letter to the president of the usa

Letter to the President Of the USA Dear Mr President As a Real Christian unlike yourself I am not politically correct like the Apostle Paul Rebuke you who your father is the Devil whom you serve. Anyway I write you this letter to ask you a few question Why are you such a hypocrite? How do you look at yourself in the mirror? A Hypocrite the most underestimated word in the English language because we have a lot of them here in the West alone. Sir If you hate America and if you grew up hating America, then why did you not leave America and go and live in the nations you love the most go and live in the Islamic nations you always talk about them being so great Go to Iran and try and say I want to fight for Homosexual Rights in Iran see how that works out for you, you sir are a Hypocrite if you hate America then why did you run to become President of the United States, What are you doing in America, Why are your children born in America. America this nation that you hate so much we invented something called Airplanes well actually it was two brothers from Ohio named the Wright brothers who invented first flight anyway there are dozens of Flights leaving America from the days you were in Chicago to the times you were in Harvard there were planes leaving America, Ships and Cruises leaving America why did you not leave America? Because you’re an Hypocrite sir, a Hypocrite a big one at that. It’s like a minority who blabs his mouth about America, Hates America and is given the choice a US Passport or Mexican Passport and chooses the USA Passport that is what we call Hypocrisy. And Also if you look at Jesus the one whom you claim to believe in and serve one of the crimes he went after was hypocrisy he rebuked scribes and pharisees every day he spent on earth, Woe unto them, Pharisees and hypocrites. Matthew 23 A Warning Against Hypocrisy 23 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4 They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other peoples shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them

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Post on 06-Sep-2015




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Letter to the Satanic President Known As Barry Hussein Obama


  • Letter to the President Of the USA

    Dear Mr President

    As a Real Christian unlike yourself I am not politically correct like the Apostle PaulRebuke you who your father is the Devil whom you serve. Anyway I write you this letterto ask you a few question Why are you such a hypocrite? How do you look at yourself inthe mirror? A Hypocrite the most underestimated word in the English language becausewe have a lot of them here in the West alone.

    Sir If you hate America and if you grew up hating America, then why did you not leaveAmerica and go and live in the nations you love the most go and live in the Islamicnations you always talk about them being so great Go to Iran and try and say I want tofight for Homosexual Rights in Iran see how that works out for you, you sir are aHypocrite if you hate America then why did you run to become President of the UnitedStates, What are you doing in America, Why are your children born in America. Americathis nation that you hate so much we invented something called Airplanes well actually itwas two brothers from Ohio named the Wright brothers who invented first flight anywaythere are dozens of Flights leaving America from the days you were in Chicago to thetimes you were in Harvard there were planes leaving America, Ships and Cruises leavingAmerica why did you not leave America? Because youre an Hypocrite sir, a Hypocrite abig one at that. Its like a minority who blabs his mouth about America, Hates Americaand is given the choice a US Passport or Mexican Passport and chooses the USA Passportthat is what we call Hypocrisy.

    And Also if you look at Jesus the one whom you claim to believe in and serve one of thecrimes he went after was hypocrisy he rebuked scribes and pharisees every day he spenton earth, Woe unto them, Pharisees and hypocrites.

    Matthew 23

    A Warning Against Hypocrisy23 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2The teachers of the law and thePharisees sit in Moses seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do notdo what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4 They tie up heavy, cumbersomeloads and put them on other peoples shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift afinger to move them

  • Luke 12

    Warnings and Encouragements12 Meanwhile, when a crowd of many thousands had gathered, so that they were trampling onone another, Jesus began to speak first to his disciples, saying:Be[ on your guard against theyeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2 There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed,or hidden that will not be made known. 3What you have said in the dark will be heard in thedaylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from theroofs.Your First case of blatant Hypocrisy is the issue of Abortion you say you believe in Christyet Christ said if you love me you will keep my commandments and is not one of hiscommandments Thou Shall not murder, who really is your God Sir is it money how muchdid planned parenthood fund into your campaign? Look you can lie to the Americanpeople but you cannot lie to your soul forever we all have one and sooner or letter oursins and demons will catch us up but good news Jesus Christ a wonderful Saviour diedfor you and he is still willing to forgive even the lowest of the lowest Mr President if yourepent thats the amazing power of His Mercy and Grace and he promises you a free giftof Eternal life.Next you speak of America being a racist and never mind you being absolutely stupid andgoing on a radio show and saying the N word, but youre part of the same political partythat brought Racism to America, youre not part of the solution youre the problem, thedemocratic party controlled the south during slavery, and the north Atlantic slave tradewas done by Democrats it was Evangelical Right Wing Christians that you hate so muchthat spoke out against this evil one of them being the Prince of preachers from England aman by the name of Charles H Spurgeon. It was the Democrats that brought Jim Crowand Segregation laws to the south, and there even took a step further when Blacks in thesouth started purchasing their freedom and setting themselves free escaping to the Northit was great black man like Fredrick Douglas and his fellow freed blacks who founded theRepublican party as the party that would oppose slavery of any kind and the lovely andcharming democrats being threatened by Black people rising to power alongside themtheir white republican brothers and sisters the democrats in the south started their lovelygang entitled the Klu-Klux-Klan the democrat terrorist wing of the party that wouldintermediate black people to vote or die, vote for democrats or die.

    When viscous assault Dogs were set on black children just wanting to go to school it wasDemocrats who unleashed those dogs I hate to break it to your mentally enslaved brainMr President hopefully you will wake up and not be a puppet or a tool but be your ownman something my father taught me, be your own man son think for yourself do not be aslave nor a puppet for you were created in the Image of God to Rule Thanks Pops Loveyou rest in peace your son A.N.Miller-David Jr.

  • Now I know now the Democrats will you tell the parties switched sides, the democratsbecame the party of the blacks now and the GOP is now the party of racism, well that is abunch of hogwash operating from a background of the truth blacks have been votingdemocratic for 50 years President Lyndon B Johnson plan working perfectly when hestated and I quote I will have those Niggers voting democrats for the next 200 years.And sadly he has and in return for that black vote black America has be given poorhousing, failing schools, crappy EBT Cards, Welfare assistance, lack of access to healthcare and now crappy Obama phones who will there call I do not know.The parties did not switch but something did switch alright that something is the strategyof the democratic party and let me just state for the record we white conservativeChristian Americans want nothing to do with this slavery and racist attitudes of thedemocratic party and we find it sickening and again we want nothing to do with it,because God is always watching and evil we will not partake in it.

    You still want more evidence that your party is the party of the racism, well just look athow we White Conservatives view Black people we view black people as human beingswho are also able to achieve greatness in this great land, black people who are to able toachieve the American dream black people like Dinah Abrahamson, Archie Alexander,Walter G Alexander, Richard Allen, Edward Brooke, Cora Brown, Her-main Cain, DrBen Carson, George Washington Carver, Octavious Valentine Catto, Fredrick Douglas,Alan Keyes, Mia Love, All Black Americans of great accomplishments and allrepublicans and their success should be an encouragement to Black America but its notbecause the Satanic Liberal Democrats shut their stories down and yell 24/7 in the ears ofblack people America is racist, republicans are racist while at the same time keeping themdown.

    Patricia Bath

    Patricia Era Bath (born November 4, 1942 in the Harlem

  • neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City) is an American ophthalmologist, inventorand academic. She has broken ground for women and African Americans in a number ofareas. Prior to Bath, no woman had served on the staff of the Jules Stein Eye Institute,headed a post-graduate training program in ophthalmology, or been elected to thehonorary staff of the UCLAMedical Center (an honor bestowed on her after herretirement). Before Bath, no black person had served as a resident in ophthalmology atNew York University and no black woman had ever served on staff as a surgeon at theUCLAMedical Center. Bath is the first African-American woman doctor to receive apatent for a medical purpose. Her Laser Probe is used to treat cataracts. The holder offour patents, she also founded the company of the American Institute for the Preventionof Blindnessin Washington, D.C.

    This is just a little snippet of how we conservatives think about black people, there arehuman beings and should be treated as human beings.

    Now lets look at what Democrats and White Liberals think of Black People

  • What White Liberals Think of Black People and How there should Act however if you actlike Dr Ben Carson and youre civil, productive, law abiding citizen then youre not blacknow if that is not racist I do not know what is then again what do I know right.

  • Those Democrats Charming people their are arent they?

    Because there are no black actors oractresses in Hollywood so lets just take a white liberal guy paint a black face on him andapply nappy hair to him and cast him into the movie I do not know about you but if thatsnot racist again I do not know what is because I happen to know a lot of black goodactors and actresses in Hollywood black actors like Denzel Washington, Will Smith didntyou love him in Independence day as a pilot myself he looked awesome anywhere thereyou have the true face of racism in America, Liberal Hollywood, the democratic party,and planned parenthood and its founder Margret Sanger.


  • I believe in This America: ONE NATION UNDER GOD