lg4 remote learning - melland.manchester.sch.uk

LG4 Remote Learning Each day try to follow the usual timetable for LG4. Your class teacher will be available during the times and can be contacted through email. Take a photo during each lesson of either the work or your child engaging with the work provided and send to the teacher. Tutor: [email protected] If you have any issues or concerns then please contact school 0161 223 9915. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sensory Exploration Sensory Exploration Sensory Exploration Sensory Exploration Sensory Exploration Independence Physical Wellbeing Play and Leisure The World Around Me Drama LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH Music Physical Wellbeing Art Independence Play and Leisure Environment Environment Environment Environment Environment

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LG4 Remote Learning

Each day try to follow the usual timetable for LG4.

Your class teacher will be available during the times and can be contacted through email.

Take a photo during each lesson of either the work or your child engaging with the work provided and send to the teacher.

Tutor: [email protected]

If you have any issues or concerns then please contact school 0161 223 9915.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday











Independence Physical Wellbeing Play and Leisure The World Around




Music Physical Wellbeing Art Independence Play and Leisure

Environment Environment Environment Environment Environment

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Using a phone/tablet/laptop follow this link:


Use your playdough to follow along with the activity at the beginning of each session.

It works best if a parent / carer also follows along with their own playdough.

Sensory Exploration‘Fine motor’

Regular sensory exploration supports pupils to strengthen their sensory resilience and regulate their sensory needs. Access to sensory experiences allows pupils to show their preferences and inspires different forms engagement, communication and motor control and coordination.

Makes 1 coloured ball

Prep 10 minutes

You will need•2 cups plain flour•1 cup salt•1 tbsp vegetable oil•1 cup cold water•2 drops food colouring

Method1. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl.2. Add the water, oil and colouring.3. Dust surface with flour and keep playing with it until it isn’t sticky. Add more flour if

you need to.4. Store in a bag/ box in the fridge to keep it fresh.

Make your own play dough

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Task: Helping to prepare a simple meal

You have been practising grating cheese and spreading butter onto bread during the autumn term.

It’s now time to take these skills and try something different.

Follow this link to find a recipe for pitta pizzas on the school website: LG4 Pitta Pizza Recipe

Follow the step by step instructions and don’t forget to email me a photo of your finished pizza!

Monday AM

Teacher: C Johnson | email: [email protected]

Cookery‘Using Utensils’

Cookery skills and safety awareness develop through repetition of skills and supported kitchen

encounters. This term pupils will be looking at the skill of using utensils to spread and grate. We

will focus on simple meals to show our safe utensil usage in preparation to create a pizza.

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Monday PMMusic

‘Creating Sounds’

Throughout Music, pupils will encounter various musical genres and styles. Encountering

allows pupils to explore personal preference and communicate choice of musical tastes

and interests. This term we will be exploring sound by creating different tones and rhythms

with instruments and everyday objects.

TASK 1-Warm up

Listen to: Zorba - Sirtaki Originale

Move to the music together, move slow when the music is slow and quickly as the music speeds up.

Use the words ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ and you hear each tempo

Task 2- Claps

Clap and repeat. Clap your hands twice and ask the student to copy. Count the number of times out loud. Change the

variety of times you clap the more consistent the pupil becomes.

Task 3- Percussion

Choose an instrument to bang. This can be a drum or alternatively a pot or pan.

Repeat task 2 with a drum.

Main Task- Following the rhythm.

• Play a steady beat and ask the pupil to play at the same time.• Use the words ‘GO’ and ‘STOP’

• Play a really slow pattern using the word ‘SLOW’• Play a really fast pattern using the word ‘FAST’

• Ask the pupil to play solo, FAST and then SLOW• Let them choose which they would like to play

• Pick a piece of music that they enjoy to keep the beat along to.

Teacher: D Hughes | email: [email protected]

Parent Guide

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Monday PMMusic

‘Creating Sounds’

Throughout Music, pupils will encounter various musical genres and styles. Encountering

allows pupils to explore personal preference and communicate choice of musical tastes

and interests. This term we will be exploring sound by creating different tones and rhythms

with instruments and everyday objects.

TASK 1-Warm up

Task 2- Claps Task 3- Percussion

Main Task- Following the rhythm.


Teacher: D Hughes | email: [email protected]

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TUESDAY AMPhysical Wellbeing


Your PE on Tuesday mornings will be the same each week. You need to continue to be fit and healthy and have fun- just like we do when you’re at school.Get your PE kit on, warm up, get your heart racing and cool down afterwards.Get someone to email me a photo of you joining in.

WARM UPCan you move or stretch like an animal? Giraffe, frog, elephant, lion?

HEART RACER:Follow this link and join in for 20 minutes of moving and having fun. Or google,

simple 20 minute exercises.


COOL DOWN:Lie on the floor, stretch your body out so it’s as long as it can be. Curl into a ball.

Stretch out again. Repeat and rest for 2/3 minutes.

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TUESDAY PMPhysical Wellbeing


Your activity for Tuesday Afternoons will be the same each week. Get someone to email me a photo of you joining in.

TASK ONEGo for a walk or a jog with someone from your house. Get some fresh air, wrap up warm, enjoy being in the outdoors with people you know.

TASK TWOFollow this 15 minute yoga class on YouTube. It has all the poses we have done in school.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCIviBT3Txc

Search for “Cosmic Kids” on YouTube for others you may enjoy

COOL DOWN:Lie on the floor, stretch your body out so it’s as long as it can be. Curl into a ball. Stretch out again. Repeat and rest for 2/3 minutes.

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Wednesday AM

Warm upMusical Bumps: This is best played with everyone in the family who can join in. Siblings

welcome!Choose some music – dance along, wait for it to stop and then be the first to sit down

when the music stops.

TaskChoose a simple 1-1 or small group game that you can play together. This can be a game which you already have at home or it can be something that doesn’t need any equipment.

This can be any game that your child enjoys. Examples include: • Any simple board / card game• Hide and Seek• Balloon Tennis• What time is it Mr Wolf• Treasure hunts• Any sporting activity: Cricket, relay race, tag. • There are many more!

Once you have chosen your game for the week, play it with as many family members as you can. Try to encourage positive interaction, following simple rules, responding to others and requesting different games.

Send me a photo and show me which game you have chosen!

Teacher: C Johnson | email: [email protected]

Play and Leisure‘Turn Taking’

Pupils are encouraged to play in a supported and controlled environment. Play supports the key developmental areas essential for developing social awareness and interactive skills. This term, pupils are participating in structured and free platy that promotes turn taking, sharing and an awareness of others. Choose a suggested activity and encourage pupils to wait, listen and take turns during play and leisure.

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Teacher: D Hughes | email: [email protected]

TASK 1-Warm up

Have three colours available. Ask the pupil to choose a colour and copy a pattern you draw. • Straight line

• Dots• Squiggle

Task 2- Exploring

Try the patterns in different mediums. (eg. Felt Tips, Crayons, paints etc).

Task 3- Textures

Find 5 objects that have different textures eg. (A tennis ball, a phone, apple)

Put one in a bag so it can’t be seen. Ask the pupil to identify the object just by feeling it.

Extension- Print some colouring sheets of popular characters for the pupils to explore the colours trying to keep in the lines and copy the colours.

Email teacher for printouts for pupil self portraits.

Wednesday PM


Art empowers pupils to express individual choice and personality. Pupils are encouraged to

explore their abilities and build confidence through art. This term, Pupils are encouraged to

experiment with colour and create their own artwork using different techniques.

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Teacher: D Hughes | email: [email protected]

TASK 1-Warm up

Task 2- Exploring

Task 3- Textures


Art empowers pupils to express individual choice and personality. Pupils are encouraged to

explore their abilities and build confidence through art. This term, Pupils are encouraged to

experiment with colour and create their own artwork using different techniques.

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Thursday AMThe World About Me

‘Valentines Day’

In this lesson we learn about festivals and celebrations. Choose 1 activity each week and send me a photos of your work or of you spending time with the people you love. You can choose the same activity each week if you want to.

Valentines day is celebrated on 14th February and it’s a day to tell the people you love how much you care for them. People send cards, chocolates, gifts. Who do you love, who loves you, what do you love doing?

Make a card for someone you love

Bake some biscuits for your family (google fork biscuits for a really easy


Draw a picture of someone you love Get someone to help

you draw a big heart, colour it in, cut it out, put some string in it and hang it up

Make a collage of all of your favourite things. Draw, take photo’s, cut out pictures from magazines

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Task 1 – Washing Clothes

• Take the bedding off your bed as independently as you can• Put the bedding into the washing machine

• Your parent / carer will turn the machine onto the right setting for you

Task 2 – Changing your bedding

• With your parent / carer, help to put your new bedding onto the bed.

• You have already been practising some of these skills at school.

Task 3 – Hanging out the washing

• When the washing machine has finished, take the clothes out and help your parent / carer to hang them outside.

Extra task: keep checking to see when the clothes are dryWhen they are, help ta taken them down and bring them inside

Thursday PM


Pupils are encouraged to develop their self-reliance and independent life skills, This term, Independence is promoted through daily tasks and repetition of skills. Whilst at home, practice daily support of your environment to develop real world life skills.

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4. Help to hang out the washing

3. Help to put clean bedding on

2. Put your bedding into the washing machine

1. Help to take your bedding off

Thursday PM


Pupils are encouraged to develop their self-reliance and independent life skills, This term, Independence is promoted through daily tasks and repetition of skills. Whilst at home, practice daily support of your environment to develop real world life skills.

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Friday AM

TASK 1-Warm up

Listen to the following songs and follow the dance/signs• Cha Cha Slide

• Superman-Black Lace• Music Man- Black Lace

Task 2- Facial Expressions

Explore facial expressions to show the following emotions:Happy


DisgustedYou may wish to show their faces in a mirror.

Task 3- Body Language

Play the following music and ask the student to move to the emotion attached. You may need to demonstrate so they can mirror you actions.

• Happy- Shake It Off by Taylor Swift • Sad- Cool Kids (Acoustic) by Echosmith• Anger- Radioactive by Imagine Dragons • Disgust- Worth It by Fifth Harmony

• Scared- stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots

Parent Note: Pupils will be familiar with these activities and emotions and have been practicing facial expressions to the music and the Inside Out character. All music is hyper

linked. If you click the word it should take you to the YouTube page.


Drama encourages pupils to express themselves and develop an understanding of others, emotions and imaginative experiences. This term, we have been exploring emotions and creating our own activities and role play scenarios that promote emotional awareness, identification and expression.

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Friday AMDrama


TASK 1-Warm up

Task 2- Facial Expressions

Task 3- Body Language


Drama encourages pupils to express themselves and develop an understanding of others, emotions and imaginative experiences. This term, we have been following the class story: “The cat in the hat” and creating our own activities and role play scenarios that promote an “I can…” attitude.

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Friday PMPlay and Leisure

‘Turn Taking’

Pupils are encouraged to play in a supported and controlled environment. Play supports the key developmental areas essential for developing social awareness and interactive skills. This term, pupils are participating in structured and free platy that promotes turn taking, sharing and an awareness of others. Choose a suggested activity and encourage pupils to wait, listen and take turns during play and leisure.

TaskThis session is all about making choices and expressing a preference.

How do you like to play? What do you like to play with?

Show us your favourite items/activities, choose an activity that you want to take part in.

Explore your box of resources from school with a parent / carer. Can you take turns?


Don’t forget to take a picture and show me your choices

Teacher: H Harrison email: [email protected]