lesson plan-procedure text

Lesson Plan and the Teaching Materials Meeting/week: 11 and 12 Subject : English Grade/semester : VII/2 Academic year : 2011/2012 Time : 4 x 40 minutes (two meetings) Standard of Competence : 11 Understand the functional meaning of very simple and short written text and essays in the form of descriptive and procedure relating to the immediate environment Basic Competence : 11.2.2 Responding to the meaning and rhetorical steps of very simple texts and essays accurately, fluently and acceptably in related to the immediate environment in the form of procedure Aspect : Reading Indicators : Identifying the goal/aim to do/make something. Identifying certain materials for doing/making something. Identifying steps for doing/making something. Comprehending a procedure text. Objectives : Students are able to: Identify the goal/aim to do/make something. Identify certain materials for doing/making something. Identify steps for doing/making something. Comprehend a procedure text. MATERIALS : Procedure texts

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Lesson Plan and the Teaching Materials

Meeting/week: 11 and 12

Subject : EnglishGrade/semester : VII/2Academic year : 2011/2012Time : 4 x 40 minutes (two meetings)Standard of Competence : 11 Understand the functional meaning of very

simple and short written text and essays in the form of descriptive and procedure relating to the immediate environment

Basic Competence : 11.2.2 Responding to the meaning and rhetorical steps of very simple texts and essays accurately, fluently and acceptably in related to the immediate environment in the form of procedure

Aspect : ReadingIndicators : Identifying the goal/aim to do/make something.

Identifying certain materials for doing/making something.

Identifying steps for doing/making something. Comprehending a procedure text.

Objectives : Students are able to: Identify the goal/aim to do/make something. Identify certain materials for doing/making

something. Identify steps for doing/making something. Comprehend a procedure text.


Procedure texts

Language features of a Procedure Text

Use of imperative.Open your time line.Choose your most favorite picture.

Use mainly of material process/action verbs.open, drag, etc.

Use of adverb of manner.Drag the corner of the transparent box carefully.

Use of time connections:First, then, after that, finally, etc.

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How to change a profile picture on our timeline on facebook.

Materials : pictures, computer/cell-phoneSteps :

1. First, open your time line by clicking your profile name;

2. Then click ‘edit profile picture’ on your profile picture.

3. Next, choose the menu from which you will take your picture.You can choose your most favorite photo from your album, take a photo directly, or upload a photo from your cell-phone.

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4. If you choose a picture from your album, click it.

I choose this.

5. After that, drag the corners of the transparent box to crop the photo into your profile picture.

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6. Next, click ‘finished cropping’, and display your new picture.

7. Your profile picture is already changed now.

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1st meeting

OpeningGreeting/calling for the role and making interpersonal conversation.

Main activityBuilding Knowledge of the Field (BkoF)

The teacher asks some questions concerning to the topic, such as:Galang, are you on facebook?Do you know how to change your profile picture on your time line?Will you let us know?

Modelling of the Text (MoT)

We will learn how to do/make something today.

Please read this text.(The students are reading the example of the text as written in the material section).

Ask the students these questions:a. What is the purpose of the text?b. How do we tell the audience about the goal of what you will make/do?c. What is the first step of the procedure?d. What should you do before you display the picture?e. May we put the steps at random?


The students discuss the questions with the teacher.The students and the teacher analyze the generic structure and the language features used in the text.

The students and the teacher discuss the generic structure and the language features used in the text.

ClosingDo a reflection of the lesson that day.Make a summary of the lesson.Give an assignment.(Get the students to find similar text in pairs/group of ¾)

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2nd meeting


MoTTeacher reviews the previous lesson.

Join Construction of the Text (JcoT)The students present their assignment by showing the generic structure and the language feature of the text.The teacher and the students give a response to the students who are presenting the text.


The student is doing other excercises individually.

Source and propertiesInternetEnglish on the Sky, book 1, by Mukarto, et al.TV, computer.

AssessmentNo. Indicator Technique Form Instrument Key Score1. Comprehendin

g a procedure text

Written Essay Read the text of How to Use a Head Scarf on the Video.

Look at the key sheet.


2. Comprehending a procedure text

Written Essay Read the text provided and answer the questions below it.

Look at the key sheet.


ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTa. How to do something.

Read the text of How to Use a Head Scarf on the Video.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbsttc1Ljvc

Answer the questions below.1. What is the goal of the text?2. What does she need to use a headscarf?3. What is the first step of this job, putting on a bonnet or a headband?4. What does she do after folding the scarf into two?5. What is the last step of using a headscarf?

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Keys to the answer:

1. This text tries to tell us how to use a head scarf.2. She needs a bonnet, a headband, a scarf, and pins.3. She is putting on a bonnet.4. She is putting on her scarf on her head.5. She puts a pin on the long scarf.

b. How to make something

Goal : How to Make Pizza


Pre-made or homemade dough1 egg (as glaze)Tomato pasteGrated cheese (usually mozzarella, romano, parmesan, or some combination)Olive oil (Optional)Toppings can be almost anything you like, including:

Sliced pepperoniChopped onionsGreen peppersSausageBacon or bacon bitsChickenOlivesMushroomsGround beefHamPineapple

YeastSifted flourWarm water


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1. Spread olive oil lightly over the crust to avoid burning.2. Spread tomato paste on your pizza dough.3. Add a sprinkling of cheese.4. Add any other toppings that you might enjoy.5. With a brush add some egg to glaze all around the edges of your pizza dough.6. Place your pizza on an oven tray sprayed with olive-oil, so that the pizza

doesn't stick.7. Put your pizza in the oven, and turn it down to about 160C or 320F degrees.8. Take it out after about 15 - 25 minutes, depending on your oven. Use your

own judgment to tell when the pizza is ready. The cheese should be a golden brown, but it should not be burnt.

Questions:1. Mention 3 materials for making the topping.2. What do you need egg for; making the dough or topping?3. Which step comes first; adding some egg around the edges of the pizza dough

or place the pizza on an oven tray?4. Which material is optional?5. ‘Mozarella’ is a kind of … .

Keys to the answer:1. 3 materials for making toppings are Sausage, Bacon or bacon bits, and

Chicken (or any others).2. I need the egg for making the dough.3. Adding some egg around the edges of the pizza dough comes before placing

the pizza on an oven tray.4. Olive oil is optional.5. ‘Mozarella’ is a kind of cheese.

Scoring rubrics:

Text Description Scorea and b Every correct answer 2

Every wrong answer 0,5The answer is correct and written in a complete sentence. 2The answer is correct but not written in a complete sentence. 1,5The answer is written in a complete sentense but there is a mistake somewhere


The answer is not correct. 0,5Minimum score 1Maximum score 20

Gained score : n/20 x 100Bangkok, March 21st, 2012

Approved by Teacher,The principal of SIB,

Does Ichnatun Dwi S. Does Ichnatun Dwi S.