lesson two: counselorstorage.cloversites.com/waipunachapel/documents/slime lab lesson 2.pdfdoc...

Main Point: The Counselor, Jesus, will teach us and help us make wise choices. Bible Verse: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the govern- ment shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor... Isaiah 9:6 Bible Story: The Samaritan Woman at the Well; John 4:1-42 1 Something to think about before teaching: The Counselor will guide us by His Word, the Holy Spirit, circumstances and the words and actions of other believers. We need to only ask (James 1:5) for wisdom and He will give it to us. He will also instruct us and teach us (Psalm 32:8.) Jesus knows everything about us so He can advise us perfectly. While we may think we know what we need, He truly knows what we need. Sometimes, it is far different than our perceived need. Kids will learn that Jesus will help them make wise choices because His counsel is perfect. Investigating: The Bible Story Guess the Slimy Creature Slime Time Lab Slime Bucket Testing: The Slime Laboratory Craft Games Bible Memory Activity Express Yourself Snack Trading Cards Family Lab Report This Lesson contains: Exploring: Slimy Facts Doc Green and Lily, the Apprentice Uncovering the Name Discovering the Formula Lesson two: Counselor

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Page 1: Lesson two: Counselorstorage.cloversites.com/waipunachapel/documents/Slime Lab Lesson 2.pdfDoc Green: Well you didn’t. You didn’t know enough about what we do here in the lab to

Main Point: The Counselor, Jesus, will teach us and help us make wise choices.

Bible Verse: For to us a child is born,to us a son is given; and the govern-ment shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor... Isaiah 9:6

Bible Story: The Samaritan Woman at the Well; John 4:1-42


Something to think about before teaching:

The Counselor will guide us by His Word, the Holy Spirit, circumstances and the words and actions of other believers. We need to only ask (James 1:5) for wisdom and He will give it to us. He will also instruct us and teach us (Psalm 32:8.)

Jesus knows everything about us so He can advise us perfectly. While we may think we know what we need, He truly knows what we need. Sometimes, it is far different than our perceived need.

Kids will learn that Jesus will help them make wise choices because His counsel is perfect.

Investigating:The Bible Story Guess the Slimy CreatureSlime Time Lab Slime Bucket

Testing: The Slime LaboratoryCraftGamesBible Memory ActivityExpress YourselfSnackTrading Cards Family Lab Report

This Lesson contains:

Exploring: Slimy Facts Doc Green and Lily, the Apprentice Uncovering the NameDiscovering the Formula

Lesson two: Counselor

Page 2: Lesson two: Counselorstorage.cloversites.com/waipunachapel/documents/Slime Lab Lesson 2.pdfDoc Green: Well you didn’t. You didn’t know enough about what we do here in the lab to

exploringslimy factsEach slide will state a fact about something slimy. Kids will guess if the “fact” is true or not. This can be done with everyone yelling the answer, voting, or dividing into teams. Remember that this activity is a fun way to start the lesson. It is purely optional. If you do not have powerpoint, the facts can eas-ily be read or printed on large posterboard.

Fact #1: PPIn India, you might find someone eating a plate of cooked crickets.

Answer: True. Be careful the legs do not get stuck in your teeth. Fact #2 PPIn Japan, a standard breakfast might include Natto, rotten soybeans that look like a combina-tion of baked beans and snot.

Answer: True. Natto is eaten even though it tastes terrible because it is suppose to be good for you.

Fact #3 PPFried meal worms, complete with their little head, tiny feet and wormish bodies, are on the menu at a Chicago restaurant.

Answer: True. They are crunchy and usually flavored with spices.

Fact #4 PPIn Japan and China, you can order a tuna eyeball for dinner.

Answer: True. Boil it before you eat it.

Fact #5 PPIn Korea, you can order a plate of raw octopus. When served, the pieces of octopus are still squirming.

Answer: True. If you order this, be careful, the suction cups on the octopus can stick to your mouth or your throat.



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Doc Green and Lily, the ApprenticeSupplies: First place award ribbon, large, heavy book

Preparation: Make sure the lab area is spotless. All the tissues from last week are gone and every-thing is in its place.

Doc Green walks into the lab reading a large, heavy book. He stands for a moment in deep concentra-tion. He raises his head and jumps as he sees his lab.

Doc Green: Oh no! No! This can’t be. A thief has been in my lab. NOOOOOO. Not now. Just as I was about to make a huge breakthrough. They took all my evidence. They took all my experiments. How can this be?

Lily enters the lab holding the ribbon.

Lily: Oh Doc Green. I am so excited. I have been trying to think of a way to really be helpful and I found it. Last night after you left, I cleaned up the lab. And look what was on the door this morning! First place. First place as lab of the week! Isn’t this the most exciting thing you have ever seen. And look around you... everything is orderly, in its place and clean.

Doc Green: (Physically getting agitated as he takes in all Lily is telling him.) Clean? Orderly? My lab??

Lily: Well, yes. Look... no slime drips. No dirty tissues littered about. Everything wiped down with bleach. It is so clean it sparkles. Now you can do your work without worrying about slime getting on you and ruining your experiments. I just knew you would be so happy!

Doc Green: Happy?!?

Lily: Well, yes. (Starts to look worried.) You are happy, right?

Doc Green: No.

Lily: No?

Doc Green: No. Not at all.

Lily: Not even a little bit?

Doc Green: Nope. Not even a little bit. You see, Lily. My experiments were here. I was watching the slime over time. I was recording the changes to it as it sat. I needed it to stay right where it was. You have ruined everything. Months of work just went down the drain. (Doc Green is pulling at his hair, trying to stay in control.)

Lily: Oh my. I was just trying to help. I just thought the lab needed to be clean.

Doc Green: Why did you not ask me?


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Lily: Why ask? I thought I knew what I was doing.

Doc Green: Well you didn’t. You didn’t know enough about what we do here in the lab to make that kind of decision. You should have come to me so I could counsel you on the correct way to clean the lab. What you thought was best was not best because you did not understand the entire pic-ture.

Lily: I see that. I am sorry Doc. I really am.

Doc Green: You are forgiven. But next time ask before you make a whole mess of things by doing what you think instead of asking for advise. (Doc Green leaves looking dejected.)

Lily: Strange. I thought this lab was a mess. I cleaned it and now Doc Green is calling it a mess. (Shakes her head.) Sometimes things just don’t make sense to me.

Uncovering the NameSupplies: For optional display-owl (any kind of owl will work: stuffed animal, ceramic, beaded, picture), Counselor sign.

Preparation: If doing the display, print Counselor sign. Fold it into a tent sign.

As the slime disappears, let’s try to guess what is under it. (Slime will automatically disappear)

(Have all the kids work together, divide into teams or choose two people to compete.)

Why do you think an owl is a symbol of Jesus’ name? An owl is known to be a symbol of being wise. That means not just being smart but making right choices. Someone who is wise knows how to use the knowl-edge they have in order to make good choices. Jesus is wise. He knows everything there is to know.


Jesus is known as the Counselor. Does anyone know what a counselor does? They give people advise and help them to make good choices about their life. That is what Jesus does for us. When we ask Him, He tells us the truth and what we should do with that truth. In other words, He tells us the right choices to make in life.

The Counselor, Jesus, will teach us and help us make right choices.

Options: Display: Place the owl in the display along with the Counselor sign.

No Power Point: If you do not have access to power point, put the owl in a box and have the kids guess what might be in the box giving clues.

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discovering the formulaRead Isaiah 9:6 together:

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father...

PP Let’s say the verse again with some motions to help us remember it.

For to us (Point to self.)A child is born (Cradle a baby in arms.)To us (Point to self.)A son is given (Place a hand out and put it down to indicate a young child.)And the government shall be on his shoulder (Point with index fingers of both hands to the shoulders.)And his name (Point to sky.) Shall be Wonderful (Put fists out in front then open dramatically.)Counselor (Make circles with hands and place over the eyes.)Mighty (Flex arms to show muscles.)God (Point to sky.)Everlasting Father (Make infinity symbol with right index finger. This is a sideways figure eight.)

InvestigatingKey Bible Story PP The Samaritan Woman at the WellJohn 4: 1-42

Supplies: None

(Divide the kids into two teams. Choose a team leader for each team. Have them come to the front of the room.)

I am going to ask you a question. Then we are going to take turns going back and forth between the teams answering the question. The winner is the last one to be able to come up with an answer to the question. The team leaders must give an answer, however, if they get stuck they may ask their team for help.

The question is: “If you need a drink of water, where could you go to get water?”

Pick a team to go first and then go back and forth until one team cannot think of any answers. Typical answers: water fountain, sink, garden hose, water bottle, water cooler, store (water bottles), gas station. They will probably get creative so the teacher will have to be the judge. 5


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In some countries you might have to walk miles to go get a bucket of water and then walk home with it. Some might have a well in the village and you would go to the well to get water. Not everyone in the world gets water out of a faucet. For some getting water is a hard but necessary chore.

Let’s learn about a time that Jesus met a woman who was going to get water. In biblical times, they had to get water from outside their homes. One place was a well. This was a deep hole in the ground with some rocks built up around it except for the opening at the top. A bucket would be lowered down with a rope to scoop up water. Then the bucket would be brought to the top of the well and the container would be filled.

Our story is in John 4:It was the middle of the day. Jesus had been walking for awhile and was tired. He stopped to rest at a well called Jacob’s well in Samaria near a town called Sychar. His disciples went into the town to buy some food.

While he was resting a woman came to the well. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.”

The woman was surprised that Jesus asked her for a drink. She was Samaritan and He was Jewish. She knew that Jews did not deal with Samaritans. She said to him, “How is it that you, a Jew, ask for a drink, from me, a woman of Samaria?”

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”

She did not understand what He was saying. She told Him that He did not have anything to draw the water with and the well was deep. And she wondered where do you get this living water anyway?


Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

The woman asked Jesus for the living water.

Jesus told her about her life, things that she had not told Him. How did He know these things about her? When the disciples returned, the woman left and went into town. She was so ex-cited that she even left her water jar at the well. She told the people, “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?”

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The people left the town and followed her. That day many of the people in the town be-lieved in Jesus because of what the woman told them, “He told me all that I ever did.” Many more believed because of His word. They said, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”

The woman came to the well that morning looking for water. However, Jesus knew that she needed a different kind of water. She needed living water, from Him. She needed to know Him and to believe in Him. He knew everything about her- the bad choices that she had made with her life. Because He knew everything that she had ever done, He knew what she needed.

Jesus is the same way with us. He knows all about us. He teaches us the things we need to know. He helps us to make the right choices because He knows everything we have done. Both good and bad choices. He wants us to turn to Him and ask Him for help. He wants us to allow Him to teach us.

We have a choice. Will we rely on ourselves to make good choices or will we ask Jesus, the Counselor?

Prayer PP Ask Jesus to teach the kids about making the right choices in life. Give the kids an opportunity to talk to Him about their choices and to ask for His wisdom in the choices they make.

guess the slimy creature PP

Supplies: Powerpoint or picture of a hagfish

PP Can you guess what slimy creature is on the screen? (The slide will zoom out slowly until the kids will be able to see the creature.)

Does anyone know what this creature is called? It is a hagfish. This sea creature is one of the world’s most disgusting due to its eating habits and the fact that it produces the world’s strongest slime.

The hagfish can be found at the bottom of the ocean floor where it feeds on dead and dying animals. The creature cannot swim fast and it has no teeth. However, it has a strong defense against predators. When attacked, it releases a super-concentrated slime from its tail. This slime is so thick that within seconds the water surrounding the hagfish turns into a jellylike substance that clogs the gills of the predators.

The hagfish can release up to five gallons of slime. That is like five milk jugs full of slime. In fact the slime is so powerful that the hagfish itself could be in danger from it, however, the creature ties its body into a knot and slides free from the slime.

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PP Let’s look at the Slime-O-Meter and decide just how slimy you think the Horrible Hagfish is. Our Slime-O-Meter has a scale of 1-10. When I say go you start cheering. When the meter reaches the number you think represents how slimy the creatures is, stop cheering. (Listen as the kids cheer and try to detect when the cheering starts to come down.) It sounds like the Horrible Hagfish is (announce the number) on the Slime-O-Meter.

Sometimes we act like the hagfish. We surround ourselves with “slime” so that others cannot see what we are really like. It keeps people from knowing who we really are. It might be bragging about ourselves and our abilities. It might be keeping a hurt deep inside us but acting like nothing is wrong on the outside. No matter what the reason is, Jesus knows. The “slime” does not stop Him.

Remember that The Counselor, Jesus, will teach us and help us make wise choices. He knows all about us so can give us perfect advise on how to live and make wise choices in our lives.

slime time lab: hagfish slime PP

Supplies: School gel glue, borax, water, food coloring

Measure one half cup of water and stir in borax until it dissolves. Set aside. Stir 4-oz of glue into one cup of water. Add a couple drops of food coloring. (To make the slime more like hagfish slime, do not use food coloring.)

Mix 1/3 cup of the borax solution and 1 cup of the glue solution.

If making larger batches of slime, use a 1 part borax to 3 parts glue ratio.

This slime reminds me of the kind of slime that the hagfish releases. Why does the hagfish re-lease this gooey mess? To protect him from predators.


Sometimes when we make bad choices we do the same thing. We try to make a cover around us like the hagfish makes the slime so no one can see the bad choices. That might mean telling a lie to cover up something we did. It might mean acting like we do not care when we make a bad grade because we did not study for a test. It might mean pretending we forgot something like cleaning our room when we made the choice not to clean it.

We should never cover up bad choices with more bad choices. Instead we should rely on Jesus to teach us when we have made a bad choice. He will help us to make better choices in the future when we ask Him. Let’s make the choice to depend on Jesus to teach us and to do what He says.

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slime bucket: green slime cream PP

Supplies: slime bucket (see introduction for ideas how to make this), shaving cream, green food coloring, four index cards, black permanent marker, blindfold

Preparation: Write the following words on the index cards with the permanent marker: God’s Word, Holy Spirit, Circumstances, Christian Parents, Teachers and Friends. Spray shaving cream into the bucket and mix food coloring into the shaving cream. Hide the index cards in the shaving cream.

It is now time to find out who will be slimed in the slime bucket. One of you will be picked to put your hands and arms inside the bucket while blindfolded. You will need to find four pieces of paper in the slime and bring it out for us all to see.

Messier but oh-so-fun option: Put a plastic rain coat with hood on the person. Have them stand in a baby pool and dump the slime on the head. Then have him/her hunt in the baby pool for the object.

Blindfold the volunteer and place his/her hands in the bucket. Have the kids cheer and encour-age them as they hunt for the cards.

Let’s see what the four pieces of paper say. The first one says “God’s Word.” This is one of the ways Jesus teaches us. It is an important way that we do not want to miss. In God’s Word, the Bible, we find Jesus’ teachings while He was on earth. We need to make sure we spend time reading it so we know what He taught.

The second piece of paper says, “Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit has the job to convict us. That means when we do something wrong or about to do something wrong He lets us know. Sometimes He makes us feel a little sick at our stomach when we realize what we have done wrong. This is the Holy Spirit convicting us. If we will pay attention, then Jesus can teach us to make better choices.

The third piece of paper says, “Circumstances.” Sometimes things happen that Jesus uses to teach us. If we have to move to a new home, Jesus will use that to teach us how to trust Him. If we have an illness, He will teach us How to rely on Him to help us during the illness. If we have someone lie to us, He will use this to teach us how it feels to be lied to and to realize that it is not a good choice to make.

The fourth piece of paper says, “Christians Parents, Teachers and Friends.” Jesus uses other people to help teach us about making right choices. They can help us understand what Jesus teaches. However, we must be careful, especially with friends, that what they tell us is the truth about what Jesus says. That is why learning what is in the Bible is so important so we will know if someone tells us something that is not true.

Let’s make the choice to listen to the Counselor when He teaches us and to rely on Him to help us make good choices.

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testingthe slime laboratory: rainbow slimeSupplies: Borax, water, clear glue gel, ziplock bags, food coloring, plastic cup, spoon

Follow the directions in the Slime Time Lab to make slime with each child making their own this time. Allow them to play with the colors making different colors of slime and mixing them together.

Remind them that we cannot cover ourselves like the hagfish does. Jesus knows everything about us. We can ask Him for wisdom in making good choices. (Read James 1:5.)

craft: prayer owlSupplies: Brown paper lunch bags, white paper, colored paper, buttons, print out of James 1:5

Preparation: Cut out 4 inch diameter circles from the colored paper. Cut out 3 inch diameter circles from the white paper. Make copies of James 1:5 for each child. Make a horizontal slit about half way down on the back of the bag.

Have the kids open the bags then fold the tops over about four inches (on the opposite side from the slit). Fold the corners underneath to make the beak of the owl. Glue the white circles onto the colored circles. Glue buttons in the middle of the white circle. Place the circles on either side of the beak and glue. Cut out a beak from the colored paper and glue onto the brown beak made from the folded top of the bag.

Glue James 1:5 on the front part of the owl.


Read the verse together. Explain to the kids that when they are having a hard time knowing how to make a good choice, they should write a prayer asking for help and put it in the owl as a symbol that Jesus is wise and will help them.

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Game: wise choicesSupplies: None

Call out the list of choices one by one listed below. If the choice is a wise one, have the kids run to one side of the room. If it is not wise, they should run to the other side.

Alternative: Instead of running, a motion such as (cluck like a chicken, bark like a dog, hop on one foot, etc) can be called along with the choice.

1. A friend asks you to lie for her. You do because you are loyal to your friend. 2. Your homework is almost done so you turn on the television and watch it for a few hours. 3. Your mom pulled in the driveway with a lot of groceries. You leave your homework for a few minutes to help her carry in the groceries.4. Your mom said you could not have a cookie. But she did not say you could not have two... so you grab two from the cookie jar. 5. You love chocolate cake. So you eat three pieces. 6. Your dad has a terrible headache. He asks you to play quietly. You do not really think about what he has said and turn up the music and dance. 7. Your friend is trying to tell you a story during church. You ask him to wait until after church so you can listen to the teacher. 8. You are at a friend’s house playing and he shows you a gun that he goes hunting with. He asks if you want to shoot it. You tell him that you have to talk to your parents first and then you suggest he put the gun away.9. Your friend is with you at the store. She does not have enough money for the gum she wants. You see her put it in her pocket. You say nothing. It’s none of our business. 10. You spend all your allowance at the store. There is no money left to give to others or to save.

Add scenarios from your own church or location.

Bible Memory activity: beat the clockFor to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor... Isaiah 9:6

Supplies: envelope for each group of 5-6 kids, print out of Isaiah 9:6, scissors, stopwatch

Preparation: Make copies of the Isaiah 9:6 for each group. Cut the words apart (phrases for younger kids) and place in an envelope. Make one set of envelopes for each group. Place the envelopes on the opposite side of the room than where the kids are located.

Divide the kids into groups. On go, one kid from each team runs and gets an envelope and brings it back to the team. The team opens the envelope, dumps the words out and works together to put it in order. Make sure the timer is running to get the best time.

After competed, do the relay again and challenge each team to try to get a better time than the best time clocked.

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Express yourselfSupplies: Copy of questions for each small group

1. What does it mean to be a counselor?2. How is Jesus the Counselor?3. What makes Jesus the perfect Counselor?4. Can you think of something specific that Jesus has taught you lately? How did it change your life or make it better?5. Read James 1:5. How does this verse relate to Jesus being the Counselor? What does this verse tell us to do? What will be the result of doing this?6. When do you find it hard to ask Jesus for help? When do you find it hard to follow His teaching?7. What are some wrong choices that kids can make by not listening to the Counselor?

Snack: owl cracker headSupplies: Graham crackers, banana, chocolate chips, candy corn, plates

Place the graham cracker on the plate. Slice banana into circles and put the banana on the crack-ers to make eyes. Place the chocolate chips in the middle of the banana circles. Put a candy corn in between the bananas for a beak.

Discuss why the owl is a symbol for Counselor. How is Jesus wise?

trading cardsSupplies: printed card for each child, markers or crayons (optional)

Name: CounselorSymbol: owl Verse: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor... Isaiah 9:6

Give each child the card. If using the coloring cards, use markers or crayons to decorate them. Go over the verse together and review the symbol.


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Supply List

slimy facts: ☐Powerpoint or posterboard with facts printed on it

Doc Green and Lily: ☐First place award ribbon ☐Large, heavy book

Uncovering the Name: ☐For optional display-owl (any kind of owl will work: stuffed animal, ceramic, beaded, picture) ☐Counselor sign

Key Bible Story: ☐None

guess the slimy creature: ☐Powerpoint or picture of a hagfish

slime time lab: ☐School gel glue ☐Borax ☐Water ☐Food coloring

slime bucket: ☐Slime bucket (see introduction for ideas how to make this) ☐Shaving cream ☐Green food coloring ☐Four index cards ☐Black permanent marker ☐Blindfold

The slime laboratory: ☐Borax ☐Water ☐Clear glue gel ☐Ziplock bags ☐Food coloring ☐Plastic cup ☐Spoon

Craft: ☐Brown paper lunch bags ☐White paper ☐Colored paper ☐Buttons ☐Print out of James 1:5

Game: ☐None

Bible activity: ☐Envelope for each group of 5-6 kids ☐Print out of Isaiah 9:6 ☐Scissors ☐Stopwatch

express yourself: ☐Copy of questions for each small group

Snack: ☐Graham crackers ☐Banana ☐Chocolate chips ☐Candy corn ☐Plates

Trading cards: ☐Printed card for each child ☐Markers or crayons (optional)

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family lab report 2

Bible Verse: For to us a child is born,

to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall

be called Wonderful Counselor... Isaiah 9:6

Bible Story:

The Samaritan Woman at the Well, John 4:1-42

Main Point: The Counselor, Jesus, will teach us and help us make wise choices.

Family Debriefing: Have your child tell you the story of the Woman at the WellWhy was the woman surprised (there are two reasons)? How was Jesus a Counselor to her?In what ways does Jesus teach your family? How does He help you make wise choices?Have each family member tell about a wise choice Jesus helped them make.

Family Imaginative Thinking:Look around the house and find all the ways you can get water in your home. If you lived when the Samaritan woman did, how would you get water? Find a place outside your home or in your neighborhood where you think the well would be.

Family Activity:Watch a family movie together. Talk about the different choices that the characters made. Which one were wise choices? Which ones were not?

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Page 19: Lesson two: Counselorstorage.cloversites.com/waipunachapel/documents/Slime Lab Lesson 2.pdfDoc Green: Well you didn’t. You didn’t know enough about what we do here in the lab to
Page 20: Lesson two: Counselorstorage.cloversites.com/waipunachapel/documents/Slime Lab Lesson 2.pdfDoc Green: Well you didn’t. You didn’t know enough about what we do here in the lab to
Page 21: Lesson two: Counselorstorage.cloversites.com/waipunachapel/documents/Slime Lab Lesson 2.pdfDoc Green: Well you didn’t. You didn’t know enough about what we do here in the lab to
Page 22: Lesson two: Counselorstorage.cloversites.com/waipunachapel/documents/Slime Lab Lesson 2.pdfDoc Green: Well you didn’t. You didn’t know enough about what we do here in the lab to
Page 23: Lesson two: Counselorstorage.cloversites.com/waipunachapel/documents/Slime Lab Lesson 2.pdfDoc Green: Well you didn’t. You didn’t know enough about what we do here in the lab to

Express yourself

1. What is the best toy you ever had? What made it wonderful? 2. Why do you think we get tired of toys or activities after awhile?

3. How is Jesus wonderful?

4. Can you name some ways Jesus is different than other things we may think are wonderful?

5. What are some ways that you can find to spend time with Jesus?

6. Can you name one specific way in which you will try to spend time with Jesus this coming week?