lesson 7: healing and preaching at the temple (3:1-26)

Lesson 7 : Healing and Preaching at the Temple (3:1-26)

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Page 1: Lesson 7: Healing and Preaching at the Temple (3:1-26)

Lesson 7:Healing and Preaching at the Temple (3:1-26)

Page 2: Lesson 7: Healing and Preaching at the Temple (3:1-26)

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

A. The Miracle Performed By Jesus’ Power1. The Recipient

a) Man lame from birth and known by the multitudes

2. The Placea) The temple, an ideal place and time to find people to teach

3. The Miraclea) Immediately, he stood, walked and leaped; and the people saw

4. The Power a) Not the power of man, but the power of Christ (through faith)

5. The Peoplea) All the people knew the man was healed and ran together


Page 3: Lesson 7: Healing and Preaching at the Temple (3:1-26)

A. Doing all by the authority of Christ is so critical.B. The miracles of the Bible were real & amazing; so-called

“Modern-Day Healers” are not!1. This man was lame from birth (for over 40 years).

Modern-Day’ers wouldn’t try it!2. The healers in Acts 3 were poor.

Modern-Day’ers are all about silver and gold!3. The lame man was healed “immediately.”

Modern-Day’ers are ok with “eventually”!4. The faith of the lame man had no bearing on his healing.

Modern-Day’ers blame failed miracles on the lack of faith.5. The lame man was given “perfect health” (3:16).

Modern-Day’ers cannot/do not!6. Miracles in the Bible had God behind them.

Modern-Day’ers do not!

II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

Page 4: Lesson 7: Healing and Preaching at the Temple (3:1-26)

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

B. The Message Proclaimed About Jesus’ Preeminence1. When the people gathered & Peter saw the opportunity, he

began to preach (3:11-12).2. Peter dispelled any notion that human power or godliness

healed the man (3:12).3. Peter referred to Jesus in various ways: “Jesus Christ of

Nazareth” (3:6); “His Servant Jesus” (3:13, 26); “the Holy One and the Just/Righteous” (3:14); “the Author of life” (3:15); “the Christ” (3:18); “a Prophet…that Prophet” (3:22-23).


Page 5: Lesson 7: Healing and Preaching at the Temple (3:1-26)

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

B. The Message Proclaimed About Jesus’ Preeminence4. Peter preached God’s “Servant Jesus” and what the people

had done (3:12-16).a) Peter first rebuked them with a series of contrasts leading to a

climax (3:13-15).1) God glorified Jesus, but you delivered Him up and denied Him.2) Pilate would have released Him, but you refused His release.3) You denied the Holy/Just One, but then demanded a murderer

set free.4) You killed Jesus, but He is the Author of Life.5) You put Jesus to death, but God raised Him from the dead.

b) Peter then affirmed the power of faith in the name of the One they killed (3:16).


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Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

B. The Message Proclaimed About Jesus’ Preeminence5. Peter preached God’s “Servant Jesus” and what the people

needed to do (3:17-26).a) Through His prophets, God foretold of all the events taking place

(3:18, 21-26).1) God foretold that the Christ would suffer (3:18).2) God foretold of the Gospel age & His desire to reclaim fallen

man (3:21-24).3) God foretold of the coming of a Prophet like Moses (3:22-23;

Deut. 18:15-19).4) God foretold that Abraham’s seed would be blessed first

through Christ, the fulfillment of which was men turning away from their sin (3:25-26).


Page 7: Lesson 7: Healing and Preaching at the Temple (3:1-26)

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

B. The Message Proclaimed About Jesus’ Preeminence5. Peter preached God’s “Servant Jesus” and what the people

needed to do (3:17-26).b) God gave a plan for men to be saved from the destruction of sin

(3:19-20, 23, 26).1) Repent (change of will) and turn again (change of conduct to

start a new life).2) Hear/Heed Jesus “in all things, whatever He says” (3:22); He

has all authority.3) Those who do not obey will retain their sins and will be utterly

destroyed.4) The purpose of God sending Jesus was to turn men from their

sins (3:26).


Page 8: Lesson 7: Healing and Preaching at the Temple (3:1-26)

C. God’s plan of salvation is emphasized again, with a parallel to Acts 2:38!1. Acts 2:38

RepentBe baptizedRemission of sinsGift of the Holy Spirit

3. “Turn again” is a better translation than “be converted” (it is active, not passive).

4. “Turn again” is a separate act that is done after one repents and before salvation.

5. One returns to the right path and enters a new life when baptized (cf. Rom. 6:3-4).

II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

2. Acts 3:19RepentTurn againSins blotted outSeasons of refreshing

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D. The Old Testament prophets were inspired of God and united in message!1. God spoke “by the mouth” (3:18, 21) – “mouth” is singular.2. God spoke “by the mouth of all His prophets” – “prophets”

is plural.3. All of the prophets of God testified with one mouth/voice!

That’s inspiration!

II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

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E. “Restoration of all things” was prophesied & will happen before Christ returns (3:21-24).1. “Restoration of all things” (3:21) is not universal salvation or

restoring national Israel.2. In the context of Peter’s sermon:

a) The second coming of Jesus will occur after the restoration, not before it.b) “The times of restoration” parallels “these days” (i.e., Christian age) in

verse 24.

3. “Restoration” is God’s fulfillment of His attempt to reclaim fallen man thru the gospel.

4. This has nothing to do with premillennialism or events after Christ’s return.

F. The Holy Spirit affirmed that Moses wrote the book of Deuteronomy (3:21-23).

II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

Page 11: Lesson 7: Healing and Preaching at the Temple (3:1-26)

A. What the Lord has given us (the power of His Word), let us give to others!

B. Let us remember it is not our power, our word or our goodness that saves, but God’s!

C. May we learn to joyfully praise God on a continual basis for all He has done for us!

D. Let’s make sure we have the authority of Christ for all we do and say!E. Let’s not try to take credit for doing the Lord’s work; let’s give the

credit to Him!F. Let us hear/heed all that Jesus teaches and do whatever He says!G. May we remember what sin did to Jesus and do all we can to turn

away from sin!H. If Jesus Himself was described as “God’s Servant,” let us strive for the

same “title”!

III. Practical Points of Application for Our Lives