letchworth centre for healthy living

Classes & Treatments Charity Registration No. 295219 Est. 1984 Health improving... Stress-reducing... Life-enhancing... SEPT-DEC 2012

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Yoga, Pilates and dance classes in Letchworth, Hertfordshire


Classes & Treatments

Charity Registration No. 295219 Est. 1984

Health improving... Stress-reducing... Life-enhancing...



To enrol complete the form on page 35

We are committed to Widening choice and availability of complementary approaches to health.

Each week, more than 1,000 people attend our classes – and hundreds more seek help from our complementary therapy clinic and counselling service.tel: 01462 678804 Website: www.letchworthcentre.org

Who we areThe Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living is one of the leading centres for wellbeing in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire, providing a broad range of clinical and educational programmes for the local community.

the letchworth centre for healthy living

Cover photo: Sarah O’Connor by Paul Derrick


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Why come?• You’ll feel better• You’ll be more relaxed and less stressed• You’ll enjoy the non-competitive classes• You’ll have a great choice –

from over 100 classes a week • You’ll meet like-minded people• You’ll learn skills you can use for the

rest of your life• You don’t need to become a member or

pay a joining fee

A long-established, award-winning, registered charity



Reiki is a Japanese wellbeing & personal development practise that puts you back in touch with yourself. It calms the mind & body, reducing a build-up of stress, promotes deep relaxation, and boosts your immune system – which can have remarkable healing effects for many specific health problems.

Reiki is suitable for the young, old, pregnant & anywhere in between! It can be used alongside medical health care, complementary therapies & counselling to enhance progress.

Reiki treatments are available Mon, Fri & Sat (including evenings) - £45 for first appointment / £40 thereafter.

You can also learn Reiki for yourself...

Reiki 1 (Beginners Level) – Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th August - 10am to 4.30pm – £139This 2 day training focuses on what Reiki is and what it can do for you. You’ll learn how to use it, with lots of hands-on practise. Upon completion of the 2 day course you will be able to use Reiki for self healing, to help friends and family & to stimulate personal & spiritual growth.

A comprehensive manual is provided, and certification is awarded upon completion of personal practise.

What people have said about this weekend course:

“A life changing experience”, “So much calmer and more peaceful”, “People have noticed an improved difference in me since the course”, “Excellent teacher”, “Recommend it to anyone”, “Am now happier in my skin than I have ever been”

There is also a Reiki 2 level course on 21st & 22nd July for those who already have a

Reiki 1 certificate and want to progress their techniques further.

To book, or for further information, contact Christina on 07714 750111 or [email protected]


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Complementary Therapies


for appointments or more information telephone reception on 01462 678804

or visit our website


• Acupuncture• Aromatherapy• Homeopathy• Hypnotherapy• LymphaticMassage(MLD)• Massage• Naturopathy• NaturalLiftFacial• Osteopathy/

Cranial Osteopathy•Physiotherapy• Reflexology• Reiki•SportsInjury&



Our practitioners – skilled, experienced and highly qualified


for the over 50’s•t’ai chi for falls prevention

mondays 12:30 – 13:30 T’ai Chi is an ancient form of gentle stylised movement well known for its ability to strengthen leg muscles, improve balance, still the mind and enhance general health. Cost £5 per session.

• rosehill singers mondays 14:00-15:00 followed by tea and biscuitsForanyonewholovestosing,thisfriendlygroupmeetswithits own musical director to sing popular songs around the piano. Cost £3 per session.

•latino dance tuesdays (term-time) 14:00-15:00

Designed for those 50+, the programme will present freestyle dances from Brazil with less vigorous moves, slower tempo and no partner work. Cost £3 per session.

for carers•caring for carers fridays 14:00 – 15:00

With gentle Yoga and breathing techniques followed by a chance to chat with people in similar situations over tea and biscuits, this programme provides an opportunity to be nourished on many levels. Cost £5 per session.

for people with parkinson’s•SingingGroup alternate tuesdays 13:45-15:00 AnafternoonofsongandfunforthosewithParkinson’sandtheir carers Cost £3 per session.

Weekly drop-in sessions

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• BereavementCounselling• Children&YoungPersons’Therapy• ClinicalPsychology• CognitiveAnalyticalTherapy• CognitiveBehaviouralTherapy(CBT)• Couples,Relationshipand

PsychosexualTherapy• FamilyTherapy• HealthCounselling• Hypnotherapy

our team provides a safe space for you to explore and manage your problems, with the aim of helping you to achieve a more satisfying experience of life.

Counselling, Psychotherapy & Personal Change

We also offer:• Neuro-LinguisticProgramming(NLP)• EmotionalFreedomTechniques(EFT)

• ALow-costCounsellingService


clinical directors: JoCoker,SueDouglasandJulieSale enquiries to: KathySaunders,PracticeManager tel:01462674671

email: [email protected]

In partnership with

• IntegrativePsychotherapy

• LifeCoaching• Neuro-Linguistic

Psychotherapy(NLPt)• OccupationalTherapy• Person-Centred

Psychotherapy• Psychodynamic

Counselling• TranspersonalTherapy


to enrol complete the form on page 35

Alexander TechniqueRenownedforitsbenefitstobackpainsufferers,AlexanderTechniqueteachesushowtosit,stand,lieandmoveinwayswhichminimisechronicmuscular&spinaltension.Especiallyusefulinstressrelief,italsohelpsasthmaandinsomnia.Wear loose clothing & bring a mat or blanket and 2-3 paperbacks.

MovingMindfullyisauniquemovement,alignmentandrelaxationclass,carefullycombiningkeyelementsofPilates,YogaandT’aiChiandalwaysincorporatingtheAlexanderprinciplesofexcellentuseofthespineandjoints.Theresultingqualityofmovementandalignmentisajoytoexperience!Wear soft comfortable clothing.

Moving Mindfully

Judy Hammond

prefer a one-to-one session? call 01462 678804 to book. cost £45

class day time start date code costAlexander(Alllevels) Tues 09.45-11.00 11 Sept X1 £99 TechniqueAlexander(beginners) Wed 18.45-20.00 12 Sept X2 £99 TechniqueMoving(advanced) Tues 11.15-12.30 11Sept MM1 £99 MindfullyMoving(alllevels) Wed 20.15-21.30 12Sept MM2 £99 Mindfully

duration 12 weeks – no class on 6 Novemberhalf-term week of 29 Octobertutor Judy Hammond BEdANATDMSTAT



Youwilldance,getfitandhavegreatfuninthispopularclasswhichincludesbarrework(forgreaterflexibilityandbalance),centrework(fortoning)andsimpleballetroutines.Open to anyone over 16 who has had ballet experience.

duration 10 weekshalf-term week of 29 Octobertutor Vickie Lesnick RADRTSLIDTA

Ballet for AdultsVickieLesnick(right)

class day time start date code costBalletforAdults Fri 17.30-18.30 21Sept B1 £61

DiscovertherichnessandenergyofBrazilfromthetraditionsoftheOrixas(YorubaEntities)toStreetCarnival,andfromjazzyBossaNovatoseedySambaReggae.Eachclassbeginswithagentlewarmup,followedbydancetrainingandaroutine–andfinisheswithslow,deepstretches.Wear loose comfortable clothing and dance/soft shoes that allow your feet to bend.

Carnival Dances from Brazil

class day time start date code costCarnival Dances Tues 19.15-20.15 11 Sept C2 £73 (beginners)

duration 12 weeks half-term week of 29 October tutor MarciaMagliariDipDMT

to enrol complete the form on page 35


prefer a one-to-one session? call 01462 678804 to book. cost £45


class day time start date code costFiveRhythmsTM Tues 19.00-20.30 11Sept F1 £91

Experiencebeinginyourownskinandmovingtoyourowninnerrhythm…Whetheryou’vealwaysdanced–oralwaysyearnedto–FiveRhythms™offersawonderfulopportunitytoexperienceyourselfinmotion,inatotallynon-judgmentalanduncriticalenvironment.Youwilllearntofeelgoodaboutthewayyoumove,aboutyourbody,andyourmeansofexpressingyourfeelings.Wear loose, comfortable clothing you can move in. Bring water to drink.

duration12 weekshalf-term week of 29 October–noclasson23&30Octobertutor Richard Lang MAUKCPFiveRhythmsTM accredited teacher

Five RhythmsTM

Flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical, stillness.

Latino BallroomYouwilllearnavarietyofLatinballroomdances:Merengue,Cha-Cha-Cha,Salsa,Samba,Gafieira,LambadaandForrotaughtbyaBrazilianchoreographerwhowasthepioneerofBraziliandanceintheUK.This class is suitable for beginners. Wear loose comfortable clothing and dance or soft shoes that allow your feet to bend.

duration 12 weeks tutor MarciaMagliariDipDMT

half-term week of 29 Octoberclass day time start date code cost

LatinoBallroom Fri 19.00-20.00 14Sept SA1 £73

Marcia Magliari

for more information visit www.letchworthcentre.org

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class day time start date code costKeepFit Sat 08.30-09.30 15Sept K3 £61ZumbaTone Wed 19.00-20.00 12Sept ZU3 £56Zumba Thurs 20.15-21.15 13Sept ZU1 £56Zumba Sat 09.30-10.30 15Sept ZU2 £51

Keep fitincludeswarm-up,30minutesofcardiovascularexercise,abdominalstrengthtraining,bodytoning,cool-downandstretch.Zumba combinesLatinandinternationalmusicwithafunandeffectiveworkoutsystem.

Zumba tone – acombinationofaZumbaandatoningclassEarlybookingrecommendedforthispopularclass

duration11 weeks 10 weeks for Saturday classes – no class on 6 Octoberhalf term week of 29 OctobertutorLuzi Georgas IIST

Keep Fit & Zumba

A day to celebrate “International Day of Peace” –first established by the United Nations in 1982.

Friday, 21 September 14.00-20.00ComeandjoinusatTheLetchworthCentreforHealthyLivingforadayofPeaceMantrastobringhopetoanincreasinglyturbulentworld.LedbylocalYogateachersandotherMantravoices/singers,wewillbechantingfrom2pmuntil8pm.Taketimeoutfromyourbusydayanddropinforaslongasyouwish.Justcometosit,listenorjoinin.Youcanbringyourlunchandpicnicinthebeautifulgroundsoreatinthecafé.AllmoniesraisedwillbedonatedtoCPITheCultureofPeaceInitiativehttp://www.internationaldayofpeace.org/TheCultureofPeaceInitiative(CPI)isaUN-designated“PeaceMessengerInitiative”withparticipantsinalltheworld’sregions.ItspurposeistounitethestrengthsoforganisationsandindividualswhoareworkingtomakePeaceapracticalreality.Ifyouwouldliketogetinvolvedpleaseemailsarah@[email protected]




reduces stress&blood pressure

Increases awareness&



One-to-One Meditation SessionsWith dr neelam taneja DeepakChopraMethodPersonalPrimordialSoundVedicMantraMeditationforadultsandchildren.

duration 20hoursoverfivesessionscost Individual£380,SmallGroup£304FormoredetailscontacttheCentreon01462678804.

class day time start date code costMeditationforInnerPeace* Tues 19.00-20.15 11Sept MED2 £61MeditationforInnerPeace Sat 13.15-14.30 15Sept MED1 £61

Inthisclassyouwillbeintroducedtoarangeofmeditativetechniquessothatyou–withthetutor’shelp–canchoosetheone(orones)whichsuityoubest.Includedamongthemwillbe:breathwork,presentmomentawareness,guidedimageryandvisualisation,mantraandchanting,movement,andchakraandsoundhealing.duration 10weekshalf term week of 29 October


Weekly class

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Guidedvisualisationandmeditationformthebasisofthispowerfulprogramme,designedtoaddresskeylifeissues: Week 1 –Chakra&GuidedMeditationWeek 2–SurvivalandsecurityWeek 3–EmotionsandsensualityWeek 4–WillandchoiceWeek 5 –RelationshipsandloveWeek 6 –CommunicationWeek 7–VisionandcreativityWeek 8 –Spiritualityandcompletionduration 8 weekshalf term week of 29 October

Meditation & the Chakras

Pranayamaisthescienceofthebreath,controlofwhichhasbeenshowntoimprovephysicalhealthandwellbeingandtostillthemind.Whencombinedwithmeditationitcanserveasapowerfulde-stressingtool.Wewillobserveourhabitualpatternsofbreathing,theireffectonthemind–andlearntoalterthemtoproduceinnerharmonyandpositivethinkingprocesses.duration 12 weeks half-term week of 29 October

Pranayama-based Meditation

class day time start date code costPranayama(beginners) Mon 18.00-19.00 10Sept PM3 £71Pranayama-basedMeditation Tues 11.15-12.15 11Sept PM1 £71Pranayama-basedMeditation Tues 18.00-19.00 11Sept PM2 £71

class day time start date code costMeditation&theChakras Tues 19.30-21.00 11Sept MCH1 £61

tutor AnitaMarshallDipSpiritualCounselling,LifeCoaching,DipHypnotherapy,AyurvedaLifestyleCoach,ReikiMaster

tutor Sarah O’Connor BA(Hons)BWY(Dip),Pranayama&MeditationModule

Sarah O’Connor



for more information visit www.letchworthcentre.org


Be Mindful…with our programmes in

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) OriginallydevelopedatoneoftheleadinguniversityhospitalsintheUSover30yearsagotohelpmanagechronicpain,MBSR’sreputationforhelpingpeopletodealwithawiderangeofproblemsisnowworldwide.Researchoverthreedecadeshasshownthatpeoplewhocompletethecoursereport:•Beingbetterabletorelax•Beinglessdistressedbyphysicalandpsychologicalsymptoms



Introduction to MindfulnessAsessiondesignedtointroduceyoutothemethodsandprinciplesofmindfulness–“ataster”beforecommittingtothe8weekprogramme.IfyoudodecidetoenrolforthefullMBSRcourse,youwillbeentitledtoadiscountof£10onthecostofthatprogramme.tutor HelenaMartinGRSMLRAMDipCounsPGDipMindfulness

sessions day time code cost

IntroductiontoMindfulnessWed,19Sept 19.30-21.00 £15 MB3

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Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) 8-week courseIfyouarefeelingdisconnectedfromyourlife–ifyouwanttospendlesstimebeinghijackedbythestressesandstrainsofwork,home,family,orhealth–ifyouwanttolearntolivemorefullyinthepresentmoment–andyouarewillingtocommityourselftospendinganhouradayworkingonthis–thenthiswellestablishedandtried-and-testedclasscangiveyouthetoolstochangeyourlife.WecanallbenefitfromMBSRtraining:wealllongtobecentredandateasewithourlives.duration9weeks(plusSunday, 18November10.00-16.00)half-term week of 29 October tutorHelenaMartinGRSMLRAMDipCouns


(All students must attend the orientation session on Wednesday 26 September)

Practice Day for Mindfulness GraduatesThisDayofPracticeonthethemeof‘BeingPresent’willprovideanopportunitytoreconnectwithandgodeeperintoyourMindfulnesspractice.Prerequisite: completion of any 8-week Mindfulness course.

session day time code costMBSRPracticeDay Sun,18Nov 10.00-16.00 MB2 Bydonation

class day time start date code costMBSR Wed 19.30-21.30 26Sept MB1 £196


to enrol complete the form on page 35

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nb: certain health problems could preclude participation in pilates classes.

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Pilates (beginners) Mon 09.30-10.30 10Sept SG P25 £99Pilates (beginners/improvers) Mon 13.00-14.15 10Sept RL P1 £99Pilates(beginners/improvers) Mon 16.30-17.45 10Sept SH P30 £99Pilates (improvers) Mon 17.45-19.00 10Sept SH P2 £99Pilates (beginners/improvers) Mon 18.00-19.00 10Sept SG P23 £99Pilates (beginners/improvers) Tues 08.45-09.45 11Sept AB P29 £91Pilates (improvers) Tues 09.45-11.00 11Sept AB P4 £91Pilates (improvers) Tues 10.30-11.45 11 Sept RL P5 £99Pilates (beginners) Tues 12.30-13.30 11 Sept SG P31 £99Pilates (beginners/improvers) Tues 18.00-19.15 11Sept AB P6 £91Pilates(improvers) Tues 19.15-20.30 11Sept AB P7 £91Pilates (Menonly) Tues 20.30-21.45 11Sept AB P8 £91Pilates (improvers) Wed 09.15-10.30 12 Sept RL P9 £99Pilates (improvers) Wed 11.15-12.30 12Sept AB P10 £91Pilates(intermediate/advanced) Wed 14.00-15.15 12 Sept JC P11 £99 Pilates (beginners/improvers) Wed 17.45-19.00 12Sept AB P12 £91Pilates (improvers) Thurs 10.00-11.15 13 Sept RL P13 £99Pilates (beginners/improvers) Thurs 11.30-12.45 13 Sept RL P14 £99Pilates (improvers) Thurs 17.30-18.45 13Sept AB P15 £91Pilates (improvers) Thurs 17.45-19.00 13Sept KB P16 £99Pilates(advanced) Thurs 18.00-19.00 13 Sept SG P17 £99Pilates (improvers) Thurs 19.00-20.15 13Sept KB P18 £99Pilates (intermediate) Thurs 20.30-21.30 13 Sept SG P19 £99Pilates (beginners/improvers) Fri 09.30-10.30 14Sept SG P20 £99Pilates (improvers) Fri 11.00-12.15 14Sept AB P21 £91Pilates(beginners/improvers) Fri 12.30-13.45 14Sept AB P22 £91

Pilatesduration12weeks,11weeksforAB’sclasseshalf-term week of 29 October (NoABclassesweekof22and29October)

tutorsKatiBoyleBody Control Pilates, Body Control Reformer

AmandaBrosnanBody Control Pilates, Body Control Reformer

Julia Crossman Body Control Pilates, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, Level 4 low back

Shashin Gajjar Body Control Pilates

Sarah Hilton PilatesMatworkandReformer

Rachel Luck ModernPilatesI,II&III,GordonThompson’sBodyControlReformer



Pilates Introductory Course –recommendedforthecompletebeginnerorforthosewhohavenotdonePilatesforawhile.Itwilltakeintoaccountanyrelevantmedicalhistory,assesspostureandmovementqualityandintroducethePilatesprinciples.You will be asked to complete a brief health questionnaire and will need to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the first class.

duration 6 weekstutor Shashin Gajjar Body Control Pilates

session day time start date code costPilatesIntroductory Mon 08.30-09.30 10Sept PTP1 £50PilatesIntroductory Mon 08.30-09.30 5Nov PTP2 £50PilatesIntroductory Tues 11.15-12.15 11Sept PTP3 £50PilatesIntroductory Tues 11.15-12.15 6Nov PTP4 £50

Pilates ‘On the Ball’

Rachel Luck

class day time start date code costPilates on the Ball Tues 09.15-10.15 11 Sept PLB1 £99

TheexerciseballisawonderfulPilatestoolforimprovingcorestrengthanddevelopingtheabdominalandbackmuscles.Exercising‘ontheball’–whichcontinuallymovesslightlybeneathyouasyouwork–canalsoincreaseoverallflexibilityandmobility.Andit’ssuchfuntodo!Open to both beginners and more experienced Pilates students. (You will need to provide your own ball.)duration 12 weekshalf-term week of 29 Octobertutor Rachel Luck ModernPilatesI,II&III,GordonThompson’sBodyControlReformer

for more information visit www.letchworthcentre.org

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to enrol complete the form on page 35

ThiscourseincludesPilatesexercisesdesignedtostrengthenthecoremusclesinawaythathelpssupportthespinewhilstavoidinganyexercisesthatarenotsuitableforpeoplewithosteoporosisorosteopenia.Weuseweights(whereappropriate)topromotebonestrength.Theclassfinisheswithrelaxation.Participants must be able to get down (and up!) from the floor. duration 12 weekshalf-term week of 29 Octobertutor Julia Crossman Body Control

Pilates, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, Level 4 low back

mondays14.30-15.30 start date 10 Septcode OPL1cost£99

Pilates Designed for Osteoporosisand Osteopenia

Agentle,slow-movingclasswithplentyoftimetofocusonspecialconditionsthatmaymakeexercisedifficult.duration 12 weekshalf-term week of 29 Octobertutor Rachel Luck ModernPilatesI,II&


tuesdays12.00-13.15start date 11 Septcode PSP1cost£99

Special Care Pilates

tutor Rachel Luck ModernPilatesI,II&III,GordonThompson’sBodyControlReformer


Raqs SharqiTraditional-style Egyptian bellydanceBasedonthetraditionalfolkdancesofEgypt,thisvibrant,expressivedancestyleisauniquewayofexercisingthewholebody.RaqsSharqi(orientaldance)issuitableforwomenofanyage,sizeorbodyshapeandyoudon’thavetohavedanceexperiencetojoin.We dance barefoot or in soft shoes, wear a long full skirt or loose trousers with a scarf tied around our hips.

duration 12 weeks

half-term week of 29 Octobertutor Bridget Poulter CurrentlystudyingforanMAinDanceMovementPsychotherapy’

class day time start date code cost

Raqs Sharqi Tues 20.00-21.15 11 Sept R2 £73

SalsaIfyoulikeLatinrhythmsthisistheclassforyou!Salsaoffersaphysicalandmentalchallenge–andtheclassisbothfunandawonderfulopportunitytoformnewfriendships.YouwilllearntodanceLaSalsaCubanaandmasterthebasicstepsinMambo,Rumbaandturns.Comeonyourownorwithapartner.Wear loose, comfortable clothing and flexible shoes – but not trainers!

duration 12 weeks half-term week of 29 Octobertutor MarciaMagliariDipDMT

class day time start date code cost

Salsa (intermediate) Tues 20.15-21.15 11Sept SA2 £73

Bridget Poulter


* These classes are held at Wilbury Hall, St Thomas’ Church, Bedford Road, Letchworth.

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class day time start date tutor code costT’ai Chi Tues 17.15-18.45 11 Sept RL T1 £91 (Yang style long form and sword form – intermediate/advanced)

T’ai Chi Tues 20.30-22.00 11 Sept RL T2 £91 (Yang style short form – beginners/intermediate)

T’aiChi Wed 12.30-14.00 12Sept ID T6 £91 (Chen Style – beginners)

T’aiChi Thurs 19.00-20.30 13Sept ID T3 £91 (Chen style – beginners)

T’aiChi Thurs 20.30-22.00 13Sept ID T4 £91(Chen style – improvers)

T’ai Chi T’aiChiconsistsofaseriesofslow,stylised,dance-likemovementswhicharepractisedinsequence.Stillingthemindaswellasbenefitingthebody,andpractiseddailybymillionsworldwide,evidenceshowsthatit:•isofgreatbenefitinimprovingbalanceandincreasingmusclestrength

•canbenefittheheartandcirculatorysystems•cansignificantlyreducestress•canenhancewell-beingItisrecommendedbytheNationalInstituteforHealthandClinicalExcellenceasausefulpartofanyFallsPreventionprogramme.duration 12 weekshalf-term week of 29 October (RichardLang–noclasseson23or30October)

tutors IanDeavinBScTCUGB

Richard Lang MAUKCP

Richard Lang

visit our website to see video clips and further information about t’ai chi www.letchworthcentre.org

drop-in t’ai chi for falls prevention




Sarah O’Connor


class day time start date tutor code costYoga (experienced) Mon 09.10-10.40 10Sept LW Y1 £85Yoga (experienced) Mon 10.45-12.15 10Sept LW Y2 £85Yoga (alllevels) Mon 17.15-18.45 10Sept CR Y3 £85Yoga (alllevels) Mon 18.45-20.15 10Sept CR Y4 £85Yoga (experienced) Mon 19.00-20.30 10Sept LW Y5 £85Yoga(experienced) Mon 20.40-22.10 10Sept LW Y6 £85Yoga(experienced) Wed 09.10-10.40 12 Sept LW Y8 £85Yoga (experienced) Wed 10.45-12.15 12 Sept LW Y9 £85Yoga (alllevels) Wed 17.45-19.15 12 Sept JW Y10 £85Yoga(alllevels) Wed 20.00-21.30 12 Sept SH Y11 £85Yoga(alllevels) Thurs 13.00-14.30 13 Sept JB Y12 £85Yoga (improvers/beginners) Thurs 18.50-20.20 13 Sept LW Y13 £85Yoga(alllevels) Fri 09.15-10.45 14Sept CR Y14 £85Yoga (alllevels) Fri 09.50-11.05 14Sept SOC Y17 £73Yoga (alllevels) Fri 11.00-12.30 14Sept CR Y15 £85Yoga (alllevels) Sat 08.45-10.15 15 Sept SH Y16 £85

YogaWhydoyoga?Foronething–itmakesyoufeelgoodanditkeepsyouflexibleandimprovesyourstamina.Itstretchesyourmuscles,helpsstillyourmind,improvesconcentrationandboostsself-confidence.Peoplereportthattheysleepbetter,experiencefewerepisodesofbackstrainandhavereducedheadaches.duration 12 weeks half-term week of 29 October

tutors Julie Brunton BSY

Sarah Harris BWYRTFCT,NLPMasterPrac

Sarah O’Connor BA(Hons)BWY(Dip), Pranayama&MeditationModule

Carole Richardson BA(Hons)FAETCBWY

Jacqueline Whyte AnusaraInspiredYogaTeacherTM

Lorraine Woods

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Iyengar YogaIyengarYoga,developedbyYogaMasterBKSIyengar,ischaracterisedbyprecisionandalignmentandusespropssuchasblocksandbeltstoensurethatmaximumbenefitisgainedfromeachposturewhilstensuringabsolutesafety.

class day time start date code costIyengarYoga Thurs 09.45-11.15 13Sept IY2 £85 (beginnersandgeneral)

duration 12 weekshalf-term week of 29 OctobertutorThelmaMcNairnMAHonsDipEDIYTA

Kundalini YogaKundaliniYogaisarelationshipbetweenyouandyourself–atechnologyofawarenessthatbringstogetherfiniteandinfinite,ajoiningtogetherofbody,mindandspirit.Usingasana,pranayama,mudra,mantraandbandhas,Kundaliniyogaembracesallpracticesofyoga,awakeningtheselftomorecreativeandsatisfyingwaysoflivingandcommunicating.


class day time start date code costKundaliniYoga Wed 20.00-21.00 12Sept KY2 £60KundaliniYoga Thurs 11.30-13.00 13Sept KY1 £85

duration 12 weeks

half-term week of 29 OctobertutorSaibhungKaur


to enrol complete the form on page 35


Yoga for people living with cancer

class day time start date code costYoga for people Tuesday 10.00-11.00 11 Sept YLP1 £60 living with cancer


Gentle Yoga Sarah O’Connor


duration12 weekshalf-termweek of 29 Octobertutor Sarah O’Connor BA(Hons)BWY(Dip),Pranayama&MeditationModule

class day time start date code costGentleYoga Friday 11.15-12.30 14Sept GY1 £73

duration12 weekshalf-termweek of 29 Octobertutor Sarah O’ConnorBA(Hons)BWY(Dip),Pranayama&MeditationModule

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Asmallyogatherapyclassdesignedforpeoplewithchronicconditions(suchasMEorMS),breathingdifficulties,limitedmobilityorwhofindaregularYogasessionchallengingforanyreason.Focusisonthebreath,carefullyselectedtherapeuticpostureworkanddeeprestorativerelaxation.duration10 weekshalf-termweek of 29 Octobercost £71

thursdays 16.00-17.30 start date 13 Sept code RY1tutorAnneHillYHF,BiomedicalTrust,YogaTherapistwiththeCNHC

saturdays 11.00-12.30 start date 15 Sept code RY2 tutor Dr Neelam Taneja PhD,MemberIAYT,Fellow(retired)RSM,London

Restorative Yoga


one-to-one sessions £40 for one hour. contact reception on 01462 678804


duration10 weekshalf-termweek of 29 Octoberthursdays 19.00-20.15start date 13 Septcode YGE1 cost £60tutor Dr Neelam Taneja PhD,MemberIAYT,Fellow(retired)RSM,London


Yoga & Gentle Exercise


for more information visit www.letchworthcentre.org

Post-Natal Yoga & Baby Massage

Pre-Natal Yoga

Gentleyogaexercisesduringpregnancypromotehealthandleadyoutoamoreconfidentbirth.Inthisclassyouwilllearnpostureswhichstrengthen,giveflexibilityandreleasetension–andyouwillbesupportedbyacommunityofothermothers-to-beoverteaandachatandoftenforlongafteryourbaby’sarrival.duration 12 weekshalf-term week of 29 Octobertutor Tracey Luggeri Level 1 Yoga Birth Teacher

mondays 19.15-21.15 start date 10 Septcode PY1 cost £105

Learntomassageyourbabyandprovidealovingandfun,positiveinteractionthathasbeenproventonurtureababy’shealthanddevelopment.Onehourofpost-natalyogawillfollow,helpingyouexerciseandstrengthencoremuscleseasingtightnessinshouldersandupperbacks.Theclassincludesrelaxation,refreshments&chat.Wear an old t-shirt, bring a towel, and an organic base oil eg grapeseed, olive, or sunflower (avoid nut oils).

duration 6 weekstutor Tracey Luggeri Level 1 Yoga Birth Teacher

mondays 10.45-12.30 cost £53 start date 10 Sept code BMPN1

22 Oct code BMPN2

26 2727

Fit Back and Bumps

Music with Your Baby

Thesedelightfulsessionsforbabiesandparentsprovideabroadrangeofcreativemusicalexperiences.Withsongs,rhymes,movement,instrumentsandlisteningactivitiesincluded,theclassespayparticularattentiontothevalueofmusicforgeneraldevelopmentandwellbeing.Open to babies aged up to one year.

duration11 weekshalf-termno classes weeks of 22 and 29 OctobertutorAmandaBrosnanMemberof‘MusicwithMum’team

Wednesdays 10.30-11.00 start date 12 Sept codeMY1cost £45

RunbyaCharteredPhysiotherapisttheseAnte-andPost-Nataleducationalexerciseprogrammesincorporateexercises,stretchesanddiscussion.Topicsinclude:posturaladvice,regainingcoremuscles,strengtheningpelvicfloormusclesandreducingassociatedachesandpains.Aneducationalbookletandexercisecardsareincludedinthecost.duration 4 weekshalf-term week of 29 Octobertutor Joanne Howells MCSPHPC Wednesdays 12.30-13.30cost £60 includes cost of handbookAnte-Natal ante-natal start date: 19 Sept code FBB1post-natal start date: 7 Nov code FBB2

to enrol complete the form on page 35


class day time start date code costBaby Ballet (3yrs) Fri 16.00-16.30 21Sept CB1 £56Baby Ballet (4yrs) Fri 16.30-17.00 21Sept CB2 £56Pre-Primary Ballet (5yrs) Fri 17.00-17.30 21Sept CB9 £56Baby Ballet (3yrs) Sat 09.00-09.30 22 Sept CB3 £56Baby Ballet (4yrs) Sat 09.30-10.00 22 Sept CB4 £56Pre-Primary Ballet (5yrs) Sat 10.00-10.30 21 Sept CB5 £56Primary Ballet (6yrs) Sat 10.30-11.15 22 Sept CB6 £61Grades1&2Ballet(7+yrs) Sat 11.15-12.00 22 Sept CB7 £61Ballet (3-5yrs) Sat 12.00-12.30 22 Sept CB8 £56

We regret that after the first class parents will not be able to remain in the classroom. Please note that photos may only be taken with the permission of the tutor; filming will, however, never be permitted.

Ballet for KidsThesefunclassesforchildrenaged3andaboveprovideawonderfuldiscipline–improvingco-ordination,spatialandbodyawareness,concentrationandphysicalconfidence.TheballettrainingisaccordingtotheRoyalAcademyofDancemethod.Dress comfortably and dance in either bare feet or dance shoes.duration 11 weekshalf-termweek of 29 Octobertutor Vickie Lesnick RADRTSLIDTA

Tap & Modern Jazz for Kids class day time start date code costJuniorTap&ModernJazz Sat 08.30-09.00 22Sept CB10 £56 (3-5yrs)

SeniorTap&ModernJazz Sat 12.30-13.00 22Sept CB11 £56 (6+yrs)


28 29

Yoga for Kids

class day time start date code costYogaforKids(3-7yrs) Tues 16.00-16.45 11Sept YK1 £55YogaforKids(8-12yrs) Tues 17.00-17.45 11Sept YK2 £55


duration12 weekshalf-termweek of 29 October

tutor Julie Brunton BSY

Thesessionsforteenagers(11-15yrs)combinetraditionalyogapostureswithbreathingandrelaxationexercisestoimproveconcentration,regulatesleeppatternsandmaintainnaturalflexibility.duration12 weekshalf-termweek of 29 October tuesdays 18.00-19.00start date 11 Sept codeYK3cost £73

Yoga for Teens

tutor Jacqueline Whyte Cert YogaBugs,



Need a venue for a business meeting, training session or corporate event?

For further details, ring 01462 678804 or email [email protected]

Our 3 large refurbished rooms are available for hire at competitive daily and hourly rates. Set in tranquil surroundings in 8 ½ acres of greenbelt, our premises offer ample parking and the optional use of our café and catering service.

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In partnership with

Planning a special event?

For further details contact Rebecca on 07967 633859 or email [email protected]

parties and celebrations

We cater forweddings and receptions



08.30-9.30PilatesIntroductory09.10-10.40 Yoga (experiencedstudents)

09.30-10.30 Pilates (beginners)

10.45-12.15 Yoga (experiencedstudents)

10.45-12.30BabyMassage& Post Natal Yoga

12.30-13.30 T’ai Chi Community13.00-14.15 Pilates (beginners/improvers)

14.30-15.30 Pilates designed for Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

14.00-15.00 Rosehill Singers16.30-17.45 Pilates (beginners)

17.15-18.45 Yoga (alllevels)

17.45-19.00 Pilates (improvers)

18.00-19.00 Pilates (beginners/improvers)

18.00-19.00 Pranayama (beginners)

18.45-20.15 Yoga (alllevels)

19.00-20.30 Yoga (experiencedstudents)

19.15-21.15 Pre-Natal Yoga20.40-22.10 Yoga (experiencedstudents)

tuesdays08.45-09.45 Pilates(beginners/improvers)

09.15-10.15 Pilates on the Ball (alllevels)

09.45-11.00AlexanderTechnique09.45-11.00 Pilates(improvers)

10.00-11.00 Yoga for people living with cancer

10.30-11.45 Pilates(Improvers)

11.15-12.15 Pranayama-basedMeditation11.15-12.30 MovingMindfully(advanced)

11.15-12.15 PilatesIntroductory12.00-13.15 Special Care Pilates (alllevels)

mondays 13.45-15.00 Parkinson’s Singing Group14.00-15.00 Latino Dance16.00-16.45YogaforKids(3-7yrs)


17.15-18.45 T’ai Chi (intermediate/advanced)


18.00-19.00 Yoga for Teens (11-15yrs)

18.00-19.00Pranayama-basedMeditation18.00-19.15 Pilates (beginners/improvers)



19.15-20.30 Pilates(Improvers)

19.15-20.15 Carnival Dances(beginners)


20.00-21.15RaqsSharqi*20.15-21.15 Salsa (intermediate)

20.30-21.45 Pilates (menonly)

20.30-22.00 T’ai Chi (beginners/intermediate) YangStyleShortForm

Wednesdays 09.10-10.40 Yoga (experiencedstudents)

09.15-10.30 Pilates (improvers)

10.30-11.00MusicwithYourBaby10.45-12.15 Yoga (experiencedstudents)

11.15-12.30 Pilates (improvers)

12.30-13.30FitBackandBumps12.30-14.00 T’ai Chi (beginners)

14.00-15.15 Pilates (improvers)

17.45-19.00 Pilates(beginners/improvers)

17.45-19.15 Yoga (alllevels)18.45-20.00AlexanderTechnique


19.00-20.00 Zumba Tone19.30-21.30MindfulnessBasedStress

Reduction20.00-21.00KundaliniYoga20.00-21.30 Yoga (alllevels)



32 3332 33




10.00-11.15 Pilates (improvers)


11.30-12.45 Pilates (beginners/improvers)

13.00-14.30 Yoga (alllevels)

16.00-17.30 Restorative Yoga17.30-18.45 Pilates (improvers)

17.45-19.00 Pilates (improvers)

18.00-19.00 Pilates (advanced)

18.50-20.20 Yoga (improvers)

19.00-20.15 Pilates (improvers)

19.00-20.15YogaandGentleExercise**19.00-20.30 T’ai Chi (beginners)ChenStyle

20.15-21.15 Zumba20.30-22.00 T’ai Chi(improvers)ChenStyle

20.30-21.45 Pilates (intermediate)

fridays 09.15-10.45 Yoga (alllevels)

09.30-10.45 Pilates (beginners/improvers)

09.50-11.05 Yoga11.00-12.15 Pilates (improvers)

11.00-12.30 Yoga (alllevels)

11.15-12.30 Gentle Yoga12.30-13.45 Pilates (beginners/improvers)

16.00-16.30 Baby Ballet (3yrs)

16.30-17.00 Baby Ballet (4yrs)

17.00-17.30 Pre-Primary Ballet (5yrs)

17.30-18.30BalletforAdults19.00-20.00 Latino Ballroom


08.30-09.00JuniorTap& ModernJazz(3-5yrs)

08.45-10.15 Yoga (alllevels)

09.00-09.30 Baby Ballet (3yrs)

09.30-10.00 Baby Ballet (4yrs)

09.30-10.30 Zumba

10.00-10.30 Pre-Primary Ballet (5yrs)

10.30-11.15 Primary Ballet (6yrs)

11.00-12.30 Restorative Yoga

11.15-12.00 Grades1&2 Ballet (7+yrs)

12.00-12.30 Ballet (3-5yrs)

12.30-13.00SeniorTap& ModernJazz(6+yrs)


14.00-15.00 Caring for Carers

For more information visitwww.letchworthcentre.org

*HeldatWilburyHall,StThomas’Church, Bedford Road Letchworth

**HeldatStChristophersSchoolBarrington Road, Letchworth

to enrol complete the form on page 35


Useful information

The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living Rosehill Hospital, Hitchin Road, Letchworth, HertfordshireSG63NA

Est. 1984Charity Registration No. 295219

opening hours: MondaystoFridays 09.00-20.30 Saturdays 09.00-15.30

tel 01462 678804

Website www.letchworthcentre.org

email [email protected] begins week of 10 Sept half-term week of 29 October

severe weather check our website www.letchworthcentre.org before setting out on your journey to confirm that we are open.refunds Once term has begun, refunds can only be given for classes in exceptional circumstances and will be subjecttoa£20administrationfee.Allrefund requests must be made in writing.


head of classes FionaWallace

head of conferencing and marketingJaqui Derrick

To Stotfold &Bedford

(A600, A507) HitchinGarden Centre

To LetchworthTown Centre

To Baldock &Cambridge

To Hitchin,Luton & M1



We are on the A505 opposite Hitchin Garden Centre



We are here


To LetchworthTown Centre











Junction 9


To book your place complete the form below in block capitalsand post to: the letchworth centre for healthy living, rosehill hospital, hitchin road, letchworth, herts. sg6 3naForconfirmationofbookingencloseanSAE

enrolment form


Visa Mastercard Maestro  Delta

Card number

Signed: Date:

Cheque(payabletoTheLetchworthCentre) Cash Credit card


Icertifythattheaboveinformationistrueandaccurate. IconsenttomydetailsbeingheldbytheLetchworthCentreforHealthyLivingforadministrativepurposes.IagreetotheLetchworthCentrecontacting me with details of its programmes that may be of interest to me, or for research that it may wish to conduct into its clinic and classes. Bysupplyingmyemailaddress,Igivemyconsentforitto be used by the Letchworth Centre for administrative or marketing purposes.

•Concessionsareavailableonsomeclassesat the discretion of the Centre.


Title (Mr.Mrs.etc.) SurnameFirstname Dateofbirth(optional)

Address PostcodeMobile Email

Tel(Day) Tel(Evening)


Class/Workshop Time Ref. Fee1.2.3.






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e Letchworth Centre

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