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Lesson Plan about Religious Education for the 2nd year of the Secondary School


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LESSON 2. RELIGION: What is it? What's Religion for?

LESSON 3. RESCUE MISSION (The History of Salvation)







María Quintas

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1. What is Religion?

✔ It's the belief in the existence of a God (the creator of the universe with a supernatural power)

2. What is Religious Education?

✔ It's a subject that teaches you morality (moral values), beliefs and a good behaviour in your life to make you

feel better

3. Why is really important Religious Education in school?

✔ Because everybody needs to believe in somebody or something and everybody must know about the most

important religions in the world and the main moral principles of these religions.

4. Basic vocabulary I

➔ God: the creator of the universe with a supernatural power

➔ Jesus: the central figure of Christianity, Son of God, Christ, Messiah, the Light of the World, Lamb of God

➔ Abraham: the father of the Jewish nation

➔ Disciples: followers of Jesus

➔ The Gospels: sacred texts written by Mark, Matthew and Luke, the evangelists, in the New Testament

➔ Parable: a short story to teach an important lesson (by Jesus)

➔ Faith: a strong belief in a God

➔ Eucharist: service, Mass, liturgy, Lord's Supper

➔ Priest / minister / vicar: a Christian leader

➔ Rabbi: a religious leader of Judaism

➔ Imam: an Islamic leader

➔ Monk: a Buddhist leader

➔ Granthi: a leader in a Sikh temple

➔ Christianity: a religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth (Christians)

➔ Buddhism: Asian religion centered on the teachings of Buddha (Buddhists)

➔ Hinduism: a religion from India (Hindus)

➔ Islam: a religion centered on the teachings of the prophet Muhammad (Muslims)

➔ Judaism: the religion of the Jewish people (Jews)

➔ Sikhism: a religion founded on the teachings of Nanak from India and Pakistan (Sikhs)

➔ Taoism: Chinese religion based on compassion, moderation and humility (Taoists)

➔ Mosque: a place of worship for followers of Islam

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➔ Synagogue: a place of worship for followers of Judaism

➔ Church / Cathedral / Chapel: a place of worship for followers of Christianity

➔ Temple: a place of worship for followers of Buddhism

➔ Mandir: a place of worship for followers of Hinduism

➔ Gurdwara: a place of worship for followers of Sikhism

➔ The Bible: the collection of religious writings of Judaism and of Christianity / sacred book

➔ The Tenakh: sacred book of Judaism (Torah=Pentateuch=the first part of the Tenakh)

➔ The Qur'an: sacred book of Islam

➔ The Vedas: sacred book of Hinduism

➔ The Guru Granth Sahib: sacred book of Sikhism

➔ The Tripitaka: sacred book of Buddhism

➔ Palestine: Israel (the country in which Jesus was born)

➔ Jerusalem: the capital of Israel (where Jesus died)

➔ Nazareth: where Jesus grew up

➔ Bethlehem: a small village in which Jesus was born

➔ Moses: Jewish leader

➔ Pope: the leader of the world's Roman Catholics (the successor of St Peter on earth)

➔ Messiah: Jesus, Jewish leader, Christ

➔ Lord's prayer: Jesus taught his disciples to use

➔ Blasphemy: words against God

➔ Roman Catholic Church: the community of Christians



Famous characters Pin it on Sb's back. That person tries to guess what name is pinned on his / her Jesus back, by asking others, around the room, yes or no questions (or who's this?). If the

God person knows to explain right, his / her group will have 1 point.

The Pope


5. The importance of prayer in your life (class group-Worksheet!)

The Lord's Prayer= the most important prayer for Christians

6. The importance of belief in God in your life (Homework-Worksheet!)

humanist agnostic atheist

freethinker skeptic

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7. The importance of a family in your life (individual-Worksheet!)

Their own ideas about family

8. The importance of a family in your life (individual and in groups-Worksheet!-after the theory!)

Family: a group who teach essential things to their children for living in a good way in a society

Types of family

Nuclear families Extended families Step families (reconstituted) One-parent families

It's the traditional family It consists of several generations When a marriage ends, After a divorce, children live

A unit that consists of living together children have a new situation, with one-parent alone

husband + wife + children parents+children+grandparents they live with only one-parent usually, the mother

and usually he/she has re-married

The role of family

CHRISTIANS ARE THE FAMILY OF GOD ( They belong to Christian Church)

María Quintas

It's a focal point for security It gives us name, values, opinions, identity and physical characteristics

It's a unit where mosthumans spend

a lot of time

It gives us economic rights and responsabilities

It teaches us how to giveand receive love and


It teaches us aboutcustoms and traditions of


It teaches us the bestway of caring for

the old and the young

It prepares us for theroles we have to play

in the society

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'The world you cannot see'

1.Look at the photograph. What can you see? Sweets, cakes, … Well, they are stones! Can you believe it? This refers to

stones, but if we refer to people... What happen?

Sometimes we believe that we can see the real person but then you realize that it is not true.


There is an IN (internal dimension) There is an OUT (external dimension)

values love beliefs feelings clothes money false appearances

emotions ideas thinking

Things which you cannot see-inner (private) Things which you can see-outer (public)

When you know a person, the first thing that you can see is his / her physical attributes, external appearance,

gestures, voice, the way of walking, clothes, and so on, but what you see about yourself is: your feelings, your

emotions, your fear of death, everything what you live.

If you want to know a person deeply, you must know the person in his / her internal dimension. Sometimes we judge some

people by the appearances without making an effort to know something about his / her internal dimension - * (worksheet

video)* -


Prejudice: to have a bad opinion about a person or a group of people without good reason, only because they belong to a

specific religion, race, nationality or sexual orientation or other things (before you know the facts)-(for example, you don't want to

sit next to a Muslim in a show)

It's based on stereotypes (an idea of a particular type of person or thing but which is not true in reality-cultural, racial, gender stereotypes)

about groups of people. It's an attitude (for example, Italian are Mafia gangsters / Catalan are stingy / Andalusian are lazy / Galician are

suspicious )

Discrimination: to act against a person or a group of people because of the colour of their skin, race, gender(male or female)

or disability (mental or physical). It's prejudice in action (for example, in a job in which they don't admit colour people or women).

Everybody is prejudiced about something. For example, people eat smoked salmon but not raw fish, or they eat lamb stew

but not dog stew. There are reasons for this kind of prejudice: fear, ignorance, upbringing-family, stereotyping, media,

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friends and scapegoating.

fear media ignorance

family scapegoating

friends stereotyping


family: this is the first source of ideas. We imitate what we can see everyday.

media: children learn ideas especially from television.

ignorance: it's easier to believe a rumour than to check out the real facts.

fear: you are afraid of different people or different cultures, changes and everything what you don't understand.

friends: some children change their own ideas because their friends think in a different way and they develop similar


stereotyping: a fixed idea about someone or something that it's not true (a generalization about a group of people=stingy, lazy,


scapegoating: when a minority group is blamed for all the economic ills.

Different forms of discrimination and prejudice

Age, wealth, race, social class, political views, gender, colour, disabilities.

All religions teach that prejudice and discrimination are morally wrong. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says

that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Schools and the media have an important part to teach

the message- *(worksheet)*-

There are some people who live more 'from out' than 'from in'. A person who lives more 'from out' is worried by his / her

external appearance, body, social success, common gossip and so on. The authentic harmony is the balance between 'the

in' and 'out' of people. The authentic harmony is living together and having respect for the others. Religions have a lot in

common about this idea; they have the same ' Golden Rule ' about people :

•Buddhism: 'I will act towards others exactly as I would act towards myself'.

•Christianity: 'Do for others just what you want them to do for you'.

•Islam: 'None of you truly believe, until he wishes for his brothers what he wishes for himself'.

•Judaism: 'What is harmful to yourself do not to your fellow men'.

María Quintas

Where does prejudice

come from?

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•Hinduism: 'Don't do to others what you wouldn't want to have done to you'.

All of us have to get on with people and in order to make this happen, it's essential a Code of Conduct for living with

people of different religious beliefs.

This Code consists of:

•Being honest (truthful)

•Being considerate (not cause offense to anybody and respect everyone)

•Being polite

•Being co-operative (work together)

•Being friendly (kind, like a friend)

•Avoiding violence of action or language

•Being sensitive (delicate, emotional, tender)

•Understand and respect our points of view (open- minded)


What are the advantages of having a code of conduct? Give two or three of them.

2. Look at the picture. Its title is: 'A self-portrait'. It shows the internal and external dimension of the life of people-


–What do you think that it expresses?




–How can you explain what people live 'internally'?




3. What is essential, is invisible to the eye-*Worksheet*

Our internal experiences are invisible to the eye. God is something that we cannot see, however, He exists.

Look at the pictures. Read the text below. Explain the differences and similarities between the two of them.


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- What are the different reasons why Javier can't stand up?



- Which of the two reasons do you think that is easier to see?



4. Read this paragraph about 'The Little Prince'-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Then answer the questions from the worksheet.

The little prince went away, to look again at the roses.

"You are not at all like my rose," he said. "As yet you are nothing. No one has tamed you, and you have tamed no one. You

are like my fox when I first knew him. He was only a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But I have made him my

friend, and now he is unique in all the world."

And the roses were very much embarrassed.

"You are beautiful, but you are empty," he went on. "One could not die for you. To be sure, an ordinary passerby would

think that my rose looked just like you--the rose that belongs to me. But in herself alone she is more important than all the

hundreds of you other roses: because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe;

because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen; because it is for her that I have killed the caterpillars (except the

two or three that we saved to become butterflies); because it is she that I have listened to, when she grumbled, or boasted,

or ever sometimes when she said nothing. Because she is my rose.

And he went back to meet the fox.

"Goodbye," he said.

"Goodbye," said the fox. "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see

rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

"What is essential is invisible to the eye," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.


María Quintas

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… Se dirigió el principito a las rosas:

-En absoluto os parecéis a mi rosa. Nadie os ha domesticado y no habéis domesticado a nadie. Así era mi

zorro antes. Al hacerlo, mi amigo ahora es único en el mundo.

Las rosas se mostraron ciertamente molestas.

-Sois bellas pero aún estáis vacías. Nadie puede morir por vosotras. Es probable que una persona común

crea que mi rosa se os parece. Ella es sin duda más importante que vosotras pues es ella la rosa a quien he

regado, a quien he puesto bajo un globo; es la rosa que abrigué con el biombo. Ella es a quien escuché

quejarse, alabarse y aún, algunas veces, callarse. Ella es mi rosa...

Regresó hacia donde estaba el zorro.


-Adiós-dijo el zorrro-. Mi secreto es muy simple: no se ve bien sino con el corazón; lo esencial es invisible a

los ojos.

-”Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos”, repitió el principito a fin de acordarse.

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'Religion: What is it? What's Religion for?'

1. All religions have always insisted on the value of inner life and the need to enter yourself. It's really important

to know yourself

for living with other people. Read this short dialogue between a Hindu religious leader and a journalist-


- What does this dialogue suggest to you?

- Which common elements do you find in relation to things you have studied?

- Do you think that there are many people who die without knowing themselves?

In our inner (spiritual aspect) we have many questions about life and death (*Worksheet*): Who am I? / What

am I? / Where

do I come from?/ Why am I here? / Is there a God? / What happens when you die? and so on. In our life we

need answers,

make decisions, make choices, say yes or no and religion can help you about these questions and it's

important because all

the major world religions have teachings to guide their followers . These focal teachings are included in

the Holy books ,

which tell about God and how you should live (sacred writings).

The Bible

Christians The Qur'an

The Tenakh The Vedas

The Guru Granth Sahib Jews The Tripitaka

Sikhs Buddhists

Muslims Hindus

2. All the major religions have places to pray (vocabulary-game)

Gurdwara-Sikhs Mosque-Muslims Mandir-Hindus Temple-Buddhists

Synagogue-Jews Church / Chapel-Christians


Explain your point of view and give reasons about the following statement: 'It's better to worship alone than with other

people' Do you agree?

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3. All the major religions have religious people who are dedicated to help people in need.

- founders of religions: Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad

- local leaders: priest, minister, imam, rabbi, granthi, monk(Buddhist)

- world religious leaders: Dalai Lama, Archbishop of Canterbury, the Pope

- famous religious people who have devoted their lives to God and to other people: Óscar Romero-Catholic

Christian, Mother Teresa of Calcutta-Catholic Christian, Martin Luther King-Protestant Christian, Gandhi-Hindu...


1. Give two examples of Catholic Christians who have fought government corruption in 'El Salvador' and poverty and dying

in India.

2. Write one example of one protestant Christian who have fought to change racist laws in USA.

3. Match the names and the sentences about God:

-His God was a God of peace, non-violence and justice for the poor ___________________ Oscar Romero

-Her God was a God of devotion, love and compassion ______________________________ Teresa of Calcutta

-His God was a God of peace, equality and justice for all ______________________________ Luther King

-His God was a God of patience, perseverance and peace ______________________________ Gandhi

4. Religion is based on faith, but science is based on facts and is involved in the reality that you can see.

Science explains

how the world works, in a technical way. Religion tries to explain why we are here, in a philosophical way.

Science is not the

enemy of religion but in religion there are some elements which are real and you cannot see, for example you

cannot see fear

or love but they exist. When your grandparents die, you cannot see them but they'll go on to exist in your inner


Christians believe that life doesn't end with death because Jesus came from death and for that reason,

Christians believe in a

new life, a place, a destination that is called 'heaven' or 'paradise' which is where God is. What's the meaning of


*Listen to the song 'Another day in Paradise' (Worksheet!)

- Draw your own picture (individual).

- Write your own travel brochure called 'My idea of Paradise'. (homework-next week)

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5. All the religions have different forms of worship:

pilgrimages rituals recitations singing ceremonies meditation prayers

extraordinary religious experiences

Christians Hindus Muslims Jews Buddhists Sikhs

to Lourdes (France) and to St James (Spain) to the river Ganges (India) to the Makkah to Jerusalem to Lopburi-Nepal to Amritsar-India

to Fatima (Portugal) and to Rome (Italy)

*Followers offer sacrifice and effort to their God because they want to wash their lives or heal of illnesses /



Explain your point of view and give reasons about the following statement: 'It's better to worship alone than with other

people' Do you agree?

HOMEWORK-next: look up on the Internet one image of Lourdes, Fatima, Rome, Makkah and Jerusalem. Write a

sentence about the

place of pilgrimage below.

6. Most of the world's religions believe in some form of life after death (theory after practice-Worksheet-What's life all



Buddhism believe in reincarnation (in one form or another-a continuous cycle of life and death-soul is immortal- it's born in a

Sikhism different body-human or animal)-(*Worksheet!*)


Judaism believe in resurrection (life forever-physical-the body -soul is immortal)


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7. Religious symbols.

Islam symbols

Islam is a religion that began in Arabia and was revealed to humanity by the Prophet Muhammad. There are no official

religious Islam symbols, but several symbols have a special place in Islam.

The Star and Crescent:

The star and crescent is the best-known symbol used to represent Islam. The symbol is not Muslim in origin, it was a polytheistic icon adopted during the spread of Islam, and its use today is sometimes controversial in the Muslim world. The crescent and star are often said to be Islamic symbols, but historians say that they were the insignia of the Ottoman Empire, not of Islam as a whole.

Christian symbols

Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New


Christian Cross:

The cross symbol, which is today one of the most widely recognised religious symbols in the world is the earliest used

Christian symbol. In the most broad sense it symbolizes the religion of Christian. More specifically, it represents and

memorizes Christ's death.

Sikh symbols

Sikhism is a young religion founded in the 15th Century with followers mainly in India and Pakistan.


The special Sikh religious symbol is The Khanda, a double edged sword. This represents the belief in one God.

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Hindu Symbols

Hinduism is a conglomeration of religious, philosophical, and cultural ideas and

practices that originated in India.


The Om is one of the most important religious symbols to Hindus. It is made up of three Sanskrit letters. They represent

the three worlds of earth, atmosphere, and heaven; the three major Hindu gods.

Buddhist symbols

Buddhism is a religion and philosophy with a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices,

based on teachings of the Buddha.

Wheel of Dharma

The wheel of Dharma is one of the most important religious Buddhist symbols. It symbolises the Wheel of Truth or Law.

The wheel also represents the endless cycle of rebirth and the three basic parts of the "three trainings" in Buddhist

practice: The moral discipline, the wisdom(eight spokes of the wheel) to destroy the ignorance and the concentration.

Jewish symbols

Judaism is a set of beliefs and practices originating in the Hebrew Bible (The Tenakh).

David Star:

The six-pointed star of David is the best known religious symbol of the Jewish faith.

Taoist symbols

Taoism refers to a variety of philosophical and religious traditions from East Asia.

Yin and Yang

The most well-known Taoist religious symbol is the Yin and Yang symbol, a circle divided in two sections, one black and the

other white. The symbol represents perfect harmonic balance.


María Quintas

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'Rescue Mission'

This time of the year is called 'Advent' and it means 'coming' or 'arrival'. It's the time when Christians get ready for the

coming of Jesus.

For many Christians, Christmas preparations start four Sundays before Christmas and this is the beginning of the season

of Advent.

Now, imagine you are waiting for a very special person who is going to visit you. What would you do for that

situation? (Worksheet!).

Rescue Operation

Origin Liberation Israel Kingdom

Abraham and choice of Israel Egypt-Moses-Sinai Mount-10 commandments David / Solomon

Messiah is coming Jesus of Nazareth is here to rescue people Prophets Jesus / Maria / Good News

HOMEWORK- *Worksheet!*

Here you are a map with the main facts of the rescue operation. There are two routes on the map, one of them is a fine line

and another one is a line in dots. Which of them is related to the Liberation? Explain your answer.

Nowadays, the area of this map is occupied by other countries. Which are they? Are there any conflicts in some of them?

Which ones?


For Christians, the rescue of God consists of living a life following these items:

-love to God

-follow Jesus

-live with people in a good way

-harmony with yourself and nature

-no pain, no suffer

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There's a parable which was told by Jesus about this:

The story of the lost son (or The runaway son)- Luke 15:11-32

There was a man who had two sons.

The younger son wanted his part of property from his father to enjoy at the moment.His father gave him the money.

The son left home and spent everything.The son was desperate for food but he hadn't any money to buy it and he went to work on a pig farm.

Later, he decided to go back home, to say he was wrong and to say sorry to his father.

When he got home, his father ran to meet him and welcomed him with open arms.

Finally his father organized the best party for his younger son because he was very happy.

The elder son, who was working on his father's farm, was jealous but his father told him: Celebrate and be happy because your brother was lost, but now he is here with us. (*Worksheet!*)-the father represents God; the sons represent people in the world; the son left home because he wanted to live his own life according to his own rules;

Some rescue operations need lights to find lost people-for example, in a mountain, a skier is lost in a terrible condition

(darkness, foggy night). For the same reason, Christians use the symbol of Light to show that Jesus came to rescue people

from the darkness, from sin, from badness. Jesus is 'the Light of the World'(John 8:12).. In relation to Advent, there is a symbol

of Light that it's an Advent crown = it's a circle of four candles decorated with holly and ribbons. The first candle is lit on

the first Sunday of Advent, two candles on the second Sunday, three candles on the third Sunday and four candles on the

Sunday before Christmas-*Worksheet!*

The history of paintings is full of artists with pictures which represent the history of salvation. An important artist, Marc

Chagall (1887-1985) is one of them. Here you are some of his paintings-*Worksheet!*. For example, one of them is a cubist

painting about 'Adam and Eve' (or Temptation). It represents Adam and Eve in Paradise (you can see leaves of a tree, an apple, two

goats...). The second one is called: 'Abraham and the three angels' (It represents the visit of the 3 angels to Abraham and his wife,

Sarah, to tell them about the birth of a son). The third one's name is 'Exodus' (you can see Moses with the Commandments board, on

the right of the picture next to the goat and Israelite behind him).

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'Jesus, our Saviour'

Jesus is the Son of God, the Light of the World, Our Saviour, Christ, the Good Shepherd, the God Lamb.

In Palestine, at the time of Jesus, was prohibited any kind of paintings or sculptures of a human face. For this reason, we

haven't got any representation of Jesus.

Later, some famous artists painted pictures about Jesus' life. Here are three of them: 'Lord's Supper', 'The angel visits Mary,

mother of Jesus' and 'Lazarus'-*Worksheet!*

There are four Gospels (means, 'Good news') which tell the story of Jesus. They were written by Luke, Mark, John and


A person who cares about people rejected by society (the outcasts)- A Hero!-


Gentiles= non-Jews

Samaritans = half-Jew and half-Gentile

Tax-collectors = traitors who help Rome

The poor

The lepers

The prostitutes

women (no rights)

gypsy people

homeless people

The First Christian communities prayed a symbol of the Apostles: The Creed, which it is related to moments of Jesus' life-



Using the Internet, find out Jerusalem at the time of Jesus. A good website is:



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Reasons for the death of Jesus : He was has two trials and then He was crucified

religious – Sanhedrin-He was accused of blasphemy

civil – Pontius Pilate, Roman governor- He was accused of saying 'I am the King'

Jesus of Nazareth, Christ, is in culture, in art and in traditions from many countries of the world. His rules of justice, charity

and love, made Him to be 'World Heritage person'.

Look at the pictures-*Worksheet!*-

Jesus in Europe='Cristo Redentor', Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (several faces: compassionate, painful, tearful, peaceful, happy,

suffering, sad, kind)

Jesus in America=Lord's Supper (Jesus colourful) Jesus in Asia=India (represented like Buddha) // Jesus in Africa=

Jesus crucified.

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'Following Jesus'

Christians believe that Jesus is the human face of God-*Worksheet!* . He is God's Son and he has come to earth to love

people and rescue them.

What's the meaning of 'Follow Jesus'?-*Worksheet!*- It's learning Jesus' teachings and living in that way.

The first followers of Jesus were disciples-people who followed the example and teachings of a great leader=Jesus. Jesus

chose 12 disciples to go with Him. They left their homes, families and everything to follow Him-*Worksheet!*

Nowadays, we all are Jesus' followers and we live following His teachings and attitudes, praying, reading sacred writings,

celebrating, helping people in need, caring children, nature, carrying out the ten commandments-*Worksheet!* and so on.

Look at this story- The Last Supper:

Jesus had followers.

These followers were called apostles.

Jesus and his apostles were eating dinner.

Jesus knew it was for the last time.

Jesus knew what was going to happen but his apostles didn't.

At dinner, Jesus took some bread, gave thanks for it, and he broke it.

He gave it to his apostles and said, "This is my body."

Jesus asked his apostles to do this in memory of him.

After dinner was over he took the cup of wine.

He gave thanks and handed it to his apostles.

"Drink this. This is my blood which will be shed for you," Jesus said.

Jesus promised the apostles that all sins would be forgiven.

The apostles were confused.

They didn't know what to think.

Jesus said, "One of you sitting here at the table will betray me."

Peter said, "I would never do that!"

Jesus looked at him and said, "Before the rooster crows you will say, three times, that you don't know me."


What do you think ?

What did Jesus mean when he passed out the bread?

What did Jesus mean when he passed out the wine?

What did Jesus promise?

Who would betray him?

Do you think Peter really will say that he didn't know who Jesus was?

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'The Church'

The Church is a community of Christians who follow Jesus' teachings and it's a place where Christians go to pray.

help people in need



try to build a better world

We all need to belong somewhere or something. We all belong to groups - friends, clubs, a team, a family, a religion... In

fact, if you don't belong to a group, you feel hurt and lonely. Belonging to some group is very important because you are

accepted by others and you feel good-*Worksheet!*

The Church is a group of people who follow Jesus' teachings and help other people like Jesus did. For example, the church of

St Martin in the Fields, in the heart of London, offers help to homeless (shelter, soup kitchen).

The Church needs people to work with: Christians, religious people, monks, nuns, priests, archbishops, The Pope... All of

them work to make the world a better place. The Church continues with Jesus' mission (help people in need, work with children,

celebrate, pray...)-*Worksheet!*

Catholic Christians believe that the Pope-*Worksheet!* from Rome, is the successor to Saint Peter (the vicar of Christ, the bishop

of Rome, the Holy Father), the head of the Catholic Christian Church and they must obey him. The first Pope of the Church was

Peter, Jesus' apostle. Jesus gave the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to Peter, saying: 'Upon this rock I'll build my Church,

and nothing will make it to perish'.

The word Pope means 'father' - in Greek language. The last Popes were: Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI

(the current Pope). The Pope lives in the Vatican. The Vatican is the official home of the Pope. It's a small state in the middle

of the city of Rome, Italy.

It 's the see of the Catholic Church(the Holy See) and the center of the Roman Catholic Church to meet leaders and



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'Praying and celebrating'

The Church, community of followers of Jesus, always has prayed and celebrated-*Worksheet!* - the faith in the resurrection

of Jesus. After the death of Jesus, the baptism and the Eucharist were the first celebrations for Christians-*Worksheet!*.

Catholic Church celebrates the sacraments (rituals or rites) given by Jesus. The most important sacraments - *Worksheet!* are:

Eucharist and baptism.

Baptism is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist. When

a baby is baptised (by a priest or bishop), the parents and godparents make the promises for the baby. The baby is baptised

with water because water is a symbol of purification and new life. Water is the most important sign of the baptism. In the

baptism, a candle is given to one of the parents or godparents. It's a symbol of Jesus (Light of the World).

Eucharist (Holy Communion, Mass, service) consist of reading the Bible, singing, praying to God, a sermon from

the altar (it's a symbol of Christ) and other holy ceremonies or rites. In the Eucharist, Christians remember the Last Supper of

Jesus (a supper with friends or disciples). In the Roman Catholic Church, there is an order of Mass. The basic structure of the

Mass has five parts:

Introductory rites Liturgy of the word Liturgy of the Eucharist Communion rite Concluding rite

- entrance - first reading - presentation of the gifts - Lord's prayer - greeting and

- an opening song - second reading - prayer over the gifts - sign of peace dismissal

- a greeting from the priest - gospel - communion

- a penitential rite - homily

- the Creed


María Quintas

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'Being oneself'

The 'media' and advertising are part of our lives and they have negative and positive aspects to keep in mind. We must be

ourselves, not what we are told-*Worksheet!*

In our society it's really difficult to live in a genuine (authentic) and truthful way. All of us are influenced by the media. The

word 'media' means: the main ways that people receive information and opinion through different forms of communication:

magazines, books, television, radio, the Internet... Information is not the same as opinion. Information is a set of details or

objective facts about something but opinion is your personal point of view, your feeling or your thought about something-


Do you know what on the Internet there are more than 3,000 million of web pages with information and, each day, they are

rising in 7 million of pages a day?

In developed countries, teenagers watch TV two or three hours a day and they usually have got three or four TV sets at


96% of the Internet teenagers users have used some of the social networks like chats, email or messenger.

From the moment we wake up in the morning we are bombarded with media in all its many forms. From the morning

newspaper with many advertisements to the television commercials telling us what we need to buy.

Mass Media are systems which, through the information, opinion and publicity, offer models of conduct, influence in

customs, set fashion and tendencies and manipulate your mind to give some opinions about something, but they play a

very important role in our life because they keep you informed immediately about everything in the world.

Church considers 'Mass Media' a source of progress that closes up the culture to every place in the world but Church asks

'Mass Media' for:

–tell about the truth of the facts

–respect to the dignity of each person

–promote the union and progress of the countries

–report the injustice and inequality situations

–prevent the manipulation of people

Consumerism is the promotion of consumer's interests. Advertisements try to convince you

of the absolute necessity of buying. They are desire factories-*Worksheet!*- They connect with your desires and use special

effects, fun, attractive girls and boys, music, colours, fantasy... that you like to watch on TV, on the Internet, in magazines.

Advertising promise you power, prestige, love, self-esteem, success, security and so on-*Worksheet-Moodle*

Being oneself means living the truth. The three main attitudes to live the truth are: honesty, authenticity and sincerity. All

of them, with love. Jesus is the Truth and he teaches everything with love*Worksheet!*

María Quintas

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'Committed to the world'

Christianity is one of the world's major religions. There are about two billion (2,000 million) Christians in the world today but

there are other religions in the world too and, all of them must 'live' together in harmony and happy in our 'Global Village'-


If you believe in Jesus, you'll want to change the world and make it a better place for everybody. It's essential the balance

between progress and conservation and the balance between the richer countries and the poor countries- *Worksheet!*.

Religious leaders in the world say that the earth is at risk and we must do something about it. All the world religions and

charities work very hard helping people in need (they don't have covered the five basic needs: food, water, health, education and work) in

several countries and use money for education, hospitals and development work (tools and training to know how to do it for themselves).

Religious agreement!

*Homework- Project about a charity (origin, aims, campaigns, where does it work?, when was it founded?)

Look up, on the Internet, information about the following NGOs: Cáritas, Manos Unidas (religious charities -into Spanish) or Oxfam, Red Cross or Save the Children (non-religious charities- into English). Hand in on next week. Free design.

María Quintas





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It's a well-known fact that the resources in the world are unequally shared out. 80% of the world population have 20% of

the resources, and 20% of the world population have 80% of the resources.

Differences between the rich world and poor world

Rich world Poor world


Lots of food Very little food

Food is wasted All food is used

Healthy diet Malnutrition

Obesity problem Diseases


Clean water Contaminated water

Running water in each house No running water-a well=a luxury in a village


4-18 education is free no free schools

All children must go to school no chance of education for poor children


free medical care you must pay before treatment

people live near a hospital nearest hospital can be 300 miles away

high technology and medical care outdated medicines and technology


Good houses shelters built from bad materials

Houses have water, gas, no electricity, no water, no toilet and so onelectricity, toilet, etc.

Social Security

Unemployment benefit and pensions nothing for unemployment or old age

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Here you are the poverty cycle:

Every day, almost 16,000 children die from hunger in the world. That's one child every five seconds. In comparison,

Spanish people spend 27 million of euros a year in cosmetics.

In Spain 4 million of tons of paper are used, that's to say, 70 million of trees are cut down

Human beings will need 40 planets in 2050 to keep the current consumerism.

In Spain there are one million of volunteers who collaborate with NGOs or charities.

Christians and religious believers have a duty to give help to people who suffer poverty-*Worksheet!* All of us must help the

poor and must be committed to the world. How? Responding to natural disasters, helping refugees affected by war, helping

with money to provide tools, education or medical care. So, poor people can become more self-sufficient and to enjoy a

better life.


María Quintas

No food


IllNo energy

No money

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Cleave, Joanne. Christianity: Behaviour, Attitudes and Lifestyles . Heinemann, 2001

Fleming, Marianne and Worden, David. Thinking about God and Morality. Heinemann, 2004

Wright, Chris. Key Christian Beliefs. Lion Educational, 1995

Keene, Michael. Aspects of Christianity. Jesus of Nazareth. Nelson Thornes, 2000

Clarke, Lyn; Kennick, Mandy; Langtree, Graham and Williams, Bernard. One World, Many Issues. Nelson

Thornes, 2001

Cortés, Javier y Miguel Ángel; Forcada, Samuel. Religión Católica 2-ESO. SM-Proyecto Emaús, 2009


Religious Education on the web<http://www.reonline.org.uk/>

RE resources<http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/re/re.htm>

Introduction to RE<http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/re/pdfs/introtore.pdf>

RE resources for teachers<http://www.request.org.uk/teachers/resources/pdf/pages.htm>


Fact or opinion<http://www.havefunteaching.com/worksheets/reading/fact-and-opinion/fact-and-opinion-


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Fact and opinion<http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/factopinion.html>

Critical thinking<http://worksheetplace.com/index.php?


Advertising for kids<http://pbskids.org/dontbuyit/advertisingtricks/>

The faces of hunger<http://www.bread.org/hunger/global/>

Hunger and world poverty<http://www.poverty.com>

Click to give free food<http://www.thehungersite.com/clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=1>

September, 2011

María Quintas