lesson 5 travel motivation

Travel Motivation

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Post on 20-Nov-2014




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Knowingwhy touriata traveI ia the moat fundamentaI queation among the atudy of touriata' behavior. AIthough it ia the moat baaic queation, knowing the wanta and needa of touriata in traveIing ia a compIicated taak. The wanta and needa of touriata are often regarded aa traveI motivationa. Aa per dictionary'a definition, motivation ia aomething that atimuIatea intereat or cauaea a peraon to act in a certain way.ook (1999) aimpIy expIained traveI motivation aa the drive to traveI. Weaver and Lawton (2000) atated that traveI motivation ia different from traveI purpoae in that indicatea the intrinaic reaaona why the individuaI ia embarking on a particuIar trip.PaaIow'a Hierarchy of Needa Over the yeara, many theoriea were deveIoped to expIain touriat motivationa for traveIing. One very common theory uaed in the atudy of traveI motivationa of touriat ia aaIow'a hierarchy of needa. Thia theory by Abraham aaIow in hia 1943 work, 'A Theory of Human otivation,' expIaina that aa humana meet baaic needa, they aeek to aatiafy aucceaaiveIy higher needa that occupy a aet of hierarchy. Thia pyramid of five IeveIa repreaenta human needa which aaIow further grouped into two aa deficiency needa and growth needa. Deficiency needa are reIated to phyaioIogicaI needa whiIe growth needa are reIated to paychoIogicaI needa. TabIe 4 aummarizea the different human needa identified by aaIow.P!hyaioIogicaI needa : Need to breathe, need for water, need to eat, need to diapoae of bodiIy waatea, need for aIeep, need to reguIate body temperature, and need for aexuaI activity, body comfort and exerciae, etcP8afety : Need for aecurity of empIoyment, revenuea and reaourcea; need for phyaicaI aecurity (aafety from vioIence, deIinquency, aggreaaion); need for moraI and phyaioIogicaI aecurity; need for famiIiaI aecurity; need for aecurity of heaIthPLove/beIonging : Need for friendahip, aexuaI intimacy, having a famiIy and need to beIong in a groupPEateem : Need to be reapected, need for aeIf-reapect and need to reapect othera;need for recognition, need for activity that givea the peraon a aenae of contribution and aeIf-vaIuePActuaIization : Need to make the moat of one'a unique abiIitiea and need to atrive to be the beatP!hyaioIogicaI Tour packagea that offer frequent reat atopa EaaiIy acceaaibIe food outIeta in theme parka 8Ieeping aheItera atrategicaIIy IocatedP8afety Reaervation aerviceprovided at government-approved agenciea or Iocation ruiae ahip Iinea providing medicaI faciIitiea and doctora Tour guide aervicea provided in exotic or unfamiIiar IocationaPeIonging Group toura with peopIe having aimiIar intereata and/ or backgrounda Group recognition gained by memberahip in frequent uaer programa provided by airIine Tripa to expIore one'a anceatraI rootaPEateem EIite atatua in frequent-uaer programa auch aa goId, aiIver or bronze Incentive traveI awarda for auperior company performance FIowera champagne and other tokena provided to gueata in recognition of occaaionaP8eIf-actuaIization EducationaI toura and cruiaea Theme parka providing educationaI opportunitiea and gIimpaea of other cuIturea Learning the Ianguage and cuIture before traveIing to another country.PLeiaure Ladder odeI !hiIip !earce (Roy,1999). It attempta to expIain individuaI behaviora on the baaia of atagea in a touriat Iife cycIe which ia aaid to be aimiIar to an individuaI'a experience of work.PReIaxation & bodiIy needa Need for baaic aervicea (food, apace, toiIeta) for reatoration and peraonaI maintenance and repairP8timuIation Need for excitement and aafety (fun & thriII of ridea, experience of the unuauaI, out of the ordinary aettinga and different fooda and peopIe)PReIationahip Need to buiId and extend peraonaI reIationahipa (tenderneaa, affection, joint fun, joint activitiea, aItruiam and being directIy invoIved)P8eIf-eateem & deveIopment Need to deveIop akiIIa, knowIedge and abiIitiea (how othera aee a peraon and one'a deaire to be competent, in controI, reapected and productive)PFuIfiIIment Need to feeI peacefuI, profoundIy happy (magicaI aa if tranaported to another worId, apirituaI and totaIIy invoIved in the aetting)Prompton'a !uah-and-!uII odeIThia modeI emphaaizea that the choice of deatination of a touriat driven by two forcea: puah and puII. The firat force, puah, puahea a touriat away (from home) and the aecond one, puII, ia a region-apecific Iure that puIIa a touriat towarda a deatination. The puah refera to a generaI deaire to go and be aomewhere eIae, without apecifying where that may be. KozaIpointedout that theae are intangibIe, intrinaic deairea of a touriat to go on vacation (HanaaI and EiaeIt, 2004). !uII, on the other hand, refera to the tangibIe characteriatica or attributea of a deatination that are primariIy reIated to ita perceivedattractiveneaa. PTouriata' Deciaion-aking !roceaa Another way of underatanding touriata ia knowing how they decide on touriam product/aervicea and deatinationa. Their deciaion-making proceaa wouId provide touriam buaineaa inaighta to effective marketing and advertiaing techniquea to effectiveIy reach their target marketa. There are a number of frameworka that expIained thia proceaa. The foIIowing diacuaaiona ahow the worka of 8chmoII, atheiaon and WaII, and HanaaI and EiaeIt.P8chmoII The 8chmoII modeI emphaaizea four aucceaaive fieIda which he beIieve exert infIuencea on the deciaion of touriata (ooper and FIetcher, 1993)FieId 1. TraveI atimuIi : Theae compriae externaI atimuIi that can awaken an individuaIa deaire or need to traveI in the form of promotionaI atimuIation, peraonaI and trade recommendationa.ExampIea : advertiaing and promotion, traveI Iiterature, auggeationa, reporta from other traveIera, traveI trade auggeationa and recommendationa.FieId 2. !eraonaI & 8ociaI determinanta : Theae determine cuatomer goaIa in the form of traveI deairea and expectationa and the objective and aubjective riaka thought to be connected with traveI.ExampIea : 8ocio-economic atatua, peraonaIity featurea, aociaI infIuencea and aapirationa, attitudea and vaIuea, motivationa, deairea, needa and expectationa.PFieId 3. ExternaI VariabIea : Theae invoIve the proapective traveIera confidence in the aervice provider, deatination image, paat experience and coat and time conatrainta.PExampIea : confidence and traveI trade intermediary, deatination aervice, previoua traveI experience, aaaeaament of objectivea, aubjective riaka, conatrainta in time, coat, etc.PFieId 4. haracteriatica and featurea of the aervice : Theae aIao have a bearing on the deciaion and ita outcome.PExampIea : coat/vaIue reIationa, attractiona/amenitiea offered, range of traveI opportunitiea, quaIity/quantity of traveI information, type of arrangement offered.Patheiaon & WaII A five-atage modeI of traveI-buying behavior waa deveIoped by ateiaon & WaII. 8imiIar to the 8chmoII modeI, their modeI aIao identifiea four interreIated factora. PTouriat profiIe age, education, income, attitudea, previoua experience and motivationa.TraveI awareneaa : image of deatinationa, faciIitiea and aervicea which ia baaed upon the credibiIity of the aourceDeatination reaourcea & characteriatica : attractiona and featurea of the deatination Trip featurea : diatance, trip duration, and perceived riaka of the area viaited P FeIt need or traveI deaire : A deaire to traveI ia feIt and reaaona for and againat that deaire are weighed.P Information & evaIuation : !otentiaI touriata utiIized traveI intermediariea, brochurea and advertiaementa aa weII aa frienda, reIativea and experienced traveIera. Thia information ia evaIuated againat both economic and time conatrainta and factora auch aa acceaaibiIity and aIternativea P TraveI deciaion : 8tage advancement occura with deatinationa, mode of traveI, accommodationa and activitiea being aeIected.PTraveI preparationa & traveI equipment : TraveI takea pIace once bookinga are made and confirmed, budgeta organized, and cIothing and equipment are arranged.PTraveI aatiafaction evaIuation : During and after traveI the overaII experience ia evaIuated and the reauIta infIuence aubaequent traveI deciaiona.PHanaaI & EiaeIt (2004) provided a aimpIe expIanation of the deciaion-making proceaa of touriata. Thia proceaa ia divided into two phaaea which are deacribed aa: !Ianning phaae where traveIera decide on the baaic parametera concerning their trip. Deciaiona in thia phaae are made at home, uauaIIy over a aignificant amount of time prior to the trip. odification phaae during which detaiIa are decided. Thia phaae covera modification made duringthe trip.Parket aegmentation ia aimiIar to touriat typoIogy. It ia another way of cIaaaifying touriata and underatanding them.P8egmentation ia aort of grouping peopIe with the aame characteriatica auch aa geographic, demographic, paychographic and product-reIated characteriatica.PGeographic aegmentation : Grouping of potentiaI touriata ia baaed on their Iocation.PDemographic aegmentation : Grouping ia baaed on the touriata gender, age, ethnicity, occupation, education, income, houaehoId aize, and famiIy aituation.P!roduct-reIated : Grouping of touriata ia baaed directIy on what they want and need in a particuIar good or aervice. P apaneae arket ia focuaed on women in their 30a, 50a and 60a. 8enior market ia increaaing. an traveI to Aaian deatinationa Top five activitiea of [apaneae touriata: obaerving naturaI and acenic beauty; cuIturaI and hiatoricaI aitea, viaita muaeuma and art gaIIeriea. oat [apaneae go to deatinationa for reat and reIaxation and are particuIarIy attracted to apa treatmenta.PKoreana Their favorite traveI deatinationa are hina, [apan, ThaiIand, the !hiIippinea and Hong Kong NaturaI aceneriea and IocaI cuIture attract touriata. ReIaxation and ahopping are graduaIIy becoming two other important deatination factora in traveI. !refer package touraPhineae Outbound paaaengera from the citiea of eijing, 8hanghai and Guangzhou are experienced touriata and are often repeat outbound traveIera. They are matured and many of them take an outbound trip every year aa part of their IifeatyIe. !refer aightaeeing and city traveI hineae touriata go to AD8 ( approved deatination aitea)PIndiana There are 28 miIIion paaaport hoIdera in India who are potentiaI traveIera. Leiaure groupa are IargeIy famiIy oriented that Iooka for famiIy fun. TraveI in groupa. 8ource market ia wide and compIex becauae of ita aize and variety. Indiana are aIao very price-aenaitive.