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Digital Graphics File Formats

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Post on 15-Feb-2017




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Digital Graphics File Formats

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Raster Graphics Raster graphics are images that are digital and are created

from individual pixels in a given space. These pixels can then be manipulated but then become stretched giving the image a low quality look. A raster works on a grid system with the X and Y coordinates and if the image is three-dimensional (3D) then the Z coordinate is used.

Vector Graphics Vector graphics use vectors which are also known

as paths or strokes, they also use geometric shapes such as points, curves, lines, circles, squares, and other polygons. Vectors are mathematically based. They also don’t loose quality when manipulated.

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Raster Graphics

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JPEGStands For Joint Photographic Experts

GroupUsed For/Example JPEG’s are used to compress images so

that they are easier to use and upload onto the internet. This is the most common file type that people use for images.

Advantage Advantages of a JPEG are, that they keep all the colour information.

Using a JPEG will also compress the image to a smaller file size so it is easier to use and upload.

JPEG’s are used by everyone on all formats of devices.

Disadvantage JPEG’s can be bad because they do not support transparent backgrounds which are found on logos etc...The image is compressed which may result in the image becoming a lower resolution.Finally, every time you open and close a JPEG it compresses it further and also reduces the quality.

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TIFFStands For Tag Image File Format

Used For/Example These are popular with graphic designers. These are used because the have lossless compression unlike the JPEG, which compresses the image. These are less common then JPEG’s.

Advantage The colour is always kept because of TIFF’s being 16-bit. A high quality image maintains its resolution and is not lost due to compression.TIFF’s are used for more personal things like editing because it has the best quality to offer.

Disadvantage The file sizes are massive due to there being no compression, this makes them difficult to upload or email to others.It does not always work with all devices or formats.

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GIFStands For Graphics Interchange

FormatUsed For/Example Used to create a moving picture for a

few seconds without sound. These are mainly used as memes on social networks because they are easy to upload and make.

Advantage GIF’s compress the image to a very small quality. A main feature of GIF’s are that they support animation effects and transparent backgrounds, which is why they are used for logos and graphic text.

Disadvantage GIF’s only support a few hundred colours due to the fact that it compresses the image a lot and to avoid really colourful images.

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BMPStands For Image File Format

(Bitmap)Used For/Example Bitmap files are used to store bitmap

images, these are mainly used on Microsoft Windows and OS operating systems.

Advantage The file size is not compressed so the image won’t loss quality, you can also edit individual pixels if the right software is used.Bitmap files are good for printing due to each individual pixel because printers use a dot-format device which reads the individual pixels.

Disadvantage Because the image is uncompressed the file sizes are massive and so are not easy to share with others online or through email. The images do not scale well and if stretched too much then the image can end up distorted and loss quality in resolution.

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Vector Graphics

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PSDStands For Adobe Photoshop

Document Used For/Example These can only be used on adobe

software but mainly on Photoshop. PSD files are mainly used by graphic designers as Photoshop is the best photo editing software out there.

Advantage The images can be manipulated easily and don’t loss much resolution. Photoshop files can also save in layers which is useful for logos or magazine covers, they also support transparency.

Disadvantage Even though PSD files can be very useful they only work on Adobe software, so they don’t work on other photo editing software like GIMP or Paint.net.

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AIStands For Adobe Illustrator

Used For/Example AI’s are mainly used for logos and graphic design. Not many people use them as PSD files are better to work with.

Advantage AI’s can be scaled bigger or smaller with no loss of quality or resolution to the image, this is good for logos if the company wants to print a big logo on a billboard or a small logo on an letter for example.

Disadvantage To work with AI’s you specific software, like Adobe Illustrator, but this can limit who edits it and where it can be used.

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FLAStands For Flash File

Used For/Example Flash files are used to create animation or small interactive games. They are used for this because they can contain sound and video.

Advantage FLA files can use audio and video in the animation or game. The file size is also quite small so they are easy to upload and share with others, though email or social media.

Disadvantage Similar to AI’s a FLA file can only be used by certain software so they are not that commonly used by the public.

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WMFStands For Windows Metafile

Used For/Example WMF files are used only on Microsoft Windows and used to create logos and other graphics. It is also used in clipart on windows.

Advantage These types of files can contain either or both bitmap images or vector style images, they can also be scaled bigger or smaller with no loss of quality.

Disadvantage Similar to the last two file formats, WMF can only be used on Microsoft Windows software so it is limited to where it can be used.

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File Format Capture and Optimising

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CompressionDefinition Lossy compression is the way which

file sizes are reduced and shrunk by reducing the amount of information saved on the image.

Advantage Compression of an image can be really good as it reduces the file size of the image.

Disadvantage This does come with a disadvantage and that is when you do compress an image then the quality of the image will be reduced as well as the file size.

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Image CaptureMethod Scanner

How is it used for image capture of graphics

A scanner is used to scan what is placed onto it and copy that image and digitalize it, so then it can be used on software and can be edited.

Method CameraHow is it used for image

capture of graphicsFor a camera to work you need light to enter the lens of the camera which is then read by a sensor. The sensor reads all the information given and then produces a digital image made of pixels.

Method Graphics TabletHow is it used for image

capture of graphicsGraphics Tablets are tablets that allow the user to draw on the surface of them with a special pen and it shows up either on the tablet screen or on the monitor.

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Why would you optimise? Optimising an image makes it easier to upload and view on the internet. It ensures an easy viewing for the viewer. It is used for company website etc...

How can you optimise? Optimising consists of:•Reducing the size of the image•Reducing the depth of the image (the bit size)•Reducing the resolution of the imageCompressing the image itself

Advantage to optimising Reduces the image size so it is easier to work with when uploading. Easy access for the viewers when they try to view the image.

Disadvantage to optimising The image losses its quality definition when you reduce anything. This can result in less defined image.

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File SizeWhat could affect a Working Scale (Photoshop) document

file size?

Compressing an image will result in a lower quality image but the file size will be smaller. Also resizing the image in Photoshop will affect the quality of the image.

How could you reduce the file size of a Working Scale

document without affecting quality?

By compressing it into a zip folder, and when you want to use it then unzip the folder and the image will uncompress.

What is an advantage of scaling up images before


The advantage of this is that the image will be at the size you want it to be without compressing it.

What is a disadvantage of scaling up images before


The disadvantage is that the image will have a large file size when exporting.

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File Naming ConventionsWhat naming conventions

could you use when creating your video game assets?

• I would use naming conventions to make my files and images easy to read and notice them.

• For example I will name y main assets folder ‘assets’ and it will contain ‘characters’ or ‘Backgrounds’

• Within those folders will contain my assets which will be named after what they are.

Why is it a good idea to accurately name your assets?

So you know where things are when you need them. For example if I had a file named ‘Characters’ and it contained all my game characters in it then I’d be able to fine easier, then if I named it ‘backgrounds’ or ‘untitled5’.

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Asset Management

Why would you use folders when storing your assets?

To be able to find your assets more easily in order for you to use them.

What folders would you create and what would you save

within them

• I’d have a main folder which would be named ‘Print’ then within that folder I would have ‘Assets’ and ‘Proformas’