lesson 7_ harnessing your intuition

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Reclaiming Your Lost SenseYou were born with it, but it was stolen from you—find out why we

believe all humans are born with ESP/intuition/psychic abilities,

why most of us lose it in our childhood, and simple techniques

you can use to get it back.

ESP – You have it & You can learn to use it.

The term ESP stands for extra-sensory 

perception  and refers to

communication or perception by means

outside the normal five senses.

ESP was once dismissed as

superstition, but its existence has been

repeatedly verified by numerous

scientists and researchers in leading universities around the world.

ESP, also called intuition, is a common faculty we all possess. Some people

simply use it better than others.

A scientist by the name of Dr. J. B. Rhine conducted the first scientific

experiments on ESP in the 1930’s and 40’s at Duke University.

Dr. Rhine had people attempt to guess which of five symbols would be on a

playing card facing away from them. The odds of guessing correctly are one in

five or 20%.

But Dr. Rhine found that many people had accuracy rates far beyond this.

In some experiments the odds in favor of ESP were 22 billion to one. This proved

that something was occurring which was allowing people to guess  which cards

were being picked,and this guessing  was correct to a remarkable degree. The

laws of probability were being violated.

His experiments also showed that distance, space and time played no

significant effect on the success of the phenomenon.  A highly trained subjectin France could guess the outcome of a card drawn in the US just as well when

she was across the Atlantic Ocean, as when she was sitting directly opposite the

person drawing the cards.

Furthermore, the subject could guess the outcome of a card drawn a year

Silva International is an A+ accredited business

by Better Business Bureau


Join The Silva Method™ Community

On Facebook (https://www.facebook.com


See what others are saying about the

Silva Method (/reviews)

Learn more about the Silva Life System


READY TO GO FURTHER ?take your Learning to the next level here


Lesson 7 : Welcome to the Silva Life System online course.

A free course to unleashing the power of your mind by the Silva Method

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Lesson 4



Lesson 5



Lesson 6



Lesson 7


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into the future – again with the same degree of accuracy.

Dr. Rhine’s experiments sent shock-waves

across academia as other scientists raced to

confirm them. His book Extra-Sensory 

Perception after 60 years  became required

reading for the introductory psychology class at

Harvard. His experiments were repeated

around the world 309 times involving 50,000+

people and 2 million sessions – proving without

a doubt that ESP is real.

Develop your ESP with Silva Life System »(/products/offer)

The Growing Acceptance of ESP

In the early part of the 20th century Einstein said:

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational

mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the

servant and has forgotten the gift.

Today, with the jump in empirical scientific evidence and first-hand human

experiences, belief in human intuition and ESP is rapidly rising.

The 1990 Gallup public opinion poll found that 93% of Americans polled believed

in one or more of 18 paranormal phenomena, including ESP, mental healing,

telepathy and clairvoyance.

And this number is increasing.

A follow up poll eleven years later, in May 2001 found that belief had actually

increased in twelve out of thirteen phenomena measured in both the 1990 and

2001 polls and increased significantly (5% or more) in seven of them.

The 1990 Gallup Poll also asked Americans if they had had first-hand experience

with paranormal phenomena. The results were surprising.

The first Silva students 

25% of Americans claim to have experienced telepathy. 25%claim success with mental healing.

More and more people are not only believing in ESP and mental healing, but are

also experiencing and using it.

Belief in mental and spiritual healing has increased significantly (up 8%) between

1990 and 2001.

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Review Previous Lessons

Jack Canfield on The Silva Method™

Jack Canfield,

motivational speaker and co-creator of the Chicken Soup 

for the Soul 

Dr. Jahn is Professor of Aerospace science and dean emeritus of the School of

Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton (1994). Dr. Dunne is the manager of the

Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory (P.E.A.R). Their book Margins of

Reality – The Role of Consciousness in the Physical World will make even the strongest

skeptic think twice.

4. The evidence for ESP is very strong.

More recently, Professor Robert Morris and Dr. Caroline Watt of the Koestler Institute atEdinburgh University conducted experiments where over 100 subjects in a locked room

were asked to pick out which of four pictures were “beamed” to them by a subject in

another room. Success rates were 50%, twice the 25% that pure statistical results should

have produced. The odds of this occurring are approximately 1 in 14 million.

These results are 35,000 times more significant than the level of evidence governments

demand from pharmaceutical companies before a new drug is let out on the market.

The conclusion:

ESP is real.

Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science 

becomes convinced that a Spirit is manifest in the Laws of the 


~ Albert Einstein 

A Word of Caution

When it comes to belief in ESP, people tend to fall into four different groups.

Which one are you?


The first group is the disbeliever . They simply refuse to believe in any phenomenon that

cannot be explained by Newtonian physics.

No amount of scientific evidence will convince them otherwise.


The second is the skeptic . This is someone who does not believe in ESP because it goes

against his knowledge of science. However, the skeptic is open-minded and when given

strong scientific evidence they would be willing to admit that ESP does exist. A skeptic

would cast aside testimonial evidence but will give strong consideration to the

results of scientific research.

Cautious Believer

Third the cautious believer. This person trusts that ESP exists but will not believe every

claim they read about. They demand scientific proof or testimonial evidence*. A cauti

believer would find this series of lessons interesting because it is backed up with s

evidence and references to respected outside sources.

True Believer

The fourth group, the true believer  strongly believes in ESP and is likely to also believe

anything they read or hear. If you are one – we encourage you to exercise caution. No

everyone who claims to have ESP has it to an extent strong enough to charge you money


Phone psychics are almost all phonies. And very few street psychics are actually worth

paying for.

Lesson 1 – Intro »

Lesson 2 – Meditation »

Lesson 3 – Enhancing Creativity »

Lesson 4 – Creative Visualization »

Lesson 5 – Accelerate Healing »

Lesson 6 – Jose Silva »

Lesson 7 – Esp »

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Today, about three in four Americans have at least one paranormal belief. Some

of the most professed beliefs are in ESP, telepathy, clairvoyance, and mind-body

healing. The most recent Gallup Poll released June 2005, showed that extra

sensory perception was the most popular belief at 41%.

“Sure,” say the skeptics, “the majority of Americans may believe in ESP but this

is usually the less educated majority. Educated people can’t be taking this

seriously, right?”


Studies have shown that, as education increases, belief in ESP

also increases.

The May 2001 Gallup Poll discovered that “Americans with the highest levels of

education are more likely to believe in the power of the mind to heal the body”.

The same is true for ESP and telepathy.

One major study done in 1977 found a positive correlation between intelligence

and paranormal belief – the more intelligent you were, the more you believed in a

world beyond the five senses.

Another 1984 study, a sample of high school students, found higher grade point

averages correlated positively with belief in ESP phenomenon.

Finally, a 1989 CBS television poll done in conjunction with 48 hours  uncovered

that 75% of persons with a college degree believed in paranormal phenomena,

while only 36% of people with less than a high school degree believed in these

phenomena. In short, as education increased, so did belief.

If you believe in ESP – congratulations.

The majority of educated Americans now share your belief.

Harness your intuition with The Silva Life System » (/products /offer)

The Stunning Scientific Evidence

Scientific research on ESP is still in its infancy. But the evidence being produced

is highly compelling.

These are summaries of some recent discoveries…

1. Everyone has ESP to some degree.

In the 1960s, Dr. Montague Ullman, founder of the Dream Laboratory at the

Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York and professor emeritus of

clinical psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York

conducted a series of experiments that provided strong empirical evidence that

everyone  possesses psychic ability.

In Dr. Ullman’s study volunteers who claimed to possess no psychic ability were

asked to sleep in a room in the lab while a person in another room concentrated

on a randomly selected painting and tried to get the volunteer to dream of the

image it contained. Sometimes the results were inconclusive. But other times the

volunteers had dreams that were clearly and strikingly influenced by the


2. The greater your belief – the stronger your ESP ability.

Dr. G. R. Schmeidler of the Harvard Psychological Clinic went on to show that

telepathy was not only real, but was strongly affected by a person’s belief in his

or her own telepathic abilities. He also performed experiments that proved that

Has my vote

Anything with the name of Jose Silva as the

author has my vote before I open to page one.

Read it with a pen for underlining.

Dr. Wayne Dyer,

Self-improvement guru and bestselling author

of Real Magic 

Helps The Entire Learning Process

I am interested in Jose Silva’s system because I

feel it helps the entire learning process. The

Silva Method™ is what I want for all the people I

know and with whom I work.

Dord Fitz,

founder of Dord Fitz Art Center and NASA

guest speaker

Changed My Life… Nothing Has Been

The Same Since

In 1972 I changed my life. I went to a class to

learn The Silva Method™ and nothing has been

the same since. I credit that as one of the most

important things I have ever done in my life.

Above all, it helped me learn how to use more of

my mind for a positive, special life.

Neal Boortz,

Nationally Syndicated Radio Host, The Neal

Boortz Show from Atlanta, Georgia

Helped Bestselling Author RichardBach Finish His Masterpiece

Richard Bach, Silva Mind Control graduate and

author of one of the “hottest” books ever written,

Jonathan Livingston Seagull, explains: “Creative

visualization is really what’s behind The Silva

Method™; that is, whatever you can visualize,

you can actualize” That is putting it squarely on

the line. It is putting teeth into the old saw, “What

man can conceive, he can achieve.” If you

conceive of “a good day,”… Need I finish thesentence? Everything works better when you

work; but objective work, as productive as it is, is

not the only work you must do. You must also do

subjective work using ten cycles per second to

resonate with other minds and to get everything

to work still better.

Richard Bach,

author of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” from

United States

It Brings Good Energy To Me!!!

My experience has been wonderful. When she

(Laura) guides me through and takes me so

deep into relaxation I come out of it totally

energized and my head is crystal clear. God, I

love it. It brings good energy to me that lasts a

When it comes to a little understood phenomena, such as ESP, it is better to be a cautious

believer or a skeptic rather than a true believer.

“Mental Sports Training”

“Visualization, mental rehearsal, stress management, and intuition are as much a

part of an athlete’s training regimen as diet, exercise, and sport specific practice.

The Silva System allows instant access to these mental techniques.”

Lance R. Miller,

International Shooting Coach; Director, Fla. State Junior Olympic Camp; 1995, USA Shooting, Coach of the


Begin your transformation with The Silva Life System » (/products /offer)

Do We Know How it Works?

A number of theories have been but put forth on how ESP works but these are still nothing

more than theories.

Today, it is generally accepted that ESP does exist and everyone has it but science has

yet to identify how or why it works.

However, we do not need to know how  it

works to use it – we only need to know that it

does work.

Think of the sun. For thousands of years we

have used the energy of the sun for light and

heat. Yet, nobody knew what the sun really

was. It was only in the last 100 years that

humankind was able to understand that thesun is large star made up of hydrogen and

helium atoms going through a thermo-nuclear reaction.

It’s the same with ESP – we do not yet know how it works or why. But we do know that it is


And as any Silva life System grad (/products/offer) will tell you – once you learn to use it – 

you can create many positive and beneficial effects in your life.

There are no unnatural or supernatural phenomena, only very large gaps in

our knowledge of what is natural. We should strive to fill those gaps of


~ Edgar Mitchell , Apollo 14 Astronaut,Founder, Institute of Noetic Science

The Implications

The growing body of evidence for ESP and other unusual phenomenon is being noticed

by businesses and governments.

Here’s a list of some recent developments:

SONY Corp has been conducting research into alternative medicine, spoon bending,

telepathy and other forms of ESP.

Dr. John Mihalasky, author of the book Executive ESP, has shown that success rates for

executives were proportional to their ESP ability lending credence to the idea that intuition

is a large factor in business success.

In November 1995 the CIA confirmed that for the previous 20 years it has been using

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telepathic power exists in everyone.

3. The mind can influence matter at any distance

In the 1980s and 1990s Dr. Robert G. Jahn and Dr. Brenda J. Dunne of the

Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory showed that some

humans possess telekinetic power and various forms of telepathy and that these

are both distance and time independent.

long time. I also liked the exercise finding my life

purpose. That was totally amazing for me. Thank

you so much…

Jenny Cook,

California, US

Will Completely Change Your Life inSo Many Ways

Based on Jose Silva’s years of research, this

phenomenal audio series will completely change

your life in so many positive, empowering ways.

Instead of listening to talk radio while you drive

to and from work every day, you can be

programming your mind to achieve anything you

desire…no kidding!

Christine Lyn Harvey,

Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, New Living


psychics for spy operations.

In November 1998 the US Patent Office issues the first patent for a psi- effect.

In July 1993 Mutual of Omaha, the nation’s largest provider of health insurance for

individuals announces that it would start paying benefits for meditation exercises designed

to reverse heart disease.

In 1997 the Federal Government’s National Institute for Health formally endorses


In April 2004 researchers in Denver University found that patients who underwent a

placebo surgery for Parkinson’s Disease reported a better quality of life twelve months

later. One woman even reported a resumption of full physical activity, having been inactive

for many years before surgery.

The power of the placebo effect has been seen before in Parkinson’s disease but not to

this extent. Clearly the mind-body connection is very strong in this condition and it’s to be

hoped that ways can be found to exploit this to benefit the patient.

Reach deep levels of meditation with The Silva Life System »(/products/offer)

Enhancing Your ESP

ESP is a natural ability that is heightened when you are in a state of meditation.

One simple technique to use your ESP is to go to your alpha level and askyourself a question.

Let images appear on the mental screen (explained in

Lesson 3). Do not analyze what you see. Simply

describe what you see mentally to yourself. Focus on

describing rather than analyzing. As soon as you start

analyzing what you see you allow your left brain to

hijack the process.

We want to stress that it takes a lot of practice to

develop your ESP. In our seminars participants experience ESP after 2 days – but this is

after 18 hours of intensive training and guidance from a trained lecturer.

If you are unable to get results with the technique described above, don’t worry. You can

still develop your ability by attending a seminar.

Another technique is called “dream-logging”

Louisa Rhine, the wife of Dr. J. B. Rhine conducted an ESP experiment of her own while

her husband was testing ESP ability empirically in a lab. Louisa asked people to write to

her about their first-hand experiences with ESP. She received almost 14,000 letters. She

found that 60% of the people who wrote to her claimed that their ESP experience came to

them while dreaming.

You might be experiencing ESP dreams too. But you usually forget your dreams.

“Dream-logging” is simple. Simply keep a pad and pencil by your beside and write down

your dreams in the morning when you wake up or in the middle of the night if you

suddenly awaken during a dream.

With practice anyone can develop and enhance their ESP. The ability, like sports or

musical talent is something that anyone can train themselves to be good at.

If we are reading your mind correctly, you are thinking of buying Silva Life System

(/products/offer) at this point.

If the lessons are making a difference in your life. Why not buy the one thing to seal and

enhance these phenomenal changes today.

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Sources for this Lesson:

Dr. J. B. Rhine, “Scientific Evidence Man has a Soul”, American Weekly Magazine,

August 25, 1946.


Robert G. Jahn, Brenda J. Dunne and Roger D. Nelson, “Engineering Anomalies

Research,” (Journal of Scientific Exploration 1, no. 1, 1987): pp. 21-50


Dean Radin, Ph.D. , “The Conscious Universe”, (New York: Harper Edge, 1997).3.

Silva Life System (/products/offer)4.

Try The Silva Life System Today » (/products/offer)

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Add a comment559 comments  

Katherine Butler Johnson · Chambersburg

My mother went somewhere to take Silva training...We didn't know what for but she brought home a bumper sticker that I put on my bedroom door. Years

later we found out that she at 35, had cervical cancer but had no surgery, no chemo, no radiation...it was gone....they she at age 48, had breast cancer,

but she had no surgery, no chemo, no radiation, no cancer...but it was gone....then she at age 60, had colon cancer, again no surgery, no chemo, no

radiation..its gone...she just celebrated the birth of her 17th great grandchild...she is still here at age 80....I know it was the training!

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · April 7, 2012 at 4:35am

View 10 more


Cedar Cat · · Top Commenter · Wise Woman Center

Rose, my friend O was diagnosed with Terminal Stage 4 muscle cancer in 2009 with an 11 cm tumor in her chest, the tumor actually pierced

her heart. She also had metastisis on both adrenals, one the size of a tennis ball...She did the chemo and 33 radiation treatments as well as a

number of nourishing herbs and foods. She also did work with healing stones and oils, reiki, and the hydrogen peroxide therapy, as well asNAC. Please contact me if you want to learn more from my experience as an herbalist intimately involved in another's dance with cancer.

Reply · · Like · July 20, 2012 at 11:37pm



Rose Snape · Works at Polypipe

Hi katie,

Your story touched me because my own mother has just found out that she has cancer for the second time and its truly heartbreaking to even

imagine my life without her, she's the only person that I can rely on to be there for me no matter what. I could'nt get through life without her. I

am desperate to do whatever I can to help make her well again. She's an amazing person who has never had much herself but never

complains and just wants the very best for others and I love her so much. I hope that by turning to Silver I can find the way to healing her so

that she can live hapily for many years to come with all her loved ones around her, she deserves this more than anyone else I know including

myself. Please help make this possible if you can

Yours sinserely

Vicki x

Reply · · Like · July 23, 2012 at 1:35pm12

kambharaj (signed in using yahoo)

Hello Katie, your story about your mother is very amazing and inspirational, please can you share more.

Reply · · Like · August 20, 2012 at 11:32am7

Jo Moreno · Works at Avis,Chs apo

I frist heard about this from my grand mother when I was a little girl.I didn't know the name of it.She told me to say every day[ EVERY DAY IN EVERY

WAY I'M GETTING BETTER AND BETTER}.Much of what she said I see in this method.She only had a 4th grade education.She taught her self and was

a very smart lady.

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · September 11, 2011 at 8:17pm

View 4 more


Adele Bantle · · Top Commenter · Univiesity Of Metaphysics · 321 subscribers

You lucky lady, having such a far sighted grandmother. We have so much information at our fingertips, it is sometimes easy to forget that our

ancestors had just the same intelligence but perhaps less of the resources available!

Reply · · Like · December 10, 2011 at 9:41am



Melanie Joy Vertalino · Top Commenter · Certified Law of Attraction/Life Coach at Quantum Success Life Coach at QSCA Christy Whitman


Jo, my mom use to say those EXACT words everyday too. She told me they were from Florence Schovel Schinns book, which I believe was

called "The Game of Life and How to Play it." She said that was the first impressionable book she read. It was nice to read what you wrote. I

kind of felt like she was with me again, just reading your words. So, thank you.

Reply · · Like · July 17, 2012 at 9:27am19

Geri Greene · · Top Commenter

Melanie Joy Vertalino I HAVE that book, and like to many others, I am going to locate it and dust it off!

Reply · · Like · November 25, 2012 at 9:01pm



Elizabeth Amos Sayers · State Enrolled Nurse at Barwon Health

To actally know that we can control our minds, and are not at the mercy of our random thoughts is absolutely life changing! Amazing and awesome stuff!:)

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · March 27, 2011 at 8:54am79

Febrianto Hidayat · · Manajer at U.D. Trah Sejati

Absolutely, Conquering yourself is the most grand victory.

Be kind because everyone you meet is facing a greater struggle.

With the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.

Kindness unites people who love each other even though they are in good scolding and hate.

Reply · · Like · March 28, 2011 at 3:29pm



Denise Baptiste · Eldo senior comp.

you are absolutely right everyone are facing their own fears and struggles but of couse with lots of love and silva centering of our mind we can

overcome anything and everything if and only "if " we put our mind to do so.

Reply · · Like · April 13, 2011 at 2:03am19

TeIvan TeMauko · Club No.1 - Jedinica

im new but i think that "s the stuff im looking for :)

Reply · · Like · August 29, 2011 at 9:42am4

Marilyn King

Awesome Silva Method, you can achieve your goals. I enjoy affirmations, repeating in a positive way what you are and who you are in Christ Jesus,

reminding yourself that you are a new creation in Christ Jesus. Not "I want to be...." but "I am...." in the present. See yourself move in the direction of your

goals for life. Ministry or what ever you desire to do or become in your career...

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · April 6, 2011 at 7:22pm54

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· 160 weeks ago 

Can this be done while lying in bed to relax me before I go to sleep?.

· 143 weeks ago 

I wish I could learn it because it has, I believe the ability to give you a head start as to what to expect of various people around you.

However the meditation has made me a lot more patient and relaxed which I feel makes it better for those around me. Keep up the good

work if it helps me it will help a lot of people. Thank You.

· 151 weeks ago 

I don't have problem to believe ESP,I had attended the Prana Healing from the basic through the advanced and Crystal Therapy .

· 157 weeks ago 

I've been looking for this since i was a child. But first i had to pass my exams, then to work, my family, my grandchildren.............

Now i'm nearly sixty and hoping to continue on this subject. I found it very interesting and as soon as i can i'll subscribe In Silvs Lifesystem.

Because at the moment i subscribed in hypnotise.

i'm from Malta and it's too far to attend your courses. Well done!

If you do have more interested information about this subject, please i would like to know.

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