lesson goals define antonym and synonym. recognize pairs of words as antonyms or synonyms. apply...


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Slide 2 Lesson Goals Define antonym and synonym. Recognize pairs of words as antonyms or synonyms. Apply your knowledge to complete analogies using synonyms and antonyms. Slide 3 SPIs Review 3 rd Grade SPI SPI 0301.1.17 Select appropriate synonyms and antonyms within context. 4 th Grade SPIs SPI 0401.1.12 Select appropriate antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms within context. SPI 0401.5.4 Choose a logical word to complete an analogy using synonyms and antonyms. Prerequisite for 5 th Grade SPI SPI 0501.5.5 Select a logical word to complete an analogy using synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, categories, and subcategories. Slide 4 Assessment At the end of this lesson, you will be given a multiple choice quiz taken from the TCAP practice and sample items in which you must complete analogies. Throughout the year, we will review analogies through: Morning Review Comprehension Reading Quizzes TCAP Coach Limelight Test Slide 5 Essential Questions What are analogies and why are they used? Slide 6 The Lesson Today we will complete three activities with analogies including: 1. Review synonyms and antonyms using response cards and dry erase boards. 2. Play the game Kick Me. 3. Group Choice Writing Activity: 1. Create a page for a Class Analogy Book in which the group creates and illustrates an analogy. 2. Write and illustrate a situation analogy. 3. Compose an analogy poem. Slide 7 Hook BrainPop http://www.brainpop.com/english/grammar/ antonymssynonymsandhomonyms/ Slide 8 Real World Analogies are an important part of learning vocabulary. Most standardized tests, including the TCAP, SAT, and ACT, use analogies to test vocabulary. Slide 9 You may discover new ways to use things (e.g., using a broomstick as a pretend horse) and make broader comparisons between things. This can help expand your creativity. Real World Slide 10 Do you like solving crossword puzzles? Some newspapers combine the two. Figuring out analogies is a fun form of entertainment. Slide 11 Real World Many writers use analogies in their essays to explain relationships. For example: Growing up is like learning to ride a bike. When you are very young you must have a lot of help from your parents, just like a beginning bike rider needs training wheels. Slide 12 SPI 0401.1.12 Select appropriate antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms within context. SPI 0401.5.4 Choose a logical word to complete an analogy using synonyms and antonyms. 4 th Grade SPIs Slide 13 Activity 1 - Review synonyms and antonyms. Slide 14 hero villain twin identical opposites or antonyms same or synonyms Slide 15 Synonym Example scary spooky frightening eerie Synonyms are words that have the same or nearly the same meaning. Slide 16 Antonym Example big - little Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Slide 17 Response Cards Instructions Determine if each pair of words are synonyms or antonyms. Use your response cards to show your answer. synonyms antonyms Slide 18 early late antonyms Slide 19 smooth rough antonyms Slide 20 near close synonyms Slide 21 full empty antonyms Slide 22 large giant synonyms Slide 23 Dry Erase Boards Instructions Write A, B, or C on your dry erase board to answer the following questions. B Slide 24 Which of the following is the antonym for invisible? A. visible B. transparent C. outer A. visible B. transparent C. outer Slide 25 Which of the following is the synonym for crowded? A.empty B.deserted C.packed A. empty B.deserted C.packed Slide 26 Which of the following is the antonym for uneasy? A.anxious B.nervous C.comfortable A.anxious B.nervous C.comfortable Slide 27 Which of the following is the antonym for arrive? A. depart B. come C. entry A. depart B. come C. entry Slide 28 Which of the following is the synonym for artificial? A. real B. man-made C. natural A. real B. man-made C. natural Slide 29 Activity 2 - Analogies Analogy is just a term that means "word relationships". Start by determining if the first pair of words are antonyms or synonyms. Then add a word that has the same relationship. Slide 30 Slide 31 Slide 32 Slide 33 Open is to closed as near is to ______. The pairs of words in this analogy are __________. (synonyms, antonyms) far antonyms Slide 34 Tired is to sleepy as happy is to ____________. The pairs of words in this analogy are __________. (synonyms, antonyms) cheerful synonyms Slide 35 On is to off as fast is to ____________. The pairs of words in this analogy are __________. (synonyms, antonyms) slow antonyms Slide 36 Analogies are sometimes formatted as follows: [word 1] : [word 2] : : [word 3] : [word 4] In this analogy format, : reads "is to" and : : reads "as" This means that sour : vinegary : : sweet : syrupy sour is to vinegary as sweet is to syrupy Slide 37 You are the teacher. Pretend you are the teacher. Turn to your partner and ask a question about this part of the lesson. Slide 38 Kick Me Instructions The kick me activity is based on the prank of placing a note on someones back that says, kick me. A word will be placed on each of your backs. Slide 39 You will be given a list of analogies with one missing word. (Notice that the words used to form the analogies come from your vocabulary words in all subjects including: reading, math, science, and social studies.) You must analyze the relationship of the first pair of words, and then find the missing word on a classmates back. Even if you know a word that will make sense in the analogy, you must find the exact word on a classmates back before writing it on your sheet. Kick Me Instructions Slide 40 You may work individually or in pairs; however, you must find a partner quickly because you will have a time limit of 10 minutes to complete this activity. Read the first rule of Kick Me. Absolutely no kicking. Slide 41 Slide 42 Mercury : Venus :: icy : metamorphosis : change :: multiple : soft : loud :: slow : predator : hunter :: large : smart : intelligent :: sly : dishonest : honest :: always : Native American : American Indian :: ancient : frontier : city :: add : agree : disagree :: bottom : industry : business :: argue : guess : estimate :: huge : tired : energetic :: sink : freezingtimes quickhuge sneakynever old subtract topsquabble giganticfloat Slide 43 windy : calm :: freedom : economy : financial system :: fast : unusual : odd :: take away : happy : unhappy :: soaked : friend : enemy :: bright : remember : forget:: illness : delicious : yummy :: draw : multiply : divide :: need : Cherokee :Creek :: Aztec : Columbus : explorer :: Quaker : control speedy subtract dry dimsickness sketchwant Mayancolonist Slide 44 SPI 0401.1.12 Select appropriate antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms within context. SPI 0401.5.4 Choose a logical word to complete an analogy using synonyms and antonyms. 4 th Grade SPIs Slide 45 Activity 3 - Groups In a moment you will work in groups of four to create your own analogy. Groups will be given three choices of activities. When you reach your group you must set group goals by: 1. Voting on the activity you wish to complete. 2. Assigning activity parts to each person in the group. (Note, this is not group roles, but who will complete each task.) Slide 46 Activity 3 - Groups Remember your Group Roles Leader (Gets the group started on assignments.) Reporter (Reports to the class.) Recorder (Writes down information.) Timekeeper (Reminds members of the time.) Slide 47 Choice 1 Creative Thinking Create a Page for a Class Analogy Book The group leader will ask the group to decide if the group wants the word pairs to be synonyms or antonyms. The recorder must write down the analogy for the group to refer to during this activity. Each member of the group will complete one page. You will share these with the class when finished. The reporter will organize how the group will share their analogy. The timekeeper will make sure the assignment is completed within the 15 minute time limit. up down frown smile Slide 48 Good Examples many mountain valley magic feline cat few enchanted Slide 49 Use your pinch card to show which analogy is better. go world earth inspector teacher professor car detective Slide 50 Choice 2 Practical Thinking Write and illustrate a situation analogy. Create your analogy, using "like" to connect the two situations. Example After taking that test, I feel like a prisoner strapped into an electric chair waiting for the pardon to arrive. Be specific about the similarities between the situations or things. Slide 51 Group Roles The group leader will ask for ideas from the other group members of situations they have experienced that caused strong feelings. The recorder must write down the best ideas. The leader will organize a vote to determine which situation the group wants to use for the finished product. The reporter will bring the idea to the teacher to type the sentence. If time allows, group members will find clipart to illustrate the analogy. The timekeeper will make sure the assignment is completed within the 15 minute time limit. Slide 52 Good Examples 1. Writing the research paper was like sky diving from Grandfather Mountain. 2. Traveling on the school bus to Abingdon was like riding on a sailboat during a hurricane. Slide 53 Use your pinch card to show which analogy is better. 1. The cautious student was slowly going through the work like a toddler taking his first steps. 2. What goes up must come down like the stock market. Slide 54 Choice 3 Creative Thinking Write an analogy poem. An Analogy Poem Ill is to sick as shiny is to glitter. Occupation is to job as cold is to bitter. Slide 55 Choice 3 Creative Thinking Good Examples In is to out as up is to down. Large is to huge as city is town. Laugh is to cry as smile is to frown. Left is to right as hat is to crown. Slide 56 Group Roles The group leader will encourage each group member to create one verse (containing at least 2 lines) for a group poem. The recorder will bring the completed verses to be typed. The reporter will organize how the poem will be shared with the class. The timekeeper will make sure the assignment is completed within the 15 minute time limit. (Note, if time allows you may illustrate the poem.) Slide 57 Use your pinch card to show which analogy poem is better. 1. My Analogy Poem Black is to white as tic is to tack. Up is to down as front is to back. 2. The Right Analogy Poem Dirty is to filthy as day is to night. Brother is to sister as left is to right. Yes is to no as dark is to light. Wrong to right as peace is to fight. Slide 58 You will have 15 minutes to complete this activity. Slide 59 Homework Create four analogies to share with the class. Write one analogy using vocabulary words from each subject. Reading and English Math Science Social Studies Slide 60 Quiz Slide 61 1 Slide 62 2. You may have seen a talking parrot on a TV show, in a movie, or even in someones home. The parrot has learned to copy sounds that people make. Birds are not the only animals that can copy the noises they hear. Dolphins, bats, and some apes also mimic sounds. Now we can add elephants to this list of copycats. Slide 63 3 Slide 64 4 Slide 65 5 Winter at the North Pole Winter at the North Pole is cold and dark. This part of Earth is tilted away from the sun during the winter, so it doesnt get much sunlight. In October, the last edge of rays from the sun disappears below the horizon. Then the area is left in full darkness until springtime. Slide 66 6 There are many times Id like to go buy new books, but I dont have a lot of money to spend on them. Wouldnt it be great to swap books right here in our community? Volunteers will organize the donated books. Then the books will be displayed on tables at the community center. Everyone will be able to browse and hopefully nd the perfect book. Students and adults will be allowed to choose up to two books during each day of the swap. Our plan is to have the book swap the rst Saturday of every month. Slide 67 SPI 0401.1.12 Select appropriate antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms within context. SPI 0401.5.4 Choose a logical word to complete an analogy using synonyms and antonyms. 4 th Grade SPIs Slide 68 Reflection Answer these questions in complete sentences. What is an analogy? Name one way understanding analogies will help you in your life. Read your reflection to your partner.