red in colour

Connotation = Love, romance, valentines day

Page 5: Lesson 4 & 5

Mise en Scene analysis:

We will be watching 4 clips from different TV drama sub genres. Use the tables on the following slides of this PowerPoint to fill in your notes about the mise en scene in each.

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Meaning produced by these elements. What do these suggest about the characters/places. Be specific with your


Setting Space, town center where everybody was shouting ‘doctor’, a spacecraft with all of the main characters inside it showing that they were discussing something, a field with missiles which showed that there was going to be an attack somewhere.

Decor Electrical equipment, the planets in outer space,

Costume and Make up The antagonist was wearing a suit, representing power and the protagonist was wearing a suit but was trapped in a cage which showed that he had power but lost it recently and was trapped. Also, the other protagonists make-up was that he was dirty which showed he was outside without shelter which showed that he was hiding rom someone.

Figure Expression and Movement

The antagonist’ posture was dominant. I could tell by this because he was standing tall and spoke with anger. The protagonists posture was slouched because he was trapped in

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Meaning produced by these elements. What do these suggest about the characters/places. Be specific with your


Setting In the woods; showing that this was where the crime took place, in the streets with the camera facing house. Inside the house where a nuclear family resided.

Décor In the woods, the décor was the trees and the leaves. In the house, in the mom was holding a basket. In the living room where the Mr. Frost was questioning the disabled boy, there was furniture.

Costume and Make up Scratches and bruises on the disabled mans face, showing that he might have fell or got into a fight with somebody. Mr. Frost was wearing a formal cream jacket which was formal as a stereotypical police inspector would wear, showing that he would want to be the most powerful in the room.

Figure Expression and Movement

Mr. Frost walking with dominance and talking like he knows everything already. Dad sitting behind sofa showing he’s afraid of the authority

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Meaning produced by these elements. What do these suggest about the characters/places. Be specific with your


Setting Inside a living room which showed that it was a family gathering.

Decor Alcohol bottles, chairs, furniture

Costume and Make up Patrick was wearing a colorful vest which showed that he was still into the Jamaican background from where he was from. The other 4 people in this scene were wearing modern western clothing which showed that they were brought up into the united kingdom.

Figure Expression and Movement

Patrick’s accent was strong which showed that he was brought up in Jamaica and the rest of the people had English accents which showed that they were brought up into the UK. Patrick was slouching which showed that he was comfortable with everybody on the table. Lucas was leaning forward which

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Meaning produced by these elements. What do these suggest about the characters/places. Be specific with your


Setting The setting is on the outskirts of a manor where it is sunny. It then shows them walking through a hallway and then into a a hall where a man is killed. It then cuts to a shot with a man riding a horse out of the manor and the camera cuts to a long shot of another manor called ‘Whitehall Palace, London’.

Decor Carriage and candles.

Costume and Make up The man is wearing a doublet with a necklace around his neck. The other men were wearing the same thing as him but in blue, showing a distinct difference between them.

Figure Expression and Movement

The man who got stabbed showed power in him through his walk because he was walking strongly. The other men next to him were following him but didn’t look as powerful because they weren’t walking as powerful as him, showing that they weren’t as important as him. He also looked angry and

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What is a stereotype?

Can you think of any examples?

If you had to design the costume of a youth offender, what would they be wearing?

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This is where the representation is purposefully going against the stereotype

How would you dress a gay male as a countertype?

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In your exam you will have to discuss the representation of one of the following things. Keep this in mind as we go through this task.

Gender Age Ethnicity Regional Identity Sexuality Disability/Physical Ability Class and Status

Page 14: Lesson 4 & 5

You will be shown a series of stills from TV dramas. Answer the questions that are shown before the image.

Do this in quick note form. You will be feeding back your answers to the class.

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We are going to look at stills from various TV dramas and you have to decide what period of time it represents.

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Life on Mars

From this picture, I gathered that the cars look like an older generation because those cars aren’t on the streets anymore. Also, the costume of the police woman doesn’t look modern which suggests she is from an older generation.

The man in the middle portrays a man from an older generation because he is wearing an old leather jacket which isn’t modern, as well as the man on the left is also wearing an old brown trench coat that may be from the 1980’s.

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In his picture, the background looks like it is from this generation of London. I know this because the buildings look modern. Also, the clothing of the men look like they’re also from this generation because the coats are from modern fashion that may not have existed in the previous centuries.

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Dr Who

The costume looks like it is from 2010 because he woman is wearing a leather jacket with jeans, while the doctor is wearing a suit with modern glasses. If it were a previous time, he doctor wouldn’t be wearing those glasses.

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The representation of the costume shows that it is modern. I know this because the women in the middle is wearing a lot of jewelry and people from a few centuries ago wouldn’t wear it. Also, she is wearing a low cut top which also shows that it is modern. Also, the man on the right has his collar up, which shows that it isn’t from a few centuries ago because they wouldn’t have wore this same style.

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This time when you are shown stills answer the above question

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The OC

The representation of the social status through their clothing is that they are upper class because they are all wearing formal clothing which looks expensive. Also, because they are wearing expensive, it may mean that they are rich, which might also mean that they must have jets, expensive wine and expensive meals.

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Holby City

She is a doctor because she is wearing scrubs and a stethoscope. Nationally, the colour of her scrubs show that she is from England or America because American’s and the English mostly wear this type of colour.

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In this frame, the boy on the left looks like he is a chavbecause he is wearing track suit bottoms and Nike trainers. He might also look like he is a troublemaker because he has his middle finger up wih the boy next to him strangling him.

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This time when you are shown stills answer the above question

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The costume of the middle man looks like he is powerful because he is wearing a suit with leather gloves, making him more authorative than the other men in this frame. Also, the man on the right looks like he is layedback, casual and comfortable because he has his hands in his pockets

The woman on he right looks more wealthy because she is wearing a better dress than the other woman as well as she is wearing a watch which shows that she is more authorativethan the other woman.

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Downton Abbey

The 3 women at the left and the right are wearing maids outfits, showing that they work for the people in the middle. With this, I also know that they are a lower social class with what they are wearing in comparison to the women in the middle.

Also, the women on the left and the right have their hands by their sides showing respect, and the woman in the middle has her hands together showing she is different than the other women.

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The man on the far right is obviously the king because he has a crown. The man next to him might be a knight or a prince with the way he is dressed. They are also next to each other showing that they might be related. The man in the middle is wearing ragged clothing which shows that he is at a lower social class. He also has a serious face and his hands towards the audience showing he is powerful in his own way.

The man on the left has his hands together showing respect as well as his hair and clothing shows he might be wise. The woman on the left is wearing a pretty dress showing she has a high social class. Her facial expression shows she is pretty sad and her hands are also together showing respect and modesty. Also, the woman on the far left is wearing ragged clothing in comparison to the woman next to her, showing she is a lower social class.

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How does the lighting in the scene affect different moods?

Does lighting change? Is it high or low key lighting?

Watch the Spooks Clip on the VLE and discuss as a class.

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Page 31: Lesson 4 & 5

Watch Wire in the blood

How does the mise-en-scène affect and reflect the relations between characters?

Consider also the actors performances

Discussion: what thoughts, feelings and emotions are evoked by the actors’ performances?