lesson #7 eye protection

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  • 8/9/2019 LESSON #7 Eye Protection




  • 8/9/2019 LESSON #7 Eye Protection



    Why Eye and FaceWhy Eye and Face

    Protection isProtection is

    Important ?Important ?  Thousands of people

    are blinded each yearfrom work related eyeinjuries. Injuries thatcould have beenprevented if only people

    would have used eye orface protection. 

  • 8/9/2019 LESSON #7 Eye Protection



    The !elicate "tructure of the EyeThe !elicate "tructure of the Eye  #our eyes are very delicate.

     #ou can think of them as the colortelevision cameras for your brain.

    $ike a camera your eyes include% 

    & ' lenslens that focuses li(ht) 

    - 'n irisiris that controls the amountofli(ht that enters the eye)

    -+eceptors+eceptors that ,pick up, theima(e of

    what you see - 'n optic nerveoptic nerve that serves as a,cable,

    to transmit information from thereceptors in your eye to your


  • 8/9/2019 LESSON #7 Eye Protection



    What Types of 'ccidents -ause Eye InjurieWhat Types of 'ccidents -ause Eye Injuries

    The major types of accidents that cause blindness include% 

    & bjects strikin( the eye) 

    - -ontact with chemicals and other

    ha/ardous materials)

    -0ein( struck by swin(in( objectssuch as chains and ropes) and

    - Viewing radiant energy sourcessuch as welding oerations orlasers!

  • 8/9/2019 LESSON #7 Eye Protection



    Potential 1a/ardsPotential 1a/ards




    To3ic 4ases



    Flyin( bjects or Particles 

    perations such as(rindin( chiselin( sandin(

    and hammerin( often create7yin( objects or particles thatcan dama(e your eyes.

  • 8/9/2019 LESSON #7 Eye Protection



    Potential 1a/ardsPotential 1a/ards

    $ar(e bjects 

    $ar(e objects such as%8. swin(in( chains cables and ropes)9. tools that are thrown or fall):. any sharp objects such as knives

    scissors pencils etc.) and

    ;. walkin( or fallin( into obstructions candama(e your eyes or face.

    2olten 2etals 

    perations which involve or producemolten metals if splashed splatteredor dripped into the eyes cause severeburns and tissue dama(e

  • 8/9/2019 LESSON #7 Eye Protection


    Potential 1a/ardsPotential 1a/ards

    Electrical 1a/ards 

    'ny time you work around electricity there is thepotential for arcs and sparks to occur. Take time totalk with your supervisor or safety mana(erconcernin( the type of eye protection you shouldwear if you will be workin( around electrical



    "aser #ea$s resent a new ha%ard in so$e wor&laces!'ecause there are di((erent tyes o( lasers) chec& with

    your suer*isor or sa(ety $anager to deter$ine the tyeo( eye rotection you need to use while wor&ing withlasers!


  • 8/9/2019 LESSON #7 Eye Protection


    Protective 2easuresProtective 2easures

    2achine 4uards 

    2any types of machines such as lathes

    (rinders and sanders are e6uipped with (uardsshields and screens. 'lways make sure that(uards shields and screens are in place and in(ood workin( order before usin( these types ofmachines. 'nd don

  • 8/9/2019 LESSON #7 Eye Protection



    Protective 2easuresProtective 2easures

      perations which use or produce vapors (asesmists dusts powders and other airborne particlesshould be ventilated. 5entilation alon( withdampin( systems can si(ni=cantly reduce theamount of airborne particles that could beha/ardous to your eyes.


    4ood li(htin( is important in work areas. 4oodli(htin( reduces eye strain and (lare. It alsopromotes both safety and improved productivity.

    "i(ns and Warnin(s 

    bstructions and protrudin( objects should beidenti=ed and marked. >se caution when workin(around obstructions and protrudin( objects.

  • 8/9/2019 LESSON #7 Eye Protection



    +a(ety ,lasses 

    +a(ety glasses are erhas the $ost widely used tye o( eye

    rotection! hile they $ay loo& si$ilar to regular glasses) they

    are $uch stronger and $ore resistant to i$act and heat than

    regular glasses! 


    ,oggles gi*e you $ore rotection than sa(ety glasses #ecause they (it

    closer to your (ace! 'ecause goggles surround the eye area) they gi*e you

    $ore rotection in situations where you $ight encounter slashing li.uids)

    (u$es) *aors) owders) dusts) and $ists! 

    Face +hields 

    Face shields o((er you (ull (ace rotection and are o(ten used

    around oerations which e/ose you to $olten $etal) che$ical

    slashes) or (lying articles! 

    elding 0el$ets 

    elding hel$ets ro*ide #oth (ace and eye rotection! elding hel$ets

    use secial a#sorti*e lenses that (ilter the intense light and radiant

    energy that is roduced during welding oerations! 

  • 8/9/2019 LESSON #7 Eye Protection



    Care o( Eye Protection E.ui$ent

    Clean your eye rotection e.ui$ent! You can

    usually use $ild soa and water! You $ay also

    use secial wies that are designed (or cleaning

    rotecti*e eye e.ui$ent! Ne*er use a#rasi*e

    soas) rough aer) or cloth towels!

    Vision E/a$s 

    "et1s (ace it! You only ha*e two

    eyes) and they $ust last you a


    As you age) your eyes will change!

    These changes can a((ect yoursa(ety at wor& and at ho$e! +o) it1s

    a good idea to ta&e a little ti$e each

    year (or a *ision e/a$!