lesson 6

You will be assigned one of the incidents that occurred in the 1920s and you will need to create a performance that will demonstrate exactly what happened in that Eg two people can represent two countries having a Another can act as the League who steps in/doesn’t Each incident will need at least the following number of people for it to work: You need to make sure you have written down what happened in each of those incidents Write a balanced analysis of the LON in the 1920s do you think they did a good/bad job? Or the best they could do in the situation?

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Page 1: Lesson 6

You will be assigned one of the incidents that occurred in the 1920s and you will need to create a performance that will demonstrate exactly what happened in that incident

Eg two people can represent two countries having a dispute

Another can act as the League who steps in/doesn’t step in to sort the dispute out

You may also want another person to do the commentary over the scene?

Each incident will need at least the following number of people for it to work:

Vilna = needs 4/5 people

Upper Silesia = 5/6 people

Aaland Islands = 3 people

Corfu = 5/6 people

Bulgaria = 4

Any who are not involved need to teach class about the good work the did for refugees, working conditions, health, transport and social problems

You need to make sure you have written down what happened in each of those incidents

Write a balanced analysis of the LON in the 1920s – do you think they did a good/bad job? Or the best they could do in the situation?

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The Locarno Treaty

The other successful treaties of the 1920s

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1. To promote international co-operation, peace and security by accepting an obligation not to go to war

2. To promote open, just and honorable relations between nations

3. To lay out a system of international law

4. To maintain, or help to modify, treaties between nations

Starter:As a group rank the 4 aims of the League in order of success during the 1920s – you need to justify your answers

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Discuss what you think were the weaknesses of the League of Nations from what you have read so far about its structure, leadership and restraints when handling problems.

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Criticism Evidence For Evidence against

The League was too slow to act

Members would only act on their own interests, not the Leagues

Without the USA the League was powerless

Below is a table of what the critics of the League of Nations argued. Copy the table into your books and look through your reports to find evidence that supports these arguments or goes against the arguments

Based on the evidence you have found: which of the three problems restricted the League the most? Why?

Page 6: Lesson 6

Refugees – 400,000 prisoners of war were returned to their homes . Helped During the Turkey Crisis of 1922

Working Conditions – limited the hours children could work. Reduced working hours to 48 hours a week

Health – reduced Leprosy and Malaria

Transport – introduced highway code and shipping lanes

Social Problems – Blacklisted four international companies involved in the drugs trade . Freed 200,000 slaves in Sierra Leone

The Locarno Treaty 1924 – Germany accepts its borders agreed by the T of V and Germany joins the League in 1926.

The Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928 - 65 countries agreed not to use force to settle disputes (although none of the countries would disarm as they said they needed their armies for self-defence

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America profited more than any other country during World War I because they were not involved in the war at the start but supported the allies by producing lots of weapons and clothes for them which was easy due to their large amount of industry

This gave lots of people in USA lots of jobs and lots f money. The government made lots of profits as well as they were selling the weapons for a lot more than they cost to make

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With more money to spend people brought lots of luxury goods such as cars, radios, going to the cinema’s and invested on the stock market.

President Hoover’s aim: “a chicken in every pot and two cars in every garage”.

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Companies borrow money to pay for equipment or staff etc

Investors get a share of the profit the company makes

‘Shareholders’ can sell their shares on the stock market.

This is based in Wall Street, New York Prices can change every day according to how well

the company is doing. Prices can also change no matter how the company

is doing this is called Speculation

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Ford were making a car every 10 seconds!!

However, not everyone was enjoying the economic boom. Items such as cars and electrical goods were brought by the upper classes and by 1929 those who could afford such goods had already brought them. This meant sales declined in many industries.

People began to try and sell their shares in companies but there were not enough buyers….

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Almost every company in America lost money along with most of the American population.

America entered into its worst economic depression ever!!

12 million people lost their jobs12,000 people lost their jobs every day23,000 people committed suicide in one year in 1930 (the most ever)

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What effect the depression would have on the rest of the world?

Think about how today’s depression affects lots of different countries

What effect the depression would have on the League of Nation’ s effectiveness?

Page 14: Lesson 6

Map image on page 35

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I have not worked since last year

I will support anyone who can get the country back to work

If we had our own empire we would have the resources we need to stop the depression affecting us

Reparations have caused this mess

The bank has closed we have lost everything

We need tough leaders who will not be pushed around by the League or the USA

We should ban all foreign goods, this will the jobs of our workers

Page 16: Lesson 6

Go onto Google and type in Wall Street Crash ppt

Open the second power point

You need to investigate How the Wall Street Crash in the USA lead to Hitler coming into power in Germany

The areas you need to cover:

1. Who were the people who suffered in Germany from the depression and why2. Why the government was held responsible3. What Hitler and the Nazis did to take advantage of the situation4. How they used propaganda to influence people

Page 17: Lesson 6

The Manchuria Crisisyou need to read the information on the crisis from the textbooks and you need to produce a detailed timeline of the important events that occurred

Who was to blame for the Leagues failure over Manchuria; the Leagues structure or the individual members? Justify your answer

Page 18: Lesson 6

1920s Japan became a major power – large army, strong industry, growing empire

1930s - Depression in the 1930s hits Japan badly as China and USA put trade tariffs on Japanese goods

Japanese army leaders wanted to expand Japanese empire by force

September 1931 Japan army throw all Chinese out of Manchuria

February 1932 puppet government set up in Manchuria

1932 – Japanese aeroplanes bomb Shanghai

Japanese government tells Japanese army to withdraw but they are ignored – it is clear that the Japanese army is in control of

Japanese foreign policy not the government

China appeals to the League – Japan says it is settling a local difficulty and that China was in anarchy and this was needed to

keep peace

September 1932 the League decides Japan acted unlawfully and give Manchuria back to China

February 1933 Japan announces they intend to invade more of China in Slef defence

24th February the League votes against this action

Japan leave the League on 27th March 1933

The next week they invade Jehol

The League doesn’t know what to do to stop them - many excuses made but the League did nothing to stop Japan