level set methods in medical image analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and...

Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis Isosurfaces and Level Sets Representing Surfaces with Volumes Formulation of Interface Propagation Boundary Value Problem Initial Value Problem Numerical Implementation Medical Image Segmentation Using Level Sets ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 1 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

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Page 1: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis

� Isosurfaces and Level Sets

� Representing Surfaces with Volumes

� Formulation of Interface Propagation

◦ Boundary Value Problem

◦ Initial Value Problem

� Numerical Implementation

� Medical Image Segmentation Using Level Sets

ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 1 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

Page 2: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Isosurfaces and Level Sets

� Isosurfaces can be used in modeling as an alternative to parameter-ized models for applications in visualization and graphics

� Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs tomodel deforming isosurfaces, with applications to image process-ing, vision, graphics.

� Level sets (moving interfaces) present an elegant means to manip-ulate the shape of isosurfaces in prescribed ways.

ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 2 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

Page 3: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Representing Surfaces with Volumes

� Level sets are based on implicit representation of a surface:

φ : Ux,y,z 7→ R

with U ∈ R3, and the surface S

S = {~x|φ(~x) = k}

where φ is the embedding function, S is an isosurface.

� Normal to isosurface, ~n is given by

~n(~x) =∇φ(~x)


ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 3 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

Page 4: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Surface Deformation

� In geometric modeling, a surface ~S is normally represented as a 2parameter object in 3D space:

~S : Vr × Vs 7→ R3x,y,z

where V × V ∈ R2.

� Deformable surfaces vary over time, i.e. S(r, s, t), are second ordercontinuous, oriented ( ~N(r, s, t)),

� Local deformations are defined by an evolution equation, relating tolocal and global shape properties, and other force functions:


∂t= ~G(~S, ~Sr, ~Ss, ~Srr, ~Srs, ~Sss, ...)

� G can be a variety of functions, depending on the application.

ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 4 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

Page 5: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Formulation of Interface Propagation

� Consider a boundary, curve (2D) or surface(3D), separating two re-gions, evolving along its normal direction

� The front evolution is according to a speed function, F

F = F (L, G, I)


◦ L represents local properties, such as curvature, normal direc-tion

◦ G represents global properties, such as overall shape or posi-tion of moving front

◦ I represents independent properties

� In evolving interface problems, the challenge lies in designing thespeed function, F .

ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 5 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

Page 6: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Boundary Value Problem

� Assume F > 0, i.e. the front always moves outward.

� Compute arrival function T (x, y) of the front, given in 1D bydistance = rate ∗ time,


dx= 1

� Level set function φ is static, containing a family of level sets, foreach time t. In general,

φ(~x(t)) = k(t) ⇒ ∇φ(~x).~v =dk(t)

dtITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 6 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

Page 7: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Boundary Value Problem

� Trade the moving boundary problem to something completely static(overlay a grid on the domain).

� Consider an evolving circle: results in a conical shaped level setfunction

� Motivation:

◦ Topological changes are handled by φ (or T (x, y), front obtainedas level set of φ

◦ Efficient techniques to compute φ

ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 7 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

Page 8: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Initial Value Problem

� Assume the front moves with speed F that is neither strictly positiveor negative

� Front can move forward or backward, can pass over a point multipletimes

� T (x, y) is no longer a single-valued function

� Handled by using a one-parameter family of embeddings, i.e., φ(x, t)changes over time, ~x remains on the zero (or some k) level set of φas it moves,

ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 8 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

Page 9: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Initial Value Problem

� The level set value of a particle on the front with path x(t) is alwayszero,

φ(x(t), t) = 0

By the chain rule,

φt +∇φ(x(t), t).~v = 0

and is the level-set equation of Osher-Sethian

� Initial value problem is computationally more expensive, however itis considerably more flexible

� Advantages:

◦ Topologically flexible, can represent complex shapes

◦ Shape complexity only restricted by the sampling resolution

◦ Wide range of applications, computational physics, image pro-cessing, medical image analysis, vision

ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 9 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

Page 10: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Application:Medical Image Analysis

� Similar to deformable models, level sets have been used in semi-automatic segmentaion.

� Powerful, as it can accommodate topological changes withoutchange in parameterization.

� Easily extensible to higher dimensional datasets

� Need to define appropriate speed functions.

ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 10 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

Page 11: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Application:Medical Image Analysis

� Front represents boundary of an evolving shape, must stop in thevicinity of the desired object boundaries.

� Final configuration is when all points of the front come to a stop.

� Speed function F is usually defined as the sum of an advection andgeometry terms

F = FA + FG

� FA is independent of the moving front’s geometry, is similar to aninflation (compression) force, while FG depends on the image ge-ometry, such as local curvature (regularizing term).

� The level set equation is given by

φt + FA|∇φ| + FG|∇φ| = 0

ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 11 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

Page 12: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Application:Medical Image Analysis

� Case 1: FG = 0:

◦ Can add a negative speed FI such as

FI(x, y) =−FA

(M1 −M2){|∇Gσ ∗ I(x, y)| −M2}

where M1, M2 are the max and min values of image gradient.

◦ FI is in the range [−FA, 0]

� Case 2: FG 6= 0:

◦ Can multiply F = FA + FG by

kl(x, y) =1

1 + |∇Gσ ∗ I(x, y)|

ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 12 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

Page 13: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Example: Medical Image Segmentation

Recovery of Stomach Shape from Abdominal Section (CT)ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 13 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

Page 14: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Example: Medical Image Segmentation

Smoothness Control in Shape Recovery

ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 14 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods

Page 15: Level Set Methods in Medical Image Analysis · ized models for applications in visualization and graphics Level set methods are a class of methods that rely on PDEs to model deforming

Example: Medical Image Segmentation

Topological Split

ITCS 6010:Biomedical Imaging and Visualization 15 Evolving Interfaces:Level Set Methods