let's go shopping with drupal!

DrupalACT April 2012 Let's go shopping with Drupal! Ubercart & Recurring Payments Ubercart & Recurring Payments Justin Freeman Justin Freeman DrupalACT April 2012

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DrupalACT April 2012

Let's go shopping with Drupal!

Ubercart & Recurring PaymentsUbercart & Recurring PaymentsJustin FreemanJustin Freeman

DrupalACT April 2012

Page 2: Let's go shopping with Drupal!

About Agileware●Canberra company●Drupal web developers●Our clients include: Federal Government, Agencies, Non-profits, Associations, Department of Defence, SMEs, International organisations●Your friendly, local Drupal dudes●http://agileware.com.au

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Page 3: Let's go shopping with Drupal!

What we'll cover●How to build an Australian, Drupal shopping cart●Essential Drupal modules●Recommended third party services●Recommended payment options●Australian considerations●Subscriptions and recurring payments●Security●Costs

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Shopping cart, WTF?● Sell stuff on the Internet● Accept payment, deliver something in return● Sell things like: products, services, goods,

information, access, downloads, events, tickets, auction sites

● Catalog → product → price → payment → delivery

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Examples● Standard sites:

● http://postertext.com● http://audreyblue.com

● Customised sites:● http://pawsforlife.com.au● http://agilemail.com.au

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The competition!●Good selection of open source shopping cart software is available●Lot of it is “not so good” – OSCOMMERCE●Some of it is good – Magneto Commerce●But mostly they're “not so good”:

● Poorly documented, no API● Customisations, difficult● Updates are PAINFUL● Fragmented community● No formal issue queue, standards etc.

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Why use Drupal?●Drupal has solved many of these project management issues and QA is good.●(Don't take my word for it – try the competition!)●Highly customisable, extensible●Drupal does have good shopping cart modules:

● Ubercart (Drupal 6 & 7)● http://drupal.org/project/ubercart

● Commerce (Drupal 7 only)● http://drupal.org/project/commerce

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●Do the usual Drupal build steps:

● Install Drupal and required modules● Design or select required theme● Customise installation, as required● Test, test and test some more

●Common areas for customisation:

● Catalog (less clicks)● Product display (make it sexy!)● Pricing options (making choice easier)● Checkout process (reduce steps)

Build your website

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1.Default Drupal, Ubercart site

2.Standard shopping cart workflow

3.Customised user experience and workflow


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Essential modules●Ubercart, http://drupal.org/project/ubercart

● Available for Drupal 6 or 7●Ubercart VAT, http://drupal.org/project/uc_vat

● Required for Ubercart, Drupal 6 only●Ubercart SSL, http://drupal.org/project/uc_ssl

● Force SSL connection on Ubercart pages● Secure Pages is another option

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●Ubercart EWAY, http://drupal.org/project/uc_eway

● For EWAY integration to process credit card transactions

●Google Analytics, http://drupal.org/project/google_analytics

● Track conversions from Google Adwords●Ubercart Views, http://drupal.org/project/uc_views

● Views integration, custom reports

Recommended modules

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●Import “Australia” into Country data and disable America & Canada (unless selling o/s).

● admin/store/settings/countries/edit●Change US currency, measurements

● admin/store/settings/store/edit/format●Configure UC_VAT, set up GST +10% tax.

● Required to display price as: $9.95 GST inc● All prices should be stored ex-GST● Apply only to orders for Australian customers

● admin/store/settings/taxes/vat

For Australian carts

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●Change default Invoice template

● Need to add information: Tax Invoice & ABN●Copy and modify these files:

● ubercart/uc_order/templates/● uc_order-customer.tpl.php● uc_order.tpl.php (make blank)

● active admin theme eg. sites/all/themes/rubik● active site theme eg.

sites/default/themes/agilemail ● Symlink admin theme files to active theme

●Acquia Prosper theme has /invoice set up correctly

For Australian carts

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●GST tax rules

●GST inclusive, /admin/store/settings/taxes/vat

●Tax Invoice


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●EWAY, http://eway.com.au

● More on these guys shortly●SSL certificate, http://rapidssl.com

● Decent price, quick to deliver, good compatibility●Paypal, http://paypal.com.au

● Your customers may not trust you, but (unfortunately) they will trust Paypal

●Mailchimp, http://mailchimp.com

● Stay in touch with your customers, send newsletters

Recommended services

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●API agnostic:

● Banks can have different credit card APIs● Drupal modules exist for specific Banks● General one which covers multiple Banks, see

http://drupal.org/project/uc_migs● EWAY is a credit card processor, talks to all Banks● Provides independence from any single Bank


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● Storing credit cart details is a very bad idea● You become a target and are liable for breaches.● Security is your problem.● This is not a nice problem to have.● So let someone else have this stress, EWAY!● All credit card details are sent to EWAY over the

wire, processed in real-time and never stored.● Great anti-scam, anti-fraud features


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● Have rich XML post-response based API, http://www.eway.com.au/Developer/eway-api/

● Support token-based recurring transactions● SMS transaction report● Web control panel: reports, refunds, manual

transactions● Based in Canberra, Phillip● Great phone and developer support (they listen!)● Affordable


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●New Canberra startup

●Payment processor

●Cheaper than EWAY

●Similar API and features

●JSON based API

●Young and energetic team


New contender - FatZebra

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agileware.com.au * DrupalACT April 2012

●Don't force customers to pay using credit card

●Provide payment options, make the sale!

● EFT (direct deposit)● Cheque● Paypal● Credit card

Recommended payment options

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●Drupal module, http://drupal.org/uc_recurring

●Maintained by this guy, Chris Hood (thanks Chris!)

[email protected], http://univate.com.au

Recurring payments

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● Ability to set up recurring billing schedules:● For individual products● Entire orders (bunch of products)

● Can notify customer when payment due● Or even better - bill the customer automatically

if credit card details are stored (eek!)● EWAY integration utilises tokenised payments,

100% secure● Token used to bill customer, not CC stored


Recurring payments

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● Workflow overview (recurring & EWAY):

1.Customer submits order and credit card details

2.Customer details and credit card sent to EWAY

3.EWAY returns token

4.Drupal stores token with order

5.Each billing cycle, token sent to EWAY with bill amount

6.EWAY uses token to bill customer

7.EWAY returns success / fail to Drupal

Recurring payments

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● Watch for expiring credit cards, notify the customer to update their details

● This modules was developed to solve this problem, http://drupal.org/project/uc_recurring_cc_notify

● Automatically notifies customer

Recurring payments

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● Recurring payments configuration, products and order


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Security●Keep software up to date●Disable modules not being used●Complex passwords●Do not store credit card details, at all●Dodgy hosting●Backups●SSL●Check logs and investigate errors

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Scams and fraud●Merchant beware●Stolen credit cards●Dodgy orders●EWAY helps protect against fraud●Merchant diligence

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Startup and running costs●Paypal reduces startup costs●Not recommended for large transactions, best to use EFT for those (protect the margin!)●Banks will charge:

● 2% to 3% per transaction● plus annual fee● plus account keeping fee● Plus plus plus...

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Startup and running costs●EWAY will charge

● Annual fee (free in 1st year)● 0.50c per transaction

●SSL certificate $75 to $150 per year●Your time to process orders and update website (this does not happen automagically!)

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Final thoughts●Website performance matters, a lot●Customers do not tolerate mistakes●Your competitor is one click away●Process refunds quickly●Verify each transaction is legitimate●Treat security seriously●Optimising the user experience does work●Automate and monitor what you can

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