lg3: food ky&feature=fvwrel feeding the world (2.5min) need to check sound need to get clip on gm...

Environmental Aspects of Food Production LG3: FOOD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= VDqHlYHIVkY&feature=fvwrel Feeding the World (2.5min) Need to check sound Need to get clip on GM corn Need to get clip on hormones

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Environmental Aspects of Food ProductionLG3: FOODhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDqHlYHIVkY&feature=fvwrelFeeding the World (2.5min)

Need to check soundNeed to get clip on GM cornNeed to get clip on hormones

Next week LG at 8:00 am by the falgpoleDont be lateNo back packsYou will NOT miss any other classBring a pencil and something to write on

If you miss the bus report to the SRC for a make-up activityField Trip

Lets review the Soil Textural Triangle.Take out the soil triangle from lab to identify the these soils:a. 24% clay 18% silt 58% sand b. 41 % clay 51% silt 8% sand

41 % clay 51% silt 8% sand

The 7 Crops That Wisconsin Ranks #1 In:Cheese (overall combination)CranberriesMink peltsCorn for silageSnap beansWheyGinsengLast week...you were asked to list pros and cons of farmingThis week you ARE going to be a farmerthe key is not so much the land,It can take 50 to 500 yr to create 1 of topsoil that one rain storm washes away.

But rather care of top soil on the land.

Again...What If You Were To Own A Small Family Farm?Lets consider: FARMING as your PRINCIPLE INCOME $$$$$$$$$ Remember: Your soil is your most valuable assetWhat-ever Your HarvestHealthy soil will grow the harvest

or the food for the harvest

Mineral-47%Air-25%Water-25%Organic matter-3%This week we address nutrients and farming practices to conserve and rebuild soil.If mother nature is cooperating: Plants get what they need from the soil.What creates unhealthy soil? 2.invaders3. loss of nutrients 1.Erosion Keep It Healthy!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd-48Zw0Tr4 One hungry planet (4min)

Erosion: loss of topsoil due to wind/ rain/ other.1.Erosion

You cant control Mother Nature

Man can control himself! or the DNR may step in.15

How do you reduce erosion?

a. Contour farming.description= work across a hill instead of up and downslowing down wind and water flowReduce erosion by

b. cover soil=vegetation in spring/summer/fall (covers soil)=crop residues after crop harvest(humus)slowing down wind and water flowReduce erosion by

the key is not so much the land,It can take 50 to 500 yr to create 1 of topsoil that one rain storm washes away.

But rather care of top soil on the land.

-Takes more time-Costs more money$$Why wouldnt you use these practices?

c. Build shelter belts and windbreaks (1 ft = 10 ft)slowing down wind and water flowReduce erosion by

the key is not so much the land,It can take 50 to 500 yr to create 1 of topsoil that one rain storm washes away.

But rather care of top soil on the land.

-Takes more time-Costs more money$$Why wouldnt you use these practices?

+A high crop shelters others from wind (1 foot of crop = 10 feet of shelter)

+A heavy root crop slows flow from open row cropsd. Practice strip cropping.slowing down wind and water flowReduce erosion by

the key is not so much the land,It can take 50 to 500 yr to create 1 of topsoil that one rain storm washes away.

But rather care of top soil on the land.

-Takes more time-Costs more money$$Why wouldnt you use these practices?

e. grass cover.Protect areas where water wants to flow. slowing down wind and water flowReduce erosion by

the key is not so much the land,It can take 50 to 500 yr to create 1 of topsoil that one rain storm washes away.

But rather care of top soil on the land.

-Takes more time-Costs more money$$Why wouldnt you use these practices?

f. TerracingFlat steps that collect soil as it drops slowing down wind and water flowReduce erosion by

the key is not so much the land,It can take 50 to 500 yr to create 1 of topsoil that one rain storm washes away.

But rather care of top soil on the land.

-Takes more time-Costs more money$$Why wouldnt you use these practices?Get it????How else do we make sure that soil is healthy?Do we add anything to it or not?? 2.invaders

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSHijJvYE1ACheck out how this farmer got rid of invaders! JFL How can you control invaders on your farm?Eliminate invasive species.Eliminate poor genetics of current crop.


Purple loosestrife and/or golden rodhttp://www.youtube.com/wath?v=gRJaWN4q4W8 -Reproduce -Salt lick-Weeding-Tall guy

I dont mean weird neighbor kids, either.

How can you eliminate pests?spray chemicalsGM controlrotate cropspick weeds A. Chemical ControlPesticides: chemicals that control, repel or eliminate destructive organisms (weeds, insects, bacteria, fungi, etc.).Herbicide kill plants.

Insecticide kill insects.

Fungicide kill fungi.

$$$1.Expensive, 2.Increases erosion because it dries out soil 3.Toxic

Why not?

4.pests build up resistance with overuse,

5. spraying is not target specificB. Genetically modified pest resistance in cornWhat else can we do?C. Practice Crop Rotation, so pests have to travel

D. Pick weeds

E. Leave humus on soils so it rots and lets nutrients in

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPqurPwaK10 the key is not so much the land,It can take 50 to 500 yr to create 1 of topsoil that one rain storm washes away.

But rather care of top soil on the land.

-Takes more time-Costs more money$$Why wouldnt you use these practices?What are the major nutrients in soil? 3. loss of nutrients

What are the essential nutrients?How do we get them back if we lose them?A. Essential soil nutrients

3 Primary Macronutrients = nutrients needed in large amountsPhosphorusPNitrogenN-PotassiumK

Remember thisYoung people across the nation are supporting MACRONUTRIENT education:3 Secondary Macronutrients = nutrients needed in large amountsCalcium CaMagnesium Mg-sulfur SThis dudes camera ran out of gas CaM g-S:

Micronutrients = nutrients needed in small amounts- sodium, manganese, zinc, copper, selenium, molybdenum, iron (to name a few)Sulfur=S Selenium=Se Calcium=CaManganese=Mn Sodium=NaMolybdenum=Md Iron=FeBarium=Ba Lithium=LiEven Geek Gangs are realizing the need to remain conscious on the MICRO scale

B. Adding things to yield a better cropFertilizers- any material added to the soil to supply one or more plant nutrients.

There arent buried nutrients in treasure boxesIt wont rain animal waste.

a. Natural fertilizersanimal and plant wastesVermicompostUsing worm castings/poop to produce a highly fertile soil compost.Red Wigglers are the most common.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NutSMk2mpdM

b. Artificial fertilizersP, N, K-Crop Rotation and -Tilling humus

No fertilizer-Natural methods:What about nutrients not in the soil, but in the product?biotechnologyBefore growthhormonesAnimalsremember that we need to feed the worldYou decide

After growthhormonesFood Injected into fruit and vegetables before market

-nutritionist-vitamins and vaccinations Non-hormone methods:

Other options?biotechnologyInsect and drought resistant cropshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QQ7SiCgORQ

http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=9750Mexicans reject Monsanto and GM corn 8minFarming is not for glamorous or lazy people!It is not a game in life or of lifeIt is your life if you choose it.

Review each of the soil types:

http://wsd-science9.wikispaces.com/There is a place on the note-sheet to record your lettered responses.Farming and I Grow It http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrtva3_i-m-farming-and-i-grow-it_fun

74Organic Grocery Store Wars:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVrIyEu6h_E Backwards Hamburgerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0U7w92UW52E&feature=relmfuFood crisis due to drought this yearhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5jPhoECl_U Inspirational team workhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue3hCVHtZZYSupport farmershttp://www.fertilizer.org/HomePage/INITIATIVES/Farming-First 4 levels:There are 4 basic levels of Farming:1. Corporations2. Large family farmers 3. Small family farmers4. Gardeners

our field trip focused on ???We will address:The difference between corporation, large family farm and small family practices a little bitReview how small family farms can practice environmentally friendly soil maintenance practices a lotDiscuss some options for the general population to garden a little bit