lessons from vithur neethi

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  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    Lessons from Vidura Nithi


  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    and Viduras advice

    Advice only when requested.

    King (Leader) should ask the question Whatis ood for the countr ?.

    People who suffer from sleeplessness

    Lovers People with Skills lacking resources People usurped the wealth of strong people through

    Leaders who delegate authority to unworthypeople lose PEACE of mind.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi



    Self-awareness and Self-control Loft ideals

    Clarity of goals

    Ethical conduct

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    uccess an app ness

    Success of a person is judged by others. Ha iness is felt b ou.

    Only PEACE of MIND can give

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    (Leader) for happiness

    Analyze the TWO by ONE Mana e the THREE b FOUR

    Conquer the FIVE,

    Give-up the SEVEN to live happily.

    ONE-Viveka, TWO-good/bad, THREE- --Friends, foes, netral ,

    FOUR- Sama, Dana, Beda and Danda, FIVE- Fives senses

    SIX- six strategies to face enemies SEVEN- Lust for women, gambling,

    , , , ,


  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    Conduct of a WISE Man

    A wise man understands the propertiesand value of all inanimate and animate


    Understands the consequences of HISown and others actions.

    Alwa s watches the best racticesadopted by others to achieve results

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    Quickly understands and classifies people

    in to Three categories -Exceptionally, ,

    Allocate work as follows:

    First cate or : Work of strate ic im ortance Second category: Work of Moderate complexity Others: Routine work.

    Manage the first category by SAMA, the secondcategory by DANA and others by BHEDA andDANDA.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi



    Active listening Quick ras in abilit of what others are

    trying to convey.

    Not longing for results.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi



    Acquires competence in at least one field

    Develops an overall perspective in otherfields

    Never adopts short-cuts and soft options toac eve goa s.

    Communicates effectively with all sections.

    Willing to learn from anybody.

    Always remain HUMBLE.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi



    Never seeks ADVICE from the following


    Persons with half-baked knowledge,

    persons deliberately delay work, inherently lazy people, and flatterers.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi



    Protects the following FOUR

    Old relatives, Good friends, who are poor

    People who have fallen from high status and, widowed childless sister

    FIVE senses are alwa s ke t under check. Even a single hole in a pot willwaste all water.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    oo prac ces o se men

    The Wise man knows that following SIX

    if not properly taken care of will leave us:

    Cow, Wife, Employees, agriculture, friendshipwith people from low status and


  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi



    A wise man should identify tasks which

    require minimum resources and effort

    and will give maximum benefits and

    swiftly implement them.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    Managing important Projects

    The following aspects to examined in detail

    before undertaking any major project:-

    e aspec s w w c ey are re a e ,

    costs and benefits,( in the lomg-term) , the strengths possessed, ,

    the ma or im ediments and then take a decision. Once decided swiftly implement. Impulsive

    decision should not be taken.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi



    When a job is undertaken, NOT ONLYthe consequences will have to be

    the consequence also to be determinedeffort; unripe fruit will not be sweet..

    Initiatives PREMATURELY to others.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    employing people

    .While employing people one shouldconsider

    the job needs,

    his ability to meet the needs, the appropriate salary, and

    the ability of the state to pay the salary in the


  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    . A leader should be careful with

    employees who are argumentative,

    avoid responsibilities and lazy.

    When a major decision of strategicimportance is to be taken, it is preferable

    to go with the team to a place away fromwork preferably to a hilltop or forest.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    Important duties of a KIng

    A king should regularly monitor the following:

    The dangers to kingdom from outside,,

    financial position of the treasury, stren th of the arm ; Otherwise his countr will

    be ruined.

    . In all situations, a leader should try to find

    conclusion just like spending lot of efforts inextracting gold from the ore.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi



    A Wise man treats other people the way he

    would like to be treated by them.

    non-value added activities

    Silence is referred to indiscrete talkin Onlwhen absolutely necessary o a wise man talksand that too always truth.

    ..w no ong or oppor un es eyon smeans. Will be well-balanced in success andfailures,

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    oo persona qua es

    If one develops detachment with an object, he

    will not be affected by its drawbacks;

    If a person is detached to every thing , he will

    not be affected by any thing. u u


    , under whom he serves and whom keeps in his heart as role model/

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    Some more gems..

    Gold gets recognition when it is cut,

    cleaned and burnt, modest men get

    recognition through their nature,a sage is

    recognized by his behavior, a brave manduring adversity and the people whether

    friend or foe at the time of gross

    a vers y.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    Some more gems..

    Old age destroys beauty; temptation

    destroys patience, greed spoils the

    malicious man , anger destroys wealth,

    ones good nature sours as a result ofservicing the wicked , lust destrys shame

    and EGO destroys EVERY THING.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    ome more gems rom ura Never eat alone, celebrate or travel alone.

    .Do not keep awake when all are sleeping.

    confidential secrets kills the entire nation.

    Family men not attached to effort and workand Sanyasins attached to woldly matters

    . Giving money to undeserving people and

    NOT giving to deserving people are easiest

    ways o was e money.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From Vithur Neethi


    ome more gems.

    A yogi gaining mastery of yoga practices

    and a warrior fighting to end in the war reach


    A FOOL uninvited interferes in others. .

    Always makes others scapegoats for his