leveraging social media, pr and internal comms 2010 - lars voedisch

© Copyright 2010 Dow J ones and Company, I nc. Lars Voedisch Regional Head – Media Intelligence, APAC Dow Jones Enterprise Media Group [email protected] http://twitter.com/larsv A New Paradigm For Communicators Leveraging social media, PR and internal communications in the digital age

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Session at the "PR & Media 2010 Congress" in Singapore: A new paradigm for communicators - Leveraging social media, PR and internal communications in the digital age What do corporate communicators need to know about social media and what does it mean for your organisation Linking PR efforts to business objectives Managing strategic media relations in times of continuous change and crisis What do our internal stakeholders expect Identifying and understanding the new influencers Leveraging on upcoming trends and opportunities


Page 1: Leveraging Social Media, PR and Internal Comms 2010 - Lars Voedisch

© Copyright 2010 Dow Jones and Company, Inc.

Lars VoedischRegional Head – Media Intelligence, APACDow Jones Enterprise Media [email protected] http://twitter.com/larsv

A New Paradigm For Communicators

Leveraging social media, PR and internal communications in the digital age

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Let’s start right here!

Who is regularly doing media monitoring?

Who is privately using Social Media?

Who’s regularly doing SOCIAL media monitoring?

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Anecdote: Air NZ vs. Southwest AirlinesOnline Video Battle

1) Dave the rapping flight attendant – Southwest

1) Dave the rapping flight attendant – Southwest

2) Nothing to Hide / Bare Essentials - Air New Zealand

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|© Copyright 2010 Dow Jones and Company, Inc.

Markets are conversations. Are you participating?

The conversation is going on whether you care to be involved or not.

If you choose not to be involved, you lose control of the conversation about your product, your business. You become irrelevant!

Trust can take years to build but be eroded away in just a few days.

To avoid disaster, you have to keep one finger on the pulse of the social web.

Source: www.cluetrain.com/book/; Mark Pesce – “Keep control of the conversation”, Sydney Morning Herald

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Are you ready for Generation V(irtual) ?

Preference for the use of digital media channels to discover information, build knowledge and share insights

Generation V is defined around three key behavioural attributes:

• Use of technology as a day-to-day tool to facilitate communication

• Desire to participate – expecting conversations

• Belief in the value of collaboration; ‘we’ is more powerful and valuable than ‘me’

Source: Enterprise Use of Social Netw orking, Gartner Symposium/ITxpo

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Markets are Conversations –and Social Media is a Cocktail Party.

Source: Web ink Now , David Meerman Scott / “Social Media is a Cocktail Party”, Jim Tobin

Imagine the web as a city:• Corporate – storefronts on main street• Ebay – garage sale• Amazon – popular bookstore• Mainstream media – Newspapers• Forums/Boards – Pubs and Salons

Social Networking are like Cocktail Parties:• How to get to know people?• What to talk about?• Why to join or leave?• Networking: Quantity or Quality

Twitter is like hotel lobby chats

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Social Media.

What do corporate communicators need to know about social media and what does it mean for the business?

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Misconceptions about Social Media

1. Build it and they will come2. Using Social Media to broadcast, not to LISTEN3. It’s FREE!!!4. You have to react to each negative comment5. No plan or objective6. Tracking the wrong stuff

Source: The 7 Misconceptions of Social Media, Mike Lew is

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90-9-1 Principle: The Inequality of the Web

Source: Jakob Nielsen - Participation Inequality: Encouraging More Users to Contribute

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Where to look?Social Networking becoming more important

Social networks/ blogs now 4th most popularonline category – ahead of personal e-mail

‘Member Communities’account for one in every one in every 11 online minutes

Facebook has replaced MySpace as the world’s most popular social network – but nowhere near in the likes of China or Japan

Member Community growth twice that of any of the other five most popular sectors

The most popular social networks in countries where Facebook is not the leader

Source: Nielsen - Global Faces and Netw orked Places

Facebook may be the overall largest –but misses out on key economies!

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Start Here: Simple Tools for Monitoring

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Threats and Risks of Not Listening

Bloggers can be less predictable than reporters

Reporters scanning social media sites for story ideas

Finding out about growing client discontent after critical mass has built up

Competitors becoming thought leaders

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When NOT to actively use Social Media.

Source: http://www.readwritew eb.com/archives/when_to_not_use_social_media.php

Scenarios when social media should be avoided :

• Strategic Vacuum • Management skepticism• You're in a high-ticket business• You fight with your employees• Privacy and regulatory concerns

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Anecdote: Air NZ vs. Southwest AirlinesOnline Video Battle

1) Dave the rapping flight attendant – Southwest

2) Nothing to Hide / Bare Essentials - Air New Zealand

1) Dave the rapping flight attendant – Southwest

2) Nothing to Hide / Bare Essentials - Air New Zealand

3) Air NZ challenging Southwest

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Social or not – it’s Media Relations

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Social Media Relations: Everything Changes!?

Everything Everything ChangesChanges

From pitching to engaging in “Naked Conversations”

“There is no market for your message”

Command and control, top down message delivery is no longer an option –it’s about conversations

Nothing Nothing ChangesChanges

It’s about relationships and people

Not every negative comment means a crisis

You need to watch your relevant space: monitor and analyze

Look at trends over time

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How do we stay relevant and lead strategic communications programs?

Source: Redefining Media Relations, Maureen O’Connell

It’s not traditional vs. social media – it’s all media relations.

Let’s not just tweet because it’s the hottest tool at the moment

Remember everybody has a printing press now

Important rules in media relations remain the same:- Stay transparent, authentic and relevant- It is all about building relationships - Becoming a valued, trusted resource to each contact

Important rules in media relations remain the same:- Stay transparent, authentic and relevant- It is all about building relationships - Becoming a valued, trusted resource to each contact

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Must-Dos for PR Professionals in 2010:You can’t outsource your strategy

Agree and align your communications objectives Awareness Image / Reputation Sales Cost savings Something else?

Track / Measure your success Build expertise and capacity (staff & tools): Social

media is neither cost-free nor will it fix it all. Think about relevance: Become a Content Creator Define your Rules of Engagement Bring Social Media Inside

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Public Relations in beta mode: Do you have time for real-time?

• Real-time web, events and communication are going to happen much faster

• There is not enough time to get corporate content or responses 100% ready, checked and double-checked

• Learn from Technology companies?• Launch in beta mode• Tweak it along the way

Source: Marketing in real t ime, Oh Yong Hw ee, Media

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Critical Questions for Corporate Communications

Can you track the drivers of your corporate reputation?

How do you benchmark your competitors?

Do you know what your weak PR spots are? Sectors? Markets? Media?

How (fast) do you identify critical issues that could affect your organization?

How do you track traditionaland social media?

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Monitor Analyze Discover Engage

Monitor Analyze Discover

research & promote the buzz

issues, trends& strategies for


opportunities &risks in time

to act


& pinpointbetter the influential

Use smart tools along your workflow!

Communications Objectives & Strategy

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MonitorWho’s Listening?

Monitor and Track what’s relevant across media

channels / sources!

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Media Analysis: Stop confusing ROI with results, and measurement with counting

“Measurement is not counting. Or monitoring. It is not the number of followers, friends, rankings, or scores.

Measurement is a process that requires you to compare results against something — either with your competition or with your own results over time.

You note the change, analyze the reasons why, and improve your program accordingly.”

Source: Stop confusing ROI w ith results, and measurement w ith counting, KD Payne


Show you’re busy –or indispensable?

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Who are they talking about?

Where is thechatter

happening?How goodis it?

What’s going on?

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Who’s talking about you – and your competitor?

Look at social vs traditional media!

Who’s talking about you – and your competitor?

What’s going on?

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“This is not about searching knowns, this is about

uncovering unknowns and understanding the context.”

What’s coming?

What’s the context?

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What they’re writing about…What they’re writing about…

…and how to contact them…and how to contact them

Engage and understand the influencers

For most industries, Print is still king!

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Indispensable? Translating PR results into the language of business

Source: Dow Jones E-book: “Talk to me – 10 t ips for translating the PR results into the language of business“.

• 60% of companies (PR Week) are measuring PR/ Communications at the request of senior management. – Better start before management asks for it

• Using multiple metrics – Show the whole picture• Connect the dots between clip counts –trends in

coverage and favourability• One key metric should be measuring relationships• Set your sights on the competition – show the context• Top executives only need a high-level summary of


“…From an executive’s viewpoint, it can be interpreted as the difference between the PR team being busy and the PR team being indispensable.

“…From an executive’s viewpoint, it can be interpreted as the difference between the PR team being busy and the PR team being indispensable.

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How can communicators keep employees informed and engaged in times of continuous change and crisis?

Internal Communications.

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Internal Communication Trends

• Internal communication as everyone’s responsibility

• The need for speed• Cyber and social media

guidelines• Internal ‘image’ building for


Source: Internal Communication Trend Spotting For 2010, Aniisu

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Using Social Media for Internal Communication Where to start

Listen. Use a social media tool to see what’s being said by employees about the organization.

Lead. Leaders must be on board with why this is important, so education and training for executives is critical.

Guide. Develop social media guidelines for employees to ensure they remember they’re brand ambassadors in and out of work, on and offline.

Engage. Give social media a go. Incorporate an element of social media in your employee communication strategy and test it.

Source: “Yamming it up”, Tam Sandeman / Impact Employee Communications

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Corporate Micro-blogging Communities

Gen V craves for access to critical informationIntranets becoming mash-ups

Development from static information sites to integrated workflow tools

Knowledge management as a personal skill and ambition rather than a corporate function

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Content Creation: Leveraging your resources to maximize your assets across channels

Editorial Workbench can consume a wide

variety of sources

(including Factiva, your

internal articles, and external RSS) to allow

editors to hand pick content, add commentary, and publish tailored news summaries

to multiple audiences via

multiple channels.

Editorial Workbench can consume a wide

variety of sources

(including Factiva, your

internal articles, and external RSS) to allow

editors to hand pick content, add commentary, and publish tailored news summaries

to multiple audiences via

multiple channels.“…provides the ability to sort the knowledge

gold from the information noise” - Caterpillar “…provides the ability to sort the knowledge gold from the information noise” - Caterpillar


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Content Creation: Leveraging your resources to maximize your assets across channels

Editorial Workbench can consume a wide

variety of sources

(including Factiva, your

internal articles, and external RSS) to allow

editors to hand pick content, add commentary, and publish tailored news summaries

to multiple audiences via

multiple channels.

Editorial Workbench can consume a wide

variety of sources

(including Factiva, your

internal articles, and external RSS) to allow

editors to hand pick content, add commentary, and publish tailored news summaries

to multiple audiences via

multiple channels.“…provides the ability to sort the knowledge

gold from the information noise” - Caterpillar “…provides the ability to sort the knowledge gold from the information noise” - Caterpillar


Custom Portlets/Webparts& Custom XML output

RSS Feeds

Mobile-formatted text

Email Newsletters

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Outlook & Summary

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Outlook: The Future Of The Social Web

Sources: Forrester, Web Profits, Read Wide Web

Social media becomes mainstream

Going mobile Less trial-and-error and

more strategy It’s all about content One size doesn’t fit all There will be more Noise! Devices / Tools / Networks

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Summary:Social Media Tips for Comms Professionals

Keep on top of social media trends

Familiarize yourself with the latest web toolsfor your social media management success

Follow best social media practices in your industry sector

Identify and engage relevant digital influencers

Source: Social Media Tips for PR Professionals, Daniel Young

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Summary:Social Media Tips for Comms Professionals

Keep on top of social media trends

Familiarize yourself with the latest web toolsfor your social media management success

Follow best social media practices in your industry sector

Identify and engage relevant digitalinfluencers

Source: Social Media Tips for PR Professionals, Daniel Young

Important rules in media relations remain the sameImportant rules in media relations remain the same

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Monitor Analyze Discover Engage

Monitor Analyze Discover

research & promote the buzz

issues, trends& strategies for


opportunities &risks in time

to act


& pinpointbetter the influential

Use smart tools along your workflow!

Communications Objectives & Strategy

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Anecdote: Air NZ vs. Southwest AirlinesOnline Video Battle

1) Dave the rapping flight attendant – Southwest

2) Nothing to Hide / Bare Essentials - Air New Zealand

3) Air NZ challenging Southwest

1) Dave the rapping flight attendant – Southwest

2) Nothing to Hide / Bare Essentials - Air New Zealand

3) Air NZ challenging Southwest

4) Southwest’s response

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Lars VoedischRegional Head – Media Intelligence, APACDow Jones Enterprise Media [email protected] http://twitter.com/larsv

Thank you.