let's move book

Exercise is important! JVPublish ™

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Exercise is important!

JVPublish ™

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Table of Contents -Introduction

-How exercise affects the body positively -How exercise affects the body negatively-Cells, their functions, and how to keep them healthy-Tissues, their functions, and how to keep them healthy-Digestive system, its functions, and how to keep it healthy.-Citations-About the authors

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IntroductionIn this book we are going to address how exercise affects our body positively and negatively. We will show how it affects the cells, tissues, and the digestive system. How it keeps the body healthy, but also on how it may affect the body negatively. Hopefully in this book we can show you how important exercising is to the human body while also warning of how to much exercise can be harmful.

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How exercise affects the body

positivelyAlthough exercising does keep you in shape, and builds muscles that is not all it is good for. Exercising whether you believe it or not also boosts your brain productivity. How you ask? Well when you exercise it increases some of the chemicals in your brain, such as serotonin. Serotonin actually makes your brain more productive. Exercise can also help lower stress levels. Although after you exercise may leave you drained physically afterwards it actually overall gives you more energy. Exercising has so many functions other than just to keep in shape or athletic. It reduces the chances for serious illnesses. Such as heart disease or stroke.

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Exercise can also help lower stress levels. Although after you exercise may leave you drained physically afterwards it actually overall gives you more energy. Exercising has so many functions other than just to keep in shape or athletic. It reduces the chances for serious illnesses. Such as heart disease or stroke.

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How exercise affects the body

negativelyWhen you exercise, your muscles are generating a lot of heat, causing the temperature of your body to go up. With the increase in your body temperature, you will experience sweating. Sweating to cool someone down is not possible all the time.  In humid conditions, the evaporation of sweat is prevented and if the temperature of the environment is the same or higher than your body's, then heat will not be released. As a result, you become more at risk of having a heat stroke, which may result in fainting, a loss of consciousness and even death.

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Cells, their functions, and how

to keep them healthyExercise is a key part of your health. Many

people know it is good for them to exercise, but they do not know how it affects them. Now does exercise affect your cells and how? Well first off exercise makes practically every bodily function do a better job. In the cells it helps the cellular respiration. So your body takes the food you eat into what is called ATP. When you exercise you use the ATP. So therefore your body has to create more ATP which helps get rid of more food that otherwise might have been turned into fat.

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Another function that exercise gives the cells is a basic “house cleaning”. When you exercise everything then works harder and basically gives your organs and cells what they need to keep on ticking. Specifically it cleans out all the “garbage” in the cellular system. This pushes the junk out to help the cells run cleaner and better. The last thing I found that exercise does for the cells is keeping them young. Scientists found that people who exercise their body keep their cells “young”. It seems that cleaning the junk out, and the production of energy through the cells help keep these cells young, and vital.

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Types of tissue Muscle Tissue

Function: Muscle tissue functions to produce force and cause motion, either locomotion or movement within internal organs. Muscle tissue is separated into three distinct categories: visceral or smooth muscle, which is found in the inner linings of organs; skeletal muscle, which is found attached to bone providing for gross movement; cardiac muscle which is found in the heart, allowing it to contract and pump blood

throughout an organism. How to keep them healthy

Working out Try to get 60 minutes of working out in everyday

Eating a healthy diet Has a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and dairy products. Includes protein from lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. Is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars.

Prevent injuries warm up and cool down wear proper protective gear Don’t try to play through the pain be careful when you're lifting heavy object

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Muscle Tissue

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Neural Tissue  - Function: Cells comprising the central nervous system and

peripheral nervous system are classified as neural tissue. In the central nervous system, neural tissue forms the brain, cranial nerves and spinal cord and, in the peripheral nervous system, peripheral nerves inclusive of the motor neurons

How to keep it healthy Do your best to make sure that you don’t cause any serious injury to any

of the main parts of the nervous system. But other than that the only way that they won’t stay healthy is that eventually your body will break down or you have a serious accident.

What can cause problems with the neural system Stroke tumors epilepsy polio Injury to either of the 2 main nerve systems stems

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Epithelial tissue covers the whole surface of the body. It is made up of cells closely packed and ranged

in one or more layers. This tissue is specialized to form the covering or

lining of all internal and external body surfaces. You can keep your epithelial tissue healthy by

consuming plenty of Vitamin A. Vitamin A strengthens the epithelial tissue which helps it stay healthy.


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Connective Tissue – In vertebrates, the most common type of

connective tissue is loose connective tissue.

It holds organs in place and attaches epithelial tissue to other underlying tissues.Vitamin C is one of its prime functions in the body and

is helping with the production of collagen. Collagen is the major structural component of

the connective tissuein joints as it makes up to 80% of their structure.

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Digestive system, its functions, and

how to keep it healthyExercise stimulates normal contractions in

your intestines, with  reduces the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and other conditions. These contractions may also promote regular bowel movements, avoiding constipation and aiding in proper digestion. Exercise can also promote the absorption of nutrients from the food you ingest as well as eliminate toxins through sweat glands.

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While it is true that exercise can have positive effects on the digestive tract, strenuous exercise can potentially have negative effects. Any exercise that causes discomfort can cause stomach cramping. Also, physical activity may stimulate the colon more than usual, and it may cause you to feel the need or actually have the need to have a bowel movement after a workout. Studies have shown that while participating in high intensity exercise, blood flow is temporarily redirected to muscles. This limits the amount of blood flow in the stomach and intestines during the exercise. The stomach then becomes inactive and produces less gastric juices and delays emptying of its contents. Low intensity exercise, has been shown to cause no change in stomach and intestinal function. On a positive note, the stomach is inactive during exercise, but it has been shown to function even better in the 2nd hour after exercise.This causes the acid in my stomach to travel up into the esophagus.

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Digestive System

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Digestion begins in your mouth as chewing and digestive enzymes in your saliva start to break down food into smaller particles. As food moves through the digestive tract, different enzymes and acids continue to dissect protein, carbohydrate and fat molecules into their component parts for easier absorption in the small intestine.

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Dietary notesEating too much or heavily too soon before physical activity can produce adverse effects. After a meal, the body sends a large amount of blood to the gastrointestinal tract to assist with digestion and absorb nutrients. During exercise, blood flow to the digestive system is decreased, and the blood is sent to working muscles. This can drastically slow down digestion and cause nausea, cramps and overall discomfort, according to University of Iowa Health Care. This led to the digestive conditions of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea.

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Citations (Morris, 2011)

(Expert, 2010)(Jamerson, 2011)

(Connective Tissue) (Vitamins) (Mehta, 2011)

(Epithelial Tissue) (Corporation, 2012) (Corporation, 2012) (diseases, 2010) (Quinene, 2011)

(Reynolds, 2010)(Reynolds, Exercise as Housecleaning for the Body , 2012)

(diseases, 2010)

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About the Authors Davis Oliver, a country boy, born and raised in the south, living in the city of Coppell, Texas. A scientist who has very good chemistry with his girlfriend/co-author Taylor McCollum. Baseball is his life, he lives, breathes and dreams it. He has a sister who is a freshman at NTH@C. He loves anything that is camo.

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Taylor McCollum 18 year old, born and raised in Coppell, Texas. Loves music and learning about new things in school. Has one older brother and 3 dogs. She spends a lot of time playing the guitar. She is interested in the psychology of patients and nursing them back to health. Her favorite color is blue.

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James Grove, born in raised in Coppell Texas. I love all sports with baseball being my favorite. I love science and learning all about the anatomy of the human bodies.

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Jacob Vance was raised in Coppell, Texas. He loves physical activity like wrestling and rugby. Spends all of his time with music. He enjoys movies and loves cars. He has an older sister, named Somora. He loves nothing more than his faithful dog T.D. and his old Chevy truck.