level 5 assignment brief from cmi


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Assignment Brief

Version 1: Feb 12 Page 1 of 19

Assignment Brief Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership

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Assignment Brief

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Unit 5001 - Personal development as a manager and leader Introduction This unit is concerned with improving management and leadership skills to support personal and team achievement of objectives. Scenario Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below scenario:- You are a manager, leading a team of 6 staff. Your line manager would like you to consider your own development needs prior to your annual appraisal and the agreement of a personal development plan for the forthcoming year. The plan should include a clear rationale together with mechanisms to support your team to achieve organisational objectives. Task 1: Complete a personal skills audit against those required of your current and potential future job roles. Produce a personal development plan for the forthcoming year which includes five achievable but challenging SMART objectives, their link to organisational objectives and how they will support your future career aspirations. Explain why continual self development is important to you as a first line manager and how the organisation can benefit from having a workforce which is committed to continual self development. Guideline word count: 1,000 - 1,050 words A.C. 1.1 - Explain the importance of continual self-development in achieving organisational objectives A.C. 1.2 - Assess current skills and competencies against defined role requirements and organisational objectives A.C. 1.3 - Identify development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs A.C. 1.4 - Construct a personal development plan with achievable but challenging goals

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Task 2: With reference to your personal development plan, explain how you would ensure your plan is implemented including appropriate resourcing and the likely communication channels and protocols involved in securing that resource. Explain how your manager will assess your success against your personal development plan and how this will contribute to the achievement of organisational objectives. Guideline word count: 900 - 950 words A.C. 2.1 - Identify the resources required to support the personal development plan A.C. 2.2 - Develop a business case to secure the resources to support the personal development plan A.C. 3.1 - Discuss the processes required to implement the personal development plan A.C. 3.2 - Evaluate the impact of the personal development plan on the achievement of defined role requirements and organisational objectives A.C. 3.3 - Review and update the personal development plan Task 3: In your role as manager explain how staff welfare responsibilities can support overall organisational objectives. Describe the process you would follow to ensure your team is fully involved and is legally compliant in respect of the maintenance of records. Explain how staff welfare responsibilities should be communicated to the team and what methods you consider are most effective and why. Guideline word count: 1,000 - 1,050 words A.C. 4.1 - Discuss the relationship between staff welfare on organisational objectives A.C. 4.2 - Explain the process for assessing staff welfare A.C. 4.3 - Identify the actions to be taken by the manager in dealing with a staff welfare issue A.C. 4.4 - Describe how to communicate responsibilities for staff welfare to the team A.C. 4.5 - Discuss records that may be maintained to demonstrate that staff welfare is supported

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Unit 5002 - Information based decision making Introduction This unit is about understanding the sources of management information within an organisation, and being able to analyse the information in order to identify patterns and trends. It is also about being able to use simple decision making models and methods of presenting decisions as well as understanding how to communicate management decisions effectively. Scenario Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below scenario:- You are a manager, leading a department in a medium sized company. You are required to analyse and present management information and to communicate decisions made to a range of different audiences. Task 1: Explain and provide examples of the differences between data and information, and describe at least three different sources of management data and information. Prepare a chart to evaluate the benefits and possible drawbacks of each source of information in terms of its usefulness in helping managers to make sound business decisions. Describe the selection criteria you would apply to ensure the quality and integrity of the data and information you use for management decision making. Give reasons for each selection criterion. Guideline word count: 450 - 550 words A.C. 1.1 - Discuss the nature of data and information A.C. 1.2 - Evaluate relevant sources of data and information A.C. 1.3 - Discuss the criteria for selection of data and information Task 2: Write a summary to demonstrate your understanding of the current UK legislation regarding the collection, use and storage of data and information. Describe the responsibilities this places on organisations and their employees to protect individuals and maintain the integrity of data. Use practical examples to show how the terms of the legislation apply to your business operations.

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Guideline word count: 400 - 500 words A.C. 1.4 - Identify the legal requirements relating to the collection, use and storage of data and information Task 3: Describe at least three different decision making models and provide examples of business situations when it would be appropriate to use each of these. Provide a worked example of one of the models in the context of a business scenario of your choice, or use a live example if possible. Explain why you chose the model in the example and why others were rejected. Guideline word count: 400 - 450 words A.C. 2.1 - Evaluate the decision making models which are used to support decision making Task 4: Most managers will have some involvement in analysing information. Discuss at least two different job roles within an organisation whose primary functions would be to collate and analyse information. Use your own organisation as an example where possible. Describe three different formats in which decisions may be presented to aid understanding, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each. Guideline word count: 550 - 600 words A.C. 2.2 - Identify those to be involved in analysing information and decision making A.C. 2.3 - Evaluate methods of presenting decisions made Task 5: Describe communications theory and, using a work based example, identify which channel or mix of communications channels you would use to advice colleagues and other stakeholders of decisions made following the analysis of management information. Discuss how you would plan and implement your chosen communications method(s). Critically review the outcomes of the communication(s) identifying improvement opportunities. Guideline word count: 750 - 850 words A.C. 3.1 - Evaluate methods of communicating decisions made A.C. 3.2 - Discuss the process for implementing a communications method A.C. 3.3 - Evaluate the implementation of a communications method

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Unit 5004 - Resource management Introduction This unit is about being able to identify the different types of resources available to managers, select and plan for their use, and monitor and review their effectiveness in the pursuit of organisational objectives. Scenario Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below scenario:- If you will be using a scenario please select and research an organisation of your choice and identify a department within the organisation. Imagine you manage 6 staff within the department and have a range of human, physical and financial resources you are responsible for managing to help you achieve your objectives. Provide details of your research and a short summary of the information you have found in order that the assessor may contextualise your responses to the tasks below. The summary is expected to be between 200 and 250 words.

Task 1: Describe the types of human, physical and financial resources that managers use to enable them to achieve organisational objectives. Provide at least one example of a human, physical and financial resource and link these to your own objectives as a departmental manager. Guideline word count: 300 - 350 words A.C. 1.1 - Identify those resources required to format objectives Task 2: Draw up an annual plan of the human and physical resources you require to meet your objectives over the course of a twelve month period. Specify the quantities of each resource required on a monthly basis and ensure you plan for any seasonal peaks and troughs. Include a column for the allocation of costs or budget. You will be expected to allow for issues like multiple pay rates or time off in lieu, and for consumable, materials or utilities price fluctuations. Use work based examples where possible. Otherwise provide an annual plan of resources to meet a set of objectives which you can provide from external research, as outlined in the scenario above. Guideline word count: 650 - 700 words A.C. 1.2 - Explain the process of planning resource use to achieve objectives A.C. 1.3 - Identify the costs associated with the resources required to achieve objectives

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Task 3: Identify from where the resources in your plan at task 2 will be obtained. Discuss the reliability of each of these sources and the value for money they represent (quality of the goods or service supplied compared with the cost). Discuss the processes you have in place to select suppliers, order, receive and pay for goods and services and the quality checks that are made on receipt or usage. Examples should be provided for both human and physical resources. Explain how these processes could be managed to ensure you have sufficient resources at all times to meet demand so that you are able to provide a continuous service to internal or external customers. Guideline word count: 650 - 700 words A.C. 2.1 - Evaluate sources of supply to meet planned objectives A.C. 2.2 - Explain processes to manage the supply, continuity and quality of resources to meet plans Task 4: Describe the contingency arrangements that you have in place, or could put in place, to ensure your part of the organisation continues to operate in the event of a resource supply failure. Identify the cost implications of alternative supply. Provide practical examples for both human and physical resources based on your experience in the workplace or using the scenario above. Describe at least one forecasting model which can be used to predict potential disruptions in supply. Provide an outline of what is meant by disaster planning. Guideline word count: 450 - 500 words A.C. 2.3 - Describe strategies used to predict and manage disruption in resource supply and the associated costs Task 5: Explain how the use of both human and physical resources is recorded. Provide examples of typical reporting arrangements for each and their frequency. Describe at least two different methods of comparing actual resource usage against forecast requirements and identifying variances. Discuss the subsequent forward planning that leads from identification of variances, including examples of actions that may be undertaken as a result. Use practical examples where possible. Guideline word count: 650 - 700 words A.C. 3.1 - Review progress of actual resource use against planned resource use A.C. 3.2 - Discuss methods of recording and reporting resource use A.C. 3.3 - Explain methods of using resource information to inform future actions

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Unit 5005 - Meeting stakeholder and quality needs Introduction This unit is about identifying stakeholders, and understanding and planning to meet their needs. It is also about understanding the concept of quality standards and being able to plan for continuous improvement in all aspects of your work. Scenario Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below scenario:- You are a manager, leading a department in a medium sized company. You have a number of internal and external stakeholders and are responsible for ensuring that you understand their needs and meet agreed requirements. You are also responsible for achieving quality standards and for involving the team in continuous improvement activity.

Task 1: Identify your organisation’s internal and external stakeholders (or those of an organisation of your choice). Separate these into primary and secondary stakeholders, explaining the difference between the two categories, and conduct an analysis of their key needs and expectations, highlighting those stakeholder expectations which may conflict with each other and require resolution. Discuss methods of prioritising stakeholder requirements according to organisational constraints, and describe how you would plan to meet the agreed requirements. Use practical examples where possible to illustrate your answer. Guideline word count: 450 - 500 words A.C. 1.1 - Determine organisational stakeholders and their expectations A.C. 1.2 - Discuss methods of meeting stakeholder expectations or requirements Task 2: Using four practical examples (one primary external and one primary internal, one secondary external and one secondary internal stakeholder), describe the different processes that can be used to update the organisation on stakeholders’ requirements. Having identified the stakeholders’ requirements, provide at least two examples of different methods you would use to communicate these to your team and explain why you consider these two methods to be most appropriate. Guideline word count: 500 - 550 words A.C. 1.3 - Identify methods of communicating stakeholders’ requirements with team members A.C. 1.4 - Explain processes for updating information on stakeholder requirements

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Task 3: Write a summary to explain what is meant by the term ‘quality’ within an organisational context. Describe three different quality policies or procedures that organisations may deploy, and provide examples of how you ensure you meet these policies and procedures in your work activities. Use work based examples where possible. Guideline word count: 400 - 450 words A.C. 2.1 - Discuss the meaning of quality to an organisation A.C. 2.2 - Identify and apply organisational quality policies and procedures Task 4: Conduct an audit of one of your organisation’s quality systems or processes. Identify areas for improvement and make recommendations as to how these can be achieved and implemented. Guideline word count: 550 - 600 words A.C. 2.4 - Conduct a quality audit and make recommendations for improvement Task 5: Write a summary to explain what is meant by the term ‘continuous improvement’ and identify the principles behind this concept. Describe three different work activities performed by your team and identify where these could be improved to better meet stakeholder expectations or needs. Guideline word count: 400 - 450 words A.C. 3.1 - Discuss the concept of, and need for, continuous improvement A.C. 3.2 - Assess work activities and identify areas for improvement Task 6: Describe three of the ways in which employees can be encouraged to contribute ideas towards improving the quality of the work in the department or organisation. Show how two different motivational theories apply to this. Explain how you, as a manager, can encourage your staff to contribute to the continual improvement process on an ongoing basis. Use practical examples if possible. Guideline word count: 450 - 500 words A.C. 2.3 - Determine how to encourage staff to contribute ideas to improving quality A.C. 3.3 - Encourage staff to contribute ideas for continual improvement

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Unit 5006 - Conducting a management project Introduction This unit is concerned with researching and producing a project and reviewing its impact on the work area. Scenario Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below scenario:- Your manager has requested a report on how your team can make savings. You have been asked to research the best options and submit your conclusions to include recommendations for action. You will be required to present your recommendations to your project sponsor. Task 1: Review an area of business activity and identify the aim, scope and objective of the project. Terms of reference should be included and, where applicable, a work based breakdown structure document . Produce a project plan which has a clear rationale with justification, to your project sponsor. Guideline word count: 750 - 800 words A.C. 1.1 - Determine a management area for investigation that has an implication for a work-related area A.C. 1.2 - Identify the aim, scope and objective of the project A.C.1.3 - Justify the aim and objective of the project Task 2: Explain the sources of data and information and the research methodology you will use in this project. You are required to fully explain the analytical tools used during the project to arrive at your conclusions. You should explain how the option(s) or alternative course(s) of action meets the needs of the project sponsor. Guideline word count: 650 - 700 words A.C. 2.1 - Identify sources of data and information for the project A.C. 2.2 - Analyse the data and information for options or alternatives that meet the project aim A.C. 2.3 - Determine an option or alternative that meets the project aim

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Task 3: Explain the decision making process and the decision making model(s) used in determining the final recommendations. You should also identify the stages involved in implementing your recommendations to improve your work area. Guideline word count: 700 - 750 words A.C. 3.1 - Evaluate the research to make conclusions A.C. 3.2 - Recommend a course of action to meet the project aim Task 4: Evaluate the impact of implementing your recommendations on your area of work and to the organisation as a whole. Explain the different types of communication methods available to you in presenting your project recommendations and the relative merits and pitfalls of each method. Select the most appropriate method of communication for your project recommendations and explain why you consider this method to be most appropriate. After presenting the results of your project to your project sponsor reflect on the presentation identifying areas of success and areas for development. Guideline word count: 800 - 850 words A.C. 3.3 - Assess the impact of the project recommendations A.C. 4.1 - Determine the medium to be used to show the results of the project A.C. 4.2 - Produce the results of the project A.C. 4.3 - Discuss the impact of the project on the work-related area

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Unit 5007 - Financial control Introduction This unit is concerned with how a manager controls financial resources and the available sources of finance. Scenario Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below scenario:- You are a manager leading a team of 6 staff. You are responsible for ensuring that you work within agreed budgets and that systems of control are in place. As you are new to the organisation, your line manager has asked you to produce a report which demonstrates your understanding of financial control and your understanding of sources of finance. Task 1: Identify three financial statements/reports and explain how these can be used by a manager to control financial resources within their area of responsibility. Select a financial statement or report and précis it, analysing the information contained within the statement or report and the impact that this information will have on your decision making. Guideline word count: 1,100 - 1,150 words A.C. 1.1 - Assess the relationship(s) between a financial system or function and other systems or functions in an organisation A.C. 1.2 - Describe the systems of accounts and financial statements used to control a financial system A.C. 1.3 - Analyse financial information contained in a set of accounts or financial statements Task 2: Considering the areas of income and/or expenditure for which you have responsibility (or areas which you may be likely to be responsible for) construct a budget for each of the next 3 months. Explain how you will monitor actual income and expenditure against this budget and with whom you will discuss any variation. Identify the reasons why actual income or expenditure may differ from your budget for the next 3 months and what corrective action you may take where there are variances from budget. Identify any conflicts which may occur in the process of setting and monitoring financial performance against such a budget.

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Guideline word count: 1,000 - 1,050 words A.C. 2.1 - Construct a budget for an area of management responsibility A.C. 2.2 - Develop budgetary control systems and compare actual with planned expenditure A.C. 2.3 - Discuss corrective actions to be taken in response to budgetary variations A.C. 2.4 - Identify conflicts that can occur with management control systems and how these could be resolved or minimised Task 3: Identify two sources of finance (one long term and one short term) available to an organisation and from where they may receive financial support/guidance. Identify how financial resources are distributed to different areas of your organisation. How does your organisation monitor its finances to ensure the resources are correctly employed in supporting organisational activities? Guideline word count: 800 - 850 words A.C. 3.1 - Identify the current and potential sources of finance that support organisational activities A.C. 3.2 - Evaluate the distribution of finance in support of organisational activities A.C. 3.3 - Discuss the monitoring and control of finance employed in support of organisational activities

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Unit 5008 - Marketing planning Introduction This unit is about understanding how a marketing orientation assists in the achievement of organisational objectives. Scenario Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below scenario: - You have been asked to take on the role of Marketing Manager to cover a colleague who is on maternity leave. You have some knowledge of marketing systems and processes, but need to develop your skills and competencies in order to develop a marketing plan. You need therefore to complete the tasks below that your colleague left for you prior to her departure. Task 1: Evaluate the role of marketing in the identification and prediction of stakeholder needs. Explain the difference between a marketing function and marketing orientation and how the latter is likely to satisfy customer demands and therefore achieve organisational objectives. Guideline word count: 800 - 850 words A.C. 1.1 - Explain marketing as a management process A.C. 1.2 - Describe the role of marketing in identifying and predicting the needs of current and potential stakeholders Task 2: Applying suitable analytical research models, explain the current and potential future marketing environment. Evaluate current organisational objectives and establish a future market or sector position and discuss how other departments in the organisation will be involved in and influenced by a marketing plan. Guideline word count: 800 - 850 words A.C. 2.1 - Discuss the current position of the organisation within its chosen sector or market A.C. 2.2 - Determine a future market or sector position for the organisation in line with organisational objectives

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A.C. 2.3 - Identify other parts of the organisation which are impacted and involved in a future market or sector plan Task 3: Produce a marketing plan which takes account of current and potential customers and markets through the identification of segments and marketing mix, and which assesses the contribution to be made by others. Explain how you would implement the marketing plan. Design a review and evaluation system to assess the plan’s progress against the achievement of organisational objectives. Guideline word count: 800 - 850 words A.C. 3.1 - Construct a marketing plan that supports current market or sector and targets potential new markets or sectors A.C. 3.2 - Evaluate the support necessary to implement the plan A.C. 3.3 - Implement the marketing plan A.C. 3.4 - Assess the progress of the plan, through monitoring, reviewing and end evaluation, in the achievement of organisational objectives

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Unit 5010 - Human resource development Introduction This unit is about human resource planning, personal development and reviewing staff development. Scenario Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the scenario below: - You have been asked to manage a new work area and ensure that the roles and individuals in those roles are aligned to organisational objectives. Once an assessment has been made of staff capabilities, you are required to ensure personal development plans (PDP’s) are in place and reviewed. You need to show understanding of these aspects by providing answers to the following: Task 1: Identify the criteria you use to ensure that you have sufficient staff in your area of responsibility to meet your work objectives. Evaluate two different techniques you may use to assess the capabilities of your team members and explain how you ensure these capabilities are sufficient to meet objectives. Produce a planning document for your work area which summarises how job roles and individuals will support overall organisational objectives Guideline word count: 800 - 850 words A.C. 1.1 - Evaluate criteria required to identify human resources for a work area A.C. 1.2 - Identify techniques to assess the capabilities of a team to meet objectives A.C. 1.3 - Construct a human resource plan for a work area Task 2: Implement the Human Resource Plan by explaining the methods adopted to review existing staff for current and future suitability, using recognised appraisal methodologies. Provide examples of how you would agree personal development plans (PDP’s) with staff members. Guideline word count: 800 - 850 words

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A.C. 2.1 - Assess the abilities and capabilities of staff to meet current and future objectives A.C. 2.2 - Develop a personal development plan for an individual to meet current and future objectives A.C. 2.3 - Agree personal development plans with individuals Task 3: Explain the process of ensuring appropriate staff are identified and involved in establishing a personal development plan for an individual in your work area. Following identification of appropriate staff to support an individual, explain how you would monitor the progress of the individual in the achievement of their PDP objectives. Evaluate the plan in respect of its contribution to the achievement of organisational objectives. Guideline word count: 800 - 850 words A.C. 3.1 - Identify those with whom support is required to initiate the personal development plan A.C. 3.2 - Initiate the plan and review and monitor progress against agreed objectives A.C. 3.3 - Evaluate the plan on completion and its contribution to organisational objectives

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Unit 5012 - Being a leader Introduction This unit is concerned with leadership skills and securing team commitment. Scenario Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below scenario:- You are a manager leading a team of 6 staff. You have been recently appointed and, as part of your induction, you are required to investigate how your approach to leadership can support your team, in achieving the organisations objectives. Task 1: Explain what is meant by the culture and values of an organisation and evaluate the current themes and issues facing organisations in the light of corporate responsibility and globalisation. Identify the challenges that the legal, regulatory and ethical requirements place upon you as a manager of a team. Evaluate the influence of the above factors on the leadership role. Guideline word count: 1,000 - 1,050 words A.C. 1.1 - Evaluate the impact of the organisation’s culture and values on leadership A.C. 1.2 - Discuss how organisational specific, legal, regulatory and ethical requirements impact on leadership demands A.C. 1.3 - Evaluate current and emerging social concerns and expectations impacting on leadership in the organisation Task 2: Evaluate four different leadership styles which could be adopted to influence others, using a range of behavioural models such as traits, grid, and contingency. Assess the relationship between management and leadership. Identify the impact of globalisation and corporate responsibility and explain the need for adaptable leaders. Guideline word count: 900 - 950 words A.C. 2.1 - Evaluate the relationship between management and leadership

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A.C. 2.2 - Evaluate leadership styles A.C. 2.3 - Discuss why leadership styles need to be adapted in different situations Task 3: Explain how you, as a manager, would develop a culture of professionalism, mutual trust, respect and support within your area of responsibility. Evaluate how leadership styles adapt in response to changes within your organisation and determine the differing effects of these in securing the organisational objectives. Examine the ways in which leadership skills can be adapted to secure continued commitment to emerging trends, such as corporate responsibility and globalisation. Guideline word count: 1,000 - 1,050 words A.C. 3.1 - Develop a culture of professionalism, mutual trust, respect and support within the team A.C. 3.2 - Evaluate the impact of a leader’s clear focus in leading the team in the achievement of these objectives A.C. 3.3 - Evaluate how the leader supports and develops understanding of the organisation’s direction A.C. 3.4 - Discuss how leadership styles are adapted to meet changing needs, and to enable team development and commitment