leviticus how are we to live with this holy god in our midst?

Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God

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Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?. Key phrase: Holy to the Lord Qadosh = Holy ( hwhyl vdq ) Key verse: Lev. 20:26 – you are to be holy to me, because I, the LORD am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own. Holy: What does it mean? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

LeviticusHow are we to live with this holy

God in our midst?

Page 2: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

Key phrase: Holy to the Lord

Qadosh = Holy(hwhyl vdq)

Key verse: Lev. 20:26 – you are to be holy to me, because I, the LORD am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own.

Page 3: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

Holy: What does it mean?

Holiness means separation: Separation “from” – distinct, of another kind, radically different.

God is holy – none other like him Separation “to” – belonging to God and set apart for his special service – temple vessels are holy

Page 4: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

How Can We Be Holy?

All holiness is derivative – it comes from our being in relationship with a holy God… So to be holy is to belong to God, to be set apart for God’s special use… And because we belong to this holy God, we are distinct, different, holy!

Page 5: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

LeviticusHelps us with 2

Important Questions about the life of

holiness:1. What happens if we slip up? If we fail to reflect and live out this distinctive life that comes from walking with a holy God?

Page 6: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

Leviticus 1-16 Sacrificial system – enables us,

sinners, to approach and maintain relationship with a holy God. Chapters 1-7 (sacrificial system),

8-10 (priesthood), 11-15 (purity laws), Chapter 16 speaks of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) The culmination of the sacrificial system… Restored relationship!

Page 7: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

LeviticusHelps us with 2

Important Questions about the life of

holiness:2. How do I make progress and grow in this life of holiness? How do I come to reflect the heart and character of the God who is holy?

Page 8: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

Leviticus 17-26The Holiness

Code A Communal Code of Conduct,

summed up in Lev. 19:18b – You shall love your neighbor as yourself. All Inclusive – covering every

arena of life: family, neighbor, stranger, business, worship…

Page 9: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

God’s covenant on Sinai: You shall be to

me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation!

Holiness calls for a radical re-ordering of human society according to the purpose and character of the holy God with whom we journey.

Page 10: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

THIS INCLUDES: Impartiality and equality in administering justice

Fairness in treatment of the poor (widow, orphan, alien)

Provisions for the unemployed

Scrupulous honesty in business

Be Holy, for I, the LORD, am holy!

Page 11: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

Assignment for Monday

Review Chapter Six (89-101)Study Guide for

Exam – Wed.Portfolio

Assignment is Due by October 8

Unit Exam – October 8

Page 12: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

The Book of NumbersBeginning of the

Journey – Out of Egypt

End of the Road –

Promised Land

Journey Through

The Wilderness

Page 13: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

The WildernessWhat is it?

A Place of Risk / Danger / DeathA Place of Testing God / PeopleA Place of New Creation and

Renewed Faith in God’s Ability to Guide and Provide

Page 14: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

Three Stories from the

Wilderness1. Kadesh-Barnea – Ch.13 & 1412 Spies – Joshua & CalebWe were like grasshoppersRebellion – Failure to trust the

promises of God

Page 15: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

Three Stories from the

Wilderness2. The Waters of Meribah – Ch. 20Whining about WaterMoses Strikes the RockAn assault on God’s holiness –

you did not trust me!

Page 16: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

Three Stories from the

Wilderness3. Balaam – Numbers 22-24King Balak’s RequestInstructed by a DonkeyGod’s relentless intention to

bless Israel – God can be trusted!

Page 17: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

Lessons From The WildernessGod is still able to provideLack of trust always places God’s

people at great riskWilderness is a place where

faith in God is tested and grows!

Page 18: Leviticus How are we to live with this holy God in our midst?

Assignment for Wednesday

Review Chapter Six (89-101)Study Guide for


Assignment is Due by October 8

Unit Exam – October 8