level 6 chemistry questions - moulshamhigh.essex.sch.uk 6 chemistry questions.pdf · level 6...

Moulsham High School 1 Level 6 Chemistry Questions 1. Rema used the apparatus below to distil 100 cm 3 of water-soluble ink. apparatus A not to scale (a) Which processes occur during distillation? Tick the correct box. condensation then evaporation evaporation then condensation melting then boiling melting then evaporation 1 mark (b) Give the name of the colourless liquid that collects in the test-tube. ..................................................... 1 mark (c) What would the temperature reading be on the thermometer when the ink has been boiling for two minutes? ..............°C 1 mark

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Page 1: Level 6 Chemistry Questions - moulshamhigh.essex.sch.uk 6 Chemistry Questions.pdf · Level 6 Chemistry Questions ... Which gas dissolved to form the most acidic solution? ... experiment

Moulsham High School 1

Level 6 Chemistry Questions

1. Rema used the apparatus below to distil 100 cm3 of water-soluble ink.

apparatus A

not to scale

(a) Which processes occur during distillation? Tick the correct box.

condensation then evaporation

evaporation then condensation

melting then boiling

melting then evaporation

1 mark

(b) Give the name of the colourless liquid that collects in the test-tube.


1 mark

(c) What would the temperature reading be on the thermometer when the ink has been boiling for two minutes?


1 mark

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Moulsham High School 2

(d) (i) Water at 15°C enters the condenser at X.

Predict the temperature of the water when it leaves the condenser at Y.


Explain this change of temperature.



1 mark

(ii) Give two ways in which the water vapour changes as it passes down the glass tube in the condenser.

1. .........................................................................................................

1 mark

2. .........................................................................................................

1 mark

(e) Peter used the apparatus below to distil 100 cm3 of water-soluble ink.

apparatus B

not to scale

Why is the condenser in apparatus A better than the glass tube and beaker of water in apparatus B?



1 mark

maximum 7 marks

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2. (a) (i) Air contains nitrogen. In the box below draw five circles, , to show the arrangement of particles in nitrogen gas.

1 mark

(ii) Zeena carries a personal emergency alarm. It uses nitrogen gas to produce a very loud sound.

The nitrogen gas in the container is under much higher pressure than the nitrogen gas in the air.

How does the arrangement of nitrogen particles change when the gas is under higher pressure?



1 mark

(b) Use words from the boxes below to complete the sentence.

greater than less than the same as

The rate at which the nitrogen particles hit the inside of the container is .................................... the rate at which nitrogen particles hit the outside of the container.

1 mark

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Moulsham High School 4

(c) Zeena pushes the lid down and nitrogen gas escapes through the diaphragm.

The diaphragm vibrates and produces a sound.

The pattern on the oscilloscope screen below represents the soundwave produced by the alarm.

(i) The loudness of the sound produced by the alarm decreases between X and Y.

How can you tell this from the graph?



1 mark

(ii) The pitch of the sound produced by the alarm stays the same between X and Y.

How can you tell this from the graph?



1 mark

maximum 5 marks

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Moulsham High School 5

3. A scientist compared the acidity of four gases to see which gas might cause acid rain.

She used four balloons to collect the gases. She then bubbled the gases, in turn, through a fresh sample of green, neutral, universal indicator solution.


balloon containinggas

universal indicatorsolution

(a) Three of the gases caused the indicator to change colour. The scientist added drops of alkali to the indicator until the indicator changed back to green. Her results are shown in the table below.

gases collected

change in colour of indicator

number of drops of alkali needed to change the indicator back to green

exhaust gases from a car

green to red 31

carbon dioxide green to red 160

air no change 0

human breath green to yellow 10

Use information in the table to answer part (i) and part (ii) below.

(i) Which gas dissolved to form the most acidic solution?


Explain your choice.



1 mark

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(ii) Which gas formed a neutral solution?


Explain your choice.



1 mark

(iii) What effect does an alkali have on an acid?


1 mark

(b) Some metals react with acids in the air. Complete the word equation for the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid.

zinc + hydrochloric → ........................................ + ........................................ acid

2 marks

maximum 5 marks

4. Alan put a test-tube containing solid stearic acid into a beaker of cold water. He heated the water until it boiled.

to data-logger

temperature sensor

watersolid stearic acid at the start

electric hotplate

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He used a temperature sensor attached to a data-logger to record the temperature

of the stearic acid over a period of 35 minutes. A graph of the results is shown below.

temperatureof stearicacid (°C)









200 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

time (minutes)




Stearic acid is a solid at room temperature.

(a) (i) Which letter on the graph opposite shows the point at which the stearic acid began to change state?


1 mark

(ii) Use the graph to find the temperature at which the stearic acid began to change state.

............... °C

1 mark

(iii) Look at the graph. What was the physical state of the stearic acid:

at point A? ...........................................................

at point D? ...........................................................

2 marks

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(b) The test-tube transfers thermal energy from the water to the stearic acid.

By what method is most of the thermal energy transferred? Tick the correct box.

conduction evaporation

convection radiation

1 mark

(c) Stearic acid boils at 360°C. The stearic acid could not boil in this experiment. Give the reason for this.



1 mark

maximum 6 marks

5. Some pupils predicted that water will evaporate faster if the surrounding air temperature is higher.

To investigate their prediction they placed some water in containers in two different rooms.

(a) Give two factors they should keep the same to make their investigation fair.

1. ..................................................................................................................

1 mark

2. ..................................................................................................................

1 mark

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Moulsham High School 9

(b) They recorded the mass of the water and the container in room 1 and room 2

every day for 5 days.

The table below shows their results.

time mass of water and container (g)

(days) room 1 room 2

0 100 100

1 92 85

2 80 72

3 72 54

4 60 45

5 46 30

The data shown in their table is not sufficient to test their prediction. Explain why.



1 mark

They plotted their data for room 2 and attempted to draw a line of best fit.









mass ofwater andcontainer(g)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7time (days)

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Moulsham High School 10

(c) Describe the mistake they made in drawing the line of best fit.



1 mark

(d) Using the data in the table plot the points for room 1.

1 mark

(e) Draw a line of best fit of the points you have drawn.

1 mark

(f) In which room did the water evaporate more quickly? Tick one box.

room 1 room 2

Use their data to explain your answer.



1 mark

maximum 7 marks

6. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid.

(a) Winston used universal indicator solution to find the pH of some hydrochloric acid.

(i) Suggest the colour of the mixture of universal indicator solution and the hydrochloric acid.


1 mark

(ii) Suggest the pH of the hydrochloric acid.


1 mark

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(b) Indigestion can be caused when too much hydrochloric acid is produced in the

stomach. Magnesium carbonate can be used to treat indigestion.

Winston crushed some indigestion tablets containing magnesium carbonate. He added them to hydrochloric acid in a test-tube. The mixture fizzed.

hydrochloric acid

crushed indigestiontablet

The word equation for the reaction is shown below.

magnesium + hydrochloric → magnesium + carbon + water carbonate acid chloride dioxide

(i) Use the word equation to explain why the mixture fizzed when the reaction took place.



1 mark

(ii) Winston continued to add crushed tablets to the acid until the mixture stopped fizzing. Why did the fizzing stop?



1 mark

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(c) When magnesium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid, magnesium chloride is


Which two words describe magnesium chloride? Tick the two correct boxes.

a compound

a mixture

an element

a salt

a metal

a solvent

2 marks

(d) It is important that the hydrochloric acid in the stomach is not completely neutralised by indigestion tablets.

Why is hydrochloric acid needed in the stomach?



1 mark

maximum 7 marks

7. Shuli investigated differences between physical and chemical changes.

She put three chemicals in separate crucibles and weighed each one. She heated each crucible as shown below. She weighed each crucible again when it had cooled down.

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She recorded her observations in a table as shown below.

experiment name of chemical observations change in mass

A magnesium (a silvery solid)

The silvery magnesium burned brightly in air. A white powder was



B potassium permanganate

(purple crystals)

The purple crystals crackled and turned black.

A colourless gas was given off.


C zinc oxide (a white powder)

The white powder turned pale yellow on heating. It turned white again on


no change

(a) (i) In experiment A, magnesium reacts with a gas in the air.

Complete the word equation for the reaction in experiment A.

magnesium + ..................................... → ...................................................

2 marks

(ii) Explain the increase in mass in experiment A. Use your word equation to help you.



1 mark

(b) The gas given off in experiment B re-lit a glowing splint. Give the name of this gas.


1 mark

(c) Name the white powder left at the end of experiment C.


1 mark

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(d) In each experiment, did a chemical change or a physical change take place?

Tick one box for each experiment.

experiment chemical change physical change




1 mark

Maximum 6 marks

8. (a) Methane can be a gas, a liquid or a solid. In the diagram below, arrows P, Q, R and S represent changes of state.

The boxes on the right show the arrangement of particles of methane in the three different physical states. Each circle represents a particle of methane.






physical state of methane arrangement of particles

(i) Draw a line from each physical state of methane to the arrangement of particles in that physical state. Draw only three lines.

1 mark

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(ii) Arrows P, Q, R and S represent changes of state.

Which arrow represents:

evaporation? ............................................................

melting? ...................................................................

2 marks

(b) Methane is the main compound in natural gas. The scale below shows the melting point and the boiling point of methane.

–200 –160 –80 –60 –40 –20 0–180 –140 –120 –100



boilingpoint–162 °C


Methane has three physical states: solid, liquid and gas.

(i) What is the physical state of methane at –170°C?


1 mark

(ii) The formula of methane is CH4. The symbols for the two elements in methane are C and H.

Give the names of these two elements.

element C .............................................

element H ............................................

2 marks

(iii) When methane burns, it reacts with oxygen. One of the products is water, H2O.

Give the name of the other product.


1 mark

Maximum 7 marks

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9. Sarah and Jim investigated the effect of temperature on the solubility of copper


They dissolved copper sulphate crystals in the same volume of water until no more would dissolve. This means the solution was saturated. They measured the mass of copper sulphate needed to make a saturated solution using water at different temperatures.

They plotted their results on a grid.






1030 40 50 60 70 80

temperature of water, in °C

mass of dissolvedcopper sulphatecrystals, in g

(a) (i) One of the mass readings appears to be wrong (anomalous).

Circle the anomalous result on the graph.

1 mark

(ii) Draw a smooth curve of best fit on the graph.

1 mark

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(iii) Use the graph to predict a more likely measurement of mass for the

anomalous result.

..................... g

1 mark

(b) Suggest one mistake Sarah might have made to produce this anomalous result.



1 mark

Maximum 4 marks