lesson 6 if will - atlantis english

I’ll pick you up if you don’t have a ride. 6

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Page 1: lesson 6 if will - ATLANTIS English

I’ll pick you up

if you don’t have a ride.


Page 2: lesson 6 if will - ATLANTIS English


Lesson 6 Vocabulary

if - もし~なら (be) pleased - 喜ぶ、気に入る (to) pass the test - 試験に合格する (to) have time - 時間がある (to) hang out (with your friends) - (あなたの友達と)遊ぶ、

ぶらぶらする light homework - 簡単な宿題 What will happen if ... ? - もし~だったら何が起こる?

(to) get a driver’s license - 運転免許を取る

(to) go to driving school - 運転教習所に通う

(to) help my family financially - 家族を経済的に助ける

(to) learn how to play an instrument - 楽器の弾き方を習う

(to) have my own company - 自分の会社を持つ

(to) make a lot of money - お金をたくさん稼ぐ

(a) professional athlete - プロスポーツ選手

(to) train - トレーニングする (to) form a band - バンドを結成する (to) study abroad - 留学する (to) get a student visa - 学生ビザを取る

(to) learn the language - 言語を学ぶ (to) own a (boat) - (ボート)を所有する (to) find the right person -

理想の人を見つける (to) have job skills -

仕事のスキルを持つ (to) go to medical school -


nobody will show up - 誰も来ないだろう

(be) mad - 怒る energy - エネルギー

(to) come over - 家に来る (to) practice a lot - たくさん練習する (a) recital - コンサート

a bunch of us - 私の仲間たち

(to) cancel - キャンセルする by the way... - ところで、そう言えば I don’t have a ride - 送ってくれる人がいない

(I’ll) pick (you) up - (私はあなたを)迎えに行く

(to) graduate - 卒業する

(to) get a PhD - 博士号を取得する

(to) go abroad - 外国に行く

(to) save money - お金を貯める

I’ll pick you up if you don’t have a ride. │ 054

(Introduce the vocabulary - contextualization.)

CD2 Tr.1

CD2 Tr.2

CD2 Tr.3

Page 3: lesson 6 if will - ATLANTIS English

上のフレーズを下線部分に書き込みましょう。次に、“What will happen if...” を使って質問しあいましょう。

下のフレーズと、2-7 の写真を組み合わせましょう。 1a.






___ have fun

(your teacher) ___ be pleased

___ pass the test

___ (have time to) hang out with your friends

___ be happy

___ have (light homework)

___ study hard


2 7


If you study hard, you will ________ ______ ________. If you

pass the test, your teacher will ____ ____________. If your

teacher is pleased, you will ________ light homework. If you

have light homework, you will have time to _________ _______

with your friends. If you hang out with your friends, you will

_______ _____. If you have fun, you will ______ __________.

Lesson 6 055 │







pass the test

be pleased


hang out

have fun be happy

Page 4: lesson 6 if will - ATLANTIS English

have time to hang out with your friends be pleased

pass the test have light homework be happy have fun

If you don’t study hard, you won’t ____________________________ If you don’t pass the test, your teacher won’t ____________________________________ If your teacher isn’t pleased, you _______ __________________________________ If you don’t have light homework, you _______ _______________________________________ If you don’t hang out with your friends, ________________________________ If you don’t have fun, _________________ ___________________________________


“What will happen if...” を使って質問しあいましょう。









I’ll pick you up if you don’t have a ride. │ 056

pass the test.

be pleased.

won’t have light homework.

won’t have time to hang out with your friends.

you won’t have fun.

you won’t be happy.

Page 5: lesson 6 if will - ATLANTIS English

写真が示す内容に合わせた文を作ってみましょう。 3a. 2


...study hard ...pass the test

...be pleased


...have light homework


...(have time to) hang out with your friends

...have fun

...be happy






...don’t study hard



...pass the test


...be pleased

...have light homework ...(have time to) hang

out with your friends


...have fun


...be happy



Lesson 6 057 │

(S1 looks at page 55 and S2 tells the chain story from the hints in 3a. S1 is acting as the teacher—giving hints and encouraging S2. When done, S2 looks at page 56 and S2 tells the story from the hints in 3b.)

Page 6: lesson 6 if will - ATLANTIS English

If you don’t have breakfast, you won’t have any energy.

Page 7: lesson 6 if will - ATLANTIS English

Conversations: このページから始まる6つの会話を、上のフレーズを使っ


1a: Jenny, come downstairs. Breakfast is ready. 1b: Sorry, Mom. I don’t have time to eat today. 1a: But _____________________________________________

2a: Hey, can you come to my house tonight? 2b: O.K. What time? 2a: How about 8:30? 2b: Hmm... Can I come a little earlier? _______________________ _______________________

4a. Matching:

1. If it rains,

A. my parents will be mad.

2. If you don't eat something,

B. nobody will show up for the game.

3. If I’m late for work,

C. my boss will get really angry.

4. If you don’t practice,

D. you won’t have any energy.

5. If I get home late,

E. I won’t have money to buy new clothes.

6. If I don’t work,

F. you won’t play well in the recital.


Lesson 6 059 │

B. D.

C. F. A. E.

if you don’t eat something, you won’t have any energy.

If I get home late, my parents will be mad.

(After the students match, have them pair up and check (S1 = purple (left), S2 = green (right) / S2 = purple, S1 = green). Then, check as a class - you say the purple (or the green) and call on individual students to say the green (or the purple)).

(Encourage eye contact during the pair work. Students should read, remember, look up and speak to their partner. Encourage students to imagine and continue the conversations. Small things are OK - “OK,” “That’s too bad,” etc.)

CD2 Tr.4

CD2 Tr.5

Page 8: lesson 6 if will - ATLANTIS English

3a: I’m really looking forward to playing baseball tomorrow. 3b: Me, too. But I’m worried about the weather. 3a: I know. _________________________ ________________________________ 4a: What are you going to do this summer? 4b: Actually, I really need to find a job. 4a: Oh, really? Why? 4b: Because _________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 5a: I have an early meeting tomorrow so I’m going to go to bed. 5b: O.K. Good night. What time are you going to wake up? 5a: Around 6:00 a.m. ______________________ _____________________________________ 6a: Hey, let’s go shopping. 6b: What about your piano recital next week? 6a: It’s a beautiful day today. I don’t want to stay home. 6b: But _________________________ ____________________________

ペアになって、exercise 4b の1 - 6を参考に会話文を作ってみましょう。4a のよう

なパターン “If ~ , will (won’t) ...” の文を必ず使います。会話文ができたら先生に


その会話を演じてみましょう。クラスのみんなは注意して聞き、“If ~ , will (won’t) ...” の部分を書き取ります。正しく書き取れたかどうかをペアで確認し



I’ll pick you up if you don’t have a ride. │ 060

If it rains, nobody will show up for the game.

if I don’t work, I won’t have money to buy new clothes.

If I’m late for work, my boss will get really angry.

if you don’t practice, you won’t play well in the recital.

CD2 Tr.6

CD2 Tr.7

CD2 Tr.8

CD2 Tr.9

Page 9: lesson 6 if will - ATLANTIS English

Conversation (part B): 4. If you don’t have a ride, ... 5. If the weather is O.K., ... 6. If we don’t go, ... Pat Jill Pat Jill Pat Jill Pat


Conversation (part A): 1. What are they talking about? 2. What are they going to do if it rains? 3. What do they hope? Pat Jill Pat Jill Pat

What are you going to do tomorrow? A bunch of us are going to play baseball. Can you come? I think so, but what are you going to do if it rains? Yeah, I’m worried about that. If it rains, we’ll have to cancel it. Well, let’s hope the weather will be O.K.

- - - - -


By the way, how are you going there? My friend is driving. If you don't have a ride, we can pick you up. Thanks. So what time should I wait for you? Well, if the weather is O.K., we’ll go to your house around 10:00. Sounds good. And if we don’t go, I’ll give you a call. O.K.

- - - - - - -

Lesson 6 061 │

They’re talking about a baseball game.

If it rains, they’ll have to cancel it.

They hope the weather will be O.K.

we can pick you up.

we’ll go to your house around 10:00.

I’ll give you a call.

(Dictate the questions. Students can write them on page 54, where they can also see pictures related to the story.)

CD2 Tr.10

CD2 Tr.11

CD2 Tr.12

CD2 Tr.13

Page 10: lesson 6 if will - ATLANTIS English








If you want to do that, you’ll have to...

get married. have children.

have a good job. graduate university.

get a PhD. go abroad.

buy a house.

be a professional athlete. become a doctor.

be a professional dancer. form a band.

live in another country. study abroad. own a boat.

get my driver’s license. have a nice car.

help my family financially. learn to play an instrument well.

speak English well. have my own company.

make a lot of money.

In the future, I want to...

6. Role play

find the right person.

go to driving school.

learn how to dance.

get married. save money. train every day.

have job skills. work hard. learn the language.

study hard. have a good job. get a student visa.

get a passport.

practice a lot.

go to medical school.

I’ll pick you up if you don’t have a ride. │ 062