letter to whakatane district council november 2013

Cycle Action Whakatāne C/- Sport Bay of Plenty PO Box 857 Whakatāne 3158 Registered Charity CC48836 Whakatāne District Council Private Bag 1002 Whakatane 3158 26 November 2013 Dear Mayor Bonne, Re: Community feedback on the Whakatāne Walking and Cycling Strategy implementation Cycle Action Whakatāne (CAW) is a Charitable Trust which aims to promote and improve cycling opportunities in the district. CAW was established in 2008, initially as an informal network, to provide input into the Whakatāne District and Bay of Plenty Region’s walking and cycling strategies. CAW pro-actively works on practical projects, such as the ‘Rotary Bike Park’ and ‘Bike is Schools’, and advocates for cycling improvements in the district. On Thursday 20 th  November, Cycle Action Whakatāne held the ‘Are we on track?’ community meeting to seek feedback on the most important issues for people who cycle in Whakatāne. Eighteen participants attended representing various interest groups including health promotions, youth, cycle commuters, recreational cyclists, retirees, and families. Many issues were discussed and a summary of these is included with this letter. Over the next year, Cycle Action Whakatāne will focus on the following three priority issues: 1. Encourage the District Council to make Gorge Road safer for people who walk and cycle 2. Seek greater involvement of CA W by the District Council in all decision-making that affects cycling, such as creation of policies, and prioritisation and implementation of cycling related works. 3. Encourage the District Council to increase safer cy cling education and publicity targeted at people who drive and cycle. We seek your support and feedback on the issues raised in this letter and in the attached summary of issues discussed at the community meeting. Yours faithfully, David Wicks Chairperson On behalf of Cycle Action Whakatāne 

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Cycle Action Whakatāne C/- Sport Bay of Plenty

PO Box 857Whakatāne 3158

Registered Charity CC48836 

Whakatāne District Council

Private Bag 1002

Whakatane 3158

26 November 2013

Dear Mayor Bonne,

Re: Community feedback on the Whakatāne Walking and Cycling Strategy implementation

Cycle Action Whakatāne (CAW) is a Charitable Trust which aims to promote and improve cycling

opportunities in the district. CAW was established in 2008, initially as an informal network, to provide

input into the Whakatāne District and Bay of Plenty Region’s walking and cycling strategies.

CAW pro-actively works on practical projects, such as the ‘Rotary Bike Park’ and ‘Bike is Schools’, andadvocates for cycling improvements in the district.

On Thursday 20th November, Cycle Action Whakatāne held the ‘Are we on track?’ community meeting to

seek feedback on the most important issues for people who cycle in Whakatāne.

Eighteen participants attended representing various interest groups including health promotions, youth,

cycle commuters, recreational cyclists, retirees, and families.

Many issues were discussed and a summary of these is included with this letter. Over the next year,

Cycle Action Whakatāne will focus on the following three priority issues:

1. Encourage the District Council to make Gorge Road safer for people who walk and cycle

2. Seek greater involvement of CAW by the District Council in all decision-making that affects cycling,

such as creation of policies, and prioritisation and implementation of cycling related works.

3. Encourage the District Council to increase safer cycling education and publicity targeted at people

who drive and cycle.

We seek your support and feedback on the issues raised in this letter and in the attached summary ofissues discussed at the community meeting.

Yours faithfully,

David Wicks


On behalf of Cycle Action Whakatāne 

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Cycle Action Whakatāne C/- Sport Bay of Plenty

PO Box 857Whakatāne 3158

Registered Charity CC48836 

Issue 1: Gorge Road - ‘Many people who walk and cycle on Gorge Road don't

feel safe’ 

The 2007 Walking and Cycling Strategy established a plan detailing where lanes should be and some

progress has been made towards this plan, which the community is very pleased about. However, one of

the key cycle lanes missing from the planned routes is Gorge Road. This road is an important ‘missinglink’ that is needed to provide safe passage for people who cycle.

Suggested improvements include:

  Make single lane for cars, this would reduce speed and provide a cycle lane, which is necessary for

downhill (especially for less experienced people and for young people), and uphill lanes.

  The footpath needs to be wider especially at pinch points at corners where the road is immediately

adjacent to the path.

  Relocate signage to show cyclists that they can use footpath uphill. Current signage is not easily

visible to cyclists, especially those who do not know the area, such as cycle tourists.

Issue 2: Involvement of CAW in Council decision making that affects cycling

Cycle lanes and routes in Whakatāne CAW requests involvement in the review of proposed cycle lanes as a means of providing perspective

from those who cycle. Below are comments on existing cycle lanes in Whakatāne.

  The cycle lanes on Commerce Street are considered to be good by most proficient riders, but pose

hazards, such as opening car doors and turning traffic, for younger and less proficient riders.

  The cycle lanes along Valley Road are helpful where there are also yellow ‘no stopping’ lines.

However, on the hill side near Gorge Road, the cycle lane is not differentiated from the parking area

and this 'cycle lane' frequently has vehicles parked in it, which reduces the cycle lane width to the

point where it is non-functional and unsafe. This is extremely dangerous as it can result in people

who cycle swerving into the traffic lane or passing very close to parked vehicles, which present the

hazard of opening car doors.

  The cycle lanes in Ōhope, located adjacent to the shops at Mahy Reserve and the Four Square, are

marked next to parking spaces that are short-use parks, and as a result, present multiple hazards, the

greatest of which is opening car doors. Marked lanes encourage people to cycle in them, and these

people are effectively being directed to a more dangerous position on the road. This is of greatest

concern for less experienced cyclists and children, who may not be able to avoid an opening car

door, or may swerve to avoid it and cycle into the line of traffic. We would like to discuss ways to

improve the marking of cycle lanes in such areas, and request that we are involved prior to the

formation of new cycle lanes.

Warren Cole extension

There is support for the proposed stop bank extension to the Warren Cole Cycle Way from Landing Road

to Awatapu or Trident High School. If some form of track were provided, such as a graded and mown

path, this could provide a safe route for commuters and school children from James Street School,

Whakatāne Intermediate and Trident High School.

Coastlands track

Feedback on this track is that it is unappealing to use due to its poor condition. In places, it is covered in

gravel, glass and debris, and is single lane in others, due to potholes and/or slumping. Many people who

cycle in this are do so on Keepa Road, which is a high speed and more dangerous environment for

cycling. There is a great opportunity to reduce commuter traffic from Coastlands, if this cycle lane were

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Cycle Action Whakatāne C/- Sport Bay of Plenty

PO Box 857Whakatāne 3158

Registered Charity CC48836 

maintained to a higher standard.

Issue 3: Cycle education and promotions

Participants suggested an improvement to marking of shared pathways e.g. through Rex Morpeth Park.

Signage could be placed on the path itself rather than just a sign beside the path. Council could consider

how the signs are placed, as cyclists are looking at different places to cars.

We would like Council to consider installing solar flashing bike signs at potential accident areas, which

can be activated during busy times, e.g. outside Trident High School.

We would like to publicise a walking and cycling map of Whakatāne and for this to be made available

online and at the Information Centre. This map has been drafted in the past and shows urban and rural

rides, such as Maraetotara/Burma Road and would be suitable for locals and visitors.

 Actively promote the ‘Share the road’ cycle safety messages and target people who drive and cycle. 

Other Issues

We support having bikes made available at the Information Center for visitors and people who may want

to try cycling in a safe environment along the Warren Cole pathway. These could be sponsored by localbusinesses.

 A question was raised about transporting bikes on the Blue buses from Whakatāne to Ohope or Opotiki?

This is to be directed to Bay of Plenty Regional Council.

There is community interest in developing a bike path on the old railway line from Taneatua to Edgecume

via Awakeri. Lisa Eve is interested in identifying people interested in furthering this proposed project.